Category Archives: Business

Possible £2.7bn Bill for PPI Reclaim Compensation

The Financial Services Authority has announced that compensation for mis-sold PPI reclaims could reach as much as £2.7bn and involve 2.75 million people in the UK. Complaints regarding PPI reclaims are expected to rise to over 550,000 per year for the next five years, with compensation for PPI reclaims varying from £900 – £1,800 per person.

The FSA found ‘wide and deep evidence of weakness in PPI sales’ over the last five years and warned lenders they have until December 1st 2010 to adopt a new set of rules that deal with PPI reclaim complaints, key features of which include:

If the customer would not have bought the policy in the first place, the PPI premiums plus interest should be reimbursed.
If the customer was persuaded to buy a premium with a single up-front payment instead of a regular premium policy, the customer should be reinstated to the position they would have been if they had done.
Dan Waters of the FSA said: “The rules are the culmination of months of hard work and now, with these measures, we look forward to consumers being treated fairly whether they are buying or complaining about PPI. Since we took over the regulation of PPI we’ve carried out 24 investigations and three thematic reviews, issued warnings, halted the selling of single premium PPI with unsecured personal loans, visited over 200 firms, and handed out some very significant fines.”

Lenders up in arms about new PPI reclaim rules

Many have argued the new PPI reclaim rules are unnecessary and disproportionate, with lenders waging a behind-the-scenes campaign to stop the new regulations from being instated.

However, the FSA is adamant the new rules are necessary given the behaviour of some lenders when faced with dealing with PPI reclaims. Some lenders have been automatically turning down almost half of the PPI reclaim complaints they receive with others have been rejecting every single one. Of those customers who had their PPI reclaims rejected, 1 in 3 turned to the Financial Ombudsman Service for help and 80% had their complaints upheld. Such is the extent of the problem, last year the FSA instructed lenders to open up 185,000 rejected PPI reclaims and review them.

For claims comparison site,, the behaviour of the lenders is nothing new. “The new FSA rules are incredibly welcome, For years lenders have been mis-selling PPI insurance alongside loans to everyone they could. Often they knew the premiums to be unnecessary or that the customer would be unable to claim on the policy because they were exempt from doing so when they took them out. Sometimes they didn’t even bother telling the borrower they were adding a PPI premium. Customers had no idea they even had an insurance policy.”

The spokesperson added; “The numbers of people coming to us for help with PPI reclaims has risen dramatically over the last 12 months and some of the stories we are hearing are quite shocking. It’s quite obvious the lenders are banking on people being disillusioned and put off when they repeatedly reject their PPI reclaims. That’s why many people need a helping hand from companies like ours to deal with the tactics of these unscrupulous lenders who have simply instated a blanket ban on dealing with PPI reclaims regardless of the merit of the customer’s case. Luckily we understand PPI reclaim law and aren’t so easily put off by the tactics of lenders”.

The Competition Commission is also expected to announce a ban on selling PPI policies at the point when someone is granted a loan. Some lenders however have realised the game is up and have already stopped offering polices, including HSBC and Lloyds.

But it’s all too little too late for the millions of people who were caught and still face a battle to get their money back.

Contact Details:
Finance House,
Stockport Road,
WA15 8ET

Tel: 0800 043 2027

Corporate Banking Courses and Conferences

The Financial Veritas PR desk is pleased to inform the professionals of the financial industry that a new line of Corporate Banking courses is available on the website.  The topics of seminars include

These Corporate Banking training can be delivered as inhouse tailor made courses or as OTC product. The courses can be delivered in Europe, the US, Asia and the Middle East.

For more information on the training courses that are available now please feel free to contact the clients relations team at

Software Reduces Contact-Handling Costs to Just 10¢

iCube Office-2 ( ) launched by Owtsar Technologies, a Chennai, India based software firm, will deliver such a performance, according to the company.

Chennai, India, September 02, 2010 — Does an organization’s contact-handling performance, for phone, correspondence and face-to-face communication, answer 90% of incoming calls in seconds and reply to incoming correspondence immediately. Can a customer’s contact experience with a business provide a face to face discussion with all relevant records, at just 10¢.

iCube Office-2 ( ) launched by Owtsar Technologies, a Chennai, India based software firm, will deliver such a performance, according to the company. ( ) When a Customer contacts a firm, it is expected to reach the right person in time and complete the purpose of the call. Research shows that only 20% of the calls reach their destination and that Costs vary from $25 for face-to-face to 10¢ for online contact. With work shifting to home and mobile, it has added to the problem. Voice-mail according to experts has addressed the symptoms and not the problem. The ‘ problem being how to access the right person in a timely manner at a minimum cost to the organisation.’

iCube Office‘ solution enables an instant face-to-face contact with the right person online . It would also retrieve and display all emails and documents shared between them on both computers. License is based on number of users, but any number of customers can be added with a customer id linked to a customer relations officer within the company. ‘It cannot get faster than this’, said Mr. John Martyn, Marketing Director at Owtsar. ( ) A face-to-face meeting makes sense only when records are available for reference, he added. If the CRO is not available the Customer can opt to discuss with any other person within the organization.

Every company wants to retain its customer base and ensure that every need of their customer is provided by them. Providing access to the right person in a timely manner at a minimum cost and immediately answer their queries would ensure that the customer base is intact. That is the concern ‘iCube Office’ would address. ( ) The current market need has necessitated such a system. When it is available at competitive rates without the need for trained personnel or new hardware, it then is an ideal solution.

“We will offer the application in different formats” said Mr. John Martyn, the Marketing Director at Owtsar Technologies. “It will be made available as a SaaS model with individual company id and user package hosted in secure Data Centers in North America or Europe. Larger firms can host the system individually either in their premises or in hosted servers in data centers; they can also split their servers and host them in multiple places, based on geographical locations, applications or even offices and departments. We are very flexible in our offerings” he added.

Together with this comes a email system with total corporate management features and an embedded encryption. One can send encrypted emails to any email account including hotmail, gmail, yahoomail etc. The recipients need not be registered or install any software in their computers, but can also send an encrypted reply. A full fledged Documents Management System (DMS) is also available with the facility to upload and edit documents such as doc/odt and convert to pdf.. Version control, access control, link control and audit trail is available. Legacy Applications that are currently in use can be integrated with the system. Third party applications such as accounting, bill collections etc can also be linked with the system. A basic CRM for customer data, Staff interactive tool for discussions, Admin Control, multilingual facility, RSS feeds, desktop version and Mobile access for Win OS only, are some of the other features available now.

For more information write to and ask for a free 15 days trial.

Press & Media Contact:
John Martyn, Marketing Director
Owtsar Technologies Pvt Ltd / iCube Office-2
18 LB Road, Adyar
Chennai, India 600020
9144 42695457

Payroll Outsourcing Services Save Small-Business Owners Time And Money

Small-business owners often have to wear multiple hats: boss, human resources representative and payroll administrator, just to name a few. Thanks to National PEO, small-business owners can remove that last hat by outsourcing their company’s payroll administration. National PEO leads the payroll outsourcing services industry, offering payroll administration, tax payment and filing, online payroll entry, and EVerify, among other payroll-related tasks. The Scottsdale, Arizona, company helps small-business owners across the country save both time and money, as payroll administration is neither revenue-producing or an effective use of their time.

August 2010 – National PEO allows small-business owners to do what they do best: Run their companies. It does this by taking over all payroll services, including the important task of verifying work eligibility of employees. To determine whether or not a small business will benefit from payroll outsourcing services, including EVerify, National PEO does the following:

Performs a detailed analysis of the small business’ payroll operations and delivers an action plan showing the potential savings of time and money.

Outlines the many payroll outsourcing services National PEO provides, including:

Input Options – National PEO clients can decide how they want to upload payroll information. They can opt for WebPay, an online payroll entry solution, or they can fax, call, email or drop off their payroll information to be input.

Reports – National PEO’s powerful accounting software eliminates the task of compiling payroll reports.

Direct Deposit – Among National PEO’s payroll outsourcing services, is this versatile option: Small-business owners can give their employees the option of direct deposit, whether into one account or multiple, or via a pay card.

Deductions and Garnishments – National PEO handles health-care benefit deductions, child-support orders, levies and other deductions and garnishments.

PTO Tracking – Perhaps one of the most important of National PEO’s payroll outsourcing services, this system accurately tracks employee sick, vacation and personal time based on the policies of the small business.

In its action plan, National PEO also stresses the importance of employee verification. Not complying with state and federal law in this area can result in suspension and/or loss of a small business’ license. As part of its payroll outsourcing services, National PEO offers EVerify, which processes all new hires and consults with employees if they have questions. It also audits a small business’ I-9 forms and its employee filing system, and it follows up on discrepancies to comply with federal guidelines. EVerify also keeps small business owners informed of changes to federal and state laws regarding immigration.

National PEO also uses case studies to show small-business owners how they can save time and money through payroll outsourcing services, EVerify in particular. One case study focuses on a construction company that used National PEO to determine whether or not it was compliant with immigration rules and regulations. Through its audit, National PEO found potential violations that would have resulted in legal and financial consequences for the company had they been uncovered during an audit by a federal agency. Thanks to National PEO, the construction company was compliant within days and has since earned perfect scores on EVerify follow-up audits.

About National PEO: When it comes to payroll outsourcing services, National PEO leads the industry thanks to its successful leadership and innovative practices. To schedule an interview with a member of the National PEO team, call John Rico at 480-429-8098. To get more information about the payroll outsourcing services the company provides, including Everify, go to or call (480) 429-8098 or toll free (888) 221-0945.

Contact Details: National PEO
John Rico

ENER-G has launched a new ENER-G Sustainable Technologies division – specialising in the design, installation and maintenance of heat pumps

Through its exclusive partnership with four leading manufacturers, the company is providing one of the widest selections of ground source, gas absorption, air source and water loop heat pump technologies in the UK.

The new division expands ENER-G’s existing ground source heat pump operation into a building services focused business that can provide total heat pump solutions for all types of heating and cooling applications utilising heat pumps ranging from 1kW to 1000kW capacity.

ENER-G Sustainable Technologies has relocated its Nottinghamshire base from Ollerton into larger premises in Mansfield, which will accommodate its anticipated year-on-year growth.

Managing Director, Paul Burley said: “Our in-house expertise and resources means we can see the whole job through from initial feasibility through to project handover. We operate our own drilling rigs and offer complete in-house services from specialist design, through to complete project management, installation and maintenance of heat pump technologies. We also have the ability to supply bespoke manufactured heat pumps in a variety of sizes to accommodate complex customer briefs, particularly where space is restricted.”

The introduction of the proposed Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) in April 2011 is expected to stimulate further demand in the sector, providing significant subsidy payments of up to 7.5 pence per kWh for 15 to 23 years that will dramatically reduce the payback period on ground source and air source heat pump technology.

Explains Paul Burley: “This legislation will support a range of heating and cooling systems at all levels, from small businesses and offices, and public sector buildings right up to large factories. A 200kW ground source heat pump operating eight hours a day – typical for a school or moderately sized business premises – would create an annual incentive of approximately £18,000. Similarly, a 200kW air source pump operating in comparable circumstances would lead to a financial gain of around £7,000 per year.

“ENER-G’s expertise in delivering these technologies for all sizes and types of application is unsurpassed. We are currently looking at introducing attractive finance packages which will fund the installation, along with operation and maintenance of the technology at minimal cost to the client”.

Heat pumps supply more energy than they consume by using a refrigeration cycle to absorb heat from the environment and raise it to a suitable level for heating buildings or providing hot water. The process can operate in a reverse cycle to provide cooling for buildings as well. Heat pumps can provide a 50% reduction in CO2 emissions compared to traditional technologies.

When combined heat and power is used to drive heat pumps, further energy savings and CO2 reductions can be achieved. ENER-G is using these two technologies in tandem to power the new Malvern Community Hospital, which will be one of the greenest hospitals in the UK.

ENER-G Sustainable Technologies has won official certification for its expertise in renewable heat pump technology. The Approved Contractor certificate recognises the quality of ENER-G’s design, supply, and installation heat pumps, in line with exacting technical standards set out by the Microgeneration Certification Scheme. The company is also a member of the UK Ground Source Heat Pump Association.

The business is part of the UK-based ENER-G group of companies which employs more than 760 people worldwide, with operating and joint venture companies in 16 countries. It develops, manufactures, delivers and finances energy efficient and renewable solutions, including: combined heat and power, biogas utilisation, geothermal energy, heat pumps, efficient lighting, controls, metering and data solutions, and new generation energy from waste. This is accompanied by a wide range of energy and water consultancy and energy procurement services.

For further information contact ENER-G Sustainable Technologies on 01623 666340,

Read more:

Contact Details: ENER-G Holdings plc
ENER-G House
Daniel Adamson Road
M50 1DT
Tel : +44 (0)161 745 7450

Real Time Press Release Distribution

In today’s Internet the real time information is already playing a significant role in how businesses and people access and consume the information online. Technologies online have emerged up to the point where 2 minutes may sometimes be the difference between having tens of thousands of people not only seen your PR announcement, but creating a long tail of reactions across the vast real time online space adding up to your overall online presence/reputation and your message being buried down among millions of other identical pieces of information.

Considering how crucial the real time information for the average business and web user appears to be, one can only imagine how great the impact of the real time information flow over the public relations business online can be.

That’s why we think it is about time for — real time press release distribution online.

In a nutshell is a do-it-yourself publishing platform for real time press release distribution. It’s free and you can instantly have your press release published on as well as released via the Web, the Blogosphere and the Twitter. Having spent almost 2 decades within the PR industry, and currently engaged with EPR Network, one of the largest press release distribution networks online, it’s been just a matter of time for us to realize how vital a real time press release distribution service online is.