Category Archives: Security

SkyRFID strengthens support for U.S. customers with the completion of assets and management transfer from Canada to the U.S.A.

SkyRFID Inc. announces new USA incorporated firm, SkyRFID, LLC

Lansdowne, Virginia, United States, 2022-Jan-19 — /REAL TIME PRESS RELEASE/ — SkyRFID Inc. recently completed the transfer of assets and management from Canada to the U.S.A. advancing the support of U.S. customers, including the U.S. government. Long-time technology and equity partners, Geoff Dewhurst and Tim Shinbara, received approval from their respective Boards to continue the 30+ years of SkyRFID development, fulfillment, and operations from within the U.S. in early 2020 and founded SkyRFID, LLC in Lansdowne, Virginia in November of 2020. For SkyRFID, Inc., 2021 was a winddown and dissolution period. The two partners will continue to operate SkyRFID, LLC with Mr. Shinbara being named CEO and President and Mr. Dewhurst retaining Chief Architect duties and responsibilities.

Having merged the talent and resources from Mr. Shinbara’s ventures and experience into SkyRFID, LLC the firm will now be headquartered and operated from Lansdowne, Virginia, U.S.A. The Canadian dissolution transferred all assets from Ontario-based SkyRFID, Inc. to the new Virginia-based SkyRFID, LLC.

All Global Sky Partner channels conveyed to SkyRFID, LLC as well as current contracts, purchase agreements/orders, and projects which will all be subject to US and Virginia laws and policies as applicable.

SkyRFID, LLC continues the decades-long operation of solving asset management challenges, covering more than 135 countries. Solution integrations will continue to include NFC, RFID, RTLS, Wi-Fi, and IoT-based communication protocols and may support further interoperability with mobile cellular protocols such as GSM, GPRS, HSPDA+, 4G-LTE, and upcoming 5G protocols.

About SkyRFID, LLC
SkyRFID, LLC, the leader in Dynamic Asset Management, has become the “go-to” resource for security and tracking for real-time management of high-value, critical assets.

Having 30+ years of continuous improvement toward providing full scope capability, SkyRFID’s differentiation is realized in our consistent and reliable quality, optimal-cost hardware components end-to-end real-time tracking and reporting solutions; all which include our global consulting team supporting multiple industry verticals.

With its established global network of engineers, consultants, resellers, and system integrators, SkyRFID has become the premier partner for developing, implementing, and managing enterprise solutions.

SkyRFID assists at any or all levels from technical design to implementation of hundreds of RFID, sensor, and IoT technology projects each year, using its Global Sky Partner channel of over 500 companies in more than 135 countries to service local implementations and support.

For more information visit:

For sales information contact SkyRFID, LLC at +1 571-512-5262

Media contact:

Tim Shinbara
19309 Winmeade Drive, Suite 900
Lansdowne, Virginia, 20176
+1 (561) 512-5262

E-scooter sharing company Wind deploys seamless and reliable identity verification solution from iDenfy


KAUNAS, Lithuania, 2022-Jan-18 — /REAL TIME PRESS RELEASE/ — Countries worldwide are constantly striving to reduce emissions and make their cities greener. It leads to them prioritizing alternative, sustainable means of transportation. However, not everyone can afford an electric car and going to work or simply travelling in the city on a bus is rarely appealing.

E-scooters are a great solution to this problem. Wind is a great provider of them, offering its customers the ability to travel in the city in a fun and eco-friendly way. It allows people to travel less stressfully and more conveniently, making the cities less crowded at the same time. The company is constantly making an effort to help the environment and has recently partnered with Treedom to contribute to forestation. Wind operates in France, Iceland, Israel, Italy, Korea, Norway, and the United Kingdom.

Wind has decided to implement an identity verification solution to their industry and chose iDenfy, a company offering a powerful modern solution complying with the latest AML, KYC, and GDPR regulations, as their partner. Wind’s customers can now enjoy a seamless sign-up procedure, making the onboarding process easy, safe, and reliable. At the same time, the company can be assured of the user’s eligibility – iDenfy’s solution features AI-based biometric recognition and accepts more than 2000 document types from 200+ countries.

It is crucial for both the clients and Wind that the ID verification process is swift and seamless. People today are always rushing and are used to services being provided quickly. Every second counts. Fortunately, verifying one’s identity with iDenfy is just a few steps away at any given time. All the user has to do to get on board with Wind is upload the image of their driving license or ID card (depending on the market) for age & identity verification and wait a few seconds to get it confirmed. That’s it!

“We are glad to welcome Wind as our partner. Eco-friendly means of transportation are rising in demand, and it is a pleasure to contribute to a company providing the supply. With iDenfy’s ID verification, the customer onboarding process will be seamless and reliable,” said Domantas Ciulde, CEO of iDenfy.

For more information, please visit

Media contact:

K. Barsausko 59g.

Block Armour to Participate in and Pitch at 2021 SelectUSA Investment Summit

Block Armour has announced today that it has been selected to participate in and showcase its offerings in the upcoming 2021 edition of the SelectUSA Investment Summit.

Mumbai, Maharashtra – India | June 08, 2021 — Block Armour, an emerging provider of Zero Trust Cybersecurity solutions, has announced today that it has been selected to participate in and showcase its offerings in the upcoming 2021 edition of the SelectUSA Investment Summit scheduled to take place from June 7-11, 2021. In addition to being one of the exhibitors at the summit, Block Armour has also been shortlisted, from among a large volume of impressive applicants, to pitch its solutions at the Cybersecurity panel of the event.

Block Armour will showcase its next-gen solution designed to secure critical systems, integrated IoT infrastructure and communication networks based on the Zero Trust principle. The solution is powered by software defined perimeter (SDP) architecture and Blockchain technology and was featured among the Top 25 innovations worldwide in Cybersecurity. The solution uses digital signatures (not just IP addresses) to identify, authenticate and authorize devices, thus making it well suited for today’s distributed and hybrid enterprise-IT environments as well as Smart City, Industry 4.0, and upcoming 5G networks.

“Traditional approaches are inadequate and legacy technology is unable to keep pace, scale up and address the security challenges facing today’s fast-emerging connected digital world “, notes Floyd DCosta, Co-founder at Block Armour. “This is where Block Armour steps up – leveraging a next-gen integrated platform to deliver Unified Secure Access for on-premise systems, Cloud, and IoT networks.”

Block Armour’s award-winning Secure ShieldTM architecture complies with the NIST Zero Trust framework. With invisible & locked down critical systems and cryptographically-secure digital identity for all users, devices and central servers/services, the Secure Shield architecture delivers holistic end-to-end Zero Trust security for today’s contemporary ‘Digital’ organizations.

About Block Armour:

Block Armour is a Singapore and Mumbai based cybersecurity venture focused on harnessing modern approaches and emerging technologies to counter Cybersecurity challenges in bold new ways. Its integrated Zero Trust Cybersecurity solution – powered by Software Defined Perimeter (SDP) architecture and Blockchain technology – provides Unified Secure Access for Enterprise, Cloud, and IoT. Accelerated by Airbus, Block Armour was featured among the Top 25 cybersecurity innovations worldwide by Accenture.

For more information, please visit

Press & Media Contact:
Aiswarya Gopan
Block Armour Pvt. Ltd.
B – 1101, Kailash Business Park,
Veer Savarkar Marg, Vikhroli (W),
Mumbai – 400 079
Maharashtra, India
+91 80958 18123

Cybersecurity Advice for SMEs Adjusting To The New Norm And Workforce Trends

Nijmegen, The Netherlands | February 8, 2021 — Modern businesses are adjusting to the rise and advancement of the digital era (and all that comes with it) more and more. In many ways, ensuring the ongoing longevity and success of a business in this modern era is very much intrinsically linked to being willing and able to adapt and realign with the way that the modern world is moving.

Like never before, we have seen a tremendous amount of attention to detail and overall emphasis that is specifically geared towards allowing businesses to enhance and improve from the ground up.

Modern workforce trends are also becoming more enhanced and improved all the time. In fact, the enhancement and improvement of modern businesses is intrinsically linked to the willingness and capability for modern businesses to adapt and overcome challenges, improving significantly in the process.

For many businesses, this is a learning curve that they are still navigating. For small businesses specifically, there is quite a lot to be said about how small businesses can adjust to this new norm and the workforce trends that are coming along with it.

Shifting or expanding online

Some small businesses, believe it or not, still operate largely (if not entirely) on a traditional foundation.

While this is not necessarily a bad thing, we are definitively evolving into the digital era with exceedingly rapid pace. So, adapting to the new norm is crucial. And one of the best ways that small businesses especially can achieve this is to shift or expand their business online.

With more focus on modernisation in the professional landscape, the heightened focus on the online platform is driving businesses to new heights. And small businesses can always utilise that to their advantage.

Prioritising cybersecurity measures

Of course, one of the biggest and most important ways that small businesses can adapt to the new norm and take advantage of workforce trends is to prioritise cybersecurity measures.

Whether it is the full scale use of consumer-focused VPN services or the incorporation of a business-created cybersecurity framework that entirely encapsulates a business’ approach to privacy and security in the digital era and beyond, prioritising cybersecurity measures makes a world of difference in all the right ways.

The more that small businesses focus their energy, money, efforts, and time online, the more important cybersecurity is going to come.

Investing in convenience and efficiency

The digital era has created an inevitable amount of investment and active prioritisation surrounding convenience and efficiency. For small businesses today and in the future and beyond, one of the best ways that they can adapt and thrive in the new norm and prioritise workforce trends now and into the future is to invest in convenience and efficiency.

These are the cornerstones to longevity and success for any business in the digital era and they are even more instrumental for small businesses of all natures, origins, shapes and scales. In many ways, this is expected to be just the tip of the iceberg with the best still yet to come.

Continual and Continuous Monitoring

Cybersecurity is never a one-off affair. It is important to maintain visibility over network endpoints, including employee devices and activities, while respecting their privacy. Apparently, most attacks begin on endpoints used by people—not the firewall or your servers. With the remote work trend, businesses have more endpoints to manage because opportunities for attacks are multiplied.

Endpoint monitoring should be continual (major assessments at regular intervals) and continuous (on-going process). The aim of monitoring details of activities taking place on your network, especially the movement of files is to ensure greater visibility and eliminate blind spots.

Risk Assessment

While transitioning a workspace in line with modern trends, it is crucial to identify the changing nature of risks as well as new loopholes that may have opened up due to such a transition. Therefore, the risk assessment required in this situation would be geared towards analyzing the extent to which business operations rely on certain security functions, as well as the manner in which such functions have become affected due to the transition.

That is basically about answering the questions: what risks were the business exposed to before? And what risks are the business exposed to now? Changes are being effected so rapidly now but security-blind transitions only lead to latter regrets.


No one knows precisely how long the COVID-19 scourge will last. But we know that it has altered the nature of work significantly for years to come. The recommendations above will help SMEs maintain a strong cybersecurity posture amidst the rapid changes taking place.

A summarized checklist for effecting transitions is the following:

* Incorporate privacy and security considerations
* Ensure continuous efficiency (business as usual, or the nearest to it)
* Monitor network activities always
* Evaluate risks and security gaps

Press & Media Contact:
David Janssen
Groesbeekseweg 246A, 6523PJ,
Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Crescendo Home Theater Opens Location in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills California area

Beverly Hills, California, 2018-Oct-11 — /REAL TIME PRESS RELEASE/ — Crescendo Home Theater is proud to announce the opening of their Home Theater Installation Company in the Beverly Hills, Los Angeles California area. Crescendo Home Theater has been building home theaters and installing home automation and home security systems for the last 20 years and has developed some great relationships with high-end audio and video companies allowing them to pass more savings on to the customer.

Crescendo Home Theater is known for their keen sense of design and detail when putting together the best home theaters that can be found in any area.

Contact-Details: Crescendo Home Theater
Daniel Karen
9706 Lockford St.
Los Angeles, CA 90035
(530) 400-8869


Crescendo Home Theater logo Kicks off The Cybersecurity Workshop for Today’s Strategic Leaders in Stockholm

How executives in Stockholm, Brussels, Sao Paulo, Mexico City, Kuala Lumpur, Abu Dhabi, Seoul and Hong Kong can build the proper foundation to address today’s information cybersecurity and risk management challenges.

New York City, NY, USA — The Cybersecurity Workshop for Today’s Strategic Leaders will bring the most comprehensive review of what proactive organizations around the world are doing to protect their intellectual property, customers and employee’s information from hackers, competitors and foreign governments. Attendees to these 2-day workshops organized by in Stockholm, Brussels, Sao Paulo, Mexico City, Kuala Lumpur, Abu Dhabi, Seoul and Hong Kong will:

• Gain a comprehensive understanding of cybersecurity and its key aspects
• Get to grips with various cybersecurity testing methods
• Master the cybersecurity framework and its five core functions
• Discover how to establish or improve your cybersecurity program
• Gain an overview of cyber network defense
• Transform the “weak human link” into the organization’s greatest strength
• Look at the four components of the cyber preparedness continuum

The Cybersecurity Workshop for Today’s Strategic Leaders will provide insights into the current and future state of affairs for cybersecurity, with particular emphasis on what organizations can do today to prevent cyberattacks from compromising their information and reputation.

Despite the ongoing cyber threat that is witnessed through news reports almost on a daily basis, firms are still neglecting proper cybersecurity planning. As information technology becomes ever more complex and Internet of Things applications progressively widespread, cybersecurity is becoming an increasingly important and business-critical field. Unfortunately, a recent study from security solutions provider Resilient Systems and market research firm Ponemon broke down key areas of continued failure for organizations.

The study found that 66% of IT and security professionals surveyed said their firms were unprepared to recover from a cyber attack, and 75% lacked a formal incident response plan. A key example of this unpreparedness is that fact that many of the companies impacted by the WannaCry ransomware attack had not installed patches in their Windows infrastructure that were released by Microsoft months before. Vulnerabilities in commercial software are common; the only solution is to stay abreast of manufacturer’s releases.

In order to help businesses in their cybersecurity planning, the Cybersecurity Framework released in February 2014 following a collaborative process involving industry, academia and government has been widely adopted by many types of organizations around the world, quickly becoming the de facto standard by which cyber security is going to be measured.’s The Cybersecurity Workshop for Today’s Strategic Leaders will bring leaders up to speed on the most recent and battle-tested approaches to protect their companies’ valuable information and intellectual property from prying eyes of hackers and competitors. Attendees to the program will learn how to apply the Cybersecurity Framework in their organizations and erect strong defenses for their valuable customer and employee data and intellectual property.

ABOUT GLDNACADEMY.COM invites CEOs, board members, managers, leaders and professionals to expand their horizons:

• To engage with an experienced faculty that exhibits the deepest knowledge across the most practical and challenging matters that really matter for businesses today
• To meet fellow leaders, entrepreneurs, executives, managers, investors and regulators looking for the industry insights that will move the needle in their organizations
• To become part of the most engaging professional network of leaders in the world offers seminars in dozens of industries and functional areas. Each and all of these programs incorporate the following:

• State-of-the-art workshops that incorporate hundreds of hours delivering the best
• Relevant programs offered in the top business capitals of the world
• Pre-program questionnaires that provide key information that permeates our offerings
• World-class faculty with access to the top echelons of the world’s most innovative organizations
• Thousands of satisfied attendees from all over the world

Media Contact:
Melania Pulitzer
Managing Director

Cyber Security Risk Expert to Provide Key Insights for CEOs and Management Teams in London and Dubai

Edgar Perez, author of The Speed Traders and Knightmare on Wall Street and former strategy consultant with McKinsey, partnering with Terrapinn Training in 3-Day Masterclass Cybersecurity to bring key insights for government officials, CEOs and board members on cyber security.

London, UK — Mr. Edgar Perez, author of The Speed Traders and Knightmare on Wall Street, is addressing senior government officials and executives from Europe and Asia at the 3-Day Masterclass in Cybersecurity organized by Terrapinn Training in London and Dubai. Perez is a well-known international futurist and cyber keynote speaker who currently offers Cybersecurity Due Diligence and Awareness Training services for Fortune 500 firms and private equity groups.

As information technology becomes ever more complex and Internet usage increasingly widespread, cybersecurity is becoming an increasingly important and business-critical field. Unfortunately, most organizations are not prepared to handle cybersecurity threats. In fact, 66% of IT and security professionals say that their firms are unprepared to recover from a cyberattack. A key example of this unpreparedness is the fact that many of the companies impacted by the recent WannaCry attack didn’t install critical updates into their Windows infrastructure that had been released by Microsoft back in March.

Perez’s workshops bring CEOs, board members and top executives up to speed on the most recent and battle-tested approaches to protect their companies’ valuable information and intellectual property from prying eyes of hackers and competitors, and leverage their cyber success in both cultivating stronger relationships with current and new clients and safeguarding the interests of all stakeholders, partners and employees.

Perez, author of Knightmare on Wall Street and The Speed Traders, is a recognized futurist, keynote speaker and director of programs targeted at board members, chief executive officers and senior executives looking for new ways to gain and maintain a competitive business advantage.

• “After working with a number of vendors, we found your team to be in a qualitatively different level. By that I speak to your deep expertise and exemplary professionalism.” Divisional Chief Information Officer
• “The team that Edgar has assembled is top-notch. There are no words to express our satisfaction with your high-quality delivery.” Member of the Board of Directors
• “Thanks for the great work training our employees. You really made a difference!” Global Chief Information Security Officer
• “The program provides a comprehensive approach for any organization to lead in cybersecurity readiness.” IT Security Coordinator

Mr. Edgar Perez is a published author, business consultant for billion-dollar private equity and hedge funds and Council Member at the Gerson Lehrman Group, Guidepoint Global Advisors and Research International, with subject matter expertise in cyber security, investing, trading, financial regulation (Dodd-Frank Act) and market structure.

He is author of Knightmare on Wall Street, The Rise and Fall of Knight Capital and the Biggest Risk for Financial Markets (2013), and The Speed Traders, An Insider’s Look at the New High-Frequency Trading Phenomenon That is Transforming the Investing World, published in English by McGraw-Hill Inc. (2011), Published in Mandarin by China Financial Publishing House (2012), and Investasi Super Kilat, published in Bahasa Indonesia by Kompas Gramedia (2012).

Mr. Perez is course director of 3-Day Masterclass Cybersecurity, Longest Running Cyber Security Business Workshop and 3-Day Masterclass Quantitative Finance, The World of Quant Finance. He has presented his workshops in Singapore, Hong Kong, Sao Paulo, Seoul, Kuala Lumpur, Warsaw, Kiev, New York, Singapore, Beijing and Shanghai. He contributes to The New York Times and China’s International Finance News and Sina Finance.

Mr. Perez has presented to the Council on Foreign Relations, Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University (Kiev), Quant Investment & HFT Summit APAC (Shanghai), U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (Washington DC), CFA Singapore, Hong Kong Securities Institute, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University, University of International Business and Economics (Beijing), Hult International Business School (Shanghai) and Pace University (New York), among other public and private institutions. In addition, Mr. Perez has spoken at a number of global conferences, including Cyber Security World Conference (New York), Inside Market Data (Chicago), Emerging Markets Investments Summit (Warsaw), CME Group’s Global Financial Leadership Conference (Naples Beach, FL), Harvard Business School’s Venture Capital & Private Equity Conference (Boston), High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum (New York, Chicago), MIT Sloan Investment Management Conference (Cambridge), Institutional Investor’s Global Growth Markets Forum (London), Technical Analysis Society (Singapore), TradeTech Asia (Singapore), FIXGlobal Face2Face (Seoul) and Private Equity Convention Russia, CIS & Eurasia (London).

Mr. Perez has been interviewed on CNN’s Quest Means Business, CNBC’s Squawk on the Street, Worldwide Exchange, Cash Flow and Squawk Box, FOX BUSINESS’s Countdown to the Closing Bell and After the Bell, Bloomberg TV’s Market Makers, CNN en Español’s Dinero, Petersburg – Channel 5, Sina Finance, BNN’s Business Day, CCTV China,,, Leaderonomics, GPW Media, Channel NewsAsia’s Business Tonight and Cents & Sensibilities. In addition, Mr. Perez has been featured on Sohu,, Yicai, eastmoney, Caijing,, 360doc, AH Radio,, CITICS Futures, Tongxin Securities,,, Caixin, Futures Daily, Xinhua, CBN Newswire, Chinese Financial News,, International Finance News,,,, The Korea Times, The Korea Herald, The Star, The Malaysian Insider, BMF 89.9, iMoney Hong Kong, CNBC, Bloomberg Hedge Fund Brief, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Dallas Morning News, Valor Econômico, FIXGlobal Trading, TODAY Online, Oriental Daily News and Business Times.

Mr. Perez was a vice president at Citigroup, a senior consultant at IBM, and a strategy consultant at McKinsey & Co. in New York City. Previously, he managed Operations and Technology for Peruval Finance. Mr. Perez has an undergraduate degree in Systems Engineering from Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Lima, Peru (1994), a Master of Administration from Universidad ESAN, Lima, Peru (1997) and a Master of Business Administration from Columbia Business School, New York, with a dual major in Finance and Management (2002). He belongs to the Beta Gamma Sigma honor society. Mr. Perez is an accomplished salsa and hustle dancer and resides in the New York City area.

Media Contact:
Julia Petrova
Media Relations Coordinator
The Speed Traders


McKinsey Consultant Turned Into Cyber Security Keynote Speaker Training Top UK CEOs on Cybersecurity

Edgar Perez, author of The Speed Traders and Knightmare on Wall Street, partnering with Terrapinn Training in 3-Day Masterclass Cybersecurity to bring key insights for CEOs and board members on cyber security.

London, UK — Mr. Edgar Perez, author of The Speed Traders and Knightmare on Wall Street, is addressing senior executives from the United Kingdom and Europe at 3-Day Masterclass Cybersecurity organized by Terrapinn Training. Perez is a well-known international futurist and keynote speaker who currently offers Cybersecurity Due Diligence and Awareness Training services for Fortune 500 firms and private equity groups.

As information technology becomes ever more complex and Internet usage increasingly widespread, cybersecurity is becoming an increasingly important and business-critical field. Unfortunately, most organizations are not prepared to handle cybersecurity threats. In fact, 66% of IT and security professionals say that their firms are unprepared to recover from a cyberattack. A key example of this unpreparedness is the fact that many of the companies impacted by the recent WannaCry attack didn’t install critical updates into their Windows infrastructure that had been released by Microsoft back in March.

Perez’s workshops bring CEOs, board members and top executives up to speed on the most recent and battle-tested approaches to protect their companies’ valuable information and intellectual property from prying eyes of hackers and competitors, and leverage their cyber success in both cultivating stronger relationships with current and new clients and safeguarding the interests of all stakeholders, partners and employees.

Perez, author of Knightmare on Wall Street and The Speed Traders, is a recognized futurist, keynote speaker and director of programs targeted at board members, chief executive officers and senior executives looking for new ways to gain and maintain a competitive business advantage.

• “The team that Edgar has assembled is top-notch. There are no words to express our satisfaction with your high-quality delivery.” Member of the Board of Directors
• “After working with a number of vendors, we found your team to be in a qualitatively different level. By that I speak to your deep expertise and exemplary professionalism.” Divisional Chief Information Officer
• “Thanks for the great work training our employees. You really made a difference!” Global Chief Information Security Officer
• “The program provides a comprehensive approach for any organization to lead in cybersecurity readiness.” IT Security Coordinator

• The Importance of the Cybersecurity Framework for Directors and CEOs
An email embedded with malware. Security systems hacked by thieves. Credit card numbers stolen from store purchases. There’s certainly no shortage of examples when it comes to data security breaches and the havoc they wreak on business. No wonder then that nearly a third of CEOs in KPMG’s latest global survey identified cyber security as the issue having the biggest impact on their companies today. Every organization should apply a Cybersecurity Framework for analyzing cyber security, and ideally it should be integrated into an organization’s existing enterprise risk framework. The key is making it part of the mainstream of risk management within an organization. The most innovative companies today have recognized that cyber security is a customer experience and revenue opportunity, not just a risk that needs to be managed. Mr. Perez will explain why this must done across the entire organization and why the CEO and Board of Directors have the most important role to play.

• Finance in the New Global Economy
Until quite recently, globalization was seen as a one-way street. Multinationals, which led the charge four decades or so ago into growing global markets, were its ambassadors, and American and European workers, whose wages and upward mobility were flattened, were feeling left out. The core idea was that globalization, technological innovation and unfettered free trade would erase historical and geographic boundaries, making the world ever more economically interconnected and alike. Developed economies would come under more and more competitive pressure from eager upstart nations. Now we are entering a new age of volatility. Financiers will become less important, manufacturers more so. Blue collar jobs will go high tech. Robots will replace Chinese workers. Mr. Perez will discuss why finance stands now in front of its biggest transformation triggered not by any of the financial conglomerates that dominate the world today but by obscure startups that could be working already in garages in Silicon Valley, Shanghai, Kiev or Delhi.

• The Biggest Risks for Financial Markets
Constant regulatory changes and technological evolution have transformed the financial landscape so profoundly since the advent of the first electronic networks in the early 1970s. Regulators around the world are now in a race to respond to the evolution of technology in financial markets and prevent its operational challenges from becoming the biggest risk for financial markets. However, when considering technology and the cyber landscape, errors are bound to happen. Financial services firms are expected to have deployed the most sophisticated defense systems against cyberattacks. Trading firms are expected to have controls in place and invest in the technology to keep up to date. Most companies would realize the need of these investments and honestly attempt to implement them, but their IT departments would soon hit a wall, because of direct involvement from senior management and boards of directors. Compliance actions against those who missed their importance will go a long way toward restoring investor confidence and limiting the impact of the biggest risk for financial markets.

• Social Engineering: The “Weakest Human Link” in Cybersecurity
Social engineering involves tricking your employees into breaching security protocols or giving away information, most often over the telephone or via email. Social engineering exploits human weaknesses rather than technology, preying upon people’s propensity towards trust in particular. Often, these exploits are used to gather information to support a more targeted cyberattack, with the initial forays based on the premise of ‘little and often’ so as not to cause concern. Employees at all levels, including senior executives, are vulnerable. Mr. Perez will explain why by improving employee awareness and introducing simple technical measures, organizations can protect themselves against social engineering techniques and the risk of a cyberattack and its potential impact on business, customers and data.

• Establishing or Improving a Cybersecurity Program
The NIST Cybersecurity Framework, which was drafted by the Commerce Department’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), comprises leading practices from various standards bodies that have proved to be successful when implemented, and it also may deliver regulatory and legal advantages that extend well beyond improved cybersecurity for organizations that adopt it early. Its adoption may prove advantageous for businesses across virtually all industries. Mr. Perez will explain why a proper Cybersecurity Program will build on the analysis of the possible areas of concern, an understanding of the company’s most critical assets, and a thorough review of Information Technology’s policies and procedures when faced with cybercrime.

Mr. Edgar Perez is a published author, business consultant for billion-dollar private equity and hedge funds and Council Member at the Gerson Lehrman Group, Guidepoint Global Advisors and Research International, with subject matter expertise in cyber security, investing, trading, financial regulation (Dodd-Frank Act) and market structure.

He is author of Knightmare on Wall Street, The Rise and Fall of Knight Capital and the Biggest Risk for Financial Markets (2013), and The Speed Traders, An Insider’s Look at the New High-Frequency Trading Phenomenon That is Transforming the Investing World, published in English by McGraw-Hill Inc. (2011), Published in Mandarin by China Financial Publishing House (2012), and Investasi Super Kilat, published in Bahasa Indonesia by Kompas Gramedia (2012).

Mr. Perez is course director of 3-Day Masterclass Cybersecurity, Longest Running Cyber Security Business Workshop and 3-Day Masterclass Quantitative Finance, The World of Quant Finance. He has presented his workshops in Singapore, Hong Kong, Sao Paulo, Seoul, Kuala Lumpur, Warsaw, Kiev, New York, Singapore, Beijing and Shanghai. He contributes to The New York Times and China’s International Finance News and Sina Finance.

Mr. Perez has been interviewed on CNN’s Quest Means Business, CNBC’s Squawk on the Street, Worldwide Exchange, Cash Flow and Squawk Box, FOX BUSINESS’s Countdown to the Closing Bell and After the Bell, Bloomberg TV’s Market Makers, CNN en Español’s Dinero, Petersburg – Channel 5, Sina Finance, BNN’s Business Day, CCTV China,,, Leaderonomics, GPW Media, Channel NewsAsia’s Business Tonight and Cents & Sensibilities. In addition, Mr. Perez has been featured on Sohu,, Yicai, eastmoney, Caijing,, 360doc, AH Radio,, CITICS Futures, Tongxin Securities,,, Caixin, Futures Daily, Xinhua, CBN Newswire, Chinese Financial News,, International Finance News,,,, The Korea Times, The Korea Herald, The Star, The Malaysian Insider, BMF 89.9, iMoney Hong Kong, CNBC, Bloomberg Hedge Fund Brief, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Dallas Morning News, Valor Econômico, FIXGlobal Trading, TODAY Online, Oriental Daily News and Business Times.

Mr. Perez has presented to the Council on Foreign Relations, Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University (Kiev), Quant Investment & HFT Summit APAC (Shanghai), U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (Washington DC), CFA Singapore, Hong Kong Securities Institute, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University, University of International Business and Economics (Beijing), Hult International Business School (Shanghai) and Pace University (New York), among other public and private institutions. In addition, Mr. Perez has spoken at a number of global conferences, including Cyber Security World Conference (New York), Inside Market Data (Chicago), Emerging Markets Investments Summit (Warsaw), CME Group’s Global Financial Leadership Conference (Naples Beach, FL), Harvard Business School’s Venture Capital & Private Equity Conference (Boston), High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum (New York, Chicago), MIT Sloan Investment Management Conference (Cambridge), Institutional Investor’s Global Growth Markets Forum (London), Technical Analysis Society (Singapore), TradeTech Asia (Singapore), FIXGlobal Face2Face (Seoul) and Private Equity Convention Russia, CIS & Eurasia (London).

Mr. Perez was a vice president at Citigroup, a senior consultant at IBM, and a strategy consultant at McKinsey & Co. in New York City. Previously, he managed Operations and Technology for Peruval Finance. Mr. Perez has an undergraduate degree in Systems Engineering from Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Lima, Peru (1994), a Master of Administration from Universidad ESAN, Lima, Peru (1997) and a Master of Business Administration from Columbia Business School, New York, with a dual major in Finance and Management (2002). He belongs to the Beta Gamma Sigma honor society. Mr. Perez is an accomplished salsa and hustle dancer and resides in the New York City area.

Media Contact:
Julia Petrova
Media Relations Coordinator
The Speed Traders


Cyber Security Expert Edgar Perez Helping M&A Bankers Get Deals Done with Due Diligence & Awareness

Well-known keynote speaker Edgar Perez has assembled a team of cyber experts that provides essential cybersecurity due diligence and awareness training to reduce risks for companies, investment funds, employees and partners.

New York City, NY, USA — As reported by Bloomberg, companies and investment funds are adding an extra layer of scrutiny to acquisitions by screening targets for cybersecurity risks, as global computer attacks raise awareness. To respond to this demand, renowned cybersecurity speaker Edgar Perez is offering 360° Cybersecurity Due Diligence and Awareness Training services for Forbes Global 2000 companies (

The wake-up call for cybersecurity expertise during mergers and acquisitions came after a 2014 Yahoo! hack affected about 500 million accounts, damaging the company’s reputation and causing Verizon to cut its offer to buy the company by $350 million. There is concern that computer viruses can be planted and remain dormant until after a deal, leaving the acquirer to cope with stolen customer data, industrial secrets or ransom demands. That is where’s offering becomes critical; it offers the world’s first 360° Cybersecurity Due Diligence and Awareness Training that effectively prepares leaders to comprehensively minimize these risks.

Edgar Perez (, author of The Speed Traders ( and Knightmare on Wall Street (, is a recognized futurist, keynote speaker and director of programs targeted at board members, chief executive officers and senior executives looking for new ways to gain and maintain a competitive business advantage.

• “Thanks for the great work training our employees. You really made a difference!” Global Chief Information Security Officer
• “After working with a number of vendors, we found your team to be in a qualitatively different level. By that I speak to your deep expertise and exemplary professionalism.” Divisional Chief Information Officer
• “The team that Edgar has assembled is top-notch. There are no words to express our satisfaction with your high-quality delivery.” Member of the Board of Directors
• “The program provides a comprehensive approach for any organization to lead in cybersecurity readiness.” IT Security Coordinator

Mr. Edgar Perez is a published author, business consultant for billion-dollar private equity and hedge funds and Council Member at the Gerson Lehrman Group, Guidepoint Global Advisors and Research International, with subject matter expertise in cyber security, investing, trading, financial regulation (Dodd-Frank Act) and market structure.

He is author of Knightmare on Wall Street, The Rise and Fall of Knight Capital and the Biggest Risk for Financial Markets (2013), and The Speed Traders, An Insider’s Look at the New High-Frequency Trading Phenomenon That is Transforming the Investing World, published in English by McGraw-Hill Inc. (2011), Published in Mandarin by China Financial Publishing House (2012), and Investasi Super Kilat, published in Bahasa Indonesia by Kompas Gramedia (2012).

Mr. Perez is course director of 3-Day Masterclass Cybersecurity, Longest Running Cyber Security Business Workshop and 3-Day Masterclass Quantitative Finance, The World of Quant Finance. He has presented his workshops in Singapore, Hong Kong, Sao Paulo, Seoul, Kuala Lumpur, Warsaw, Kiev, New York, Singapore, Beijing and Shanghai. He contributes to The New York Times and China’s International Finance News and Sina Finance.

Mr. Perez has been interviewed on CNN’s Quest Means Business, CNBC’s Squawk on the Street, Worldwide Exchange, Cash Flow and Squawk Box, FOX BUSINESS’s Countdown to the Closing Bell and After the Bell, Bloomberg TV’s Market Makers, CNN en Español’s Dinero, Petersburg – Channel 5, Sina Finance, BNN’s Business Day, CCTV China,,, Leaderonomics, GPW Media, Channel NewsAsia’s Business Tonight and Cents & Sensibilities. In addition, Mr. Perez has been featured on Sohu,, Yicai, eastmoney, Caijing,, 360doc, AH Radio,, CITICS Futures, Tongxin Securities,,, Caixin, Futures Daily, Xinhua, CBN Newswire, Chinese Financial News,, International Finance News,,,, The Korea Times, The Korea Herald, The Star, The Malaysian Insider, BMF 89.9, iMoney Hong Kong, CNBC, Bloomberg Hedge Fund Brief, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Dallas Morning News, Valor Econômico, FIXGlobal Trading, TODAY Online, Oriental Daily News and Business Times.

Mr. Perez has presented to the Council on Foreign Relations, Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University (Kiev), Quant Investment & HFT Summit APAC (Shanghai), U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (Washington DC), CFA Singapore, Hong Kong Securities Institute, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University, University of International Business and Economics (Beijing), Hult International Business School (Shanghai) and Pace University (New York), among other public and private institutions. In addition, Mr. Perez has spoken at a number of global conferences, including Cyber Security World Conference (New York), Inside Market Data (Chicago), Emerging Markets Investments Summit (Warsaw), CME Group’s Global Financial Leadership Conference (Naples Beach, FL), Harvard Business School’s Venture Capital & Private Equity Conference (Boston), High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum (New York, Chicago), MIT Sloan Investment Management Conference (Cambridge), Institutional Investor’s Global Growth Markets Forum (London), Technical Analysis Society (Singapore), TradeTech Asia (Singapore), FIXGlobal Face2Face (Seoul) and Private Equity Convention Russia, CIS & Eurasia (London).

Mr. Perez was a vice president at Citigroup, a senior consultant at IBM, and a strategy consultant at McKinsey & Co. in New York City. Previously, he managed Operations and Technology for Peruval Finance. Mr. Perez has an undergraduate degree in Systems Engineering from Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Lima, Peru (1994), a Master of Administration from Universidad ESAN, Lima, Peru (1997) and a Master of Business Administration from Columbia Business School, New York, with a dual major in Finance and Management (2002). He belongs to the Beta Gamma Sigma honor society. Mr. Perez is an accomplished salsa and hustle dancer and resides in the New York City area.

Media Contact:
Julia Petrova
Media Relations Coordinator
The Speed Traders


Despite WannaCry Attack, Companies Still Neglecting Cybersecurity, Says Keynote Speaker in Bloomberg

Edgar Perez, author of Knightmare on Wall Street and The Speed Traders and well-recognized keynote speaker, partnering with Terrapinn Training for 3-Day Masterclass Cybersecurity to bring key insights for CEOs and board members on cyber security.

New York City, NY, USA — Despite the ongoing cyber threat, firms are still neglecting cybersecurity, said Mr. Edgar Perez, author of The Speed Traders and Knightmare on Wall Street, in a recent interview with Bloomberg Daybreak hosted by Bryan Curtis and Doug Krizner.

As information technology becomes ever more complex and Internet usage increasingly widespread, cybersecurity is becoming an increasingly important and business-critical field. Unfortunately, a recent study from security solutions provider Resilient Systems and market research firm Ponemon broke down key areas of continued failure for businesses.

The study found that 66% of IT and security professionals surveyed said their firms are unprepared to recover from a cyber attack, and 75% lack a formal incident response plan. A key example of this unpreparedness is that fact that many of the companies impact by the recent ransomware attack leveraging cryptoworm WannaCry had not installed patches in their Windows infrastructure that were released by Microsoft back in March. Vulnerabilities in commercial software are common; the only solution is to stay abreast of manufacturer’s releases, concluded Perez.

Edgar Perez (, author of The Speed Traders ( and Knightmare on Wall Street (, is a recognized futurist, keynote speaker and director of programs targeted at board members, chief executive officers and senior executives looking for new ways to gain and maintain a competitive business advantage.

Today cybersecurity is top of mind for management. That same cannot be said of all employees, who need to be appropriately trained and evaluated on a consistent basis. That is why offers now the world’s first 360° Cybersecurity Awareness Training that effectively prepares employees at all levels of the organization, from the interns all the way up to the chairman, CEO and board members.

Any employee of major organizations can be exposed today to a sophisticated phishing attack. provides a baseline analysis to understand how ready the client organization is to respond to this type of attacks; once training is complete, its readiness is benchmarked to the baseline assessment as well as competitors in the same industry.

“The program provides a comprehensive approach for any organization to lead in cybersecurity readiness.” IT Security Coordinator
“Thanks for the great work training our employees. You really made a difference!” Global Chief Information Security Officer
“After working with a number of vendors, we found your team to be in a qualitatively different level. By that I speak to your deep expertise and exemplary professionalism.” Divisional Chief Information Officer
“The team that Edgar has assembled is top-notch. There are no words to express our satisfaction with your high-quality delivery.” Member of the Board of Directors
“Great training. Much more than expected!” Senior IT Specialist

Mr. Edgar Perez is a published author, business consultant for billion-dollar private equity and hedge funds and Council Member at the Gerson Lehrman Group, Guidepoint Global Advisors and Research International, with subject matter expertise in cyber security, investing, trading, financial regulation (Dodd-Frank Act) and market structure.

He is author of Knightmare on Wall Street, The Rise and Fall of Knight Capital and the Biggest Risk for Financial Markets (2013), and The Speed Traders, An Insider’s Look at the New High-Frequency Trading Phenomenon That is Transforming the Investing World, published in English by McGraw-Hill Inc. (2011), Published in Mandarin by China Financial Publishing House (2012), and Investasi Super Kilat, published in Bahasa Indonesia by Kompas Gramedia (2012).

Mr. Perez is course director of 3-Day Masterclass Cybersecurity, Longest Running Cyber Security Business Workshop and 3-Day Masterclass Quantitative Finance, The World of Quant Finance; he has presented his workshops in Singapore, Hong Kong, Sao Paulo, Seoul, Kuala Lumpur, Warsaw, Kiev, New York, Singapore, Beijing, Shanghai. He contributes to The New York Times and China’s International Finance News and Sina Finance.

Mr. Perez has been interviewed on CNN’s Quest Means Business, CNBC’s Squawk on the Street, Worldwide Exchange, Cash Flow and Squawk Box, FOX BUSINESS’s Countdown to the Closing Bell and After the Bell, Bloomberg TV’s Market Makers, CNN en Español’s Dinero, Petersburg – Channel 5, Sina Finance, BNN’s Business Day, CCTV China,,, Leaderonomics, GPW Media, Channel NewsAsia’s Business Tonight and Cents & Sensibilities. In addition, Mr. Perez has been featured on Sohu,, Yicai, eastmoney, Caijing,, 360doc, AH Radio,, CITICS Futures, Tongxin Securities,,, Caixin, Futures Daily, Xinhua, CBN Newswire, Chinese Financial News,, International Finance News,,,, The Korea Times, The Korea Herald, The Star, The Malaysian Insider, BMF 89.9, iMoney Hong Kong, CNBC, Bloomberg Hedge Fund Brief, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Dallas Morning News, Valor Econômico, FIXGlobal Trading, TODAY Online, Oriental Daily News and Business Times.

Mr. Perez has presented to the Council on Foreign Relations, Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University (Kiev), Quant Investment & HFT Summit APAC (Shanghai), U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (Washington DC), CFA Singapore, Hong Kong Securities Institute, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University, University of International Business and Economics (Beijing), Hult International Business School (Shanghai) and Pace University (New York), among other public and private institutions. In addition, Mr. Perez has spoken at a number of global conferences, including Cyber Security World Conference (New York), Inside Market Data (Chicago), Emerging Markets Investments Summit (Warsaw), CME Group’s Global Financial Leadership Conference (Naples Beach, FL), Harvard Business School’s Venture Capital & Private Equity Conference (Boston), High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum (New York, Chicago), MIT Sloan Investment Management Conference (Cambridge), Institutional Investor’s Global Growth Markets Forum (London), Technical Analysis Society (Singapore), TradeTech Asia (Singapore), FIXGlobal Face2Face (Seoul) and Private Equity Convention Russia, CIS & Eurasia (London).

Mr. Perez was a vice president at Citigroup, a senior consultant at IBM, and a strategy consultant at McKinsey & Co. in New York City. Previously, he managed Operations and Technology for Peruval Finance. Mr. Perez has an undergraduate degree in Systems Engineering from Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Lima, Peru (1994), a Master of Administration from Universidad ESAN, Lima, Peru (1997) and a Master of Business Administration from Columbia Business School, New York, with a dual major in Finance and Management (2002). He belongs to the Beta Gamma Sigma honor society. Mr. Perez is an accomplished salsa and hustle dancer and resides in the New York City area.

Media Contact:
Julia Petrova
Media Relations Coordinator
The Speed Traders