Black Dog Venture Partners Acquires Ten Percent Stake in Hangover Prevention Drink 6 Days – Hangnever

Black Dog Venture Partners announced today that they have acquired a ten percent stake in San Francisco based 6 Days Productions, maker of hangover prevention drink Hangnever.

Phoenix, AZ / San Francisco, CA, February 23, 2018 – Black Dog Venture Partners announced today that they have acquired a ten percent stake in San Francisco based 6 Days Productions, maker of hangover prevention drink Hangnever. Terms of the deal were not disclosed.

“This would be our first major partnership ever since we launched last year.” said Mario Mare, the founder of Hangnever brand. “We are excited for the forthcoming collaboration effort, with all the access and resource provided by BDVP, we are definitely going to accelerate our growth into the niche hangover market arena.” Both partners met at a SFSU networking event on November 2017. Mare added, “I remember when Scott’s first comment about the product was ‘I could have used this last night’, I knew he saw the potential in our business. We look forward for the partnership and the incubation process”

The product Hangnever holds a unique positioning by being a proactive recovery, or ‘prevention’ rather than ‘recovery’ drink. You consume it as a precaution measure, so that you will not wake up with the worst hangover, and their formula seems to really do the trick. Does it really work? There is only one way to find out. The company plan to offer a 100% money back guarantee if purchased through their e-store.

Visit to learn more.

Black Dog CEO Scott Kelly commented on the deal, “The team at 6 days have built a fast-growing brand in the beverage space and our experience in sports, music and entertainment provide a great opportunity to turn Hangnever into an international brand”

About Black Dog Venture Partners

Black Dog Venture Partners provides venture capital consulting, corporate finance, business development, digital marketing and publicity for regional and national brands and fast-growing companies. Black Dog’s team has a long history of success in the entertainment, sports, technology and finance industries.

Black Dog Venture Partners has hosted investor conferences throughout the west and has raised millions of dollars for startups as a direct result of our fast pitch conferences.

Learn more at


Scott Kelly

Black Dog Promotions, LLC

9920 S. Rural Rd., Ste 108

Tempe, AZ 85284


M. Davis & Sons Provides High-Tech Solutions with Messer Plasma Cutting Equipment

Wilmington, DE, 2018-Feb-21 — /REAL TIME PRESS RELEASE/ — Peggy Del Fabbro, CEO of M. Davis & Sons, announced that it has acquired a Messer Cutting Systems Evolution® Plasma Cutting Table. The revolutionary new equipment enables M. Davis and Sons fabrication specialists to produce an enhanced level of smooth edge quality, precision hole cutting, and it keeps the surrounding work area smoke free.

“We are excited to offer the new equipment to advance the customer’s project schedule,” said John Bonk, M. Davis and Sons’ Vice-President of Operations.

The new state-of-the-art plasma cutting equipment by Messer Cutting Systems is software controlled and allows M. Davis & Sons to provide a larger volume of plate cutting in-house to accommodate client needs. The plasma cutting table allows materials to be cut run in measurements from 1.5” for carbon steel to 1-inch for stainless steel and to achieve high-quality edges. Metal plates are aligned to the torch via a camera for extreme accuracy.

One of the most innovative features of the equipment is its smoke-free design. It’s equipped with exhaust dampers that open and close as the welding torch moves for a safer work environment. The Messer Slagger component automatically cleans the machine base with pusher blades for cleaning performed in just minutes for minimal downtime.

The plasma cutting equipment represents the next evolution for steel fabrication and industrial construction. An innovative approach to construction and fabrication enables the company to work faster and produce the highest quality results while providing significant time savings for any project.

The company recently sent two of its fabrication specialists to Wisconsin to receive specialized training and instruction on the equipment’s operation. Additional operators are being trained as part of an ongoing in-house program.

The acquisition of the Messer Cutting Systems Evolution® Plasma Cutting Table by M. Davis & Sons provides the company’s clients in multiple industries with an enhanced level of quality, precision and options for modular process skid fabrication and assembly, steel fabrication, industrial construction and welding.

About M. Davis & Sons, Inc.
M. Davis & Sons, Inc. is a fifth generation women-owned industrial contractor and fabricator located in Delaware that has served customers for more than 145 years in the oil & gas, chemical, pharmaceutical, food, beverage and industrial markets.

Media Contact
Elaine Buonopane
Phone: 302-993-3365

Beat This Season’s Colds and Flu the Natural Way — With Pure, Raw Honey From Carmel Honey Company

The cold and flu season is upon us and this time it’s hitting us harder than usual.

Carmel, CA, Feb 18, 2018 — The cold and flu season is upon us and this time it’s hitting us harder than usual. Americans spend billions of dollars every year on over-the-counter cold medicines, but relief can be as close as your kitchen cupboard — raw honey from Carmel Honey Company. For centuries people have been using various herbs and natural foods as medicine. Almost every mother has her own home remedy for a cough, cold or sore throat. Why do these remedies persist? Because honey actually works!

Raw honey has many medicinal uses, from soothing coughs and healing wounds to promoting good digestion, as an antiseptic, an antibiotic and for warding off allergies. It’s no wonder the ancient Greeks called honey, “the nectar of the gods.”

Honey is not only delicious straight from the jar, but soothes a sore throat and tempers a cough. Put it in tea , coffee, a smoothie or just eat it straight from a spoon – as a natural cough suppressant. One tried-and-true home cough remedy involves hot water mixed with lemon and honey. Some even swear by adding whiskey to help cut the mucous.

Honey is filled with antibacterial and anti-fungal properties and can also destroy parasites, viruses, and even some tumor cells. Raw honey is an antiseptic that never spoils.

Raw honey is loaded with trace minerals, organic enzymes, and antioxidants and nutrients like vitamins B and C and magnesium. Honey also contains pre- and probiotics, and an array of flavonoids and phenolic acids that serve as antioxidants. That makes it a powerful ingredient for good health.

Honey is relatively acidic and remains acidic even when diluted, maintaining a pH of approximately 3.5. Nothing foreign enjoys living in this pH-rich environment. Honey is alkaline-forming in the body and once in the stomach, it can actually alkalinize your system. Alkaline-forming foods are crucial to any diet because they help neutralize the acidic waste produced naturally by cells, keeping your insides clean and supporting the body’s immune system.

Bees make a protein that they add to the honey, called Defensin-1. A large majority of honey’s antibacterial properties come from this protein. Basically, these are ancient natural antibiotics that team up with antimicrobial activity against a range of microorganisms.

While honey is not a cure-all and no single health-promoting property is more important than the other, the multi-functional nature of raw honey is the key to its remarkable healing powers.

Carmel Honey Company, through its online shop and its first brick-and-mortar store in the Carmel Plaza in Carmel By-the-Sea, has a wide variety of raw honey and honey-related products. Shop instore and create a one of a kind custom raw honey gift box that can be shipped anywhere in the U.S.

For more information on how you can buy raw, healthful honey, please contact Carmel Honey Company at (831) 687-8511 or online at

More information is also available at:

Carmel Honey Company store

Carmel Plaza, Suite 118,

Ocean Avenue & Mission Street

Carmel, CA 93921

Phone: 831.687.8511

Hours: Mon-Sat 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Sun 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

About Carmel Honey Company:

Jake Reisdorf is the chief beekeeper and owner of Carmel Honey Company. He started his business as part of a school project where his teacher assigned professions to each student and directed them to research the profession and build a presentation on it.

While researching his assigned profession of website designer, Jake, 11 years old at the time, decided to take it one step further and actually create a real website. At that time, Jake had taken one beekeeping class with his Dad and thought it would be cool to design a website about honey bees.

Not only did Jake get an “A” on the project, it inspired him and spurred him to start Carmel Honey Company. That was five years ago.

His passion for honey bees grew as he learned about Colony Collapse Disorder and real honey. Expanding his research and education drove Jake to learn more about honey and bees and ultimately decide it was critical to give back.

The “Jake Gives Back” program includes sharing honey bee knowledge with kids and adults of all ages. Whether he is in a classroom speaking to first-grade students, or at a corporate event talking with business owners and seasoned professionals, his passion and appreciation of how honey bees impact our world is infectious. He also “gives back” by making a financial donation to honey bee research and education organizations.

Jake is a freshman at Carmel High School and keeps his knowledge of apiology (the scientific study of bees) current by continuing to manage his own honey bee hives and attending industry conferences throughout the country.


Marci Bracco Cain

Chatterbox PR

Salinas, CA 93901

(831) 747-7455

Top AI Keynote Speaker on How to Manage Big Data Tsunami of Information with Artificial Intelligence

The Deep Learning Workshop for Today’s Strategic Leaders will provide key insights into current and future developments for deep learning, with particular emphasis on what organizations in Stockholm, Brussels, Sao Paulo, Mexico City, Kuala Lumpur, Abu Dhabi, Seoul and Hong Kong can do today to leverage this revolutionary technology and apply it to their most pressing challenges.

New York City, NY, USA — The Internet of Things (IoT) explosion will see 20.8 billion connected devices deployed by 2020. The volumes of data generated will become a tsunami that firms will need to transform into actionable information.

Unfortunately, most firms only look at the easy information they can get from structured data while ignoring their unstructured data, which accounts for 90 percent of content generated globally, making unstructured data a tremendous source of untapped value.

Artificial Intelligence is making it possible and affordable to sift through and find meaning in vast amounts of unstructured data obtained from video, audio, emails, logs, social media posts and IoT devices. All of this data can bring about enormous benefits. Mr. Edgar Perez, course director of The Deep Learning Workshop for Today’s Strategic Leaders, will show organizations how to reap these benefits today.

The Deep Learning Workshop for Today’s Strategic Leaders will bring the latest insights in artificial intelligence and most specifically deep learning to executives, managers, directors, consultants and regulators. Attendees to these 2-day workshops organized by in Stockholm, Brussels, Sao Paulo, Mexico City, Kuala Lumpur, Abu Dhabi, Seoul and Hong Kong will:

• Get up to speed on how artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning will impact global business
• Review key enabling technologies including big data and scalable computing processing
• Understand the role of deep learning in healthcare, manufacturing, transportation, customer service and finance
• Look at the landscape of how artificial intelligence stands today, why it is gravitating towards deep learning and how that fits in to the organization’s future
• Learn to personalize the customer experience with techniques similar to Google searches and Amazon recommendations
• Start applying TensorFlow, the most widely-used deep learning framework, in the organization
• Devise a strategy to move the organization forward that focused on the company’s most pressing points to leverage deep learning
• Embed deep learning in the organization’s existing technology development life-cycle

The Deep Learning Workshop for Today’s Strategic Leaders will provide key insights into current and future developments for deep learning, with particular emphasis on what organizations can do today to leverage this revolutionary technology and apply it to their most pressing challenges.

Deep learning allows computational models that are composed of multiple processing layers to learn representations of data with multiple levels of abstraction. These methods have dramatically improved speech recognition, visual object recognition, object detection and many other domains such as financial trading, transportation, drug discovery and genomics. Deep learning effective and efficiently discovers intricate structure in large data sets by using algorithms to indicate how a machine should change its internal weights and biases that are used to compute the representation in each layer from the representation in the contiguous layer, which have brought about breakthroughs in processing images, video, speech, audio and financial data.

Top executives of organizations around the world have heard a lot about artificial intelligence (AI). Within AI, there is machine learning, a technology that enables computers to get better at tasks with more practice. Furthermore, within machine learning, there is deep learning, which involves algorithms by which computers train themselves using multi-layered neural networks (inspired by the human brain) and vast quantities of data.

This program focuses on practical applications of artificial intelligence for business using TensorFlow, the most widely-used deep learning framework from Google. Deep learning is already impacting every part of business today; in fact, PwC has warned that automation could replace 38% of all American jobs by 2030. Deep learning will continue to be a rich source of insights from ever-growing data sets being evaluated by powerful algorithms, enabling companies to make better decisions.’s The Deep Learning Workshop for Today’s Strategic Leaders will show attendees how to harness the opportunities deep learning offers, how to identify challenges and how to prepare their organization for what the future holds. From financial trading to autonomous vehicles and from robotics to automated cancer diagnoses, practical applications for deep learning are already here and will impact businesses for years to come.

ABOUT GLDNACADEMY.COM invites CEOs, board members, managers, leaders and professionals to expand their horizons:

• To engage with an experienced faculty that exhibits the deepest knowledge across the most practical and challenging matters that really matter for businesses today
• To meet fellow leaders, entrepreneurs, executives, managers, investors and regulators looking for the industry insights that will move the needle in their organizations
• To become part of the most engaging professional network of leaders in the world offers seminars in dozens of industries and functional areas. Each and all of these programs incorporate the following:

• Relevant programs offered in the top business capitals of the world
• World-class faculty with access to the top echelons of the world’s most innovative organizations
• State-of-the-art workshops that incorporate hundreds of hours delivering the best
• Pre-program questionnaires that provide key information that permeates our offerings
• Thousands of satisfied attendees from all over the world

Media Contact:
Melania Pulitzer
Managing Director

Fulham Demonstrates Newest Versions of FireHorse Emergency Ballasts; Now Compliant with CEC Title 20

Fulham Upgrades Emergency Ballasts to Newest Energy Conservation Standards Giving Distributors Compliant Fluorescent Options for New Installations and Retrofits.

Long Beach, CA, USA — At Strategies in Light this week, Fulham, a leading supplier of lighting sub-systems and electronics for commercial and specialty applications, will display the newest version of its FireHorse 11 (FH11) and FireHorse 7 (FH7) emergency fluorescent ballasts, which have been re-engineered to meet California Energy Commission (CEC) Title 20 specifications. The new FireHorse ballasts are not only more energy efficient to comply with Title 20, but they also operate with universal voltage so they can be installed in virtually any setting.

In compliance with CEC Title 20, once they are fully charged, the new FireHorse ballasts consume less than 1W of power in order to sustain emergency readiness. The FH11 ballast is designed to deliver a maximum light output of 750 lumens with a minimum illumination time of 90 minutes on battery power. The FH7 universal voltage emergency ballast delivers up to 500 lumens for a minimum of 90 minutes.

“While Fulham continues to be a leader in LED components, we recognize that our customers will continue to need fluorescent lighting for some time,” said Russ Sharer, Vice President of Global Marketing for Fulham. “With new energy conservation requirements for Title 20 products, we know both the FH11 and FH7 will be popular with our distributors. Contractors across the U.S. are looking for more energy-efficient lighting solutions; in fact, many earn a percentage of the energy they save. Supporting Title 20 compliance with lower wattage fluorescents will help everyone, even contractors who don’t install lighting in California.”

Like many of Fulham’s LED products, the new emergency fluorescent ballasts offer universal voltage with input currents ranging from 120 to 277V A. That means less inventory and lower costs for distributors and installers, since the units are compatible with more lamps. The units have an operating temperature between 0 and 55 degrees Celsius (32 and 131 degrees Fahrenheit) and are compliant with UL924, damp-rated, and field or factory installable.

For more information, visit Fulham at Strategies in Light booth 408 or go to

About Fulham
Fulham Co., Inc. is a leading global provider of intelligent, socially-conscious sustainable commercial lighting components and electronics for use in commercial general lighting, parking structure, signage, horticultural, UV and other applications. The company develops and manufactures a variety of award-winning LED and emergency products, as well as legacy products across multiple lighting platforms. Fulham sells its lighting solutions worldwide through original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and electrical equipment distribution channels. Headquartered in Hawthorne, Calif., the company has sales and/or manufacturing facilities in the Netherlands, China, India and the UAE. For more information, visit (@FulhamUSA and @FulhamEurope)

Media Contact:
Andy Firchau
Marketing Manager
Fulham Co., Inc.
Phone: +1 (323) 779-2980, ext. 1252


Fulham Releases New White Paper at Strategies in Light – “Energy Star, DLC, and T24 Testing: Sorting through the Requirements”

Fulham White Paper Demystifies Light Performance Testing and Provides Valuable Tutorial for Anyone Interested in Lighting Certifications.

Long Beach, CA, USA — At Strategies in Light being held here this week, Fulham Co., Inc., a leading supplier of lighting sub-systems and electronics for commercial and specialty applications, will release a new white paper that provides an overview of new energy saving standards and LED product certifications. The white paper, entitled “Energy Star, DLC, and T24 Testing: Sorting through the Requirements,” is designed to help OEMs, distributors, and lighting professionals sort through the alphabet soup of today’s energy product testing and qualification as it relates to lighting products.

Product testing for certification are important to the lighting industry because they provide standardized metrics to compare product performance. Setting minimum performance thresholds promotes better quality lighting and superior luminaires for OEMs and end users. However, testing can cost manufacturers thousands of dollars for every new product brought to market. this white paper reviews strategies for product testing and how qualifying for the Design Lighting Consortium (DLC) Qualified Products List, compliance with Energy Star standards, and conforming to the California Energy Commission’s (CEC) Title 24 Energy Code each play both unique and overlapping roles in lighting certification, testing, and labeling.

“OEMs and installers use DLC, Energy Star, and T24 labels to ensure that lighting products deliver optimal performance, conform to the building codes and energy conservation standards, and in many cases receive financial rebates and incentives on projects,” said Russ Sharer, Vice President of Global Marketing for Fulham. “Certification gives customers assurance that the lighting products they buy or stock are safe and efficient. However, it’s not always easy for vendors to determine which certifications are required, or where to invest their testing dollars. This white paper should provide an informative tutorial for anyone in the lighting industry who relies on testing and verification to make product decisions.”

The new Fulham white paper outlines the testing requirements and regimens for the three most common U.S. certifications, comparing DLC, Energy Star, and Title 24 It also discusses specific requirements to for each standard and offers suggestions on ways to take advantage of overlapping requirements that can save test dollars.

Fulham will have copies of “Energy Star, DLC, and T24 Testing: Sorting through the Requirements” on hand at Strategies in Light in Booth 408. Copies also are available online at

About Fulham
Fulham Co., Inc. is a leading global provider of intelligent, socially-conscious sustainable commercial lighting components, sub-systems, and electronics for use in commercial general lighting, parking structure, signage, horticultural, UV and other applications. The company develops and manufactures a variety of award-winning LED and emergency products, as well as legacy products across multiple lighting platforms. Fulham sells its lighting solutions worldwide through original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and electrical equipment distribution channels. Headquartered in Hawthorne, Calif., the company has sales and/or manufacturing facilities in the Netherlands, China, India and the UAE. For more information, visit

Media Contact:
Andy Firchau
Marketing Manager
Fulham Co., Inc.
Phone: +1 (323) 779-2980, ext. 1252


5 Reasons Companies Need Approval Software for Google Drive

When we think of electronic communication in the workplace, Google is one of the first applications we think of.

San Jose, CA, February 12, 2018 – When we think of electronic communication in the workplace, Google is one of the first applications we think of. With Google G Suite comprising one of the most versatile collections of applications such as Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Forms, it’s easy to see why Google boasts 3 million paying businesses for G Suite.

However, what happens if you need to file a leave request? Or if you need to view the file activity across your entire domain? Or if your budget proposal needs to be reviewed by five different superiors? With the large number of users, your workflow can easily become convoluted and unmanageable. An approval software solves this problem—you can continue to enjoy the versatility of G Suite while streamlining collaboration and eliminating inefficiencies.

1. Approval software organizes workflows

In a corporate setting, filing a simple report may require as many as three rounds of approval. An approval software that accesses a file from your Drive not only saves you the hassle of sharing a file through an independent application, but also helps you to organize the workflow.

Collavate offers a versatile workflow structure that generates a sequential or parallel approval process depending on your needs. As your report is reviewed by each approver, you and your reviewers will receive automatic notifications—just hit “Start Process” and watch your approvals pop up!

2. Approval software meets deadlines

Need a file to be approved by the end of the week? No problem! Simply select a file from the comfort of your Drive and set a deadline for approval. With Collavate, you won’t need to follow up with your approvers with frequent emails and reminders. You can even set individual deadlines for each reviewer to keep your file moving.

3. Approval software provides documentation on company activity

As a company manager, you should be able to monitor your business processes. Collavate allows you to view file activity and set preventative measures should your domain files be shared with external users. Moreover, easily track and share long and complex workflows by downloading CSVs describing individual file approval chains.

4. Boosts collaboration

While receiving feedback from individual reviewers, it should be easy to discuss and collaborate on files together. With Collavate, you can leave comments that communicate feedback every step of the approval process, and help to detail to future reviewers the changes made.

5. Integrated with Google Drive

As an administrator, you might be wary of sharing your files with an independent automated approval agency. However, by integrating your workflow software with Google Drive, you can continue to store domain files on Drive, greatly reducing the risk of exposing sensitive information. Collavate doesn’t save any of your files, allowing your files to be safely saved in the Google Cloud platform.


Harry Jung

Collavate Inc

San Jose, CA 95129

+1 (650) 515-3733


Output Factory for InDesign Improves File Naming, Layer Versioning

Zevrix Solutions announces Output Factory 2.2.7, a maintenance update to company’s output automation solution for Adobe InDesign. Output Factory automates printing, exporting and preflighting from InDesign and offers batch processing, export as single pages, layer versioning, custom scripts integration and more. The new version allows users to use specific text from InDesign layout in the variable names of output files when exporting combinations of InDesign layers as separate documents.

Toronto (ON), Canada — Zevrix Solutions today announces the release of Output Factory 2.2.7, a maintenance update to company’s output automation plug-in for Adobe InDesign. Awarded 5 of 5 stars by InDesign Magazine, Output Factory automates and simplifies workflows of printers, ad agencies and publishing houses worldwide by helping eliminate repetitive tasks through batch processing with time-saving output options.

The new version further improves the advanced file naming feature that allows users to insert text from specific InDesign frames into the names of final output files. Now users can combine this powerful option with the layer versioning engine which enables designers to export combinations of InDesign layers as separate files. Output Factory will automatically ensure that the output file name contains text from the tagged InDesign frame located on the version layer associated with the output document.

“Using Output Factory is straightforward. You determine your settings and sit back while Output Factory does all the heavy lifting. The time savings are huge,” writes Jamie McKee in a 5-star review in InDesign Magazine. “If you find yourself repeatedly exporting InDesign files in various formats, you owe it to yourself to install the free trial and see just how much time you’ll save using Output Factory.”

Output Factory supports printing as well as exporting to PDF, PostScript, EPS, Flash, IDML, EPUB and several image formats. It offers the following key features:

Batch processing of InDesign files
-Output each page as a single document
-Output files to multiple formats with one click
Variable output file names
-Layer versioning: output layer combinations as single files
-Preflight InDesign documents on the fly
-Split InDesign files into single pages
-Preflight final PDF files

Pricing and Availability:
Output Factory can be purchased from Zevrix website for US$169.95 (Lite version $119.95), as well as from authorized resellers and Adobe Exchange. Trial is also available for download. The update is free for the users of Output Factory 2.x, and $84.97 to upgrade from Output Factory 1.x and BatchOutput. Output Factory requires macOS 10.7-10.13 and Adobe InDesign CS3-CC 2018.

About Zevrix Solutions
Located in Toronto, Canada, Zevrix Solutions provides productivity solutions for Adobe Creative Suite software, PDF workflows, graphic file diagnostics, file delivery and Microsoft Office on Mac OS. Zevrix is dedicated to help professionals increase their profits through automating everyday tasks, producing error-free documents, saving disk space and cutting production costs. For more information, visit

Leo Revzin
Zevrix Solutions
105 McCAUL St, Suite 301
Toronto Ontario M5T 2X4 Canada

Solutions for Adobe InDesign & the Graphics Industry

Southern CA Rock Band Dynamos To Release Driving New Single “Knowledge” on 2/23/18

The Song’s Accompanying Live-Tracked Music Video Out February 16!

Los Angeles, CA, February 08, 2018 – Southern California based and female-led rock group Dynamos are set to release their latest single “Knowledge” to online retail outlets worldwide on Feb 23, 2018. The moody, driving song will also be accompanied by a performance music video with all audio tracked live. This video (and its alternate audio of “Knowledge”) will be released on February 16th – one week in advance of the studio version’s release.

The opening bass, guitar, and drums of “Knowledge” suggest a sense of mystery which only grows as vocalist Nadia E begins her sultry and powerful delivery. The song’s lyrics further the mystery as the verse continues – culminating in the emphatic, “There’s a lot you don’t know about me…” A guitar solo, provided by Jacob Mayeda adds excitement and provides one of the song’s most important dynamic peaks. With the song’s energy continuing to drive right through its final note, “Knowledge” provokes listeners to question what they know while remaining true to Dynamos’ rock ‘n roll sound.

The performance music video was filmed in Los Angeles, CA, and features an all-new live recording of “Knowledge”. The band’s chemistry is on full display as audiences far and wide can get a sneak peek into the high-energy and fun Dynamos live show. Each member of the band brings a whole new dimension of musicianship to the video – proving that Dynamos’ own ‘knowledge’ of music sets them apart from emerging bands in the ever-crowded Los Angeles market – and beyond.

For All Press Inquiries Contact:

Chip Schutzman

Founder, Miles High Productions


About Dynamos:

Introducing a contemporary blend of traditional and modern rock music, Dynamos burst into the scene in 2017 with their debut EP, Cold Comfort. With their vibrant, striking instrumentals and passionate call and response, this American rock band intends to share their knowledge and love of music to the masses. Dynamos is led by front-woman and lead vocalist, Nadia E. She is accompanied by Nick Schaadt (music director, bass), Jacob Mayeda (lead guitar), Ian Nakazawa (drums), and Carlos Barrera (lead guitar). Nadia E. is known to rock the house with her soul-shaking voice and visual storytelling. Together, Dynamos combine technical expertise with pure raw energy to deliver a unique and captivating listening experience.

For More about Dynamos visit:



Chip Schutzman

Miles High Productions

PO Box 93157

Hollywood CA 90093


New Published Evidence Reinforces the Importance of Device Choice in Asthma Control

Two new publications build on previous evidence that not all devices are equally effective in delivering asthma control.

Plattsburgh, NY, USA — A recent article in Pulmonary Pharmacology and Physiology[1] provides in vitro evidence that the AEROCHAMBER PLUS® FLOW-VU® valved holding chamber (or spacer) delivers aerosolized drug more effectively than other chambers, a view further supported in a new literature review published in Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease.[2]

The use of spacers with Metered Dose Inhalers (MDIs) has become firmly established in the management of asthma and COPD, with guidelines such as the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA)[3] recommending their use to reduce oropharyngeal deposition of drug and counter the common problem of poor inhaler technique. What is not established, however, is whether there are any meaningful differences between the devices. While GINA guidelines do indicate that not all are the same – a view echoed by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) recommendations,[4] which state that data for MDIs should be generated with a ‘specific named spacer’ – this view is not expressed in all guidelines. Two recent publications set out to address the impact of spacer design on drug delivery performance and look at potential implications for clinical use.

Four similarly sized chambers were compared ‘out of the box’ in terms of statistical equivalence with the gold standard AEROCHAMBER PLUS® chamber with respect to retention of drug particles within the device and the aerodynamic particle size distribution of the drug particles delivered. Only the AEROCHAMBER PLUS® FLOW-VU® chamber (Monaghan Medical Corporation) demonstrated an equivalent profile of dose retention and delivery versus the reference chamber. The Compact Space Chamber Plus† (Medical Developments), the OptiChamber Diamond† (Philips Respironics, Inc), and InspiraChamber† (Lupin Pharmaceuticals, Inc) devices all retained approximately twice as much drug, delivering around half the dose and showing non-equivalent performance compared with the AEROCHAMBER PLUS® FLOW-VU® chamber and reference chamber (pretreated AEROCHAMBER PLUS® chamber).

Lead author, Dr Sanjeeva Dissanayake, has recently published a literature review in Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease, which provides further support for these findings. In considering the important attributes of such delivery devices, the review notes a shift in emphasis from chamber size and shape to other aspects, such as consistency of drug delivery, static charge reduction, valve performance, and factors optimizing facemask effectiveness (such as flexibility and seal). Despite the general lack of published clinical studies that confirm the therapeutic benefits of such differences, the AEROCHAMBER® ‘family’ of chambers has amassed an impressive body of clinical evidence. Most recently, a real-world database study[5] has demonstrated improved clinical benefits and reduced resource utilization use with the AEROCHAMBER PLUS® FLOW-VU® chamber versus other chambers in patients with asthma. A study specifically looking at the FLOW-VU® inhalation indicator has also shown benefits for carer confidence in dose delivery, and improved care-giver preference and quality of life.[6]

Dr Dissanayake commented, ‘The in vitro equivalence study results and the literature review findings provide strong support for the EMA guideline recommendations that data for MDIs should be generated with specific spacer devices, and further reinforce the view that superficially similar chambers should not automatically be considered to be interchangeable – even if superficially similar’.

About Monaghan Medical Corporation (MMC, USA)
MMC offers leading aerosol drug delivery devices and respiratory management products including AEROECLIPSE® II BAN, AEROCHAMBER PLUS® aVHC and the AEROBIKA® device exclusively in the United States. MMC’s strength lies in product development around core capabilities in mechanical design complimented by collaboration with a state-of-the-art aerosol research laboratory. MMC focuses on developing cost-efficient, outcome-based solutions for its customers. (

About AEROCHAMBER® brand valved holding chambers (VHC), including the AEROCHAMBER PLUS® FLOW-VU® AVHC
Developed in 1983 to address the needs of asthma and COPD patients having difficulty in taking their MDI medications correctly, the AEROCHAMBER® brand of chamber has innovated continuously to improve patient ease of use and quality of life as well as clinical outcomes and healthcare system savings.

• The AEROCHAMBER® brand is the global leader of chambers, with safety and efficacy validated in numerous third party clinical evaluations amongst various patient populations; it is the chamber most recommended by leading MDI pharmaceutical companies.[7]

• AEROCHAMBER PLUS® FLOW-VU® chamber is designed to deliver the intended prescribed dose via the MDI, similar to using an MDI with perfect technique. An additional feature is the incorporation of the FLOW-VU® inspiratory indicator for the care-giver to observe effective inhalation. The FLOW-VU® indicator provides real time feedback confirming an effective inhalation and ensures that there are no leakages of ambient air into the space between facemask and face, that could prevent medication delivery altogether. (

For clinical inquiries, please contact:
Dominic P. Coppolo, MBA, RRT, FAARC
Vice President Clinical Strategy and Development
Monaghan Medical Corporation

Words or phrases accompanied by ® are trademarks and registered trademarks of Monaghan Medical Corporation or an affiliate of Monaghan Medical Corporation. † trademarks of respective company. © 2018 Monaghan Medical Corporation.

1. Dissanayake S, Nagel M, Falaschetti E, Suggett J. Are valved holding chambers (VHCs) interchangeable? An in vitro evaluation of VHC equivalence. Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 2018; 48:179-184
2. Dissanayake S, Suggett J. A review of the in-vitro and in-vivo valved holding chamber (VHC) literature with a focus on the AeroChamber Plus Flow-Vu anti-static VHC. Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease. 2018; 12.
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