Category Archives: Non-Profit

New Tiger World Children’s Book – Nacho’s Night Out

Rockwell, NC, 2023-Apr-13 — /REAL TIME PRESS RELEASE/ — Nacho’s Night Out is a delightful children’s book about the adventures of Tiger World’s resident two-toed sloth Nacho. Written by first-time author, Aubrey Taylor, Director of Wildlife, and first-time publisher, Tiger World. This cute story follows Nacho as he embarks on a nighttime escapade to see the sights of the Zoo. This book will capture any child’s attention.

The story follows him as he plans to sneak out of his enclosure to climb a different tree while everyone is asleep. Even more fun, you can visit the main character Nacho at Tiger World and his friends, Sherlock and Emma the Bobcats and Aurora the Eagle Owl.

Featuring rhymes, colorful real characters, and even lessons for kids, Nacho’s Night Out is a fun story suitable for young readers! The vivid images, created with photography and artistic filters, bring life to every page while providing visual cues. Young readers can better comprehend what they are reading. This makes it suitable even for those who have just begun learning to read independently or with their parents/guardians alike! Available in the Tiger World gift shop or on our website –

Media contact:

MIke McBride
Tiger World
4400 Cook Road
Rockwell, NC 28128

A British Girl Creates a Special Sign for Women’s Periods to Say “No” to Period Shaming

NEW YORK, 2022-Nov-21 — /REAL TIME PRESS RELEASE/ — In recent years, “menstrual shame” has become one of the most searched topics on the Internet, which caused heated discussion among netizens. Some women said they had never felt ashamed of menstruation and they even could talk about it openly. Some others said they felt period-shame when they were young; however, this feeling gradually disappeared as they grew older…

It is believed that most girls feel embarrassed or even ashamed to talk about periods when they are young. They hesitate to tell others when they feel sick during the periods; they even feel uncomfortable buying sanitary essentials from shops and try to “cover up” the embarrassment with black plastic bags.

Periods shouldn’t be taboo!

Sophia McKinstry, a girl from a university in UK, has exquisitely made a “Special Sign for Women’s Periods” to call on people to break the taboo around menstruation, remove the shame and stigma, and urge the society to face women’s physiological periods squarely. The overall outline of the Special Sign for Women’s Periods is like a drop of blood. The upper part is mainly composed of rosebuds, which shows a curling-up female who is lying on her side. The hollow part showing a few bat totem elements combines with the red shadow below to express that the woman is on her period.

When talking about the chance for the creation of the Special Sign, Sophia McKinstry said that she initially just wanted to help girls with period discomfort by designing a special sign, for example, when others see a girl wearing this sign, they will know that she is on her period and may feel tired and uncomfortable. In some cases, she probably needs a little care and understanding like a hot drink for her when eating meals together or avoiding persuading her to drink wine. She saw a piece of news that Melinda Gates liked the Chinese swimmer Fu Yuanhui for her bravely smashing period taboo during the Rio Olympics and noticed various hot discussions triggered by the Indian film Padman. After that, she gradually realized that period shame is a common phenomenon in many countries. Menstruation is perceived as unclean or shameful by girls and other people, which can be seen in all aspects of our lives. Therefore, she began to pay more attention to the topic of menstrual shame.

Sophia McKinstry stated that she wanted to make people understand through her own way that menstruation is a normal and healthy part of life for women and the traditional idea that periods are dirty should be bravely broken. Female periods should be treated equally as other physical phenomena in the society and they should not be taboo. For this purpose, she “encourages people to abandon the traditional secular ideas such as ‘menstrual taboo’ and ‘ menstrual shame’”, and integrate “may every girl does not feel embarrassed or ashamed any more when talking about menstruation” as well as other concepts and appeals into the design concept of the Special Sign.

The Special Sign for Women’s Periods has become globally accepted to mark women’s menstruation and periods. It encourages women to break the taboo of “menstrual shame”, calls on the society to stop hating “menstruation”, and represents care and understanding for women on periods.

The small sign contains infinite power. We believe that it will promote a great spirit, end the long-standing discrimination, and arouse people’s courage to challenge the secular ideas and break taboos, just like the Olympic Rings and Red Ribbons.

May every girl on her period be treated tenderly!

Media contact:

Li Xinbeijie

Lifetime producer Vivica A. Fox spotted with actress Camille Calvin

Los Angeles, CA , USA, 2022-May-23 — /REAL TIME PRESS RELEASE/ — Is there a new project in the works? Vivica A. Fox is an American actress, businesswoman, and international brand. She has been involved in the entertainment industry since 1983. She has been called “the most successful black woman in Hollywood.” She has starred in films like “Kill Bill: Volume 1”, “Kill Bill: Volume 2”, “Independence Day” and “Kingdom Come.” She is also a supporter of women’s empowerment and has been a part of many campaigns to promote female entrepreneurship.

Camille Calvin is a multitalented actress and a new comer to the industry who has proven her abilities through her versatile roles in numerous films and T.V shows. Camille Calvin played the leading role in the cheer movie, Deadly Cheers, released on lifetime in Jan 2022. Her fans and friends always admire her for changing her looks and personality and showing a new face, according to the script and character and nailing it.

What’s coming?

on May 15, 2022 at the Beverly Hilton Hotel Both Vivica A. Fox and Camille Calvin appeared on the red carpet at the Pink Pump Affairs. Looking like both of them are on the same page. Vivica A. Fox has produced many cheer films for lifetime and now again has worked as the executive director of six new cheers films, including “The wrong cheer Captain,” “Killer Cheer,” “Pom Poms and Payback,” “Deadly Cheers,” “Cheer for Your Life,” and “Webcam Cheerleaders.”

Deadly Cheers

Camille Calvin plays the role of Brianna in the Deadly Cheers movie, a single mom who is excited to be the new assistant principal of the High School in the film. Things get worse when a cheerleader accidentally dies, and then the coach wants to save his reputation even by sacrificing all the other cheerleaders. This is a dramatic and suspenseful film.

The Pink Pump Affairs

They both attended the pink pump affairs to support the event and boost women’s empowerment. A pink pump affair is an event that has taken place in Los Angeles every year for the last fourteen years. It is a gathering of influencers and women entrepreneurs who are invited to attend the event for the purpose of empowering women and promoting gender equality. The Pink Pump Affair aims to create a space where women can come together and share their stories, struggles, and success stories with one another.

Who knows!!!

As Vivica A. Fox has been producing various films for a lifetime. Camille Calvin recently played a leading role in “Deadly cheers” inspiring the audience and industry. They might be looking forward to having another collaboration in the future.


Media contact:

Guzman Communications
Deborah M. Guzman

The Christian Ministry Alliance adds experienced finance and non-profit accounting executive to their Board of Directors

Carolee Eason brings 20 years of nonprofit finance and accounting experience to the Alliance’s growing board.

Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 2021-Aug-07 — /REAL TIME PRESS RELEASE/ — The Christian Ministry Alliance announced today the appointment of Carolee Eason to the board of directors.

“I cannot be happier to welcome Carolee to our growing board of directors. Her long career in the nonprofit sector brings with it practical experience and organizational wisdom that will almost immediately bear fruit for the Alliance.”

“Finding board members that share an organizational and cultural ethos makes her addition even more meaningful.” continued Mr. Leslie. “Carolee’s long experience serving the local church, not only as member, but as a planter alongside her husband Joel, brings a rich and deepening love for the local church and related ministries we serve. This kind of history and heart is invaluable.”

Mrs. Eason currently serves as the Chief Financial Officer at Glazer Children’s Museum in Tampa, FL. As part of the senior leadership team, she is responsible for ensuring the development and achievement of the long-term strategic and financial goals. Before joining the museum in 2018, she served for fifteen years as Director of Operations and Finance for the Moffitt Cancer Center Foundation.

Carolee holds a Master’s degree in Accounting from the University of South Florida and is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

Along with her husband, she helped plant Bridgeway Church in 2000 and places a high priority on involvement in the activities of the church, including volunteering with the children and women’s ministries. Bridgeway focuses on outreach, missions, and discipleship.


The Christian Ministry Alliance is a national member services organization focused on coming alongside the local church and smaller ministry nonprofits. Too many ministry leaders are overwhelmed. Our mission is to help clear the operational clutter, allowing leaders to gain back their time and energy, and fulfill their calling.

Learn more at

Media contact:

Douglas Leslie
Local: 623-688-3403
Toll Free: 888-970-9676


Christian Ministry Alliance

Governor Pritzker: Please Pardon Luna, the Coyote, and Allow Her to Return Home

After a Year Full of Misery, Governor Pritzker Could Start 2021 by Making the Land of Lincoln a Bit More Humane and a Little Less Corrupt.

Tinley Park, IL – USA | February 23, 2021 — As a new year begins, Tinley Park resident Tomi Tranchita continues to grieve for Luna the Coyote, the lone survivor of an illegal and brutal seizure by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) in April 2019. Luna’s three pack mates died as a result and elderly Luna is languishing at a facility in Indiana while Tranchita continues to battle IDNR in the courts.

IDNR Conservation Sergeant Joshua Mooi, who had moved near Tranchita, orchestrated the raid that initiated the isolation of Luna and separation from Tranchita. IDNR’S explanation is because she had inadvertently forgotten to renew a $25 state permit, yet her facility has been federally licensed the entire 13 years of its operation.

“Mooi knew that none of my coyotes posed an imminent danger to anyone. He interviewed our neighbors, learned they had no complaints whatsoever about the coyotes and examined state and federal licensing and permitting records. Yet, he arrived at my home at the crack of dawn with a rifle slung over his shoulder,” Tomi Tranchita, who called her Wildlife Educational Program and Refuge, Happy Coyotes: Truths about Peaceful Coexistence.

Tranchita videotaped the seizure of her coyotes, who had never experienced inhumane treatment, but rather greeted visitors with wagging tails. According to her, “I offered to get any state permits needed. I begged to crate the animals, as they were crate trained as part of her USDA emergency plan, but Mooi insisted on having the coyotes chased, cornered, and shot with tranquilizer darts — but refused to wait for the tranquilizer to take effect —supposedly he was in a hurry to leave on vacation that afternoon. So, they then used cruel chokeholds.”

For reasons that bewilder and dismay Tranchita and some 50,000 petition signers, the Illinois agency prevails in insisting she have a fur-bearing mammal breeder permit, and since last spring, a hound running area permit. The hound running area permit, not required by the IDNR of any other wildlife facility with coyotes, is the issue currently before the federal court for the Northern District of Illinois.

Luna, whom Tranchita rescued as an orphaned pup, still lives, but spends her days in constant fear of everything, relieved only by rare visits from Tranchita, her only bonded human. “We are pleading with the Governor and others with political power to remedy this tragedy that should have never occurred, especially over a little red tape. By pardoning Luna, Pritzker could help improve Illinois’ politically corrupt reputation,” Chicago Alliance for Animals Executive Director, Jodie Wiederkehr.


YouTube Video Links:


Press & Media Contact:
Jodie Wiederkehr
Chicago Alliance for Animals (CAA)
Chicago, IL – USA
+1 773-726-0589
+1 708-305-1244 (Tomi Tranchita)

Virgin’s unethical business practices against small start ups and non-profit foundations

Louisville, Kentucky, 2020-Jul-16 — /REAL TIME PRESS RELEASE/ — When it comes to big business versus small business, the deck is, and always has been, heavily stacked in favor of the giants, making sure it stays that way. Yes, there will always be David and Goliath stories held up as the reason for hope in these battles, but reality dictates that they are almost insurmountable obstacles in the path of a small entrepreneur.

There is, however, a more insidious and corruptive side to the competition that few, if any, really see or understand at all. The legal teams.

Companies like The Virgin Group and Sir Richard Branson retain the type of law firms that see no ethical issue in destroying anything and anyone on their way, no matter the cost, the merits and the human lives and dreams destroyed along the way.

Take billing, for example. Virgin Enterprises uses Norvell IP and A. A. Thornton, type of companies that sees fit to charge by the half hour for anything that they do, including a single phone call, running up bills of around $300 per call. Yes, you read that correctly…$300 PER CALL! Equally absurdly, they charge the same to write a letter, to attend a meeting or to send an email!


Ok, so Virgin and Sir Richard is worth billions, they can afford these costs and who cares? It’s their choice and their wallet, right?

Well, no. They make their pray pay for it.

The thing is, as the relentless (and oftentimes frivolous) stream of trademark infringement lawsuits are filed across the globe, those costs are, almost exclusively borne not by Virgin, but by the small business that they are making their claim against.

Take the case of Wyoming start-up, VIRGINIC LLC. Virgin decided, as they have done on so many occasions in the past, that they were unhappy with the UK Intellectual Property Office awarding VIRGINIC LLC their own brand trademark “VIRGINIC”. For a little context, let’s not forget that this is the same company that sued a Virgin Olive Oil producer, the TV show “Jane The Virgin” and even a Non-profit Educational Foundation, “Las Virgenes” for children, staffed entirely by volunteer parents! If you’re like most people, this alone can leave anyone speechless. Clearly, Virgin is not afraid to throw their litigation budget around even against non-profit children care foundations.

So, Virgin took umbrage to the idea of a company VIRGINIC LLC, regardless of the fact that the UKIPO had already awarded their trademark for their name to them. Virgin attacked and yet again the UK courts decided that there was no case to be heard and VIRGINIC should keep their own trademark.

Virgin lost the case, and the subsequent appeal, with VIRGINIC being awarded the princely sum of £300 in costs, and that, in any sensible judicial process, should have been that. However, Virgin’s lawyers managed to get the UK High Court of Appeals to agree to review the appeal of the case which, upon doing so, intrestingly awarded in favor of Virgin this third time around.

And here is the fun part; When VIRGINIC, a small “David” went up against the behemoth “Goliath” of Virgin and managed to not only show that common sense is still alive and well in some legal systems, but managed to do it on a shoestring budget, whilst a mammoth task and stupendous result given the odds, it appears that the ultimately necessary penny-pinching that all start-ups are likely to be forced to adopt, is the largest chink in their armor.

The reason for this is simple: Virgin lose and the judge awards costs in the order of £300 to the start-up. £300 which Virgin never actually saw fit to pay, regardless of the fact that they spend so much time in courtrooms arguing that their rights are being infringed upon and crowing for justice. This in itself is a pointer towards where this all goes wrong. You see, they cry foul and plead for justice as if the courtroom is a sacred place where all shall find their truth. In reality, when that truth is contrary to their opinion, they simply disregard the orders of the court and find somebody else to cry to.

Now, what happens when, at the third time of asking, they manage to find themselves a “friendly” judge? Well, their costs are awarded against VIRGINIC in the sum of…

Ready for this…?

£33,000 + £10,000!
With no right to appeal any further, conveniently.

So, Virgin “loses” and the bill is £300. I would guess that the lawyers charging $300 to make a phone call would probably be happy to pay that off themselves with the cash that they dropped down the sofa last night. However, when VIRGINIC loses, all those cups of coffee that the world’s most expensive secretaries were making suddenly add up to a sum of £43,000, so exorbitant, so utterly defiant of anything even approaching a reality that is in any way sustainable, that all suddenly becomes so very clear.

Virgin and, more importantly, Virgin’s lawyers LOVE finding random reasons to drag volnurable, small businesses (and apparently non-profit foundations too) into a courtroom because it is a no-loss situation for them. They literally don’t even bother paying the measly costs generated if they lose (Virgin pays) whilst running up such absurd bills themselves that, if they win, the small business is basically financially crippled to the point where it either ceases to exist or exists only for the purposes of paying off the legal bills. Small educational foundations like “Las Virgenes” for children, staffed entirely by volunteer parents are a no match with this malice legal practice backed by deep pockets of Virgin.

Is there a happy ending here? VIRGINIC is well off its knees trying to write one as we speak. Keep your fingers crossed and maybe the Wyoming case will prove more uncorrupted justice system in the US than the UK one.

Media contact:

Zac Andrews
International Consortium of Investigative Journalism
Louisville, Kentucky

Santa Clara County Federal Credit Union’s Teddy Bears on Patrol Program Delivers 2,100 Toy Bears to Children in Need in 2018

For More than 20 Years, Teddy Bears on Patrol Continues to Bring Joy Over the Holidays.

San Jose, CA, USA — The Santa Clara County Federal Credit Union ( is pleased to announce another successful year for its Teddy Bears on Patrol holiday program. This year, Teddy Bears on Patrol was able to bring 2,100 stuffed bears to cheer up needy children.

For more than 20 years, County Federal has sponsored the Teddy Bears on Patrol Program along with local law enforcement agencies, school districts, and organizations such as Santa Clara County Social Services, Parents Helping Parents, and the Rosa Elena Childcare Center (part of Respite & Research for Alzheimer’s Disease). The program was created to bring joy to children suffering from trauma or illness.

“The holiday season is a time of caring and sharing. Giving needy children their own teddy bear to love and comfort is our way of showing we care about our kids,” said Rebecca Reynolds Lytle, President and CEO of County Federal. “This has been a highly successful program over the years and our law enforcement and medical professional partners get just as much joy out of this tradition as we do. There’s nothing that brings more joy and comfort to a child in need than a teddy bear.”

New teddy bears were donated from mid-October to mid-December at County Federal branches. Cash donations were also accepted from County Federal members, as the credit union arranged to have bears purchased on their behalf. This year, County Federal employees held an internal challenge and were able to raise more than $1,000 in two hours to purchase even more teddy bears for the kids.

For more information, visit

About Santa Clara County Federal Credit Union
For more than 68 years Santa Clara County Federal Credit Union has been bettering the lives of county, city, and school employees and affiliated organizations. In addition to maintaining a passionate commitment to provide knowledgeable financial solutions to its members, County Federal also maintains an extensive community outreach program, providing educational support through its scholarship program and dedicating time and resources to a variety of regional non-profit organizations. County Federal offers a comprehensive line of financial products and preferred rates and is committed to empowering, enriching and enhancing members’ financial lives.

For more information, visit

Media Contact:
Marilyn Avalos
Santa Clara County Federal Credit Union


Santa Clara County Federal Credit Union Promotes Montero and David to New Executive Roles

County Federal Names New Chief Administrative Officer and Chief Experience Officer.

San Jose, CA, USA — The Santa Clara County Federal Credit Union ( today announced the promotions of Jennifer Montero and Divine David to new executive roles.

Jennifer Montero has been named Senior Vice President/Chief Administrative Officer. Jennifer has been serving as SVP/Organizational Development. She has extensive knowledge in the field of human resources management and specializes in high-growth operations and restructuring. Jennifer previously served on County Federal’s Board of Directors. In her expanded role, she will be responsible for providing strategic leadership in all human resource functions, learning and talent development initiatives, and special programs. Jennifer holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Management from San Jose State University.

Divine David has been promoted from Senior Vice President/Chief Lending Officer to Senior Vice President/Chief Experience Officer. Divine has a long history in banking, having worked with San Francisco Federal Credit Union, Provident Credit Union, Golden 1 Credit Union, and Bank of the West. In her new role, Divine will be responsible for enhancing the member experience and improving membership services. She holds a Management degree from Golden Gate University.

“Both Jennifer and Divine have been instrumental in helping us maintain the standard of excellence that members expect from County Federal” said Rebecca Reynolds Lytle, President and CEO of County Federal. “Expanding their roles allows us to have an even greater impact on the member experience and help us improve and expand our financial services.”

About Santa Clara County Federal Credit Union
For more than 65 years Santa Clara County Federal Credit Union has been helping county, city, and school employees and affiliated organizations with financial services to help them realize their dreams. In addition to maintaining a passionate commitment to provide knowledgeable financial solutions to its members, County Federal also maintains an extensive community outreach program, providing educational support through its scholarship program and dedicating time and resources to a variety of regional non-profit organizations. County Federal offers a comprehensive line of financial products and preferred rates and is committed to empowering, enriching and enhancing members’ financial lives.

For more information, please visit

Media Contact:
Marilyn Avalos
Santa Clara County Federal Credit Union


Santa Clara County Federal Credit Union Sponsors Santa Clara Teacher Recognition Celebration for 23rd Year

County Federal Continues to Partner with the Santa Clara County Office of Education to Honor Teacher Excellence and Commitment.

San Jose, CA, USA — The Santa Clara County Federal Credit Union ( is proud to be a sponsor of the Teacher Recognition Celebration organized by the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) again this year. This marks the 23rd year that County Federal has partnered with the SCCOE to recognize teachers throughout the county for their educational excellence and commitment to their students, school, and the community.

The 2018 Teacher Recognition Celebration, held October 22, marked nearly 50 years of Santa Clara County honoring educational excellence, making the SCCOE Teacher Recognition Celebration one of the oldest and most prestigious in the state. The Celebration is held every autumn to applaud the outstanding work of teachers from every Santa Clara County school district. This year, 31 educators were honored for their outstanding work, as well as five teachers who received the STEM Teaching Award from event co-sponsor Texas Instruments.

“Educators are the unsung heroes of our community and we are proud to support Teacher Recognition Day as part our commitment to Santa Clara County,” said Rebecca Lytle, President and CEO of County Federal. “We have been serving county, city, and school employees for more than 65 years but we seldom have this type of opportunity to publicly recognize the professionals who work to make our community such a wonderful place to call home.”

The SCCOE created the Teacher Recognition Celebration to increase public awareness of the vital role educators play in helping youth and shaping the community, and to acknowledge the achievement, sacrifice, and training required of today’s teachers. Recognition also helps strengthen ties between students and teachers and promotes greater understanding between generations.

About Santa Clara County Federal Credit Union
For more than 65 years Santa Clara County Federal Credit Union has been helping county, city, and school employees and affiliated organizations with financial services to help them realize their dreams. In addition to maintaining a passionate commitment to provide knowledgeable financial solutions to its members, County Federal also maintains an extensive community outreach program, providing educational support through its scholarship program and dedicating time and resources to a variety of regional non-profit organizations. County Federal offers a comprehensive line of financial products and preferred rates and is committed to empowering, enriching and enhancing members’ financial lives.

For more information, please visit

Media Contact:
Marilyn Avalos
Santa Clara County Federal Credit Union


Santa Clara County Federal Credit Union Adds Two New Vice Presidents to Leadership Team

County Federal Adds Senior Staff to Credit Union As Part of Ongoing Commitment To Extend Superior Services to Members.

San Jose, CA, USA — The Santa Clara County Federal Credit Union ( today announced the expansion of its leadership team with the addition of two new Vice Presidents:

Carol Presar is the new Vice President of Learning & Talent Development with responsibility for employee training and human resources support. Carol has an extensive background in developing operational policies and procedures, instructional design, and enterprise-wide talent development. She previously worked with 1st Franklin/Merrill Lynch (now part of Bank of America) and holds a degree in Business Administration.

Steven Naylor is the new County Federal Vice President of IT Infrastructure. Steve has two decades of IT experience, including financial systems design and management. He comes to County Federal from Technology Credit Union and holds a bachelor’s degree from San Jose State University as well as a Business degree from West Valley Mission College.

“The success of any credit union hinges on the quality of service to its members, and as part of our commitment to our members, we seek out corporate leaders who share our vision and dedication to excellence,” said Rebecca Reynolds Lytle, President and CEO of County Federal. “As our new Vice Presidents, Carol and Steve bring extensive experience and fresh expertise to help County Federal enhance our member services and improve the membership experience. We are delighted to welcome these credit union veterans to the County Federal family.”

About Santa Clara County Federal Credit Union
For more than 65 years Santa Clara County Federal Credit Union has been helping county, city, and school employees and affiliated organizations with financial services to help them realize their dreams. In addition to maintaining a passionate commitment to provide knowledgeable financial solutions to its members, County Federal also maintains an extensive community outreach program, providing educational support through its scholarship program and dedicating time and resources to a variety of regional non-profit organizations. County Federal offers a comprehensive line of financial products and preferred rates and is committed to empowering, enriching and enhancing members’ financial lives.

For more information, please visit

Media Contact:
Sandy Roque
Santa Clara County Federal Credit Union
