Lynda McFarland – Nutritionist & Healthy Cookery Instructor, Ireland

Lynda McFarland is a nutritionist and healthy cookery instructor based in Ireland. She specialises in digestive health, mental health, fertility, blood sugar balancing and cardiovascular health.

Together with a great local artist she has designed a range of nutrition charts suitable for display in kitchens, offices, waiting rooms and schools.

“The objective was to create something informative, easy to follow, pleasing to look at and most importantly, a constant reminder to eat well!I give these charts to clients who come to visit for nutrition consultations along with additional personalized information but I also sell them on my website (”.

The nutrition charts are sold on-line in sets of three, one each of:

Nutrition Chart 1: The Healthy Eating Food Plate – this is an updated version of the food pyramid with recommendations on how much carbs/fibre, protein and fat to have on your plate along with good quality sources, healthy eating tips, meal & snack suggestions and healthy cookery recipes.

Nutrition Chart 2: Medicinal Foods – this is an A-Z of common conditions e.g. poor digestion, low immunity, hormonal imbalances etc. and the corresponding beneficial foods that may help.

Nutrition Chart 3: Herbs & Spices – this is very useful and beautiful chart to have in any kitchen, it contains illustrations of common herbs and spices e.g. ginger, cumin, tarragon, parsley etc. along with their medicinal properties (they not only add flavour but are wonderful digestive and immune boosting aids to boot!) and tips on how to use them in your healthy cookery Ireland.

The charts make great gifts and can be sent directly to the recipient for this purpose.

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