Free delivery on Storage removals this Month at Robinsons International

This month Robinsons are offering everyone the opportunity to cut the cost of their storage removals.

They are offering you free delivery of any items coming into store. Whether you are moving house and require interim storage; looking to de-clutter; moving two homes into one or need space for decorating or building work, Robinsons has the solution.

With a nationwide network and secure, safe storage facilities let Robinsons save you money just in time for Christmas.

When you choose Robinsons Removals for storage you can be sure your possessions are in safe hands. Packed by experts directly into their storage containers, the risk of damage is kept to an absolute minimum; with maximum security and protection and most importantly hassle-free.

Whether or not you’re moving house, the storage service safeguards your home contents or other bulky possessions until you’re ready for them.

And one of their consultants will visit your home to give you an accurate quotation for the packing, removal and storage of your items, without any obligation.

Robinsons specially trained crews will carefully pack load and secure your belongings from your home directly into containers inside the vehicle. All containers are packed under your supervision and a full inventory for each container is made as it is filled for your reference.

When transporting, each of the purpose-built vehicles is designed to accommodate the storage containers. Containers are delivered to your residence on the back of our vehicles, loaded and secured and then transferred back to the warehouse.

Once at your nearest branch, the containers are stowed in the warehouse, only to be opened at your request. All eight UK branches offer short and long term storage, so you can choose the location most convenient to you.

Each storage centre is security alarmed, clean, dry and free from pests with regular pest control. For peace of mind each facility has its’ own fully automatic fire detection and reporting systems.

Should you require your goods to be returned at short notice, we offer quick and easy access to all storage containers.

Robinsons also offer customers extremely competitive rates of insurance for goods in transit.

Established in 1895, they have been a leading provider of quality moving and storage services in the UK, Europe and internationally for well over a century.

For more information on storage removals, call 0800 833 638 or visit Robinsons today, at

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