Car Insurance Done Right at Rockford IL Insurance King

It is mandatory in IL to drive with at least liability insurance and Insurance King specializes in Low cost car insurance.

Rockford, IL, January 31, 2012 – Car Insurance done right at Rockford IL Insurance King. It is mandatory in IL to drive with at least liability insurance and Insurance King specializes in Low cost car insurance. With 3 locations to serve the Rockford IL area and now a mobile unit is also available for after hours, nights, and weekends. Find car insurance at Insurance King as low as $24 per month. Insurance King has an office at 123 N Alpine Rd in Rockford IL 61107 the phone number for the Alpine office is 815-639-0149, Insurance King on Auburn St is 3814 Auburn St Rockford IL 61101 the phone number for the Auburn office next to the DMV is 815-968-5464 (KING), and the 3rd location for Insurance King is 319 7th St. 61104 serving the Midtown district in Rockford IL the phone number for the 7th St location is 815-316-9522. The Mobile unit for Insurance King can be reached at 815-316-9522 for after hours appointments for new insurance policies only. The purpose for the mobile unit is to help people that may get a no insurance ticket between 5pm- midnight, or to help people purchase a policy that could not make it in to an office during regular hours.

To get your free quote for car insurance, contact any Insurance King location in Rockford IL and speak to an agent. Insurance King on Alpine Rd office 815-639-0149, Insurance King on Auburn St office 815-968-5464 (KING) , Insurance King on 7th St. office 815-316-9522, or visit to have an agent call you.

Dan Block
Insurance King
123 N. Alpine Rd
Rockford, IL 61107

Insurance King

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