Tag Archives: Technology

Black-Owned FitTech Start-Up Aims to Fix Healthcare for African Americans

LOS ANGELES, CA, 2021-Sep-21 — /REAL TIME PRESS RELEASE/ — JunBugg Fitness Social Network, Wall Street’s “first and only luxury social media brand,” created by African American founder Louis Green, today announced the launch of its NextGen fitness website. Using computer algorithms, JunBugg integrate entertainment into health by sharing unique fitness solutions related to one’s body-type, that leads to better fitness results in least time — influencing success for a higher quality of life.

The start-up website boasts a sleek interface, vibrant logo, sophisticated font-type, and beautiful images, built on sophisticated software engineering. Through social engagement, members of similar health conditions and body-types share fitness strategies and medical solutions to get fit. JunBugg use algorithms that recommend relevant solutions to newsfeeds, the same technology that has allowed — TikTok, Netflix, and Amazon to be successful. The NextGen Search Database deliver relevant fitness matches for personalized training.

A personalized fitness solution, members engage, collaborate, and work as a team. Teamwork allows members to foster camaraderie, innovate, and better problem solve fitness and health obstacles. The bigger the network grows, the more cures that are created. Algorithms see patterns of successful fitness solutions, learns the most effective ones, and recommend them to newsfeeds. As solutions evolve and improve, the algorithm learns and thus recommend those.

The African American community was hit hard by COVID19, who stand to gain the most from JunBugg, for a higher quality of life. The platform is easily accessible and allows equal quality of health care while being affordable. The management of health conditions is the biggest benefit, and prevention of disease as opposed to disease treatment, by being fit through exercise and eating healthy. See boutique fitness solutions — https://www.junbugg.net

Unlike traditional social media services — TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter, whose services are free, JunBugg’s boutique membership offerings range between $30 and $500 a month. Fees are comparable to other boutique studios and fitness services, such as — Equinox, SoulCycle, Peloton, and YogaWorks.

It’s all about fitness wealth and a higher quality of life. The first of its kind, JunBugg will forever change fitness and healthcare,” said Louis. “People are an amazing resource that’s never been used in this way — through the power of social media technology, to solve problems through entertainment.”

Media contact:

Louis Green
Los Angeles, Ca 90034


JunBugg logo

Smart Scale Co. Unveils World’s First IoT Smart Scale Container, “Stashaweigh™”, at New West Summit

Oakland, California, USA, 2018-Oct-10 — /REAL RIME PRESS RELEASE/ — Smart Scale Co. announced today its October 11th launch at New West Summit of the world’s first IoT smart scale container for the cannabis industry. The patent pending “Stashaweigh™” is an industry-forward weighing device that utilizes the ease of Bluetooth connectivity via a smartphone app to make tracking and saving your cannabis history seamless.

Stashaweigh™ is the brainchild of inventor and entrepreneur Josh Lee, Founder and CEO of Smart Scale Co., which he created in 2017. Lee, in conjunction with a team of technology engineers, has a vision for smart data-sharing, powered by machine learning and advanced AI, that he hopes will shake up the cannabis market.

Lee recalls, “As a technology inventor I saw a lack of technology being built for the cannabis market that matched what was out in the mainstream marketplace. I chose to build the most technologically advanced stash container, the Stashaweigh™, a patent-pending IoT device that integrates a smart scale, connected smartphone app, and water and smell-proof container to manage your usage history by weight, day, time and strain.”

Stashaweigh™ allows its users to track and manage usage history through their smartphones, and gives accurate weight, date, and time feedback while storing precise dosage history during each session. The company will use machine learning and AI to track and predict user habits from around the country that give dispensaries, growers, scientists, and medical professionals tools to more accurately respond to consumer needs and trends.

“Our goal is not only to give consumers a secure device to store their cannabis, but to help them learn more about their usage habits, while giving them tools to manage their cannabis like never before. We are thrilled to launch our product at New West Summit, the industry-leading cannabis technology conference.”

Stashaweigh™ is the first container in a line of expected smart scale devices that make using, selling, prescribing, and growing cannabis smarter and more effective.

The sleek new scale will debut on October 11th and should be available for purchase by the end of 2018.


Josh Lee


Smart Scale logo

Lufft Introduces New Non-Invasive Road Weather Sensor For Smart Traffic Applications

Fellbach, Baden-Wurttemberg (realtimepressrelease) April 12, 2017 – After a year of development work, a new generation of Lufft stationary street weather sensors is now ready. The StaRWIS, which is installed at a measuring distance of 5.5 meters above the road, is based on an award-winning and innovative LED technology. This is already used with the MARWIS mobile sensor. After introducing the first non-contact road sensor NIRS31 in 2011, the company is now consistently continuing the development of this technology.


The easy-to-install and compact StaRWIS is a new stationary sensor for road weather information systems. This is based on a non-invasive, spectroscopic measuring principle. The sensor is particularly suitable for hard-to-reach or critical locations, which make installation on the ground difficult or impossible. This includes, for example, bridges or city streets.

StaRWIS provides the values ​​of road temperature, dew point temperature, water film height, road conditions (dry, wet, ice, snow, critical and chemically wet), relative humidity, the percentage of ice and friction. In November 2017, a firmware update will expand the capabilities to include the freezing point temperature and dew point density.

StaRWIS can be installed at a height between five and six meters. Thus, it has a shorter range than the road weather sensor NIRS31-UMB, which can be installed flexibly at distances to the surface of 15 to 50 meters. The innovation therefore complements the portfolio of the Lufft sensors for winter services, smart cities and traffic management applications with a more cost-effective and compact model.


The new StaRWIS road weather sensor is based on the same Lufft LED technology as the MARWIS mobile sensor. In this way, it achieves the highest precision that opto-electronic weather sensors are capable of attaining. Like the MARWIS, Bluetooth can be used to wirelessly control the configuration as well as the data transfer. Alternatively, a connection via RS485 and CAN bus is also possible.

“StaRWIS provides all measurements accurately and reliably. It even exceeded our expectations,” reported the first Canadian tester.

More Informationen about StaRWIS: bit.ly/2ohrepm

About G. Lufft Mess‐ und Regeltechnik GmbH:

Since its founding by Gotthilf Lufft in 1881, G. Lufft GmbH has been the leader in the production of climatological measuring equipment – always with the motto “tradition meets innovation”. Lufft’s capacity for innovation and precision has helped its products establish the solid reputation they enjoy around the world. The company’s products can be found in use wherever variables such as air pressure, temperature, relative humidity and other environmental factors need to be measured. Together with its subsidiaries in the U.S. and in China, the company has 105 employees. In November 2012, G. Lufft GmbH was awarded the German Standards Brand Prize and was named a “Brand of the Century”. More information at: www.lufft.com.


G. Lufft GmbH
Gutenbergstraße 20 | 70736 Fellbach, Germany
Contact: Helena Wingert |E-Mail: pr@lufft.de
Phone: +49711518220 | Fax: +49711 5182241


Entrepreneur Launches Rocket hub campaign to raise $58,000 CAD to fund Career Matchmaker, a career and job search app for iOS, Android, Windows and Blackberry

Entrepreneur Launches Rocket hub campaign to raise $58,000 CAD to fund Career Matchmaker, a career and job search app for iOS, Android, Windows and Blackberry.

Calgary, AB, Canada, September 8, 2015 — /REAL TIME PRESS RELEASE/ — With a passion for technology and apps, Canadian entrepreneur Shane Vogelgesang recently launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise $58,000 CAD to fund his job search app concept, Career Matchmaker. When fully funded, the Career Matchmaker app will help job seekers identify careers that best match their interests and will help users search and apply for suitable jobs online.

“I hope job seekers will visit my Kickstarter page to learn more about my app and to offer their support. With their help, I will make Career Matchmaker a reality!” SHANE VOGELGESANG, FOUNDER

Here’s how it will work: After downloading the app to an iOS, Android, Windows or Blackberry device, Career Matchmaker will present the job seeker with a quiz that will ask about specific interests such as working with children, preferences of working indoors or outdoors, desire to drive a vehicle for work, etc. The user will click “Like” or “Dislike” for each question, and upon completion of the quiz, the app will suggest careers that match the user’s interests.

With a focus on a positive user experience, the Career Matchmaker app will also help job seekers in their employment searches. App users can search for jobs manually, or they can use the drop-down menu to view jobs in by industry category such as Transportation & Logistics, Oil & Gas, Airlines, Engineering, Aerospace & Defense, etc. In addition, the app would offer links to videos for areas of particular interest.

“I’m really excited about the possibilities Career Matchmaker has, but I need support from those who are equally passionate about the project,” says Vogelgesang. “I hope job seekers will visit my Kickstarter page to learn more about my app and to offer their support. With their help, I will make Career Matchmaker a reality!”

Supporters of the project can make pledges of any amount. Backers who pledge at least $10 will receive official notification when the app is available. Backers who pledge $30 or more will get the opportunity to test the app via TestFlight and will receive notifications when the app is available in multiple platforms. The anticipated launch date for the project is August 2015.



Contact-Details: Shane Vogelgesang

Stanford Student Entrepreneur Raised $800K on Kickstarter

Palo Alto, CA, April 02, 2015 — /REAL TIME PRESS RELEASE/ — Stanford student Jerming Gu, founder of CANDY HOUSE Inc., raised more than $800,000 dollars after his product launch on Kickstarter. Sesame – the world’s first instant smart lock – reached its funding goal in nine hours when first introduced. Currently, nearly 5,000 supporters have backed the project.

Sesame allows users to lock and unlock their doors using the Sesame app on their smartphones. It is the only smart lock that syncs the movement of the lock with the phone, providing exact control of the angle to which the lock turns.

Gu is a mechanical engineering master candidate from Stanford University. Originally from Taiwan, Gu is someone who usually thinks outside the box. Disruptor, troublemaker, entrepreneur, as he calls himself.

“There has got to be smarter ways to live our life,” Gu said.

Gu said he got the idea for smart lock due to his experience living in Asia where technology is relatively less developed.

With five-patented design, Sesame works with just about any deadbolt in the world. Users can install it in seconds, without replacing existing lock or removing anything. Current model is optimized for US/Canada/northern Europe Markets.

CANDY HOUSE also offers optional access point, which connects Sesame to the Internet when plugged into any nearby outlet. It lets users control Sesame wherever they are.

With Internet connection capability, users can allow guests in remotely. They can also control who has access and when. To ensure safety, the Sesame app also sends out a notification whenever the door opens or closes.

Founded and developed by Stanford University students, CANDY HOUSE, Inc. is a candy store that sells dreams, putting the joy and surprise of innovative technology in the hands of consumers, just like candy. It is also a design house, developing and manufacturing products that inspire a minimal lifestyle. It launched its first product – Sesame, the world’s first instant smart lock – in February 2015. For more information about CANDY HOUSE, Inc., visit the site online or follow it on Facebook or Twitter.

(650) 644-5681

Sesame – smart lock that changes the world

Palo Alto, CA, March 27, 2015 — /EPR NETWORK/ — Sesame, the world’s first instant smart lock, raised more than seven times of its funding goal on Kickstarter. Launched on Kickstarter on Feb. 25, 2015, Sesame has raised more than $760,000 from backers all over the world.

The smart lock, which allows users to control their door with a smartphone app, attracted thousands.

Connected to users’ phone via Bluetooth, Sesame allows users full control of the lock, even to the exact angle a lock turns. With the optional Wi-Fi Access Point that connects Sesame to the Internet, users don’t even have to be physically near Sesame. The remote control feature allows people to send access to their friends and keep track of whether the door’s locked wherever they are.

With five-patented design, Sesame works with just about any deadbolt in the world. Users can install it in seconds, without replacing existing lock or removing anything. Current model is optimized for US/Canada/Singapore/Norway/Sweden Markets.

With market of Internet of Things (IoT) expanding rapidly, backers are turning more and more attention to smart gadgets that make their life easier. Founded by two students from Stanford University, CANDY HOUSE Inc. designs and manufactures products that inspire a minimal yet joyful lifestyle.

“People will carry less and less things when leave the house, that’s the trend,” said Jerming Gu, founder of Candy House.

Wallet, keys, and cell phone. People used to bring three things when they leave home. Now walltet is gradually replaced by keys. The Starbucks app pays your green tea frappuccino, you Venmo money to a friend for getting late-night pizza, you hop on a Uber without worrying about cab fare or tip.

“With Sesame, the next thing to disappear are the keys,” said Gu.

Contact-Details: CANDY HOUSE Inc.

Mike File Launches Crowdfunding Project to Fund Web & App Development Classes for Young Adults with Disabilities

Crowdfunding to create a tech training center to teach young adults with disabilities how to create apps & websites at no cost to them.

Dickinson, Texas, USA (March 2, 2015) — As a retired special education high school teacher and current mobile application and website developer, Mike File identified a unique opportunity to connect adults with disabilities to a life-changing opportunity by which they can achieve higher goals and succeed in life.

To this end, Mr. File wants to create a technology incubator to help young adults with disabilities learn to develop mobile applications and websites without the financial worry of paying for the classes they would be taking. His target students are those who were very high functioning in high school, but due to lack of ability to access the curriculum, or their social skills, their school was not able to give them a proper preparation for their post-secondary education, they were not able to get into college to continue their education.

Drawing on his vast sets of skills in education and mobile app development, he hopes to leverage all of his professional experience to expand the technology training center he launched after retiring from the school system to provide classes for special young people valuable technology skills for a productive and successful career either as freelancers or employees.

Crowdfunding is sought to allow Mr. File to purchase the computers and teaching materials and cover related costs enabling the students to hit the ground running -without a penny from any student’s pocket. After completion of the program each student will given their own laptop loaded with training and development software, as well as Developer Accounts so they can start creating and selling content. These classes are scheduled to begin in May.

This crowdfunding campaign ends in April.The Teaching Adults with Disabilities App Development Page can be found at: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/teaching-adults-with-disabilities-app-development–2/x/9376669.

About Mike File
After spending 16 years as a special ed teacher on a high school campus, his first experience with an iPad in 2010 led him on a journey of discovery to professional reinvention as a mobile app developer running his own company. At present he has 20 apps in the App Store for iPhones and iPads, 6 apps in Google Play for Android Devices, and 5 Apps in the Windows Store for Windows 8 devices. Retiring from teaching at the end of school year in 2014, he found himself launching The Tech Lounge, a technology training center, teaching classes on how to use mobile devices. Although he left teaching he didn’t leave his students behind; staying in touch with them he learned of all the difficulties they face with their careers. This discovery inspired him to pursue his latest dream; being able to provide these former students the skills, and equipment to have careers as web application developers.

Hays PureWater Launches $10,000 Campaign To Save Lives

WASHINGTON, IA, November 25, 2014 — /REALTIME PRESS RELEASE/ — 783 million people live each day without clean water and 3.4 million die annually from a lack of pure water. To combat these staggering statistics, Washington-based nonprofit, Hays PureWater, launched a crowd-funding campaign. The money raised will fund 30 Khlor Glen technology units to purify water for 150,000 individuals. The organization hopes to raise $10,000 by December 1st.

Hosted on crowd-funding platform IndieGoGo, the project offers nine sponsorship levels. Each level includes novelty “rewards” for donors, ranging from stickers to t-shirts to a trip to Haiti. The rewards are unique, innovative and hands on, giving donors a sense of ownership in the project. For just $2,500, an investor can travel to Haiti (all inclusive) to see the life changing benefits first hand.

The Khlor Glen is a simple unit that turns salt water into chlorine. The chlorine treats infected water, removing deadly impurities and toxins in just one hour. It’s solar powered and easily used in remote areas, where clean water is most needed. “It will also impact malaria zones as it can be used as a bug repellant and protect from disease,” says founder John Hays. “Even just using the chlorine produced by the unit as a sanitizer can cut down on so many infections that the natives in these areas don’t even know exist.”

In the last eight years, Hays PureWater distributed over 4,000 purifying units around the world, changing entire communities by implementing this system. It’s proven to work. Hays builds each system with the help of a dedicated group of volunteers. Nothing is outsourced, ensuring the most effective product for the lowest cost. Now all they need is help from their community to change the lives of those in need once more.

See the crowd-funding campaign here: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/hays-purewater-providing-clean-water-globally

ABOUT Hays PureWater
In 2006, after traveling around developing nations on missions trips, John Hays began to create a low cost, portable solution for water purification. John, who worked with municipal water works for over 30 years, put his experience to use and developed the Khlor Gen system. Through the years, the design and look has been changed and improved, but the mission has stayed the same. The organization exists to provide people with clean water, reaching out to them through word and deed. Eight years and 4,000 units later, that mission continues full steam ahead. For more information, logon to www.hayspurewater.com.



Contact-Details: TJ Widbin

Global Technology Solutions provider Netswitch launches product to Maximize Network Security for all Businesses and Company COO and Chief Security Officer Launches eBook

When a computer virus infected the network at Crouse and Associates in San Francisco, the insurance services company ground to a halt during a weeklong outage — costing a significant amount of time and money to resolve.

San Francisco, CA, August 31, 2014 – When a computer virus infected the network at Crouse and Associates in San Francisco, the insurance services company ground to a halt during a weeklong outage — costing a significant amount of time and money to resolve. The company does not have a large IT staff or a chief information security officer, it can’t afford to employ security experts and it doesn’t have the time or expertise to wade through the complicated Internet security landscape filled with intimidating terminology like “botnets,” “kill-chains,” “application firewalls” and “advanced persistent threats.”

So the busy company left it all up to global technology solutions provider Netswitch and its innovative MADROC® Integrated Security Platform that maximizes network security for more than 2,500 global businesses, large and small. MADROC® provides complete intrusion detection and prevention along with event management and immediate alerting and remediation — complete peace of mind within a monthly subscription plan.

The future is very clear: Cyber-crime is growing rapidly and as security gets better, the criminals get smarter. To respond to this real problem, Netswitch has revolutionized the way IT security is delivered — controlling and monitoring a heterogeneous mix of IT technology from top to bottom at every touch point; a true Defense in Depth security strategy. A MADROC® subscription includes all engineering, configuration, tuning, licenses and maintenance, along with a dedicated Security Operations Control Center providing support around the clock, with 15 minute response and immediate remediation.

“Netswitch is applying technology to important security and social issues that I care deeply about,” said Ken Chrisman, Board Member of Netwitch. “This is an important opportunity to use technology to protect personal information and doctor/patient confidentiality. I believe MADROC® is poised to revolutionize the personal information security space with enhanced security protection through advanced behavioral analytics while leveraging the cloud to manage the massive data being generated.”

For more information go to http://www.netswitch.net/.

MADROC® Integrated Security Platform Customer Testimonial:

Pam Quilici, executive vice president of Crouse and Associates

“We chose MADROC® to ensure that our network will be secure and that we are protected from similar attacks in the future,” said Pam Quilici, executive vice president of Crouse and Associates. “Netswitch has been a trusted supplier of IT services for years. We love the way the MADROC® service is designed and we know we can always count on Netswitch for the smartest and most professionally responsive support.”

Shane Isaaks, the CIO of the Peninsula Hotel Group and Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels Group:  (See detailed information on this case study below)

“We have used Netswitch Security Services and their experts for years to insure that the Peninsula Hotels are protected against data breaches and other security threats. Their new MADROC program is revolutionary in that it combines all levels of protection in a single service package that is amazingly affordable. We are looking forward to a threat-free future.”

e-Book Breach Launches
In addition to the launch of MADROC® Integrated Security Platform, Netswitch COO and Chief Security Officer Steve King has launched an eBook called “Breach” that describes the current state of data breaches, and what you can do to protect your company.

Excerpt from eBook Breach: We have seen the trends in cyber-crime and malware attacks. With these attacks evolving at such an astounding pace, your organization needs security solutions today that address head-on every attack vector from the surface to the core, aka Defense in Depth. We believe that the principle of Defense in Depth should be the foundation strategy for any and all business security policies and approaches. Defense in Depth is the coordinated use of multiple security countermeasures to protect the integrity of the information assets in an enterprise. The strategy is based on the military principle that it is more difficult for an enemy to defeat a complex and multi-layered defense system than to penetrate a single barrier.

In terms of computer network defense, Defense in Depth measures should not only prevent security breaches, but will also buy an organization time to detect and respond to an attack, thereby reducing and mitigating the consequences of a breach.

“I wrote this book because I wanted to help business leaders sort through all of the jargon and arcane references in the data security world so that they could understand both the actual threats, the dangers of doing nothing and the easiest, simplest and lowest cost ways to insure against the inevitable data breaches that will occur in the future,” said King.  “One of the many dangers in doing nothing is that it will invite the government (both) to insert themselves into the process of “protecting consumer personal information”. The costs of compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley have risen more than 60% over the last 10 years and have had significant unintended consequences in area like IPOs and increased compensation for lawyers, auditors and run-away consulting fees. It would be much worse with a Federal Security Compliance Act.”

NOTE:  On Tuesday, August 26th the first of many bills to come is on Jerry Brown’s desk imposing government rules and protection legislation on businesses (who do not do it themselves) to insure against the loss of consumer and personal information and to offer one year free credit access to consumers whose financial information has been compromised.
The book is complimentary and can be downloaded at http://www.netswitch.net/ebook-breach-by-steve-king/.

Background on Steve King, Chief Operating Officer, COO and Chief Security Officer and eBook Author

After college, Steve turned down an offer to be a copy-writer on the Hoover Vacuum account for Hoefer-Dieterich and Brown to pursue a career in IT, but never lost sight of the future impact of consumerization on Information Technology. Steve subsequently logged over 30 years of computer industry experience in sales and marketing, software engineering, product development and professional services. Steve also has extensive market experience in Information Security Management Internet, Digital Media, Business Intelligence, Document Management, eCommerce, and Business Process Reengineering.

Steve has managed product development with UNIX, Windows and Java platforms, founded three software and services startups and raised $32m in venture capital. Steve has held a variety of executive management positions in development, sales, and marketing  for ConnectandSell, Whittman-Hart, marchFIRST, the Cambridge Systems Group, Memorex, Health Application Systems, Endymion Systems, Blackhawk Systems Group and IBM.

He has also led digital marketing engagements for Abercrombie & Fitch, Tommy Bahama, REI, Harley Davidson and wrote a best-selling business book on Retail Web Marketing.

As a co-founder of the Cambridge Systems Group, Steve led the marketing effort for ACF2, which would become the leading Enterprise Data Security product for IBM mainframe computers. As a direct result, Steve is now known as the God-father of Information Security. Over the years, Steve has been issued multiple engineering patents encompassing contextual semantic search technologies, web-enabled multimedia audio transfers, imaging capture and database smart query processing.

Steve studied toward a B. S. in Mathematical Probability and Statistics from the University of California at Berkeley with a Minor in Journalism and studied Social Justice Law at the Santa Clara University School of Law.

Marci Bracco Cain
Carmel, CA 93923

Where We’re Going

AutoAAN Launches Crowd Funding Campaign for Affordable Voicemail App

Buy It Once, and Never Pay for Voicemail Again.

Toronto, Canada, June 13th, 2014 — Today, Toronto startup Think Idea Do announced the launch of its Indiegogo crowd funding campaign for Automatic Answer And Notify (“AutoAAN”), the affordable and smarter voicemail app that aims to save subscribers from overpriced, monthly voicemail charges.

Many people don’t know it, but voicemail can cost almost $100 per year for many plans. For a limited one-time price of $5, you can get the AutoAAN app for iOS or Android and never pay for voicemail again. It works for all carriers, anywhere in the world.

Supplier: AutoAAN
Monthly Fee: $0.00 None!!!!
Max No. of Messages: Limited by available phone memory
Minutes per Message: Limited by available phone memory
Days Kept: Limited by available phone memory
Notes: Applicable carrier airtime charges may apply. Check with your plan/provider for details. See AutoAAN.com for further details

Supplier: AT&T
Monthly Fee: US $2.00
Max No. of Messages: 40
Minutes per Message: 5
Days Kept: 30
Notes: See ATT.com for further details

Supplier: Bell Canada
Monthly Fee: $8.00
Max No. of Messages: 25
Minutes per Message: 5
Days Kept: 14
Notes: See Bell.ca for further details

Supplier: Fido
Monthly Fee: $6.00
Max No. of Messages: 3
Minutes per Message: 3
Days Kept: 3
Notes: Includes Call Display

Supplier: Fido
Monthly Fee: $7.00
Max No. of Messages: 35
Minutes per Message: 5
Days Kept: 10
Notes: Please refer to Fido.com for further details

Supplier: Rogers
Monthly Fee: $4.99
Max No. of Messages: 35
Minutes per Message: 5
Days Kept: 10
Notes: Also includes Premium Voicemail-To-Text, Name Display, WhoCalled™

Supplier: Sprint
Monthly Fee: US $2.99
Max No. of Messages: 40
Minutes per Message: 5
Days Kept: 40
Notes: See Sprint.com for further details

Supplier: T-Mobile
Monthly Fee: US $2.99
Max No. of Messages: 40
Minutes per Message: 5
Days Kept: 40
Notes: See T-Mobile.com for further details

Supplier: Telus
Monthly Fee: $5.00
Max No. of Messages: 10
Minutes per Message: 5
Days Kept: 10

Supplier: Telus
Monthly Fee: $8.00
Max No. of Messages: 25
Minutes per Message: 5
Days Kept: 25
Notes: See Telus.com for further details

Supplier: Verizon
Monthly Fee: US $2.99
Max No. of Messages: 40
Minutes per Message: 5
Days Kept: 40
Notes: See Verizonwireless.com for further details

In May, AutoAAN commissioned a study to gauge the impact this could have. Over 400 people were surveyed, and the results showed that 42 percent of voicemail users didn’t know how much they were paying. On top of that, over 45 percent would switch to AutoAAN if they didn’t have to pay for voicemail again. If 10,000,000 voicemail users made the switch, they could save over $600 million a year (by replacing a $5 monthly plan.)

On top of the savings, AutoAAN has additional features that your standard voicemail is missing. There are no limits on how many messages you can store or how long they can be, and they never expire. When the phone rings, you can choose from one of 12 “contextual greetings” to play for the caller. Instead of your standard “I’m not here, leave a message,” you can let them know you’re in a meeting, at a restaurant, or watching cat videos.

Founder Daniel Feuer is a serial entrepreneur and a mentor to young entrepreneurs and his hope is that AutoAAN will end the expensive voicemail monopoly. “Our app is the first that puts the control of voicemail where it should be, with the phone owner. No longer will anyone be dependent on their carrier for an under-powered and over-priced answering machine,” said Feuer. “Aside from the practical cost savings, callers can now have context as to why they received voicemail and when the call will be returned. AutoAAN will do for voicemail what VOIP did for long-distance by providing competition and savings.”

AutoAAN’s Indiegogo campaign lasts until July 10 and is flexible, meaning that any funds contributed will go toward the project. The app is expected to be released in September 2014.

AutoAAN Site:

Indiegogo Campaign Page”

Press Contact & Media Coordinator:
Sasha Watkins
Toronto, Canada
1-800-224-5560 extension 802