Tag Archives: Silver

Revenues from Transparent Conductors Using Silver Nanowires Will Exceed $225 million by 2019

Although negligible at present, the market for transparent conductors (TCs) using silver nanowires and other silver nanomaterials is expected to generate more than $225 million in revenues by 2019. This is according to a report just published by NanoMarkets titled, “Market for Silver Nanomaterials as Transparent Conductors, 2014-2020.”

Glen Allen, Virginia (February 14, 2014) — Although negligible at present, the market for transparent conductors (TCs) using silver nanowires and other silver nanomaterials is expected to generate more than $225 million in revenues by 2019. This is according to a report just published by NanoMarkets titled, “Market for Silver Nanomaterials as Transparent Conductors, 2014-2020.”

For more details of the report see: http://www.nanomarkets.net/market_reports/report/markets-for-silver-nanomaterials-as-transparent-conductors.

The new report follows a recent NanoMarkets report titled, “Markets for Metal Meshes as Transparent Conductors-2014” that continued the firm’s coverage of the transparent conductor. See more details at: http://www.nanomarkets.net/market_reports/report/markets-for-metal-meshes-as-transparent-conductors-2014.

About the report:

The growth of the touch-screen market has focused efforts on alternative materials that might make a dent in ITO’s dominance as a transparent conductor. Several years ago the hype was all about carbon nanotubes, but now it appears that nanomaterials made from silver are much more likely to gain market share.

In this report, we assess the current state of the market for transparent conductors made with silver nanowires and silver nanoparticles. This report draws from research gathered from NanoMarkets ongoing industry research program in the area of transparent conductors, but we have also brought the story right up to date based on the latest developments in the sector, showing what the current prospects are for silver nanomaterials in the transparent conductor sector.

This report describes the capabilities and strategies of the leading silver nanomaterial-based transparent conductor suppliers and also discusses commercially interesting developments at other firms. In addition, this report contains an updated granular eight-year forecast of the silver nanomaterial market as a part of the larger transparent conductor market and also forecasts the market in all the key applications where silver nanowires have potential to gain traction.

The all-important application here is touch screens, and that is the most likely place for silver materials considered in this report to succeed. But this report also discusses other applications including LCD and OLED displays, OLED lighting and PV panels. NanoMarkets believes that this report will provide the reader with deep strategic insight into new developments and market forecasts for this important sector of the transparent conductor market.

Among the firms that are discussed in this report are: 3M, Cambrios, Carestream, Cima NanoTech, ClearJet, E Ink, Fujimori Kogyo, G24, Heliatek, JTOUCH, LG, NISSHA, Novaled, Saint-Gobain, Samsung, SeaShell Technology, Sumitomo, Tata Steel, Toray, and TPK Film Solutions.

From the report:

Firms offering silver nanomaterial TCs will have to move beyond their current focus on touch panels, since larger displays do not use touch extensively and touch control may eventually be supplanted by gestural control. One possibility is that silver nanomaterial firms will discover TC markets in the solar panel segment or perhaps OLED lighting. Ultimately, however, silver nanomaterial-based TC firms will have to find new business in the mainstream LCD sector, or they will never generate substantial revenues. There are already small signs that this can happen. For example, Cambrios has worked with Sumitomo to incorporate Cambrios’ ink into LCDs. The LCD market is huge, however, so even a tiny penetration of it by silver nanomaterials can lead to substantial revenues. NanoMarkets thinks that more than half of the revenues for suppliers of silver nanomaterial TCs will come from LCDs by 2019.

Silver nanomaterials face strong competition from many other TC materials but can claim certain advantages. Because nanomaterials form a random network, they don’t have the risk of visible Moiré patterns that can be a concern with the increasingly popular metal meshes. Silver nanomaterial TC manufacturers are already using this as a selling point to distinguish their materials from meshes.

Meanwhile, commercial silver nanomaterials TCs have reduced haze to the point where they look better than ITO. Silver nanomaterials can also be patterned by passivating areas in the ink eliminating a need an index matching layer, which is required when ITO is used. In fact, patterning is becoming a market distinguishing feature for silver nanomaterial TC products and each company has its own approach. 3M, for example, provides pre-patterned films and claims that this enables it to be cost-competitive with ITO because it saves the customer the time and expense of etching and patterning. But some TC suppliers firms believe that having customers pattern the films themselves is an advantage because it provides flexibility to create novel sensor and displays designs.

About NanoMarkets:
NanoMarkets tracks and analyzes emerging markets in energy, electronics and other area created by developments in advanced materials. The firm is a recognized leader in industry analysis and forecasts of in the transparent conductor industry.

Visit http://www.nanomarkets.net for a full listing of NanoMarkets’ reports and other services.

Media Contact:
Robert Nolan
NanoMarkets, LC
PO BOX 3840
Glen Allen, VA 23058
(804) 938-0030


NanoMarkets Issues Latest Report on Opportunities for Silver Inks and Pastes

NanoMarkets today announced the release of its latest report on industrial silver markets titled “The Silver Inks and Pastes Market 2013-2020.”

Glen Allen, Virginia – January 9, 2013 — Industry analyst firm NanoMarkets today announced the release of its latest report on industrial silver markets titled “The Silver Inks and Pastes Market 2013-2020.” The report quantifies the opportunities for printed silver in electronics applications over the next eight years. While the industry will continue to drag from declining demand from the solar industry, NanoMarkets still sees opportunities for silver inks and pastes manufacturers both in traditional thick film markets as well as emerging display, lighting and electronics markets.

Additional details about the report are available on the firm’s website at: http://nanomarkets.net/market_reports/report/silver2013

About the report:

This report analyzes the opportunities for silver inks and pastes in all the relevant, major markets for printed silver circuitry, including PV, displays, lighting, RFIDs, sensors, and the traditional thick film applications. The report also discusses the product development and marketing strategies of some of the leading suppliers of silver inks and pastes, including DIC/Sun Chemical, DuPont, Ferro, Harima Chemical, Henkel, Heraeus, Ink-Tec, Methode, and others. Finally, the report includes a detailed eight-year forecasts for the materials in both volume and value terms and broken out by application, by ink/paste type (high-firing vs. low-temperature curing products), by ink/past composition (nanosilver vs. conventional silver), and by printing method (screen-printing, ink-jet, and other methods).

From the Report:

Conventional photovoltaics (PV) are extremely cost-sensitive and expensive silver circuitry is increasingly being replaced with cheaper alternatives, especially in backside PV metallization. NanoMarkets projects that silver inks and pastes in the PV sector will decline from a value of $4.9 billion in 2013 to about $3.4 billion in 2020. Amid the gloom, however, there is some good news:

Silver’s superior conductivity and compatibility with low-temperature processing means that it is hard to replace in many applications, including traditional applications for printed silver in the thick film electronics market. Traditional thick-film applications for printed silver will use $2.4 billion worth of silver inks and pastes in 2013, and this sector will grow to a value of about $3.4 billion by 2020.

In addition, the ongoing megatrend toward miniaturization of electronic circuitry means that manufacturers will be looking for higher value-added inks that target specific, new niches. This trend will lead to increasing opportunities for higher resolution printing inks designed for deposition by ink-jet, flexographic, gravure, and other printing methods. While the market in 2013 for silver inks is expected to a modest $260 million, the value could grow to well over $1 billion by the end of the decade.

Finally, several new sectors may turn out to be big users of printed silver circuitry. Possibilities are flexible displays – perhaps still three to five years away – but also OLED lighting, which could turn into a big user of silver if the technology takes off as expected, and the sensors market, which is growing as part of the ubiquitous electronics trend that seeks to create a world of pervasive computing and an “Internet-of-Things.”

About NanoMarkets:

NanoMarkets tracks and analyzes emerging market opportunities in energy, solid-state lighting, electronics and other markets created by developments in advanced materials. The firm is a recognized leader in industry analysis and forecasts for the silver inks and pastes business and has been covering this market for more than six years.

Visit http://www.nanomarkets.net for a full listing of NanoMarkets’ reports and other services.

Media Contact:
Robert Nolan
NanoMarkets, LC
PO BOX 3840
Glen Allen, VA 23058
(804) 938-0030


AAA reviews Gold, Silver and Bronze as Investments

AAA thinks that the Olympics is the perfect time to review the performance of the medal metals, gold, silver and bronze, in terms of their recent performance as alternative investments.

Boston, MA, August 03, 2012 – Alternative Asset Analysis (AAA) thinks that the Olympics is the perfect time to review the performance of the medal metals, gold, silver and bronze, in terms of their recent performance as alternative investments.

Since the last Olympic Games in Beijing, the price of both gold and silver have soared as an increasing number of investors and central banks bought up the precious metals as a buffer against the uncertain economic climate. “Investing in stocks and shares looked decreasingly attractive to many in the past four years and one of the obvious alternatives is precious metals,” explained Anthony Johnson, AAA’s analysis partner.

Illustrating this perfectly is the S&P GSCI Gold Spot Index, which increased by a huge 87.64 per cent between the Beijing Olympics and the London Olympics. In the meantime, Silver grew by 78.74 per cent over the same period. However, lagging a long way behind in third place is copper (from which bronze is made), growing by just 1.56 per cent according to the S&P GSCI Copper Spot for the period.

AAA claims that the reason behind gold’s popularity was the physical nature of gold. “Everyone wants something tangible in exchange for their cash when times are tough and the economy is uncertain,” claimed Mr Johnson.

However, this is not to say that there hasn’t been a fair amount of volatility in the gold and silver markets over the period in question. AAA said that there are several other tangible options that are less volatile and offer risk-averse choices – such as forestry investment.

Investing in timberland in the form of sustainable plantations can provide a great mid-to long-term option for investors who want to diversify their portfolios. In addition, investing in trees through firms like Greenwood Management in Brazil, means that investors only need as little as $10,000 to buy their own slice of timberland.

Anthony Johnson
Alternative Asset Analysis
71 Commercial St
Boston, MA 02109-1320

NanoMarkets Announces the Release of Latest Report on Silver in Photovoltaics Applications

NanoMarkets has announced the release of its latest report on smart windows, “Silver in Photovoltaics-2012.”

Glen Allen, Virginia – March 9, 2012 — Industry analyst firm NanoMarkets has announced the release of its latest report on smart windows, “Silver in Photovoltaics-2012.” In the report the firm projects that suppliers of silver inks and pastes face challenging times as the PV industry’s use of silver declines in the coming years. NanoMarkets’ new report finds that while the use of silver will increase in front electrodes, back electrodes and tabbing will require substantially less silver leading to a rather significant drop in overall demand. Additional details about the report are available at: http://nanomarkets.net/market_reports/report/silver_in_photovoltaics_2012

About the Report:

“Silver in Photovoltaics – 2012” is the latest report from NanoMarkets in our ongoing coverage of materials and markets in the photovoltaics sector. In this report, NanoMarkets examines the changing opportunities for silver materials in the dynamic PV industry.

The report is designed to help silver suppliers to understand how changes in the PV industry will influence their sales. It considers how suppliers of silver materials to the PV industry can hold onto market share under the difficult circumstances that PV faces today: rapidly falling panel prices, huge pressures to continually reduce costs, and government subsidies under threat. It also considers these challenges in light of silver’s historically high – and likely to stay high – commodity price.

Taking into account these new dynamics, NanoMarkets identifies where opportunities are still available for silver in the PV sector and covers both conventional crystalline silicon PV and PV based on thin-film silicon, CdTe, CIGS, OPV, and DSC. The report includes coverage of established silver pastes and inks as well as newer materials based on nanomaterials, including the latest transparent nanosilver-based electrodes. It also examines alternative scenarios for silver in PV and provides an in depth discussion of materials challenges to silver in the PV sector, especially those presented by the use of copper and aluminum.

As with all NanoMarkets reports, this report contains detailed eight-year forecasts of the silver usage in the PV sector broken out by PV technology and how the silver is used within the PV cell itself. The forecasts are provided in both value and volume (ounces) terms. In addition, the report discusses the strategies of key firms to watch in this important sector.

About NanoMarkets:

NanoMarkets tracks and analyzes emerging market opportunities in energy, electronics and other markets created by developments in advanced materials. The firm is a recognized leader in industry analysis and forecasts of advanced materials and photovoltaics and has been covering the markets for such technologies sector for more than six years.

Visit http://www.nanomarkets.net for a full listing of NanoMarkets’ reports and other services.

Media Contact:
Robert Nolan
NanoMarkets, LC
PO BOX 3840
Glen Allen, VA 23058


Planning For Effective Internet Marketing

Web marketing isn’t necessarily the simplist thing to do. With so many options at your disposal there is one component that is critical…that cannot be overlooked. There is one critical key to effective network marketing that far too many people overlook. So, what is it that they don’t do? They fail to make a plan. To be fair, a lot of internet marketers believe they have a plan, but saying “I’m going to make some money” is not a plan.

Certainly, that’s one of the primary reasons why franchises are so prevalent. They present a very detailed procedure for just about every aspect of handling a business. But we are talking about web marketing, not a traditional brick and mortar business. So, what you really need for effective internet marketing is a reliable business marketing plan.

Let’s be brief, creating a business plan is going to take time and effort. Without one, however, you will be wandering indiscriminately through your business and bringing in money in a way that’s too hit or miss. You may do fair without one, but you won’t see your full profit potential unless you have a business plan in place. If you want your venture to be a hobby, then that’s up to you; conceivably then you don’t really need a plan.

Your plan is a road map to help you distinguish and reach your objectives. A good way to start your business plan is to think of where you want to end up, then start working backwards from there. What steps will you have to take? How much will you make? How will you make it? How much will you invest? What marketing campaigns will you use to promote your online business? Answering questions like these will help you make an useful plan.

The questions you ask are important. Try to think of as many aspects of your business as you can. And when answering, be as definite and distinct as you can. In fact, if you find you are giving vague answers, take that as a sign that you need to give your business plan for effective internet marketing more ideation.

Once you have asked and answered the necessary questions, it’s time to start organizing your plan. Try to arrange things in a coherent way so they make more sense. Be as linear as possible. You should also separate your plan into short, medium and long term objectives. This will help you to stay on track as your business grows.

You should be ready to make revisions to your plan as needed. You must visualize that your business is going to expand, and you won’t be able to presume how things turn out with 100% accuracy. So you need to be able to recalibrate your plan if the situation warrants it. Remember, your business plan isn’t written in stone and is there to work for you, not against you.

As you can see, one of the keys to efficient web marketing is to have a business plan. It could be reasoned that if you don’t have such a plan, then you are destined to be adrift in a sea of competitiveness. If you are just doing this for a hobby, that’s fine, but if you want to make money like a real business, then you need to treat it like one.

Best to all,


email: robert@workwithrobertjerome.com

Work With Me – Numis Network (http://numis.workwithrobertjerome.com)

Diamond Jewellery Market Growth in East

05 July 2011 – /RTPR/– Recent figures suggest that the market for diamond jewellery in the near future is expected to be driven by increased growth in India, China and the Gulf.

These emerging Eastern markets have demonstrated significant growth in the past few years, with diamonds proving increasingly popular as both a luxury item and a long-term investment.

By 2015, it is predicted that India, China and the Gulf will equal or surpass the market share of the US, which currently stands at 35 to 40 per cent. In 2010, India and China were already up 31 and 25 per cent respectively.

However, with worldwide reserves of diamonds at an all-time low, this new growth in Eastern countries means the balance between supply and demand is set to become more mismatched than ever; forecasts warn that demand is likely to outpace lower levels of diamond supply for many years to come.

With diamonds only getting rarer, it’s likely that the value of diamonds will continue to ascend on a global scale in the same way that gold and silver prices have already, increasing the natural treasure’s worth in the long term.

Although diamond prices have already begun to reflect the imbalance between supply and demand, the view that diamonds are an ‘investment vehicle’ that has the potential to grow – or at least remain the same – means customers are continuing to buy.

When compared to the inflated prices of gold, diamonds also – for the time being – pose a more affordable alternative in an unsteady economy.

It is yet to be seen how the rising value of diamonds will affect the production and/or prices of popular jewellery brands, popular in both the East and West, which feature diamond-encrusted pieces in their collections. For now, however, fans of Pandora jewellery and the like need not worry.

Visit the Jewel Hut, one of the UK’s leading jewellery websites, today to view an extensive collection of diamond jewellery.

Contact Details: The Jewel Hut: http://www.thejewelhut.co.uk
95 High Street
Brierley Hill
West Midlands
Tel. No. 01384 78431
E-mail: luke.mcnaney@thbaker-watches.co.uk



National Gold Group Attends the Bright Lights Benefit Gala for Postpartum Support International

Woodland Hills, CA, March 7, 2011 – National Gold Group has attended the Bright Lights Benefit Gala for Postpartum Support International on January 15th. From the website, “The Bright Lights Winter Gala is a wonderful way to connect in a beautiful venue with other dedicated advocates, families, and providers who share the commitment to increase support and services to all childbearing families.”  The event, which was held at the Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles, CA featured celebrity guests Carnie Wilson and Ciro Hurtado.

Along with their attendance, NGG donated to the foundation in order to aid in the continuing of such events in the future. “It really touches my heart to know that we are helping to make a difference in the lives of the women and families that struggle with postpartum,” says Trevor Gerszt, the companies COO. Trevor has experienced the results of postpartum first hand, as his sister-in-law was affected by PPD.

National Gold Group is a full-service precious metals firm specializing in the acquisition and sale of gold and silver coins and bullion. For more information about NGG or the importance of a diversified portfolio, please contact them by email at info@nationalgoldgroup.com or by phone at (877) 515-1050. You can also visit their website at www.nationalgoldgroup.com or their affiliate website at www.nationalgoldnews.com.

National Gold Group Launches a Very Impactful Radio Campaign in Louisville, KY

NGG Receives a Phenomenal Response After Radio Campaign Emphasizing the Importance of a Diversified Portfolio

Woodland Hills, CA, February 8, 2011 – National Gold Group has announced an overwhelming response to a new radio campaign which they launched on WGTK am 790 in Louisville Kentucky in mid January. The radio campaign focused specifically on educating the public of the importance of a diversified investment portfolio during these rough economic times. The campaign, which was supposed to last 2 weeks, has garnered such a large and positive response that they have opted to continue airing it indefinitely.

The large response garnered from the radio campaign has allowed National Gold Group to speak with many of those seeking a secure financial future. NGG’s COO Trevor Gerszt explains “The main goal of our Louisville campaign was to educate, and it turned out to be an unexpected hit. We are extremely pleased with both the response we have received from those wanting to learn more, as well as our opportunity to inform so many hard working Kentuckians on the importance of diversifying their portfolios with tangible assets such as gold and silver.” He goes on to discuss similar campaigns in the future, saying “We definitely want to spread our message nationwide, and after the positive outcome we have received from Louisville it seems certain that you will be hearing this radio campaign on the airwaves across the country very soon.”

National Gold Group is a full-service precious metals firm specializing in the acquisition and sale of gold and silver coins and bullion. For more information about NGG or the importance of a diversified portfolio, please contact them by email at info@nationalgoldgroup.com or by phone at (877) 515-1050. You can also visit their website at www.nationalgoldgroup.com or their affiliate website at www.nationalgoldnews.com.