Tag Archives: children

New Tiger World Children’s Book – Nacho’s Night Out

Rockwell, NC, 2023-Apr-13 — /REAL TIME PRESS RELEASE/ — Nacho’s Night Out is a delightful children’s book about the adventures of Tiger World’s resident two-toed sloth Nacho. Written by first-time author, Aubrey Taylor, Director of Wildlife, and first-time publisher, Tiger World. This cute story follows Nacho as he embarks on a nighttime escapade to see the sights of the Zoo. This book will capture any child’s attention.

The story follows him as he plans to sneak out of his enclosure to climb a different tree while everyone is asleep. Even more fun, you can visit the main character Nacho at Tiger World and his friends, Sherlock and Emma the Bobcats and Aurora the Eagle Owl.

Featuring rhymes, colorful real characters, and even lessons for kids, Nacho’s Night Out is a fun story suitable for young readers! The vivid images, created with photography and artistic filters, bring life to every page while providing visual cues. Young readers can better comprehend what they are reading. This makes it suitable even for those who have just begun learning to read independently or with their parents/guardians alike! Available in the Tiger World gift shop or on our website – tigerworld.us/shop.

Media contact:

MIke McBride
Tiger World
4400 Cook Road
Rockwell, NC 28128

Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History Hosts Exciting, Informative Events for Both Children and Adults From July to September 2019

The Museum is Now Open 7 Days A Week.

Pacific Grove, CA, July 11, 2019 — The Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History has a number of fun and informative events for both children and adults on tap for July to September 2019.

Here are the events scheduled so far for July – September, 2019. Events are held at the Museum, except where noted, at 165 Forest Ave., Pacific Grove.

Jul 10, 2019


Why is it critical for us to totally rethink our dependence on convenience and single-use plastics? What can we do to support the city and our businesses during these changing times? How does supporting these city codes help in joining the Zero Waste effort? Join us to learn the answers to these questions and more!

Jul 18, 2019


Daniella Russo and Greg Baxter are the co-founders of Think Beyond Plastic, the leader of a global multidisciplinary effort to identify and commercialize upstream innovations that eliminate plastic pollution, with focus on innovative product delivery systems. At Hardcore Natural History, they’ll be discussing their work in agricultural supply chains in our area.

Jul 20, 2019


The Junior Naturalist Club will head back to the Carmel Valley for its July excursion, where we’ll be joined by the Museum’s Watershed Guardians Coordinator, Matt McConnell, for an exploration of the Carmel River and its many inhabitants. We’ll ‘fish’ for macroinvertebrates and hike a gentle loop trail while learning about watersheds and the importance of clean, cool rivers.

Junior Naturalist Club Membership required.

Jul 25, 2019


With Pacific Grove’s notorious summer fog rolling in, we welcome museum members to join us inside our Bird Gallery for a special presentation of the documentary “Big Sur Fog: The Science and the History”. This will be followed by a Q&A discussion with Director and Writer Steven and Mary Albert.

Sep 12, 2019


John Muir Laws and the Nature Journal Club are thrilled to be hosting Wild Wonder, the first Nature Journaling Conference. This event will gather people who are passionate about nature, art, science, curiosity, and wonder to share ideas, learn from each other, support each other, inspire each other, and have fun together in a nature’s beauty.

Sep 13, 2019


John Muir Laws and the Nature Journal Club are thrilled to be hosting Wild Wonder, the first Nature Journaling Conference. This event will gather people who are passionate about nature, art, science, curiosity, and wonder to share ideas, learn from each other, support each other, inspire each other, and have fun together in a nature’s beauty.

Sep 14, 2019


John Muir Laws and the Nature Journal Club are thrilled to be hosting Wild Wonder, the first Nature Journaling Conference. This event will gather people who are passionate about nature, art, science, curiosity, and wonder to share ideas, learn from each other, support each other, inspire each other, and have fun together in a nature’s beauty.

Sep 15, 2019


John Muir Laws and the Nature Journal Club are thrilled to be hosting Wild Wonder, the first Nature Journaling Conference. This event will gather people who are passionate about nature, art, science, curiosity, and wonder to share ideas, learn from each other, support each other, inspire each other, and have fun together in a nature’s beauty.

Oct 5, 2019


Sip, Savor and Enjoy in the Museum on October 5th, 2019!

For more information on Museum events, call (831) 648-5716, email admin@pgmuseum.org or go to the website at www.pgmuseum.org.

About the Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History

In 1883, our museum opened its doors among the first wave of natural history museums in America. Naturalists of this era, such as John Muir And Louis Aggasiz, began a national tradition of hands-on science education and nature preservation. The museum has continued this tradition for 130 years. The museum’s mission is to inspire discovery, wonder, and stewardship of our natural world. It envisions a community of curious minds, engaged in discovering the natural heritage and cultural legacy that exist today on the Central California Coast. The Museum is a catalyst for conservation and a valued learning resource in this region, facilitating active inquiry for all ages.


Marci Bracco Cain

Chatterbox PR

Salinas, CA 93901

(831) 747-7455


YA Novel “The Praying Pond” Explores Faith and the Power of Prayer Through Childlike Eyes

Imagine kneeling beside still waters, lifting your prayer up for consideration and seeing the answer right before your eyes? This is what happens to several of the faithful children in first time author Michelle Nadasi’s new book “The Praying Pond.”

Port St. Lucie, FL (USA), July 16th, 2017 — Imagine kneeling beside still waters, lifting your prayer up for consideration and seeing the answer right before your eyes? This is what happens to several of the faithful children in first time author Michelle Nadasi’s new book “The Praying Pond.” Visions only appear to children, those with an innocent faith and belief that God will hear and answer their prayers.

“It started with the idea of a lovely pond situated behind a church,” said Michelle Nadasi. “I wanted to write a story that dealt with faith in God but also characters who were dealing with real life issues like moving to a new school, arguing parents, trying to fit in and the inevitable “mean girls” and The Praying Pond” does just that.”

The story is told through the eyes of fourth grader Holly whose family has just moved to town. Although as a family they haven’t previously been faithful church goers they start to attend the local church. After the first service, Holly spots a young girl kneeling beside the pond. She learns that some of the children from the area who have prayed by the pond have seen visions of family members that appear to be answers from God. The history of the Praying Pond goes back several decades, according to the youth minister, Pastor Mark. As the story progresses, it is the childlike faith that Holly begins to develop that help the entire family through the challenges that can occur when moving to a new community, settling into a new job and attending a new school.

“Over the years I have worked with a number of children through the youth programs of our church,” said Nadasi. “I marvel at the unquestioning love children have for God and the power of their childlike faith. They encourage me to embrace that innocence in my faith.”

In the Message transcription of the Bible we learn from Matthew 18: 2-5, which says, “I’m telling you, once and for all, that unless you return to square one and start over like children, you’re not even going to get a look at the kingdom, let alone get in. Whoever becomes simple and elemental again, like this child, will rank high in God’s kingdom. What’s more, when you receive the childlike on my account, it’s the same as receiving me.”

“I hope that this book will inspire readers to remember what it felt like to first love God. The characters in “The Praying Pond” are relatable and their circumstances are ones that we have all encountered as youth and adults. I hope that the example of prayer in the book will encourage believers and inspire others to become curious about God and seek to learn more.”

“This is such an enjoyable read,” said Lisa Umina, founder and publisher of Halo Publishing, Inc. “Holly is a great main character and following her story as she grows in her faith and works through the challenges of moving to a new town and making new friends is one that everyone will be able to relate to. It is an uplifting story and readers will walk away feeling joyful at the end.”

“The Praying Pond” is now available at Halo Publishing, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other outlets in paperback for $12.95, hardcover for $15.95 and e-book version for $5.99.

* Halo Publishing
* Amazon
* Barnes and Noble

About Michelle Nadasi:
Michelle Nadasi is a stay at home mom who lives with her husband and three children in Florida. Although she received a Bachelor’s Degree in  Psychology from college, her true passion is writing. She hopes that through her stories, she will bring herself, and her readers closer to God and his everlasting love.

About Halo Publishing International:
Halo Publishing International is a self-publishing company that publishes adult fiction and non-fiction, children’s literature, self-help, spiritual, and faith-based books. We continually strive to help authors reach their publishing goals and provide many different services that help them do so. http://www.HaloPublishing.com

Press & Media Contact:
Lisa Umina, Publisher
Halo Publishing International
1100 NW Loop 410, Suite 700-176
San Antonio, TX 78213 – USA
+1 877-705-9647

Children’s Christmas Carnival at The Collection, UB City on 20th December 2015

Performance by the Abhayam Band, Stalls, Dance Workshops, Meet & Greet with Santa and much, much more.

Bangalore, India, December 17th, 2015 — With Christmas around the corner, the season’s festivities are in full swing. As everyone gets caught up in the excitement that the close of the year always brings, Sublime Galleria located on the 8th Floor of UB City is gearing up to bring some merriment into the lives of underprivileged children and they have chosen a very special way to do this. Through the Children’s Christmas Carnival, they are encouraging other children to come forward and help their underprivileged counterparts. Scheduled for Sunday, 20th December, 2015 between 4-7pm, the event will host a bunch of activities and donate the proceeds to an NGO – Abhayam.

The event promises to be an extremely entertaining one for kids as Sublime Galleria, is giving them a chance to take on the role of young entrepreneurs. Stalls are being provided at the Piazza where children can sell baked products, handmade jewellery and other handicrafts that they have made themselves. A percentage of the proceeds from these sales will be given to Abhayam. In a heart-warming display of their enthusiasm towards this cause, several children have already reserved stalls for the event.

Children can register for the stalls by contacting the following no: +91 70228 92634

And this is just the beginning. The 5-hour long event will also include dance workshops, face painting, a caricature stall and an opportunity to meet and greet Santa Claus. The highlight of the event is performances by the distinctive Abhayam Band. The Children’s band by Abhayam will sing popular and well-loved Christmas Carols for the audience and this will be followed by a foot-tapping performance by the main Abhayam Band. Two more interesting additions to these performances are a Beat Boxing Solo as well as a performance by a 70-year old retired Colonel who will play Christmas Carols on his Accordion and the Carpenter’s Saw.

Abhayam has a very interesting history. It is an NGO that works with substance abusers and alcoholics. Music being an important part of the healing process for over 200 of their patients resulted, 4 years ago, in the formation of the band. The band has gained in popularity over the last few years, and now every Christmas Season they travel to different locations in Bangalore and outside to perform in concerts and shows. A rock band mainly into blues and progressive rock, the band was created by the rehab centre to create awareness of and promote music therapy.

Day/Date: Sunday – 20th December 2015
Time: 4:00pm – 7:00pm
Venue: Amphitheatre, The Collection, UB City, Vittal Mallya Road

For further information, please contact:
Noor Fathima
Lateral Thinkers Communications
M: +91 97419 08443
E: noor@lateralthinkers.co.in
U: http://www.ubcitybangalore.in

Sublime Galleria Presents Performance/Interactive Art at The Collection, UB City

In association with Srishti School of Art, Design and Technology.

Bangalore, India, December 11th, 2014 — Sublime Galleria, South India’s leading art gallery, reputed for introducing the most innovative art forms to Bangalore, showcased performances/ interactive art at The Collection, UB City this evening. This initiative was in association with the Srishti School of Art, Design and Technology. Since many of the exhibits/performances were being showcased only for one evening, Bangalore’s art aficionados turned up in full strength to make the most of the event and marvel at the creative genius of the artists.

A major attraction was the ‘Tate: Global Art Space’ exhibit – a collaborative project with TATE UK, Central St Martins London, Kochi Muzhris Biennale and Srishti, which was one of the highlights of the event. The exhibits are a result of collaborations between Indian and international artists and left everyone awed with their effects.

Sharing her thoughts on Sublime’s latest exhibition, Uzma Irfan – Director, Prestige Group and Founder – Sublime Galleria said, “Srishti School of Art, Design and Technology is making a serious breakthrough in new art forms through innovative thinking and of course, the immense dedication of all associated with it. We, at Sublime, are very happy to support them in their efforts. Each and every exhibit showcased was truly unique… kudos to all the creators for their inspired thinking!”

The ‘Srishti Interim Showcase’ featured the following exhibits at The Collection, UB City:

Project | Venue | Time
1. Dynamic Geometries | Ground Floor | 07:15pm
2. Performing Systems | Piazza | 08:00pm
3. Story of Light | Sublime Galleria | 09:00pm
4. Sonic Beams | PDR, Oakwood Residences | 07:00-10:00pm

In addition, the following was also featured on the 11th and will be showcased until the 12th of December 2014 at The Collection, UB City:

Date | Project | Venue
11th & 12th Dec | TATE: Global Art Space | Sublime Galleria

About the projects:

* Dynamic Geometries
A collaborative site-specific multimedia performance by reputed international dancer/choreographer, Sonia Rodriguez and respected filmmaker, Ujjwal Utkarsh, using movement, music, digital art and sound. The collaboration is with the Attakkalari Talent Academy and Srishti. The overarching theme aims to showcase how the urban environment /architecture of our cities influence our experience, evokes our memories and fuels our imagination.

* Performing Systems
Created by Sofy – media artist and educator working with video, interactivity, projections, code, paper, and salvaged material. “Performing Systems” is a live interactive performance with light and sound, using generative electronic music and art that takes an iterative form. The focus is visual composition, writing one’s own performance software and performing.

* Story of Light
This has been created by Yashas Shetty (artist and educator working between various disciplines including installation, sound, software and biotechnology) and Jatin Vidyarthi (sound artist and electronic music producer). In this exhibit, the artists along with the students have explored the nature of light as a medium and re-imagined light through installations, sound works and other experiments in the form of sonic works, kinetic sculptures, interactive installations and films, which will be showcased in ‘The Story of Light Festival’ in Goa. The year 2015 is the ‘Year of Light’ at the festival and CEMA at Srishti School of Art, Design and Technology has been invited as a content partner, and to showcase work at this reputed festival.

* Sonic Beams
Created by Professor Cathy Lane (composer, sound artist, lecturer and researcher) and Sindhu Thirumalaisamy (artist and filmmaker), “Sonic Beams” is a sonic/audio/visual installation that locates itself to the lighthouses in Fort Kochi and around Kochi. Utilizing maritime history, myths, local folklore, oral history, shipping records, architecture, data, sounds of ships, waves, etc. the project aims to create a narrative, frame an archive and provide a dynamic experience of life around the sea.

* TATE: Global Art Space
Created by Michelle Williams Gamaker, whose work deals with performances and complex renderings of reality via documentary, fiction and video installation in collaboration with artist and textile designer, Meera, “Global Art Space” is a collaborative project with TATE UK, Central St. Martins London, Kochi Muzhris Biennale and Srishti. It explores and interacts with the local environment in London and India via performance and photography with the view to show artistic interpretations to a wider (global) audience through TATE Gallery, online exhibition and the Biennale in Kochi. The participation is about reenacting, recreating, and reinterpreting the artistic ‘Generative’. A group of students in CSM, London, and Srishti School Bangalore have already created this generative in the first part of the project, led by artist Michelle Gamakar. The outcome will be a series of exhibitions in all the venues mentioned above.

About ‘The Interim’:
The Interim operates as an inter-disciplinary open-ended platform and framework for learning through engagement with various artistic and creative practices and processes.

Projects curated are socially and culturally contextualized with art and design, leading students beyond the campus and classroom into the public realm. The Interim functions as a community arts initiative to explore contemporary social-cultural and political issues. Rural migration, religious diversity, class, money, caste, loss of traditions, creeping in of new traditions, commercialization, abundance of technology and the ubiquity of information, and gender politics are some of the realities than bind and shape our interactions. These realities create conflicting values and result in contrasting economic and social development, often leading to political apathy, corruption, etc.

It is in this space that art and media can be used as interventions to initiate dialogue, provide new spaces and places of expression, document and archive loss, memory, understand how natural phenomenon (climate, sound pollution, genetic crops, etc.) interact with the social world to create sustainable frameworks for engagement and change.

The project pragmatically pushes the boundaries of experimentation with various forms of expression, participation and narration. Through a variety of lenses, paradigm, practices and materials, the students work with ideas and concepts in the field with artists and designers to explore, create, understand, represent, and construct our understanding of our social and natural realities.

For further information:
Urmila Biswas
Lateral Thinkers Communications
M: +91 98860 99736
E: contact@marchingantsllp.com
W: http://www.sublimegalleria.com

Sublime Galleria, Children, Srishti School of Art, Art Exhibition, Artworks, Contemporary Art, Art Collection, Fine Art, Art Exhibit, Art Event, UB City Art Event, Art Event in UB City, UB City Event, Art in Bangalore, Art Event in Bangalore, Art, Artworks, UB City, Bangalore Events

Sublime Galleria to Hold An Exclusive Exhibition of Paintings by Children from Christel House

The Collection will feature works by Children from Kindergarten to Grade 12, between 25th September and 25th October 2014.

Bangalore, India, September 25, 2014 — In continuation with their philanthropic endeavors to help communities through art, Sublime Galleria will hold an exclusive exhibition of paintings by the Children of Christel House, India. The collection will go LIVE on 25th September and continue till 25th October 2014, and would feature the works of kids from Kindergarten to Grade 12.

The theme of the exhibition is Art by Children and is not limited to focus on any one area, thus, allowing each child to explore the world around him/her through art. The medium of the paintings will be Acrylic on Canvas and the size of each work, would range from (2ft x 2ft) to (6ft x 8ft).

The children at Christel House, India belong to weaker sections of society and the medium of art has proved to be an effective way for them to express themselves creatively. Their Art Program is integral in shaping their personalities and is often seen to be therapeutic for them.

According to Raju Shahani, Managing Director, Christel House India, “At Christel House, we believe that our students can reach their highest potential with a cultivated capacity for imagination. We strive to channelize the creativity in every child by encouraging free expression through various art forms. Our Art Program is integral to our approach in shaping personalities of these impoverished children and helping them express themselves clearly and convincingly. We have found that this focus on art has at times been therapuetic for children going through any learning disability or emotional distress due to their abused background. We are grateful to Sublime Galleria for their offer space and resources to promote art talent of the Christel House children.”

Christel House & Art:
Christel House students have won several international awards and scholarships for their audio visual creations, another creative expression vertical, the most recent being the 2014 Adobe Youth Voices Scholarship. With 118 applications from around the world, three Christel House students from Bangalore made it to the list of Top 25, for their creative skills to change their communities. In another recent example, the children from Christel House India from Grade 7 and above worked for 5 months to develop a document on corruption that went on to win the Best Documentary Award (School Student Category) in the much acclaimed 3rd Bangalore Shorts International Film Festival in 2014. The children used path-breaking techniques for producing and directing the movie such as the Green Screen technique of shooting which is used to create special effects in professional cinema.

Christel House students also participate regularly in Berserk – a unique creative conference that helps hone a child’s artistic abilities.

The Christel House curriculum for the visual arts includes:
* Drawing & Painting
* Collage
* Printmaking
* Decoration
* Clay Modelling & Pottery
* Mask & Puppet Making
* Wall Mural
* Collaborating Art Projects
* Art History
* Photography & Film Making

About Christel House:
Christel House was founded in 1998 by Christel DeHaan, entrepreneur turned philanthropist. It opened five learning centers from 1999 to 2002. Currently Christel House provides education, food, and other assistance to over three thousand children globally.

Christel House’s approach is holistic. In addition to an education equal to that offered by India’s best educational institutions, it provides food, counselling and healthcare. Outside the Learning Center, it works to improve the home life of the students. It has a strong community outreach program that focuses on creating awareness and connection within the community. The aim is to bridge the gap between the home and the school environments and develop a strong parent-teacher team, united in the responsibility of raising the children well.

Finally, in its endeavor of ending the cycle of poverty in society, Christel House also offers guidance with continuing education and job placement after graduation.

In India, Christel House is the only charity that takes on children from Kindergarten and mentors them through Grade 12 and beyond into colleges and jobs. All donor contributions are used only for the children and not on general and administrative expenses of the school.

Christel House is a registered, non-profit organization for assisting impoverished children. It operates schools in the United States, Venezuela, South Africa, Mexico, and India. Visit www.in.christelhouse.org, for more details.

For Further Information Please Contact:
Urmila Biswas
Mob: +91 98860 99736
Email: contact@marchingantsllp.com
URL: http://www.sublimegalleria.com

‘Berserk 2014’ by Sublime Galleria Signs Off with a Grand Finale at UB City

‘Berserk 2014’ – the 3-day Residential Art Conference for children came to a close with Grand Finale on 27th August, 2014 at the Amphitheatre in UB City.

Bangalore, India, August 29, 2014 — ‘Berserk 2014’ – the 3-day Residential Art Conference for children came to a close with Grand Finale on 27th August, 2014 at the Amphitheatre in UB City. The show witnessed magnificent performances from the mentors and students alike. All 4 verticals, namely Evam (Theatre), Lourd Vijay Dance Studio (LVDS) [Dance], Taaqademy (Music) & 3-Peel (Visual Art) reinforced the fact that they are indeed stalwarts in their respective fields, by giving breathtaking performances. Acts for the evening included:

* A Rendition of ‘Macbeth’ by Evam
* Hip-hop, Salsa & Kathak Performances by LVDS
* A Dance Performance by well-known Dancer, Sneha Kapoor of ‘Jhalak Dikhlaja’ fame
* Live Painting by 3-Peel
* A Musical Performance by Taaqademy

Excited students & parents, from this year’s edition as well as last year’s inaugural edition of Berserk, flocked to UB City to take part in the evening’s celebrations. Berserk is still a relatively new concept and it was heartening to see such whole-hearted support and encouragement for it from everyone present.

The Residential Art Conference for Berserk 2014 took place at ECC, Whitefield from 24th-27th August, 2014. To enable participation of a larger number of talented children, this year’s event was designed to include 110 children overall across the 4 verticals. This edition saw 2,000 students from 50 leading schools in Bangalore audition to take part in the conference. The tremendous success of the inaugural edition of Berserk was reinforced by the fact that parents travelled with their children all the way from Delhi, Chennai & Chikmagalur to participate in the Open Auditions this time around.

About ‘Berserk’:
Sublime Galleria introduced a unique proprietary event, Berserk in 2013. Berserk is an annual 3-day Residential Art Conference for children. Categorised under four key art verticals – Theatre, Dance, Music & Visual Art, Sublime brings the best in the art industry to mentor & guide these children. The programme involves identifying/shortlisting students from the chosen city schools who will partake in a 3-day Residential Conference comprising intensive workshops supported by sessions meticulously planned for each vertical, featuring guest lecturers & demonstrations by award-winning professionals apart from other endorsements & benefits.

It is widely acknowledged that much needs to be done when it comes to promoting fine art in India. This awareness needs to be built from a grass root level where children interested in art can be nurtured & guided through its basics & other nuances. This common belief has resulted in the creation of ‘Berserk’, conceptualised & created by Sublime Galleria to benefit talented children in the city.

About Sublime Art Galleria:
Sublime Galleria, located at UB City, is India’s first Sky Gallery founded in 2009 by Ms. Uzma Irfan – Executive Director, Corporate Communications, Prestige Group. Having tied up with several successful exhibitions in the past, Sublime has become a brand to reckon with among art lovers. It brings in a regular contingent of eminent art experts and rising artists.

This reputed space is on a mission to further the cause of the arts and also place itself as a dynamic crucible for the next generation to develop and showcase their talent. Sublime reaches out to upcoming artists and offers them a platform to showcase their talent and make their body of work accessible to the art loving community of Bangalore.

Sublime Galleria has promoted the works of several artists across categories. Some examples of the mélange of work exhibited at Sublime in the past include ‘Genesis’ by Simran KS Lamba – a unique presentation of Mixed Media Artwork in Coal Tar, ‘Crossroads’ – a unique celebration of Fine Art by four leading artists – G. Subramanian, Gurudas Shenoy, Jasu Rawal and Milind Nayak.

Sublime Galleria has earlier showcased the works of Aamina Shazi, Amit Sharma, Anoop H., Ashish Parmar, C.P.B Prasad, Devanshi (Tina), Farah Ahmed, Kalabhakesari, Manoj Masand, Pallon Daruwala (Established Artist), Pragya Jain, Priyanka Gupta Agarwal, Rupesh Patrick, Shukla Chowdhury, Simran K.S. Lamba, Soraya Taher Merchant, Srividya and Tala Afsin.

For Further Information:
Urmila Biswas
Mob: +91 98860 99736
Email: contact@marchingantsllp.com

Home One

Sublime Galleria Presents the 2nd Edition of Berserk

The 3-Day Residential Arts Conference will culminate in a Grand Finale on 27th August 2014.

Bangalore, India, August 26, 2014 —Berserk 2014‘ – the 3-Day Residential Art Conference for Children is back with its 2nd edition. Launched in 2013 by Sublime Galleria, to motivate, inspire and facilitate children, between 8-14 years of age, to discover and pursue their artistic talents, this initiative has already witnessed extremely successful auditions this year.

Berserk’s much-anticipated 2nd edition held this year saw 2000 students from 50 leading schools audition to take part in the conference. The tremendous success of the inaugural edition of ‘Berserk’ was reinforced by the fact that parents travelled with their children all the way from Delhi, Chennai & Chikmagalur to participate in the Open Auditions. Eventually, 110 students were selected by mentors from Evam, Lourd Vijay Dance Studio (LVDS), Taaqademy & 3-Peel, to spend an exciting three days engaging & interacting with the award-winning mentors, at ECC, Whitefield.

Uzma Irfan – Founder, Sublime Galleria and Conceptualizer & Organizer – ‘Berserk’ said, “It gives me immense pleasure to present the 2nd edition of this unique event. Inspired & motivated by the immense response received by our debut event last year, I am further encouraged by an even more overwhelming response this year. It was a pleasure to see the excitement of the children as they geared up to audition for the various art forms that interested them among Music, Dance, Theatre & Visual Art. I look forward to an exciting 3 days of the conference followed by the Grand Finale of ‘Berserk 2014’.”

About the Event:
The Residential Art Conference for ‘Berserk 2014’ will take place at ECC, Whitefield from 24th-27th August, 2014. The Grand Finale of the event will be held on 27th August 2014 at the Amphitheatre, UB City where the mentors & students will showcase their talent through various awe-inspiring performances.There will be performances from all 4 verticals including a rendition of ‘Macbeth’ from Evam; Hip-hop, Salsa & Kathak performances from Lourd Vijay Dance Studio (LVDS); a Musical Performance by Taaqademy & Live Painting by 3-Peel.

About ‘Berserk’:
Sublime Galleria introduced a unique proprietary event, Berserk in 2013. Berserk is an annual 3-day Residential Art Conference for children. Categorised under four key art verticals – Theatre, Dance, Music & Visual Art, Sublime brings the best in the art industry to mentor & guide these children. The programme involves identifying/shortlisting students from the chosen city schools who will partake in a 3-day Residential Conference comprising intensive workshops supported by sessions meticulously planned for each vertical, featuring guest lectures & demonstrations by award-winning professionals apart from other endorsements & benefits.

It is widely acknowledged that much needs to be done when it comes to promoting fine art in India. This awareness needs to be built from a grass root level where children interested in art can be nurtured & guided through its basics & other nuances. This common belief has resulted in the creation of ‘Berserk’, conceptualised & created by Sublime Galleria to benefit talented children in the city.

About Sublime Art Galleria:
Sublime Galleria, located at UB City, is India’s first Sky Gallery founded in 2009 by Ms. Uzma Irfan – Executive Director, Corporate Communications, Prestige Group. Having tied up with several successful exhibitions in the past, Sublime has become a brand to reckon with among art lovers. It brings in a regular contingent of eminent art experts and rising artists.

This reputed space is on a mission to further the cause of the arts and also place itself as a dynamic crucible for the next generation to develop and showcase their talent. Sublime reaches out to upcoming artists and offers them a platform to showcase their talent and make their body of work accessible to the art loving community of Bangalore.

Sublime Galleria has promoted the works of several artists across categories. Some examples of the mélange of work exhibited at Sublime in the past include ‘Genesis’ by Simran KS Lamba – a unique presentation of Mixed Media Artwork in Coal Tar, ‘Crossroads’ – a unique celebration of Fine Art by four leading artists – G. Subramanian, Gurudas Shenoy, Jasu Rawal and Milind Nayak.

Sublime Galleria has earlier showcased the works of Aamina Shazi, Amit Sharma, Anoop H., Ashish Parmar, C.P.B Prasad, Devanshi (Tina), Farah Ahmed, Kalabhakesari, Manoj Masand, Pallon Daruwala (Established Artist), Pragya Jain, Priyanka Gupta Agarwal, Rupesh Patrick, Shukla Chowdhury, Simran K.S. Lamba, Soraya Taher Merchant, Srividya and Tala Afsin.

For Further Information:
Urmila Biswas
Mob: +91 98860 99736
Email: contact@marchingantsllp.com

Sublime Galleria Presents Berserk 2014

The second edition of the 3-Day Residential Arts Conference gets underway, with auditions between 5 & 9th August 2014.

Bangalore, India, August 04, 2014 —Berserk 2014‘ – the 3-day Residential Art Conference for children is back with its 2nd edition. Launched in 2013 by Sublime Galleria, this initiative aims to motivate, inspire and facilitate children, between 8-14 years of age, to discover and pursue their artistic talents. This year Berserk is gearing up to get bigger and better with over 60 schools participating in the Auditions to be held from 5-9th August 2014, at UB City.

Berserk’s much-talked about inaugural edition held last year saw 3000 students from 15 schools audition to take part in the conference. 60 students were eventually selected by mentors from Jagriti, Lourd Vijay Dance Studio, Taaqademy & 3peel. They spent an exciting three days engaging and interacting with the award-winning mentors, imbibing invaluable knowledge and skills.

“It gives me immense pleasure to present the 2nd edition of this unique event. Inspired and motivated by the excellent response received by our debut event last year, I am looking forward to an even more overwhelming response this year. It is a pleasure to see the excitement of the children as they gear up to audition for the various art forms that interest them among Music, Dance, Theatre & Visual Art. I encourage more and more parents to bring their children to be a part of Berserk 2014”, says Uzma Irfan – Founder, Sublime Galleria and Conceptualizer & Organizer – ‘Berserk’.

About The Event:
The Residential Art Conference for Berserk 2014 will take place at ECC, Whitefield from 24-27th August, 2014. To enable increased participation, this year’s event has been designed to include a total of 110 children across the 4 verticals.

Giving the children an opportunity to learn from mentors, who are stalwarts in their fields, Berserk 2014 has Evam for Theatre, Lourd Vijay Dance Studio for Dance, Taaqademy for Music & 3peel for Visual Art.

Over 60 schools have come forward to be a part of this creative event and auditions for the students will take place from 5-8th August, 2014 at UB City. To encourage participation from children outside of these schools, Open Auditions will be held at UB City on 9th August, 2014.

The grand Finale of the event will take place on 27th August, 2014 at the Amphitheatre, UB City where the mentors will showcase their talent through awe-inspiring performances.

About Berserk:
Sublime Galleria introduced a unique proprietary event, Berserk in 2013. Berserk is an annual 3-day Residential Art Conference for children. Categorized under the four key art verticals – Theatre, Dance, Music & Visual Art, Sublime brings the best in the art industry to mentor and guide these children. The programme involves identifying/short-listing students from the chosen city schools who will partake in a 3-day Residential Conference comprising intensive workshops supported by sessions meticulously planned for each vertical featuring guest lectures & demonstrations by award-winning professionals apart from other endorsements and benefits.

It is widely acknowledged that much needs to be done when it comes to promoting fine art in India. This awareness needs to be built from a grass root level where children interested in art can be nurtured and guided through its basics and other nuances. This common belief resulted in the creation of ‘Berserk’.

For more information, visit www.berserk.in.

About Sublime Art Galleria:
Sublime Galleria, located at UB City, is India’s first Sky Gallery founded in 2009 by Ms. Uzma Irfan – Executive Director, Corporate Communications, Prestige Group. Having tied up with several successful exhibitions in the past, Sublime has become a brand to reckon with among art lovers. It brings in a regular contingent of eminent art experts and rising artists.

This reputed space is on a mission to further the cause of the arts and also place itself as a dynamic crucible for the next generation to develop and showcase their talent. Sublime reaches out to upcoming artists and offers them a platform to showcase their talent and make their body of work accessible to the art loving community of Bangalore.

Sublime Galleria has promoted the works of several artists across categories. Some examples of the mélange of work exhibited at Sublime in the past include ‘Genesis’ by Simran KS Lamba – a unique presentation of Mixed Media Artwork in Coal Tar, ‘Crossroads’ – a unique celebration of Fine Art by four leading artists – G. Subramanian, Gurudas Shenoy, Jasu Rawal and Milind Nayak.

Sublime Galleria has earlier showcased the works of Aamina Shazi, Amit Sharma, Anoop H., Ashish Parmar, C.P.B Prasad, Devanshi (Tina), Farah Ahmed, Kalabhakesari, Manoj Masand, Pallon Daruwala (Established Artist), Pragya Jain, Priyanka Gupta Agarwal, Rupesh Patrick, Shukla Chowdhury, Simran K.S. Lamba, Soraya Taher Merchant, Srividya and Tala Afsin.

For Further Information:
Urmila Biswas
Mob: +91 98860 99736
Email: contact@marchingantsllp.com
URL: http://www.berserk.in

GradSave Partners with Children of Fallen Soldiers to Raise Funds for College

GradSave.com is helping raise funds for children who have lost a parent serving in the Armed Forces.

Miami, FL, USA (May 24, 2013) — This Memorial Day GradSave is proud to announce a new partnership with the Children of Fallen Soldiers Foundation. The campaign aims to increase awareness and raise educational savings for the children who have lost a parent while serving our armed forces.

The Children of Fallen Soldiers Foundation is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that aims to meet the needs of children who have lost a parent serving in the United States Armed Forces. The objective is to let these children know that our nation’s citizens and families recognize their loss and are committed to help them achieve their highest potential in life. GradSave believes there is no better way to help them achieve these dreams than by providing them with a way to fund their college education.

Three families will be chosen by CoFS and will be featured on GradSave.com/fallenheroes. As we pay our respect this Memorial Day to the men and women who have fought and died for our freedom, please consider supporting the children they left behind by contributing to their college fund. Gifts start as low as $5.00 and in addition GradSave will be donating $1.00 for every GradSave transaction made from May 24th – 31st including gifts made to any of their current 8,000+ GradSavers.

“Children of Fallen Soldiers is always looking for better ways to serve the families who are living with the greatest sacrifice for our freedom. When GradSave.com called, they asked “What can we do to help?” We began to brainstorm and what evolved is this elegant solution empowering our military widows to save, as well as giving the public an opportunity to gift these precious children an education. The folks behind GradSave.com are brilliant experts and I have learned first-hand that the size of their hearts matches the size of their brains. We are honored to have GradSave.com as a corporate sponsor as well as a long term service partner.” – Chaplain Timothy “TIG” Heaslet II, CGSE

“GradSave supports the hard work of our armed forces and we wanted to find a way to show our gratitude,” said Marcos Cordero, CEO of GradSave. “This partnership is a perfect fit to not only help families making college savings easier, but also honor those who have served our country.”

GradSave is the #1 College Savings Registry with over 8,000 families saving for college using the crowd-funding platform. Chief GradSaver Marcos Cordero mission is to make saving for college easy and effective for American families by using “the power of many”. For more information please visit GradSave.com.

Eddie Pradel
200 SE 1st Street
Suite 601
Miami, FL 33131