Tag Archives: book

New Tiger World Children’s Book – Nacho’s Night Out

Rockwell, NC, 2023-Apr-13 — /REAL TIME PRESS RELEASE/ — Nacho’s Night Out is a delightful children’s book about the adventures of Tiger World’s resident two-toed sloth Nacho. Written by first-time author, Aubrey Taylor, Director of Wildlife, and first-time publisher, Tiger World. This cute story follows Nacho as he embarks on a nighttime escapade to see the sights of the Zoo. This book will capture any child’s attention.

The story follows him as he plans to sneak out of his enclosure to climb a different tree while everyone is asleep. Even more fun, you can visit the main character Nacho at Tiger World and his friends, Sherlock and Emma the Bobcats and Aurora the Eagle Owl.

Featuring rhymes, colorful real characters, and even lessons for kids, Nacho’s Night Out is a fun story suitable for young readers! The vivid images, created with photography and artistic filters, bring life to every page while providing visual cues. Young readers can better comprehend what they are reading. This makes it suitable even for those who have just begun learning to read independently or with their parents/guardians alike! Available in the Tiger World gift shop or on our website – tigerworld.us/shop.

Media contact:

MIke McBride
Tiger World
4400 Cook Road
Rockwell, NC 28128

‘For A Pint of Mother’s Milk’ by Avishek Sahu published by Views From The Left Publishing Project is available worldwide through CreateSpace and Ingram

It’s a take on the untapped sensibilities of Urban Indians fighting globalization with globalization—in a pretty romantic context.

Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India, 2018-Jun-01 — /EPR Network/ — ‘For A Pint of Mother’s Milk’ by Avishek Sahu (ISBN-13: 978-1717006363) is an intriguing take on the unexplored sensibilities of Urban Indians fighting to eke out a respectable living within mainstream society’s stringent restrictions on brandishing the urge for power, pelf, and authority. You could delve into it to sway to the seduction of a woman’s rebellion, unleashed with the most surreptitiously coddled, and wickedly nurtured, dismay.

Available in Paperback on major websites and Physical Bookstores that source it wholesale from CreateSpace or Ingram. Also available as Kindle version(ASIN: B01BW43VP8) on multiple Amazon sites.

The book has been well received on Goodreads by a predominantly American Audience.


Contact-Details: Avishek Sahu, Views From The Left Publishing Project, 8, Ekamra Villa, Jaydev Vihar, Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India- 751015

“The Girl Who Tried to Catch the Moon” Inspires Young Readers to Pursue Their Dreams

First time author, Ashby Bland, brilliantly captures the idea of working toward a goal with a simple, yet profound voice.

Ft. Lauderdale, FL (USA), August 27th, 2016 — You’ve heard the quote “if at first you don’t succeed, try-try again.” The main character in this new children’s picture, “The Girl Who Tried to Catch the Moon” brings the idea of being persistent to life. First time author, Ashby Bland, brilliantly captures the idea of working toward a goal with a simple, yet profound voice.

“I want young readers to have the confidence to go for their dreams,” said Ashby Bland, author and recently enrolled freshman at Columbia University. “Too many are quick to tell people they can’t do something; this book was written to encourage readers to set their goals and then persistently work towards achieving them.”

Ms. Bland first penned “The Girl Who Tried to Catch” the Moon when she was just four years old. Over the years she would stumble upon the story and make little refinements but the message always stayed the same. “You can do anything you put your mind to,” said Bland.

People discouraged Ms. Bland from applying to Columbia University, number four on the list of most difficult universities to get into according to the 2016 Hardest to Get survey which ranks 1,349 colleges based on acceptance rates. However, she had a goal of attending college there and set her sights on being accepted. She begins her freshman year this fall where she is studying Creating Writing.

Ms. Bland has been writing short stories, poems and novels since her early childhood and hopes that her first book, “The Girl Who Tried to Catch the Moon” is the start of a series of stories about girls and boys who try different things in their life.

“I know that young readers will be captivated by the colorful illustrations that accompany this inspiring tale,” said Lisa Umina, founder and publisher of Halo Publishing International. “Ashby has written a wonderful story that will help children see that, even if a dream seems impossible, like catching the moon, if you try hard enough you just might be successful.”

“I am excited to see this story come to life and be available for children all over,” said Bland. “I hope young readers are encouraged by this story of having a dream, working hard, overcoming obstacles, and problem solving to eventually see your dream become a reality.”

Certainly for Ms. Bland, this delightful story is a testament to her persistence, problem solving skills and ultimate success.

“The Girl Who Tried to Catch the Moon” is available in hard cover for $18.95 through:
Halo Publishing – http://halopublishing.com/1a-c/ashby-bland.html#the-girl-who-tried-to-catch-the-moon

Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/Girl-Who-Tried-Catch-Moon/dp/1612444962/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1471880957&sr=8-1&keywords=9781612444963

Barnes and Noble – http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-girl-who-tried-to-catch-the-moon-ashby-bland/1124420099?ean=9781612444963

About Ashby Bland:
Ashby Bland is an eighteen year old writer and artist from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. She is currently a freshman at Columbia University in the City of New York. In the future, Ashby will continue to create thought-provoking works of art and literature.

About Halo Publishing International:
Halo Publishing International is a self-publishing company that publishes adult fiction and non-fiction, children’s literature, self-help, spiritual, and faith-based books. We continually strive to help authors reach their publishing goals and provide many different services that help them do so. http://www.HaloPublishing.com

Press & Media Contact:
Lisa M. Umina, Publisher
Halo Publishing International
1100 NW Loop 410, Suite 700-176
San Antonio, TX 78213 – USA
+1 877-705-9647


Newly Released Dagah: The Great Fish is a Whale of a Tale!

Author Victoria McCarty Pens a Heartfelt Children’s Story of Faith and Trust.

Baltimore, MD (USA), August 26th, 2016 — We are familiar with the story of Jonah, a Bible story of epic proportions told of a man who is swallowed whole by a whale. But have we ever considered the story from the whale’s point of view? “Dagah: The Great Fish” is just that, the tale of a great whale who was called upon by God to participate in a mission far greater than he could have imagined.

“When my friend Inky asked the question – what did the whale think – it inspired me to create a colorful children’s book that would explore the relationship the fish had with God and how he came to swallow Jonah,” said author Victoria McCarty. “The question was asked jokingly but Inky really helped me delve into the story further and imagine what it would be like to be asked to do something far outside our comfort zone. “Dagah: The Great Fish” explores that experience. How do we respond when we are asked to do something we are sure we cannot.

In the story “Dagah: The Great Fish”, the main character is swimming along happily when he hears a voice that asks him to leave the comforts of home, food, and shelter and travel into the cold, dark waters of the unknown. Through a strong faith and trust in God, Dagah travels into a variety of interesting places and plays a major role in the story of Jonah, a simple man that God is also used for far greater good.

“Dagah: The Great Fish” is Victoria’s own experience in being asked to do something out of the norm. Prior to this story, Victoria has enjoyed writing but it was a very private endeavor. However, with “Dagah: The Great Fish” she felt called upon to create a story of faith and share it with the world.

“My hope is that “Dagah: The Great Fish” will resonate with young readers,” said McCarty. “Children have all experienced times when teachers, parents and other adults in their life have asked them to do something they felt was too difficult. Hopefully “Dagah: The Great Fish” will teach them that through faith and trust in God, who is always at their side offering support and comfort, they can accomplish great things.”

“Not only is this a wonderful children’s story,” said Lisa Umina, founder and publisher of Halo Publishing International, “but it is also a tale that will inspire parents to seek out more information about Jonah and other stories in the Bible that focus on God’s love and the importance of trusting in Him.”

Victoria’s story is accompanied by the beautiful art of her sister, Sarah Holtsberg, who is currently attending college. Her drawings bring the story of Dagah to life.

“Dagah: The Great Fish” is available through Halo Publishing as well as Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

About Victoria McCarty:
Victoria McCarty is an art teacher, writer and active participant in children’s ministry in rural Carroll County, Maryland. She resides with her husband, dog, and cat focusing on church activities and creating studio artwork. Sharing God’s word in creative ways is one of Victoria’s passions. “Dagah: The Great Fish” is her first published work.

About Halo Publishing International:
Halo Publishing International is a self-publishing company that publishes adult fiction and non-fiction, children’s literature, self-help, spiritual, and faith-based books. We continually strive to help authors reach their publishing goals and provide many different services that help them do so. http://www.HaloPublishing.com

Press & Media Contact:
Lisa M. Umina, Publisher
Halo Publishing International
1100 NW Loop 410, Suite 700-176
San Antonio, TX 78213 – USA
+1 877-705-9647


New Book Release – Dogs Are People Too: The Practical Guide to Understanding and Training Your Dog, by Mary Jean Alsina

Dogs Are People Too: The Practical Guide to Understanding and Training Your Dog (because you’re more alike than you think!), by Mary Jean Alsina, will get you and your dog wagging tails in agreement!

Newark, NJ, USA — Mary Jean Alsina’s Dogs Are People Too: The Practical Guide to Understanding and Training Your Dog (because you’re more alike than you think!) is a comprehensive guide for novice to experienced owners on how to best understand and interact with their dogs for utmost success.

5 Star Reviews have been blanketing Alsina’s new title!

Mary Jean Alsina neatly draws on a variety of sources to outline how dog guardians can learn to better communicate with their dogs, read their emotions and understand what they are trying to say. – Susan Nilson

I’d always suspected that my dogs were the better versions of me and now this book proves it. This is the bridge that helps you to relate to your dog as you would to your child, your friend, your partner. It applies what you know already to the language of dogs and you will find yourself nodding absently and consistently in agreement as you flip the pages. Don’t think of this as a dog training manual. Rather, it is a guide for understanding dogs. – Zarina Mak

The book itself is easy and pleasant to read (did it in one day). It’s full of a great deal of information on studies with simple and easy to understand information identifying the similarities between, human behavior, children and our canine companions. The title totally says it all “Dogs are People Too”, if you’re thinking Mary Jean means it literally, your half right and half wrong. But when you do read it I can guarantee you will have an ah-ha moment. This isn’t a step by step do this, say that; rather it’s teach a man to fish type book. She supplies the tools and thought process with examples of how to apply the thought process. Think about it do you learn better when your happy and supported by those around you or when someone is standing there watching every move you make just waiting for an opportunity to shout? ~ Verified Amazon Reviewer

Author Mary Jean Alsina, CPDT-KA, PCT-A, M.A., is a certified professional science-based dog trainer and behavior consultant with over 10 years’ experience. During this time, she has worked with hundreds and hundreds of dogs exhibiting issues ranging from typical puppy behavior to severe fear and aggression as adults.

Alsina is the Founder, Owner, and Head Trainer for The Canine Cure, LLC, a New Jersey- and New York City-based dog training business. She lives in northern New Jersey with her husband Izzy, son Jason, rescue dog Sierra, and many of Sierra’s canine friends that come to stay on vacation when their parents travel.

Keywords – Dogs, Dog Training, Dog Behavior, Dog Safety, Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs, Positive Reinforcement

The ebook version of Dogs Are People Too: The Practical Guide to Understanding and Training Your Dog (because you’re more alike than you think!) ISBN 9781622879991, published by First Edition Design Publishing (http://www.firsteditiondesignpublishing.com), is available on-line wherever ebooks are sold. The 84 page print book version, ISBN 9781506901855, is published by First Edition Design Publishing and distributed worldwide to online booksellers.

Media Contact:
Mary Jean Alsina

New Memoir ‘Riches, Loss and Redemption: One Woman’s Journey’ Offers a Powerful Message About Inner Fulfillment and Profound Love

In her sequel to ‘Martha Ruth, Preacher’s Daughter’ Marti Eicholz shares her ongoing journey and unrelenting search for self-acceptance and within her own heart and soul.

San Diego, CA, USA — Marti Eicholz’s second memoir, ‘Riches, Loss and Redemption: One Woman’s Journey,’ is a compelling, stand-alone sequel that combines subtle poignancy with stark, difficult truths and a sense of self-awareness that is brutally honest as she reveals the details of her life after finding love and moving to California from her home state of Indiana.

Once settled on the west coast, Eicholz and her new husband begin their life together. Eicholz finds herself navigating unfamiliar territory but slowly acclimates to what on the surface appears to be a charmed life. She immerses herself in her upscale community in the San Francisco Bay Area, organizes and hosts posh parties and high-society events, and mingles with celebrities and entertainers. Eicholz and her husband acquire several homes, travel the world, join the country club, donate to charities and enjoy a luxurious lifestyle. But even as she savors her first-class experiences, Eicholz is always aware that she has become disconnected from her purpose, and that she may have lost her way amid the excitement of living life large.

The eventual and unexpected loss of all of their assets becomes a turning point in Eicholz’s life, a turning point that perhaps she was always moving towards. “Each experience and stage of my life was a unique gift,” explains Eicholz. “I learned that my responsibility was to value each one of these gifts and to protect them from attempts to suppress their contribution.”

Motivated by the necessity to examine her own experiences and to help others on their journey, Eicholz provides a valuable narrative (in the same strong, pure voice as her previous memoir) about the powerful and transformative process of introspection. Her book is filled with joy, sorrow, success, self-doubt, love, fear, compassion and a deep and palpable gratitude for the preciousness of her life and the steadfast love between her and her husband.

“Every step of my lifetime journey was equally significant and necessary for my growth towards healthy living,” says Eicholz. “By sharing my story, others may be given insights that would give clarity to their own journey.”

‘Riches, Loss and Redemption: One Woman’s Journey’ is published in ebook format by eBookIt.com and is now available at popular online retailers including Amazon.com, Barnesandnoble.com, and Apple’s iBookstore.

Marti Eicholz is available for interviews.

Media Contact:
Marti Eicholz

FED Publishing Releases New Book, “4 Essential Steps of Big-Hearted Change For Our New World Rising” by Marcia West

4 Essential Steps of Big-Hearted Change For Our New World Rising, by Marcia West, shows how to use the problems, changes, and decisions of your life to support your growth, bring forth your truest self, and live from your heart.

Chicago, IL, USA — Marcia West’s 4 Essential Steps of Big-Hearted Change For Our New World Rising is a guidebook for change that serves the highest good of all involved. The process and tools are appropriate for individuals, families, organizations, communities, countries, and the world at large. A new approach to change is offered that originates in the heart. It works because it comes from love and a consciousness far beyond that of the mind alone.

Logic is a wonderful thing. But logic is not a workable foundation for change that truly makes a difference. We are moving into the unknown. Logic will not take us there. In fact, the mind cannot lead us in this endeavor. It doesn’t know the way. We must allow our hearts to guide us. 4 Essential Steps of Big-Hearted Change shows you how. ~Marcia West

Author Marcia West, Founder of Bridges of Unity, is a pioneer and leader in the field of unity consciousness. A visionary by nature, and former teacher and engineer by trade and education, Marcia translates her inspired awareness of love-based systems of unity into practical processes and tools for daily life. A gifted speaker whose core essence is unity, Marcia’s passion and focus is to bring understanding and the experience of unity into our earthly lives. You may contact her through her website: http://www.bridgesofunity.com.

Keywords – Change, Conscious Change, Love, Process, Unity, Consciousness, Heartfelt, Truth, Spiritual, Highest Good, New World

The ebook version of 4 Essential Steps of Big-Hearted Change For Our New World Rising ISBN 9781506901992, published by First Edition Design Publishing (http://www.firsteditiondesignpublishing.com), is available on-line wherever ebooks are sold. The 64 page print book version, ISBN 9781506901985, is published by First Edition Design Publishing and distributed worldwide to select booksellers.

Media Contact:
Marcia West

First Edition Design Publishing Releases New Book, “Chicken Salad and Ghosts” by Melanie Spycher

Chicken Salad and Ghosts, by Melanie Spycher, tells us a ghost story filled with ghostly encounters of a positively playful and prank filled kind.

Tampa, FL, USA — Melanie Spycher’s Chicken Salad and Ghosts is partially an autobiography and part female mystery adaptation. But first, let me introduce myself: I am Nonni in this book. As I am writing this, I can hardly believe it’s been over thirty years since the depicted events took place. You may not believe in ghosts, and I am not documenting these experiences to convince you. I’m simply writing this book because, when reflecting on these memories in my life, thought they were worth sharing with others, both believers and nonbelievers.

Back in the seventies I owned a shop in the basement of a three-story, early 1900s house for three years. Though the area was quite small, I managed to keep it well stocked with hand crafted items representing over one hundred consignors. Above my business was the two-story house that functioned as an antique store. As the strange events began taking place, and then increased in frequency, Cookie, who owned the antique store, and I assumed that someone was playing pranks on us. What other explanation could there be? But that was until we began sharing our experiences with other shop owners and found that they, too, had stories to share.

Melanie Spycher was a nurse for thirty years, but ventured down a different path in 1976 when hearing a small consignment shop was for sale. While she expected some challenges in the new business environment, she never anticipated that ghosts would be amongst them. Though Melanie’s time as a small business owner was brief, the playful antics of a resident ghost changed her life forever.

Keywords – Women’s Mystery, Supernatural, Ghosts, Paranormal, Chicken Salad, Friends

The ebook version of Chicken Salad and Ghosts ISBN 9781506901367, published by First Edition Design Publishing (http://www.firsteditiondesignpublishing.com), is available on-line wherever ebooks are sold. The 232 page print book version, ISBN 9781506901831, is published by First Edition Design Publishing and distributed worldwide to online booksellers.

Media Contact:
Melanie Spycher

First Edition Design Publishing Releases New Book, “The Backward Flying Angel” by Jim Sparr

The Backward Flying Angel, by Jim Sparr, is an easy reading, introspective journey through five generations of a contemporary Western family.

Denver, CO, USA — Jim Sparr’s The Backward Flying Angel gives the reader examples that demonstrate how experiences, family, institutions of education and religion shape our view of life. And how sometimes it all seems to come together and make sense in one beautiful moment.

I was so fixated on beauty, I couldn’t see the truth. I should’ve known that it takes an open mind and a pure heart to get closer to the truth.

Join the author as he intertwines five living generations, their different approaches to parenting while reflecting on himself as a grandparent, parent and child as his family travels to and on vacation in Colorado. Sparr deals with subjects such as communicating, discipline, comedy and tragedy, patience, temper, bad language, love and bonding. Finally, great-grandson Carter tells his part of the backward flying angel story from his fifth generation perspective.

Author Jim Sparr holds a B.A. in education, English major, Masters of Urban Affairs (MUA) from Wichita State University. He was Fire Chief for Wichita, Kansas and Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Jim also owned and operated a consulting company specializing in fire, police, EMS, and emergency management. (http://www.jimsparr.com)

Keywords – Communication, Discipline, Comedy, Tragedy, Patience, Temper, Bad Language, Love, Bonding

The ebook version of The Backward Flying Angel ISBN 9781506902135, published by First Edition Design Publishing (http://www.firsteditiondesignpublishing.com), is available on-line wherever ebooks are sold. The 104 page print book version, ISBN 9781506902128 and hardcopy ISBN 9781506902111, is published by First Edition Design Publishing and distributed worldwide to online booksellers.

Media Contact:
Jim Sparr

FED Publishing Releases New Book, “Mary Fields aka Stagecoach Mary” by Erich Martin Hicks

Mary Fields aka Stagecoach Mary, by Erich Martin Hicks, was a cigar smoking, shotgun and pistol toting Negro Woman of the Wild West, who could knock out any man with one punch. A piece of historical fiction that is a must read.

Woodland Hills, CA, USA — “A fantastic novel, of a great American heroine’s life.” 5 Star Review – Tariano (Tito) Jackson, The Jackson 5

Erich Martin Hicks’s Mary Fields aka Stagecoach Mary is unlike any other story you’ve read about Mary Fields. This fictionalized story has been dramatically enhanced for your entertainment pleasures; however, ‘most’ of the stories–and the outcomes within this novel–are historically genuine.

Mary was 6 feet tall, and weighed over 200 pounds, and was the second woman in ‘history’ to carry the U. S. Mail, and the only ‘Negro’, for hundreds and hundreds of miles when she first arrived in Montana.

This feature story covers Mary’s colorful life, from the plantation where she was born a slave in 1832, to the famous Steamboat race between the “Robert E. Lee” and the “Natchez” on the Mississippi River, to her death in Cascade, Montana, 1914.

Dedicated to exploring the history of African-Americans/Blacks and shattering stereotypes, Erich Hick’s Alpha Wolf Productions, Inc. has developed a feature film documentary, Soul on a Wave which exposes the life and times of surfers of color. Erich’s first novel, Rescue at Pine Ridge, was released in December 2008. The novel is a historical narrative, depicting the all-Black 9th Calvary. Known as the US military’s famed ‘Buffalo Soldiers’, which helped settle the American West in the late 1800’s. Erich has completed an accompanying screenplay for a TV mini-series, Trilogy, and Epic Feature, and has garnered support from some of HOLLYWOOD’S acclaimed Industry Producers/Directors/and Actors.

Amazon 5 Stars – The author did a tremendous job in getting facts about her life. This no doubt needs to be made into a movie or a mini-series. This book also should be placed in the educational system so history can be told how times were during slavery and post slavery.

Amazon 5 Stars – A story of a real, amazing woman who was the first Black woman to work for the U.S. Postal Service following the Civil War. The author takes us back to Mary’s childhood as a slave, and builds the story of how she overcame violent reactions to her color and size, and how so many came to love and respect her. It is a fascinating read.

Visit Amazon and GoodReads for additional reviews!

Please visit the webpage for more information at: http://www.alphawolfprods.com and for a comprehensive resume at http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0902436

Genre – Mary Fields, Mail, African American, Black History, Montana, Stagecoach, Outlaws, Cowboys, Postal System, Historical, 1914, 1832

The ebook version of Mary Fields aka Stagecoach Mary Book ISBN 9781506901022, published by First Edition Design Publishing (http://www.firsteditiondesignpublishing.com), is available on-line wherever ebooks are sold. The 202 page print book version, ISBN 9781506901015 and Hard Copy 9781506901657 are published by First Edition Design Publishing and distributed worldwide to online booksellers.

Media Contact:
Erich Martin Hicks