Cardiovascular Pharmaceuticals Market in India 2012 Report Now Available from

With its huge patient base cardiovascular pharma market, is expected to show steady growth over the coming years.
The report begins with the introduction section which offers a brief insight into the major cardiovascular drug classes. It then moves to the market overview section which provides an insight into the global market and then moves on to the Indian market, highlighting the market size and growth.
An analysis of the drivers explains the factors for growth of the industry including increasing patient population, patent expiry of blockbuster drugs, increase in disposable income and introduction of newer and better drugs. The key challenges include strong competition between the different pharma companies and competition from complementary and alternative medicines.

The government initiatives section gives analyses the efforts to reduce drug prices, changes in the customs duty structure and the various control programmes undertaken by the Government.
A brief overview of the drug market value chain, drug regulations and patents is presented in the next section. It analyses the pharmaceutical value chain, and focuses on the different stages of clinical trial that a drug must pass through. Drug regulations in India and drugs approved for marketing have been provided. A snapshot of different regulatory frameworks existing in the Indian pharma industry has been shown. The section also provides a list of important patent approvals for cardiovascular drugs.

The competition section gives overview of pharmaceutical companies in the country operating in the cardiovascular pharmaceutical industry. The report highlights features of the major players operating in the market in detail. It includes elaborate profile of the major players in the market along with their financial analysis. It also incorporates the recent developments in the Cardiovascular Pharmaceutical industry.

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Click Cardiovascular Pharmaceuticals Market in India 2012 if you are interested in buying this report.

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