The Elevation Group Review – New Secrets of the Wealthy

Austin (Feb 20, 2011) – Mike Dillard, network marketing guru and multi-millionaire, today disclosed that he would be sharing additional secrets of wealth management through his company, The Elevation Group.

Drawing parallels to historical periods of economic downturn from the fall of the Roman Empire to the Great Depression, Dillard explained that the economy will never return to its previous levels of growth.

He asserted, however, that that doesn’t mean a business owner can’t achieve success. “I’ll show you how I’m positioning myself to take advantage of the economic climate, and how you can do the same,” said Dillard.

Dillard’s vision for the Elevation Group is to assist entrepreneurs worldwide in achieving financial success. But, he said, the truth about unlimited wealth creation has been hidden in what he calls a “black box” by the few who know the secrets. Instead of allowing the trend to continue, he has chosen to share this information with the public through the Elevation Group.

Dillard explained that in the early part of the 1900s, the federal government stopped backing up the money supply with gold, and instead switched to fiat currency — which means that it had no intrinsic value, and instead only possessed the value the government decided it had. This is the system that remains in place today.

Unfortunately, Dillard said, this system is risky because, without a gold reserve to back up its value, money is vulnerable to deflation, inflation, and hyperinflation. That’s why Dillard has provided information on why and how to purchase gold, silver, and other precious metals that can’t be devalued in the same way that fiat money can.

Although he does not promise that it’s not “too late jump on the bandwagon,” Dillard lets his actions speak for themselves. “I’m still buying precious metals,” he said.

“There are three things you need to get yourself out of the middle class investment ‘slaughterhouse’ and into the world of the rich,” said Dillard. “First, you need cutting-edge, inside information from the people who know what’s going on. Second, you need the knowledge and skills necessary to act on the information you receive. And third, you need to have a contact list of people who are experts.”

But instead of simply instructing entrepreneurs to build their own reference lists (which is easier said than done), Dillard has compiled on his website all that he has learned from the experts, making it available to Elevation Group members.

Dillard instructs Elevation Group members on how to develop a source of income that isn’t affected by the market, can be withdrawn without penalties or fees, and provides complete protection against creditors during bankruptcy.

Most importantly, this method allows members to “be their own bank,” which means that they fund their own large purchases instead of going to a bank for a loan; in addition, 100% of the money can be pulled out tax-free when a person decides to retire.

“If you don’t want to get left behind with the rest of middle-class America, this is the place to be,” said Matt Connor, an Elevation Group member. “I haven’t been disappointed by joining, and I know you won’t be, either.”

To find more information or to join the Elevation Group, go online to, or contact Lawrence Tam at LawrenceMLM

Dillard, a native of Austin, Texas, is the founder of several companies. He became a network marketing millionaire at 26.

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