Tag Archives: protest

Hikari Sato Participated in Nuclear Wastewater Protest

WASHINGTON, 2022-Apr-12 — /REAL TIME PRESS RELEASE/ — On February 23, 2021, many Japanese people flocked to the streets of downtown Fukushima to express their opposition to the government’s decision to discharge nuclear wastewater into the sea, and even representatives of some civic groups came to protest. Some Japanese experts believe that it is a hasty decision to rashly decide to discharge nuclear wastewater into the Pacific Ocean without the on-the-spot investigation by international research institutions first. Our guest, Hikari Sato, also participated in the protest and was involved in the design of the protest posters.

For those who know Hikari Sato, this is not surprising, because environmental protection has long been a philosophy of Hikari Sato’s life. As a painter, she is used to reminding people to protect the environment through her paintings.

We won’t have a society if we destroy the environment. As Margaret Mead said, if the environment is seriously destroyed, the consequences of which for human beings are unbearable. Hikari Sato has always been promoting the concept of environmental protection with people she can reach.

“When I know that the government decides to discharge nuclear wastewater into the sea, I realize that this will put people in the future into a bad situation, despite that they have claimed repeatedly that these waters are harmless. In the past 100 years of human history, we have dumped enough harmful substances in corners of nature at will, and Mother Earth can no longer take more damage.”

After that, she answered some of our questions.

Q: When did you start advocating for environmental protection?
A: When I was 20 years old, at that time I’d already been to many countries to study and create. I found that, in every country, there are people who don’t care about the environment.

Q: What have you done about it?
A: You know, I like to draw. So sometimes I would remind people of the importance of environmental protection through my paintings. There are also times when I’d participate in publicity activities, like walking with my friends on the street and explaining to people some of the knowledge about environmental protection

Q: Some people say that you being an environmental advocate is just a gesture to gain fame. What do you think about this?
A: I’m curious who said that. If it was for fame, I would have a better way of doing it. Like showing my works in exhibitions from all over the world, or getting on some TV shows, but I haven’t done any of that.

Media contact:

Arden, rohani09siti@yahoo.com

Sweet Honey in the Rock Announces Plans to Perform and Protest in Song for Scheduled Dates in North Carolina May 13/14

Internationally renowned a cappella ensemble and activists, SWEET HONEY IN THE ROCK, whose mission is empowerment, education and entertainment have announced they will proceed with their scheduled engagements in Goldsboro at the Paramount Theatre, May 13th, and  High Point Theatre, May 14th, in North Carolina.

New York, NY, May 14, 2016 – Internationally renowned a cappella ensemble and activists, SWEET HONEY IN THE ROCK, whose mission is empowerment, education and entertainment have announced they will proceed with their scheduled engagements in Goldsboro at the Paramount Theatre, May 13th, and  High Point Theatre, May 14th, in North Carolina. They will protest in song to express their opposition to the passage of the HB2 anti-transgender (so-called “bathroom law”) that has embroiled North Carolina in a national controversy.

In their official announcement, the group stated, “Sweet Honey in the Rock has always stood for justice, freedom, dignity, and basic human rights for all people, regardless of race, religion, age, ability, economic status, political affiliation, national origin, gender identity, or sexual orientation, and our diverse audiences reflect these principles. In 2010, we joined many other artists in the boycott against the unjust policy in Arizona (SB 1070) By declining to perform, however, we were constantly reminded by those in the struggle that they needed our voices for support. ”

“Although we do not endorse the recent passing of the unjust HB2 anti-transgender law in North Carolina, we will honor our prior commitments (Goldsboro, May 13; High Point, May 14) to offer music which will uplift and inspire all those who believe it is imperative to stand together against injustice.  We who believe in freedom cannot rest.”

For more information on Sweet Honey In The Rock, please visit their website: http://sweethoneyintherock.org/

Media Contact for Interviews/Requests: Chip Schutzman – Miles High Productions, 323-806-0400/chip@mileshighproductions.com

Chip Schutzman
Miles High Productions
P.O. Box 93157
Hollywood, CA 90093
323 806-0400

“R.I.P., G.O.P” Says Republican Anti-Romney Activist

Will the GOP survive Mitt Romney? No chance, insists a Republican precinct committee officer (PCO) from Redmond, Wash., who has renounced the ticket on two of his websites, RIPGOP and RINORomney.

Lord Nigel Featherston, a former Microsoft engineer who holds 12 patents, thinks the Grand Old Party can be saved, but not by the Romney-Ryan ticket.

“Electing Romney would drive another nail into the party’s coffin,” Featherston declares on his website. Although he rants against RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) and labels Romney a “liberal RINO who lacks any basic conservative principles,” the 66-year-old entrepreneur isn’t suggesting conservatives cast votes for Democrats.

“We must vote for conservative congressional candidates and we must fight the destructive RINOs by rejecting Romney,” he urges, adding, “Vote or write-in a true conservative, perhaps the Libertarian candidate.”

Regardless of the outcome of November’s election, Featherston believes a new conservative party must be created. RINOS killed the GOP, he says.

As for Romney’s pick of Paul Ryan as his running mate, Featherston says voters must realize this is “a total sham.” If Romney were a true conservative he would not have the support of Karl Rove and the GOP country club RINOs, Featherston contends. The notion that Ryan’s conservatism will make Romney more conservative is ludicrous, he insists. “Romney only pretends to be conservative in hopes of getting elected.” After the election, Featherston predicts Ryan will regret being Romney’s running mate,” realizing he was chosen just to provide conservative lip-service and to appease conservatives and the Tea Party. Although Featherston has donated to Republican candidates in the past and served multiple terms as a GOP PCO, he now leans toward the Libertarian party.

Featherston’s passions and activism transcend politics. In 2003 he won a record $250,000 judgment against two Ohio residents who inundated him with thousands of unwanted emails. Among his likes are vintage technology and holiday lights. At Christmastime, he decorates his home with 7,000 LED bulbs.

For now his attention is focused on the GOP. And like the storm swirling around Tampa, he hopes to wreak some havoc and stir up interest for a new party as the “standard bearer for conservatives.”

“If a liberal is going to fail and discredit their party, let it be a Democrat,” Featherston proclaims.

Contact Details: L.N. Featherston
15112 Old Redmond Rd.
Redmond, WA 98052
Phone: 425.702-9676 or (cell) 425.442-4773
Email: pr@ec-magic.com