Tag Archives: President Obama

Halo Publishing Author Miguel Coppedge Meets with President Obama

Ten-Year Old Author of “The Adventures of FireMan” Provides Inspirational Example.

Washington, D.C. (USA), February 19th, 2016 — Just like many ten-year old boys, Miguel Coppedge dreams of being a firefighter, an NBA point guard or an author. However, unlike most, Miguel is doing something about making his dreams a reality. Miguel has just published the first in a series of children’s books featuring the super hero Kris Schmoove and his best friend Rico G. The boys discover their super powers and together they defeat “The Destroyer!”

“I really like firefighters and super heroes,” said Miguel Coppedge, who wrote this first book, The Adventures of FireMan, when he was only eight years old. “Superman is my favorite and I wanted to write a story that combined two of my favorite things.”

Since writing his first book, Miguel has visited a variety of local churches, schools and daycare centers to read his book. He has visited the local fire station and read his book to two different fire chiefs.

“That was a great experience,” said Miguel. “I’m afraid of heights but I got to put on a uniform and climb up the really tall ladder. It was awesome.”

He is not only a local celebrity but recently had the opportunity to gain a new fan; one of worldwide notoriety.

“Miguel attended the Day of Service at our local Boys and Girls Club and was surprised with a visit from President Obama,” said Yolanda Coppedge, Miguel’s proud mother.

“I got to sit by President Obama and even told him a joke,” Miguel shared. “He laughed! It was great.”

Shortly after President Obama’s visit, Miguel sent a thank you package to the President and within a matter of weeks received an invitation to visit the White House. Miguel Coppedge took a signed copy of his book The Adventures of FireMan, which is dedicated in part to President Obama, to the White House. President Obama responded with a beautiful thank you note signed, “Your friend.”

“Miguel has always been a fabulous child,” said his mother. “When he sets his mind to something, he follows through. I didn’t even know he was thinking about writing a story until he came to me one night with a notebook and said Here, Mom, I wrote a book.”

“We are so excited to have Miguel Coppedge as part of the Halo Publishing family,” said Lisa Umina, founder and President of Halo Publishing. “He is an inspiration and we know that we are witnessing the beginning of his journey as a successful author.”

Miguel has already written a sequel to The Adventures of Fireman and hopes to have it available in stores later this year.

“You are never too young to do anything,” Miguel told a group of children at a recent book reading. “Always follow your dreams no matter what your age.”

The Adventures of FireMan is available for $20.00. Three dollars from each book is donated to St. Ann’s Infant Home (stanns.org) in Hyattsville, MD which is where Miguel lived before being adopted by Yolanda.

Signed copies can purchased through his PayPal link for $23.00 total ($20 for book $3 for shipping)

* Hardcover: 32 pages
* Publisher: Halo Publishing International (September 25, 2015)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 1612443729
* ISBN-13: 978-1612443720
* Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 0.2 x 8.5 inches

About Miguel Coppedge:
Miguel is a 10-year old who loves school and learning new things. Miguel loves reading and writing. Miguel also loves video games and playing sports and basketball is his favorite. Most of all Miguel loves to have fun! Follow Miguel on social media:

Facebook – facebook.com/The-Adventures-of-FireMan-1613791605551507/
Instagram – instagram.com/theadventuresoffireman/
Twitter – twitter.com/miguelcoppedge

About Halo Publishing International:
Halo Publishing International is a self-publishing company that publishes adult fiction and non-fiction, children’s literature, self-help, spiritual, and faith-based books. We continually strive to help authors reach their publishing goals and provide many different services that help them do so. http://www.HaloPublishing.com

Press & Media Contact:
Lisa M. Umina, Publisher
Halo Publishing International
1100 NW Loop 410, Suite 700-176
San Antonio, TX 78213 – USA
+1 877-705-9647


Cyber Security World Conference 2014 to Build on Obama’s Cyber Threat Information Sharing Framework Against Global Hacker Attacks

Building off of the momentum of past successful conferences, Golden Networking presents Cyber Security World Conference 2014 New York City (www.CyberSecurityWorldConference.com), forum that will bring the latest thinking from security experts to hundreds of senior executives focused on protecting enterprises and government’s information assets.

New York City, NY, USA (November 1, 2014) — According to The Hill, the Obama administration’s recently issued cyber threat information sharing framework comes at a time when discussions are heating up in Congress on stalled legislation dealing with cyber security. Why lawmakers and law enforcement officials have been pounding the pavement in recent weeks, declaring that steps to ease the sharing of information about cyber threats are critical for the country’s defenses, will be discussed at Golden Networking’s Cyber Security World Conference 2014 New York City (http://www.CyberSecurityWorldConference.com), unique professional gathering where cybersecurity experts are set to illustrate business on protecting their information from cyber-attacks.

The document fills a gap in the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)’s more general cybersecurity framework, released on February 12, 2014. The framework, created through collaboration between industry and government, consists of standards, guidelines, and practices to promote the protection of critical infrastructure. The prioritized, flexible, repeatable, and cost-effective approach of the framework helps owners and operators of critical infrastructure to manage cybersecurity-related risk.

The Department of Homeland Security’s Critical Infrastructure Cyber Community C³ Voluntary Program helps align critical infrastructure owners and operators with existing resources that will assist their efforts to adopt the Cybersecurity Framework and manage their cyber risks. NIST also issued a companion roadmap that discusses NIST’s next steps with the Framework and identifies key areas of cybersecurity development, alignment, and collaboration.

Roadblocks to total implementation still remain though, as both industry and privacy groups have been hesitant to freely share information in the current legal landscape. One bill that would address the legal issues is the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA), but it remains unclear whether the bill could see action in the lame-duck session after the elections, according to The Hill. Absent congressional action, businesses are concerned about whether they will be protected from liability when sharing information with the government. Conversely, privacy advocates are wary of what personal data industries might share with the government, given the surveillance activities that have been revealed at the National Security Agency (NSA).

About Cyber Security World Conference 2014

Cybersecurity is never again a term to ignore for individuals or corporations. The daily activities of all Americans, the country’s global economic prominence and worldwide security rely on a safe and resilient cyberspace. Unfortunately, the number of cyber-attacks has increased dramatically over the last years, exposing confidential personal and business data, disrupting critical operations, and imposing exorbitantly high costs on the economy overall.

Just recently, J.P. Morgan Chase, America’s largest commercial bank with $2.39 trillion in assets, announced that about 76 million households and 7 million of small-business customers had been affected by a cyberattack in one of the most sweeping known global breaches. The company said the unknown attackers stole customers’ contact information, which included names, email addresses, numbers and addresses, affected an amount equivalent to almost two-thirds of American households.

A brief walk down memory lane of some the biggest recent cyber-attacks now include Adobe Systems, Automated Data Processing, Citigroup, E*Trade Financial, Fidelity Investments, Home Depot, HSBC, Nasdaq OMX, Neiman Marcus, Target and Wal-mart. It is not unlikely to consider that the information of every American has already been compromised in any of these publicly disclosed attacks.

Renowned information security experts and innovative service providers will present at Cyber Security World Conference 2014 their latest thinking to hundreds of senior executives focused on protecting enterprises and governmental agencies. Topics that will be discussed include:

• Is Biometrics the Key to Personal and Corporate Security?
• Strengthening the Security of Industry-wide Technology Infrastructure
• Cyber Security Megatrends Security Professionals can’t Ignore Today
• Key Considerations about Security in the Internet of Things Age
• Cyber Security and its Role in the Overall Security of the United States
• How Hackers Really Operate to Obtain Financial Data
• Designing and Managing Effective Information Security Programs

Cyber Security World Conference 2014 is produced by Golden Networking, the premier networking community for business and technology executives, entrepreneurs and investors. Panelists, speakers and sponsors are invited to contact Golden Networking by sending an email to information@goldennetworking.com.

Media Contact:
Julia Petrova
Media Relations Coordinator
Golden Networking

Pinstripes For Banksters And Justice For All. It’s Only Right.

Peaceful restoration of our freedoms and justice for all is what all of us want. Over two hundred years ago when we fought against tyranny for our independence, many lives were lost, some of those were innocent people but in that instance it was necessary, today we hope that our govenrmnet comes to it’s senses and realizes that they can’t and mustn’t favor one class of people over others and justice should be doled out equally to all if a law has been broken-we must not just tolerate crime and look the other way for certain people.

Turn off the TV, don’t let them divert your attention any longer, wake up because your freedoms are slowly and surely being stripped from you. It won’t be long before they knock on the door to your home, they tell you to surrender your guns and issue a decree that you are no longer authorized to protest in any way against the government. This will also include postings online, speech and that your opinions and dissent must be kept to yourself or you will be imprisoned for inciting violence against the government or should I say, the monarchy.

The banks and the government created this financial mess but the citizens, taxpayers and homeowners have had to take the brunt of it and it’s now weighing so much on our shoulders that we can’t tolerate in any further. Stop the insanity now, these people have the misconception that they are Gods, perfect in every way and they put it across to all of us in an arrogant and belittling way. All of us deserve better, we deserve a media that reports the truth, not what the government authorizes or we aren’t any better than Venezuela, where Hugo Chaves controls the media in every way and tries to keep the people uninformed and preoccupied with news and reports of a mundane nature so no one will catch on that he’s fattening his vault just as the leaders of all of the countries in the Middle East that have fallen already to the uprising of the people. If you recall when you read the bible last that Jesus only got angry with one group of people-they were the moneychangers and he cast them out, this is what we must do without hesitation.

The people of this country fought the second World War and defeated two dictatorships that wanted to control the world, but the U.S. men and women of that generation got the job done, everyone worked together, over 20 million men joined the armed forces, while the women took their places in the factories and that’s how it’s done. A peaceful resolution is what we all want but we must leave all options on the table as the government and the banks have already bought the police and they will be utilizing the returning troops to stand guard over all of us but we have hopes that they would not shoot us down like dogs as they may be killing their own loved ones, friends and co-workers at the behest of the real animals that are threatening the values, democracy and economic structure of this country.

If we are going to restore the freedoms and stop the fraudulent bankers from pilfering and betting on our economy and threatening our futures than we deserve what we get, otherwise, let’s get together and demand a stop to his treachery and debauchery orchestrated and implemented by Washington D.C. and Wall Street elitists. Their plan is simple, financial destruction of the multitudes.

Justice for all, no exceptions and If the bankers commit fraud, they must be treated as any other citizen no matter what, including prison sentences if the crime is serious enough to warrant it.

Contact Details: John Reid (203)745-1251 Calls taken 7 days 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Your suggestions as to how to properly approach this problem and solve it for the better interest of the masses-not the few.