Tag Archives: personal journey

Successful Businessman Shares Personal Journey to Self-Discovery and Faith

Greg Grandchamp is not trying to sell you on his religion, in fact, calling himself a Christian had no impact on his life until he grew in his own personal relationship with Jesus Christ and realized how many people were what he now calls, “Cardboard Christians.”

Colorado Springs, CO (USA), March 31st, 2015 — Greg Grandchamp is not trying to sell you on his religion, in fact, calling himself a Christian had no impact on his life until he grew in his own personal relationship with Jesus Christ and realized how many people (himself included) were what he now calls, “Cardboard Christians.” Wanting to change this stereotype in his own life, and in others, he set out to become a disciple of Jesus Christ. His goal, to stimulate awareness and increase the understanding of what being a Christian is really about, and help others enhance their own faith and restore their sense of connection to true Christianity.

“To the world, it is as if we are trying to build our numbers and that isn’t what Christianity is about. It is a life commitment and Jesus should be our center or life is meaningless,” says Grandchamp. “I want people to understand Christianity isn’t about following rules, rituals and guidelines either. It’s not about a nice person being nicer. It’s about acting like a Christian and being able to share your faith… a testimony of Christ.”

Grandchamp’s debut novel, In Pursuit of Truth (published by Halo Publishing, Int.) is about how Christianity today is often viewed by others as judgmental, hypercritical and condemnatory.

“People feel very uncomfortable talking about Christ. They don’t want friends to feel pushed. I want people to feel at ease to talk about Jesus Christ and his role in our lives,” states Grandchamp, “There is no middle ground if Jesus Christ is who he says he is—then that, changes everything! You can’t be blasé. You have to accept or reject him. It’s your choice, but you need to know both sides first.”

Too often people are turned off by what they see in religion. Many feel religious practices are bound by rules and regulations. Grandchamp asks readers to ponder and answer the question, “Who is Jesus Christ?” for themselves.

“Greg, in his book ‘In Pursuit of Truth,’ tries to dispel false assumptions of religion and show true Christianity is nothing more—and nothing less—than a relationship with Jesus Christ. He really reaches out to the reader to deepen their relationship with Christ. There is and can be a harmony between spirituality and everyday life. So many are understandably fearful of getting out of their comfort zone and taking those barrier-busting leaps of faith,” says Halo Publisher Lisa M. Umina.

You can purchase “In Pursuit of Truth” through Halo Publishing, Amazon and B&N.
Cost $11.95 (paperback)
ISBN: 978-1-61244-339-3
Available in both print and eBook.

Greg Grandchamp lives in Colorado Springs, CO with his wife of 30 years. He and Norma have four adult children and five grandkids, who they adore. Greg and his wife love to RV in the beautiful Rocky Mountains. Greg is a senior executive in the mortgage industry and brings his faith into his business world. He is an accomplished public speaker and trainer, but mostly loves teaching the Bible in a way that touches hearts. For more information, visit http://www.halopublishing.com

Press & Media Contact:
Lisa M. Umina, Publisher
Halo Publishing International
1100 NW Loop 410, Suite 700-176
San Antonio, TX 78213 – USA
+1 877-705-9647


Emerging Singer-Songwriter Roxanna Releases Single “Unforgotten”

Now Available On Itunes — English and Spanish Versions Available January 15th on all Major Digital Retail Outlets

Los Angeles, CA, January 16, 2013 – “Unforgotten” takes you on a personal journey of an empathetic story. Joining forces with producer Mark Portmann, known for working with Michael Buble and Barbara Streisand, Roxanna has produced a polished and luxurious rich sound. Her upcoming album release will provide a seamless, mastered mix of adult contemporary, classic pop, world, and a taste of flamenco. This song is universal and anyone that has experienced heartbreak will be able to identify with the message.

Roxanna has always had a love for music. rowing up in Canada, she idolized Madonna, Celine Dion, Julio Iglesias, and Olivia Newton John. Not only did the musicians open up Roxanna to a new world of music, but was also how Roxanna was introduced to the English language. Before entering into the music industry, she would use music’s influence in her nursing profession to heal her patients.

Spain and the country’s music found its way into Roxanna’s heart as well, and it has inspired how she wants to convey her creativity. Due to her love for Spanish culture, she has decided to release an alternate Spanish version of the single “Unforgotten” titled “Para Siempre.” Both versions of the song can be found on upcoming album Exotica, due out late spring.

For more information about Roxanna, check out her links:



Chip Schutzman
Miles High Productions
P.O. Box 93157
Hollywood, CA 90093
323 806-0400

Daleen Berry’s Breakout Memoir “Sister of Silence’ Released as eBook

Award-winning journalist adds worldwide distribution to book via eBooks.

Morgantown, WV, Thursday – June 30, 2011 — Award-winning journalist Daleen Berry has released her debut book, Sister of Silence in eBook format. Sister of Silence is available in eBooks for Amazon’s Kindle, Apple’s iBookstore, Barnes & Noble’s Nook, Border’s Kobo, Sony eReader and Google’s eBookstore, which provides eBooks for several eReader devices. In addition to those outlets, the Sister of Silence eBook is available worldwide at over 1,000 sources including libraries, schools and online booksellers.

Sister of Silence, the first of Berry’s memoir trilogy, is an inspirational self-help book, which covers the amazing story of Berry’s personal journey. Berry married a coal miner who kept her barefoot and pregnant. By twenty-one she had four children. She went from being a teen mom to an award-winning journalist, determined to break the silence that shatters women and children’s lives.

Sister of Silence http://www.nellieblybooks.com deals with Berry’s personal battle to forgive herself and let go of the shame and guilt that arose from sexual, physical and psychological abuse beginning at age 13.

“Whenever I told my story, people came forward and said other women needed to hear it,” Berry said. “They convinced me I had to swallow my fears about what people would think of me once they knew my truth, and just do it.”

After retiring with more than 30 years of experience as an agent and instructor at the FBI’s academy in Quantico, Va., Kenneth V. Lanning wrote the book’s foreword. “Berry’s story is ultimately one of survival and hope for victims,” Lanning said. A national expert, Lanning is also a founding member of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children.

“Sister of Silence is an inspirational memoir,” Dr. Jackie Campbell, Ph.D., RN, a nursing professor at Johns Hopkins University, said. “It’s a wake-up call for all of us to help end the silence, to make it easier for our sisters to speak up when this happens to them and to confront the violence against women and girls.” Campbell is considered one of the nation’s leading expert on domestic violence.

After interviewing Berry for an hour-long segment that aired March 8, 2011 on The Bob Edwards Show, Sirius XM Radio Host and Author Bob Edwards commented, “Almost never is an interview subject so open or so candid about the most intimate details of the most horrible moments of her life. Daleen is a very brave women and I hope her story will help other girls and women . . . Daleen you are a magnificent storyteller.”

The Sister of Silence eBook (ISBN 978-0-9837342-2-2), published by First Edition Design eBook Publishing in Sarasota FL on June 27, 2011, differs from the print book. The eBook contains a free special bonus chapter from the author’s next book, Lethal Silence, to be published this fall. This book is an academic text that looks at four case studies involving families whose lives were shattered by a lethal silence that left children dead, and the role such stressors as sexual abuse, teen pregnancy, depression and domestic violence played.

Ms. Berry is a national expert on domestic violence who has written for newspapers in Maryland, Texas, California and West Virginia. She is a freelance reporter who has written about mothers who kill their children for The Daily Beast. Among her many awards for writing, editing and public speaking are three from the Maryland-Delaware-DC and West Virginia Press Associations. Her student staff also received a record number of awards from the Society of Collegiate Journalists while under her leadership. Sister of Silence was awarded first-place in the West Virginia Writer’s Competition. In 1990, Berry received a first-place award for investigative journalism from the West Virginia Press Association while reporting for The Preston County Journal/News.

Berry has reported and edited many newspapers, including The Charleston Gazette, The Bridgeport News, The Clarksburg Exponent, The Dominion Post, The Tracy Press, The Preston County Journal/News and The Kingsville Record. She also wrote for The Associated Press.

For more information about Sister of Silence or Daleen Berry, visit http://www.nellieblybooks.com or daleenberry.com.

Press & Media Contact:
Tabitha Allen
Nellie Bly Books, LLC
Morgantown, WV
Tel: 888-241-5534
Fax: 888-551-6690