Tag Archives: My Lead System Pro

My Lead System Pro Releases New Training Capture Pages For Lead Generation

California, Feb 18,2011 – Network marketing guru Lawrence Tam today announced the release to the public several business secrets and tools, including his knowledge of My Lead System Pro (MLSP), a lead-generating program for network marketing professionals.

The program is powerful and effective, Tam said. “When people tell me they think it’s impossible to generate leads online part time, I shake my head,” he said. “And when others say receiving multiple streams of income is only a dream, I smile. I guess I live in a dream state.”

Tam clarifies, however, that the program will not do the work for you. “It is not a magic bullet that will give you leads,” said Tam.

He stressed that it will do something more important: “It will teach you how to generate traffic, convert that traffic into leads, and convert them into business.”

In addition to his expertise, Tam has also offered four capture-page funnels — pages designed for the sole purpose of obtaining the emails of prospects — that will allow network marketers to give away in-demand training content on their Facebook and Twitter pages. These trainings include Marc Barret’s “25 Marketing Methods,” Toby Black and Layla De Staat’s “Famous in 60 Days,” Casey Eberhart’s “Limitless Leads for Life,” and Ray Higdon’s “Social Media Automation.”

Prospects will appreciate the giveaways and therefore will be more likely to sign up with you.

The most advantageous aspect of My Lead System Pro is its financial set-up. Rather than draining the business owner’s financial reserves, the program is a so-called “self-funded proposal. That means that it’s built to make money whether anyone joins your business,” Tam explained. “MLSP pays you when you bring people in to join the system.”

The key, Tam said, is to stay in the business long enough that leads start converting into business. But in the meantime, MLSP can help a network marketer stay on track.

To learn more about My Lead System Pro (MLSP) or to inquire about working with Lawrence Tam, go online to http://www.lawrencetam.net/tool-belt/my-lead-system-pro-mlsp-top-leader-system/ or email Lawrence Tam at LawrenceMLM@gmail.com.