Tag Archives: grass repair

Americans Looking To Save Money On Lawn Care

[Lebanon, CT] – May 4, 2011 – The United States has long been known as a place where well kept and vibrant green lawns stretch from home to sidewalk in countless neighborhoods from sea to shining sea, at least in the popular imagination. While today the economy is not quite as robust as it must have been during the 1950’s when Hollywood and advertisers popularized that image of America, it is certainly still something that many Americans view as the proper look for a home here. However, there is certainly a cost to attempting to achieve this kind of look. While many lawn care companies exist around the nation today, not that many people can afford such services when the budget is so tight that a lot of people are still losing their homes to foreclosures. At the same time, having a well kept lawn is not only an important factor in the price that one tends to get if they ever decide to sell their home, it is also mandatory to make sure that the right kind of lawn repair is kept up with in many neighborhoods across the country where neighborhood covenants or housing association agreements are in effect. This is the reason that more people are casting a curious eye towards methods that can help them achieve that attractive lawn they desire without back breaking effort or expensive services.

This is the primary reason that the Grass Stitcher was first invented. This revolutionary new tool allows the average home owner or renter to do their own grass repair at a fraction of what it would cost them to hire someone else to do the job. At the same time, the tool works so well that it is used not only by lawn care pros, but also by first class golf courses that rely on it to help keep the green looking spotless for their customers. A great looking lawn is big business in the hospitality and property management industries so since the Grass Stitcher works well for them, home landscaping experts suggest that it would work quite well for just about anyone. With an innovative design that requires no fossil fuels or even electricity to make it work, this product is also a green solution for achieving that spotless lawn look we all admire.

To learn more about the Grass Stitcher today, visit http://www.grassstitcher.com for a full list of its cost cutting benefits and to see a video of how it works to achieve a gorgeous lawn.

Contact Info:

Frank Catalano
Grass Stitcher LLC.
56 Leonard Bridge Rd
Lebanon, Ct 06249

New Tool Allows Home Owners And Renter To Keep Lawn In Great Shape

[Lebanon, CT] – March 8, 2011 – Consumers, both home owners and renters, are now looking for more ways than ever to keep their lawn and other landscaping elements in good repair. For home owners, the impetus is to maintain the value of the property in today’s market, but it also happens often due to the increasing prevalence of home owner associations which have rising standards in how homes must be maintained, especially in regards to appearances. Neighborhood housing association guidelines mean that home owners must focus on maintenance even as water prices rise in many parts of the country. Renters, too, are feeling the heat since the economic conditions that make properties so available in the markets these days are the same conditions that put a pinch on landlords looking have both rental income and a future investment from the properties they rent. All of these conditions have made lawn repair a serious must for many today. That is why people are hiring more contractors to help them keep up with landscaping work due to busy work schedules, especially when children are present within the home. Consumers have long struggled with finding a way to repair lawns that would give them real results, but until now solutions have been few and far between as well as of negligible effectiveness.

A new product on the market is now looking to revolutionize the way that contractors, renters and home owners approach repairing those ugly patches in their lawns that they thought they might never fix. The product is called Grass Stitcher and it promises to finally make grass repair something that does not have to take a long time nor a lot of effort and money to fix. In attempts to patch up bald spots in a lawn, many consumers end up spending hundreds of dollars in materials or hiring expensive labor to get the job done. With Grass Stitcher, the cost is only a fraction of that and the results are more than comparable for less work. This is making the tool popular among those who perform repairs of lawns for clients that rely on their skills to tackle troubled spots in grassy areas. With a simple regimen of stitching, seeding and then watering, the lawn can be revived back to its former glory easily, saving those who own the property serious money in the meantime.

Those who would like to learn more about Grass Stitcher should visit http://www.grassstitcher.com/ where they can get the full scoop on its features, benefits and where it can be ordered.

Contact Info:

Frank Catalano
Grass Stitcher LLC.
56 Leonard Bridge Rd
Lebanon, Ct 06249
Email: info@grassstitcher.com
Phone: 860-365-8012