Tag Archives: first aid kits

Top Ten tips for avoiding injury on the slopes

Skiing and snowboarding are two of the most exhilarating activities out there and with January being right at the heart of the ski season millions of holiday makers are hitting the slopes at this time of year.

It is important to remember, however, that skiing and snowboarding can be hazardous if you do not prepare correctly or you take things a little too fast, so here are the top ten tips for safety on the mountains from the experts at Physioroom.com.

The following are some basic guidelines to keep in mind whether you are bouncing over moguls, speeding down the bunny hill, hitting the slalom or throwing shapes in the half pipe.

1. Brush up on some first aid basics, or at least make sure youre in a group with someone who knows their stuff when it comes to first aid. Keep basic first aid kits in your chalet for those every day aches and blisters, or carry a small first aid kit if youre going off-piste.

2. Warm up first to avoid muscle strains and lower back pain. It is recommended to put in 5-10 minutes of aerobic warm up (jogging on the spot is adequate), followed by 15 minutes of stretching before a given activity.

3. Ski or snowboard within your limits. Avoid tackling that double black slope, flip jump or aerial trick until you are ready.

4. Twisted or strained knees are amongst the most common skiing and snowboarding injuries, so ensure that you have adequate ligament knee support if youre carrying an injury. For those wanting peace of mind and quality knee support for the slopes take a look at the full Donjoy knee brace range.

5. Stay hydrated. This can help you to avoid fatigue and improve performance, and it may enhance endurance to boot.

6. Avoid that last run of the day. Injuries seem to be more common at the end of the day when people are fatigued and less focused

7. Wear ski goggles which fit properly around your helmet. If you wear spectacles, buy goggles that fit comfortably over your glasses or consider prescription goggles.

8. Get proper instruction by signing up for ski or snowboard lessons. Even the most experienced skiers and snowboarders polish up their skills with a lesson now and then.

9. Follow the rules and do not go off-trail. Obey posted trail closure and other warning signs. They are there for a reason. Remember that skiers who are in front of you, and below you, on the trail have the right-of-way.

10. Team up with a buddy, especially when you are off the beaten path. Take walkie-talkies and watch out for each other.

About Physioroom.com:

PhysioRoom.com Got an Injury? We’ll Explain It & Help You Fix It! PhysioRoom.com is a Sports Injury, Shop, News and advice website.

PhysioRoom.com stock a wide range of products including Supports & Braces, Hot and Cold therapy, and Rehab and Fitness products.

physioroom.com has a dedicated Ski Channel with wide range of educational content, features, and online shopping with products from the Worlds top brands specifically for Ski Injuries, empowering our users with knowledge about their own sports injuries, and supplementing treatment and advice given by their doctor or Chartered Physiotherapist.

PhysioRoom.com medical information is provided by fully qualified medical professionals who are experienced in the treatment of elite athletes, including English Premier League soccer players, making this the most authoritative source of professional sport injury information there is.