Tag Archives: dementia

Online Dental Education Site Raising Money for Local Charity

E-den Education is currently running a charity campaign to support Alzheimer’s Australia Dementia Research Foundation.

Alexandria, New South Wales (Australia), December 18, 2012 — eDen Education is currently raising money to support those with Alzheimer’s. Alzheimer’s Australia http://www.fightdemetia.org.au Dementia Research Foundation is an organization committed to offering support, education, and information about Alzheimer’s to people with dementia, their families, and those professionals working in the dementia industry.

Alzheimer’s Australia offers national dementia services and programs that are funded by the Commonwealth and provide advocacy and national policy for the 280,000 Australians who are living with dementia. The LWML (Living with Memory Loss Program) offers those within the early phases of dementia with a customized program of advice, information, and peer support to help them in coming to terms with dementia and prepare for their future.

The foundation offers free counseling for the ones with dementia, as well as their families. Counseling offers a chance to discuss problems associated with dementia privately with highly experienced and skilled counselors.

Currently e-Den Education is running a campaign on their Facebook page in which they will donate $1 to the foundation when you “Like” their Facebook page. In the month of November, the company received 61 new “Likes” and so they donated $61 on their supporter’s behalf. Their goal is to raise $1,000 by January 31st, and all those who ‘liked’ will go into a drawing to win one of 5 annual memberships worth $997 each. That’s nearly a $5000 FREE giveaway Please help them to reach their goal and spread the word. Their five lucky winners are going to be announced on Friday, February 15, if they reach their goal for charity! Remember, they need 1,000 ‘likes’ by January 31. To show your support and help raise money and donate to a worthy cause, visit their Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/eDen.Dental.Education

About e-Den Education:
e-Den includes an Internet education website specifically designed for dental experts. Karen McDonagh and Jennifer Craig are the directors of e-Den Education. Karen’s background is within marketing, sales, and training within the beauty and health field, and she also has expertise in online learning. Jennifer has been a Dental Prosthetist within private practice for twenty-five years and additionally is a teacher part-time of Dental Prosthetics with TAFE. For more information visit the website: http://www.e-deneducation.com/.

Press & Media Contact:
Jennifer Craig, Director
e-Den Education
Suite 18, 112 McEvoy Street
Alexandria, NSW 2015 – Australia
1 800-773-757

Dementia Web UK Launches New Online Shop – Accessories Which Can Help You Live Well With Dementia

Dementia Web now offers a selection of award-winning specialist care products for positioning and pressure care, dementia, incontinence, end of life care, learning difficulties and special needs.

Oxon, UK, August 30, 2010 — The team at Dementia Web ( http://www.dementiaweb.org.uk ) has recently launched its new online shop with the aim of helping people with dementia, their family carers and professionals who care for them.

Dementia Web now offers a selection of award-winning specialist care products for positioning and pressure care, dementia, incontinence, end of life care, learning difficulties and special needs.

You will find a wide range of practical products for the disabled and elderly to improve your quality of life in nursing and residential care homes and to extend that range into your home. By combining local UK production and overseas manufacture we can provide a specialist service at an affordable price.

The current best sellers include:

* Ladies’ All-In-One Nightwear – Cotton Embroidered Pyjamas
* 16 Chamber Seat Cushion
* 9 Chamber Seat Cushion
* Finger Separator
* Ladies’ all-in-one Daywear
* Ladies’ Eyelet Knickers
* Snooz

There are various items suited to a wide range of uses specifically focused on the care of people who have a dementia. By using purposely engineered products these can make life so much easier and more comfortable. Any product that can offer a practical solution is worth its weight in gold, and the Dementia Web ( http://www.dementiaweb.org.uk ) team has gone that extra mile to find items that can really make a difference.

From sleeping products all the way through to catering solutions, we hope you will find every kind of product you could need to care for a person with dementia. Dementia Web ( http://www.dementiaweb.org.uk ) UK has tried to keep the prices as low as possible to make sure these amazing products are available to everyone who needs them, with innovative products, quick delivery and low prices the main aim of this new online shop.

So, if you are looking for products to make life easier at the lowest possible prices, visit the Dementia Web UK online shop at http://dementiaweb.org.uk/online-shop/

Press Contact:
David Beck
Dementia Web UK
Dementia web
Guideposts Trust
Two Rivers, Station Lane
Witney, Oxon OX28 4BH
01993 700061

Dementia Web UK Offers Free Resources on Its New Website

Dementia Web UK offers all of the information you could need when it comes to learning more about Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.

Oxon, UK, August 31, 2010 — Dementia Web UK ( http://www.dementiaweb.org.uk ) offers all of the information you could need when it comes to learning more about Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia and how to cope if you have or are caring for a person with this hindering condition. The aim of Dementia Web ( http://www.dementiaweb.org.uk ) is to help people with dementia, their family carers and professionals who care for them and on its recently launched website you will find a wealth of information about dementia and the support and care services available.

The Dementia Web site is arranged to make it easy to access dementia related information and services. This resources page draws together key contact information, and also includes links to some resources that are not found elsewhere on the site.

On the site you will find:
* Useful Contacts
The phone numbers, postal addresses, web addresses and contact email addresses for lots of different organisations that can help in your local area or nationally.

* Information For People With Dementia
A wealth of information for people with Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia and help with educating and informing people who have the condition and giving them the information they need to plan for the future and cope with the condition.

* Information For Careers
Quite often with Alzheimer’s disease or other types of dementia there are complex emotions which the carers/family members need to come to terms with. It can also be physically demanding caring for someone with dementia. Dementia Web UK ( http://www.dementiaweb.org.uk ) offers guides and advice on all aspects of being a carer.

You can download the following leaflets from the Dementia Web UK ( http://www.dementiaweb.org.uk ) website on the resources page:

* The National Dementia Strategy
Published by the Department of Health February 2009

* Becoming a Carer
A booklet about looking after someone with dementia produced by the Mental Health Foundation. Download for free or call 020 78031100 to be sent a free copy

* Coping with Dementia
A Handbook for Carers written by Kate Fearnely published by NHS Health Scotland.

* Who Cares?
Information and support for the carers of people with dementia published by the Department of Health.

Living with dementia affects all aspects of life, from daily living to financial issues, everything at some point will need to be discussed and planned for. As dementia can develop slowly over many years it is important to get the right information at the right time to suit your needs.

For more details visit: http://www.dementiaweb.org.uk

Press & Media Contact:
David Beck
Dementia Web UK
Dementia web
Guideposts Trust
Two Rivers, Station Lane
Witney, Oxon OX28 4BH
01993 700061

Dementia Web – Offering Support to People With Dementia & Their Carers

Dementia Web was launched to offer support for people who have dementia, carers and professionals. The national website contains information and support for people who have dementia and their carers.

Oxon, UK, September 01, 2010 — If you have dementia ( http://www.dementiaweb.org.uk ) or care for someone who does you will understand how it can change the lives of both of you. It is important that you do not feel alone in this situation and seek support.

Dementia Web was launched to offer support for people who have dementia, carers and professionals. The national website contains information and support for people who have dementia and their carers, there are separate county sites for local sources of information.

When a loved one becomes affected by dementia it can be a difficult time for everyone, raising many questions. These questions can often go unanswered. Dementia Web ( http://www.dementiaweb.org.uk ) was set up to provide answers to these questions with full in-depth information and support, this means that there is no need to feel alone and sidelined which many people with dementia and their carers feel.

It can also feel like a very uncertain future after a diagnosis of dementia, what do you do? What are the next steps? Who will understand? What treatments are available? Dementia Web ( http://www.dementiaweb.org.uk ) helps you to make your next step a positive one by providing all of the relevant information such as dedicated organisations that can help, be it over the telephone or through support groups. If you want to talk to someone who understands your concerns there is a national helpline number to ring 0845 1204048.

The Dementia Web website is where all of the information you require is, whether it is practical help, money matters, help with living with dementia or links to national dementia-specialist organisations. There are external links and contact details to put you in touch with the relevant organisations.

If you have dementia,( http://www.dementiaweb.org.uk ) or if you care for someone with it, do not suffer in silence, visit Dementia Web today and find the relevant help for you.

For more details visit:http://www.dementiaweb.org.uk

Press Contact:
David Beck
Dementia Web UK
Dementia web
Guideposts Trust
Two Rivers, Station Lane
Witney, Oxon OX28 4BH
01993 700061