Tag Archives: ddos protected

Get an instant DDos protection from serverorigin.com

March 11, 2011- In olden days, people had to buy a server in a particular datacenter in order to be safe online. The specialized program of this company allows customized protection and incursion detection in just a few minutes. In order to filter all the traffic, your server IP is concealed and secured by the proxy solution of this company. In this way all the websites are saved from any kind of unwanted traffic before it actually reaches your server. While on one side, this feature guards your server from getting attacked directly on the other hand it only permits flow of clean traffic to your website.

All this can be done with a simple setup. All you have to do is point your domain at the IP Address given to you. And all the hard work is done by Serverorigin. Thus the traffic goes through the company’s systems, they filter it for you and then route it back to your website. Wow! Can you believe it?

Do you know that even a single DDoS attack can prove fatal for any online business? DDoS completely shakes the website from its roots. It can result in loss of thousands of dollars in bandwidth coverage to any online business by bringing it standstill. So don’t take such a big risk and allow this company to save guard your site right now!

The company provides their clients total ddos protection. In fact they go out of the way by giving a full 3-Day Money Back Guarantee to their clients. Such kind of guarantee is not offered by any other provider in the industry! The company’s solution makes sure that their clients’ website is on track and they enjoy uninterrupted business.

Thus, DDoS Protection program formulated Sever Origin guards you from all types of ddos attack. The company has come up with a new revised solution that has enabled their ethProxy to become the first ever self-learning denial-of-service system available in the market.

ServerOrigin has also introduced special discount offers for the victims of the dido attacks and the new subscribers can make the most of this offer by simply using the offer code: 30OFF. As long as you use the plan you get the discount. Fair enough isn’t it?

About serverorigin.com

ServerOrigin is a company that is an expert in DDoS protection and hosting. Services offered by this company include CDN-based DDoS mitigation, Any Cast DNS, and intrusion detection. The company is highly recommended to one and all having an online business since the company has over 30 POP locations in the United States. The top solution for companies looking for 99.998% service levels along with shield from online attacks which can be as large as 30Gbps. Since the company’s establishment in 2006, it has save guarded more than 1,000,000 domains all over the world. For further information contact them:-

Address: PO Box 2686
Zip Code: 38655
Phone: 888-670-0853
email: sales@serverorigin.com