Tag Archives: dakota dental

Dakota Dental Releases List of Teeth-Damaging Foods to Avoid this Holiday Season

Make sure to take care of your teeth this holiday season with by following Dakota Dental’s recommendations on foods to avoid.

Apple Valley, MN, USA — The holiday season is the time to get together with family and friends, and usually revolves around sharing a meal, meeting up for coffee, or gathering at a holiday party. While it’s a great time of year, it can be a tough season on your teeth. While some sugary treats are well-known culprits, Dakota Dental shares some lesser-known foods that can damage teeth – so when visiting family and friends this holiday season, be sure to avoid or limit these damaging foods.

On the snack trays:
– Apples. Even though apples are a nutritious snack, they are high in acid, which eats away at enamel.
– Pickles. Since the brine is made with vinegar, and oftentimes sugar too, pickles and other pickled vegetables can cause damage to the enamel.

At the dinner table:
– Bread buns, especially white bread. Processed breads have sugar, and can also get stuck in your teeth – keeping all that sugar in your mouth even longer.
– Salad dressings. Many salad dressings contain both acid and sugar, which can break down enamel.

Snacking with friends:
– Diet sodas. Even though diet sodas don’t have sugar, they are extremely high in acid, making this one of the worst products for your teeth.
– Popcorn. Popcorn is notorious for getting stuck between teeth, and trapping and cultivating bacteria because of it. Make sure to have floss handy!
– Hard candies. Yes, they have sugar, but hard candies are especially troublesome because they stay in the mouth longer than other foods.

What makes these foods so tough on your teeth? The two main culprits that attack teeth are sugar and acid. Sugar feeds the bacteria in our mouths, and bacteria produces lactic acid, which erodes teeth enamel. And acidic foods and drinks break down enamel directly.

For healthy teeth and a perfect smile, limit the damage these foods make. The Apple Valley dentists at Dakota Dental can not only help with general dental services during your regular checkups, but they can also talk about more tips and tricks for taking care of your teeth. Dakota Dental is happy to help their patients on all of your dental health issues. Contact Dakota Dental today.

Media Contact:
Dr. Shelley Wakefield
Dakota Dental
14682 Pennock Avenue
Apple Valley, MN 55124

Dakota Dental Announces Premium Dental Services Using the Latest in Technology

Dakota Dental stays up-to-date on the latest dental advancements and technologies to ensure patients have healthy teeth.

Apple Valley, MN, USA (November 22, 2015) — When it comes to dental work, it’s essential to keep up with the latest technologies. From cosmetic dentistry to general dental services, Dakota Dental is committed to treating patients with the newest and best practices in the industry to ensure good oral health.

Dental procedures have been documented since the time of the early Egyptians, when Aristotle and Hippocrates wrote about treating tooth decay and using wires to stabilize loose teeth. The field of dentistry has certainly come a long way over the centuries, and it is constantly evolving and expanding.

Dakota Dental uses digital x-rays, which are faster and contain less radiation than traditional x-rays. Not only is there less radiation, but dentists can zoom in for even more detail. Another advancement is with dental implants, which are screw-replacements for the root portion of missing teeth. These implants are used for patients with missing teeth that give the look and feel of a natural tooth.

Fillings have also come a long way over the years. In addition to the traditional amalgam fillings, Dakota Dental also offers tooth colored fillings to aesthetically blend in with patients’ teeth.

In terms of orthodontics, Invisalign braces are a practically invisible way to fix crooked teeth. Invisalign works by using a series of clear, removable, custom shaped aligners, which slowly straighten teeth. Compared to braces, the smooth aligners are more comfortable, faster, and invisible. Dakota Dental is a certified Invisalign provider, and provides a free consultation for patients considering if Invisalign is right for them.

Another cosmetic dental advancement is teeth whitening, which can lift off years of stains for a bright, white smile. Dakota Dental offers several solutions to whiten teeth, and walk patients through a custom teeth whitening plan that’s best for them.

These are just a few of the ways that Dakota Dental strives to use the newest technologies to make their patients more comfortable and give them the best possible dental care. Contact Dakota Dental today for more information or to make your next appointment.

Media Contact:
Dr. Shelley Wakefield
Dakota Dental
14682 Pennock Avenue
Apple Valley, MN 55124

Dakota Dental Announces Participation in National Dental Hygiene Month

Dakota Dental is bringing awareness to the Daily 4, an ADHA initiative during October’s National Hygiene Month.

Apple Valley, MN, USA (October 27, 2015) — Dakota Dental is taking part in the American Dental Hygienists’ Association (ADHA) National Dental Hygiene Month during the month of October. This is the sixth year that the ADHA has teamed up with the Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company to increase public awareness for maintaining good oral health. For this year’s National Dental Hygiene Month, the focus is on the “Daily 4“: brushing, flossing, mouthwash, and sugar-free gum. Dakota Dental is proud to take part and support the Daily 4 and help patients get involved through their dental services.

The Daily 4 is an easy, concise way for dentists and dental hygienists to talk with patients about the importance of dental health and taking care of their teeth. It acts as a simple checklist to work towards not only healthy teeth, but also improved overall health.

The Daily 4 consists of:
– Brushing twice a day
– Flossing daily
– Rinsing with mouthwash
– Chewing sugar-free gum

Breaking down healthy oral habits into these categories can make preventive dental care seem less daunting and easier for everyone to do, and also make it easy to remember. Brushing twice a day – once in the morning and once at night – is one of the most important things you can do to take care of your teeth. Flossing daily and rinsing with mouthwash will help fight against gum diseases like gingivitis. And chewing sugar-free gum for 20 minutes after eating or drinking stimulates saliva production by 10 times the normal rate – which actually is very beneficial. The saliva neutralizes acids and can help repair early tooth decay.

Dakota Dental is taking part in National Dental Hygiene Month and encourages patients to get involved. In addition to the Daily 4, Dakota Dental recommends making an appointment and talking with their family dentists about taking care of your teeth and getting regular cleanings. Meet with the experienced dentists in Apple Valley at Dakota Dental and help spread the word about the Daily 4.

Media Contact:
Dr. Shelley Wakefield
Dakota Dental
14682 Pennock Avenue
Apple Valley, MN 55124

Dakota Dental Announces Tactics to Develop Healthy Oral Habits in Kids

Dakota Dental offers recommendations for creating healthy oral habits in children; starting these good habits and avoiding bad ones are key for a child’s oral health.

Apple Valley, MN, USA (August 31, 2015) — Dakota Dental, a Minneapolis family dentist, works with families to promote and establish good oral health habits in children. Nearly 19% of kids between the ages of two and nineteen have untreated cavities; developing healthy habits for caring for their teeth can go a long way to prevent this decay.

“Oral and dental health habits, both good and bad, are formed early,” explains Richard P. Dugas, DDS in an article from everydayhealth.com. To ensure children’s teeth get off to a healthy start, the family dentists at Dakota Dental recommend a variety of habits to build dental awareness and ways to avoid oral health problems.

A child’s baby teeth are at risk for decay as soon as they appear, which is usually when they are around six months old. For infants, dentists recommend brushing their teeth as soon as they get them. Brush teeth twice per day, making sure to use only a very small amount of toothpaste – roughly the size of a grain of rice.

As the child gets older, the amount of toothpaste can be increased to a pea-sized portion. Once a child can brush their teeth on their own, it’s important to teach them to not swallow toothpaste. Daily flossing is recommended once the child has two teeth that touch.

Making brushing and flossing a daily habit is vital for building healthy habits in children. However, it is also necessary for children to avoid falling into other, more detrimental habits. Make sure to limit a child’s use of a bottle or sippy cup – the sugars in milk and juice can eventually lead to tooth decay. “Constantly sipping milk, juice, or any sweetened liquid does not give a child’s natural saliva a chance to rinse away sugars that cause tooth decay,” Dugas says. A good idea would be to limit sugary juices and replace with water instead. Additionally, having a child rinse their mouths out with water after a sugary drink helps wash away the sugars that could eat away at their enamel.

Another way to make sure that kids maintain healthy teeth is by scheduling regular dental appointments – once every six months is a standard baseline. Dakota Dental offers pediatric dentistry as well as dentistry services for all ages. Talk with the family dentists at Dakota Dental for other recommendations for building healthy teeth habits in your kids by calling 952-431-5774.

Media Contact:
Dr. Shelley Wakefield
Dakota Dental
14682 Pennock Avenue
Apple Valley, MN 55124

Dakota Dental Announces New Secret to a Whiter Smile With Teeth Whitening

Tough, deep teeth stains often require professional whitening to get down into the tooth’s enamel. Dakota Dental offers professional teeth whitening services to lift out stubborn stains that don’t go away with brushing alone.

Apple Valley, MN, USA (July 27, 2015) — Dakota Dental, an Apple Valley dental clinic, is helping their patients uncover the causes of yellow teeth and working to find the best teeth whitening solution. Whether the stains are simply extrinsic or if they go within the tooth enamel, Dakota Dental provides the dentistry services necessary for white teeth. The dentists at Dakota Dental offer both tooth cleanings and professional teeth whitening.

Do you ever wonder why it seems that no matter how much you brush or floss, you still have yellow teeth? In order to practice good oral health and achieve that perfect smile, it’s important to look beyond the surface.

There are two different types of teeth staining: extrinsic and intrinsic stains. Extrinsic teeth stains result from the buildup of stain particles gathering in a film of protein that coat the enamel of a tooth. Fortunately, diligent brushing with a whitening toothpaste and regular dental visits are helpful in combating and reducing extrinsic stains.

But what if brushing and regular dental cleanings aren’t enough? The issue may then lie below the surface. Intrinsic tooth stains occur when those staining particles seep through the tooth’s exterior and start to build up inside the enamel. Since these stains reside within the tooth’s enamel, it may require professional teeth whitening to remove them.

The frequent consumption of coffee, red wine, berries, and other pigmented foods and beverages will contribute to an intrinsic tooth stain. A rule of thumb to understand which foods and beverages are most dangerous for tooth staining is: If it will stain your clothes it will likely have the same effect on your teeth. However, this doesn’t mean you need to avoid staining foods entirely; just be sure to brush your teeth or rinse your mouth with water after consuming those pigmented foods and beverages.

For more information about attaining a dazzling smile, or to make a professional teeth whitening appointment, contact Dakota Dental at 952-431-5774.

Media Contact:
Dr. Shelley Wakefield
Dakota Dental
14682 Pennock Avenue
Apple Valley, MN 55124

Dakota Dental Announces Tips To Help Patients Maintain Great Oral Health All Summer Long

Apple Valley dental clinic Dakota Dental reminds families to maintain good oral health this summer by eating fresh produce and staying prepared for dental emergencies.

Apple Valley, MN, USA (June 30, 2015) — Summertime is the perfect time to leave the comfort of the couch and enjoy the warm weather, outdoor sports and activities, and in-season fruit and vegetables.

Dakota Dental dentists in Apple Valley, Minnesota are taking this opportunity to remind individuals and families to take advantage of all the season has to offer but to be mindful and cautious about potential oral health hazards.

When it comes to picnicking, Dakota Dental family dentists suggests passing up or limiting the salty chips and carbonated drinks in favor of the wide variety of fresh fruit and vegetables available.

From melons to berries, tomatoes and peppers, cherries and corn, the variety of summer health foods is practically endless. By eating fresh foods, a person is taking in essential vitamins and minerals like folate, calcium, and vitamin C-all important to building bones, fighting diseases, and recovering from injuries.

Regardless of what foods are enjoyed during summer activities, brushing one’s teeth after (and flossing especially after eating corn on the cob) will maintain good oral health and better breath. In addition to tucking some toothpaste, floss, and a toothbrush in the picnic basket or sports bag, be sure to also tuck in Dakota Dental’s contact information.

Dental emergencies most often occur without warning so it is essential to have an emergency dental clinic on speed dial. Dakota Dental emergency dentistry and general dental services are available by appointment by calling 952-431-5774.

To learn more about summer nutrition and good oral health as well as dental emergency services, contact Dakota Dental at http://www.DakotaDental.com.

Dakota Dental, located at 14682 Pennock Avenue in Apple Valley, serves the southern Minneapolis/Saint Paul suburbs. Dakota Dental provides comprehensive dental services including, but not limited to, preventative dental work, dental implants, dental care for kids, cosmetic dentistry, and dental emergency services.

Media Contact:
Dr. Shelley Wakefield
Dakota Dental
14682 Pennock Avenue
Apple Valley, MN 55124

Dakota Dental is Helping Patients Prevent and Treat Unsightly Cold Sores This Summer

Apple Valley dental clinic Dakota Dental offers information, diagnosis, and treatment of oral health problems such as fever blisters.

Apple Valley, MN, USA (May 28, 2015) — Dakota Dental is pleased to assist clients in preventing and treating cold sores. The Apple Valley dentists are experienced in educating patients on and diagnosing a range of oral health problems including cold sores.

Cold sores, also known as fever blisters, are an outward sign of an inner virus. The herpes simplex virus is highly contagious and is easily transmitted. All it takes to transfer the herpes virus from one person to another is a kiss, a shared eating utensil, or even a communal bathroom towel. Even though this virus is easily transmitted from person to person, it still has no cure.

After the initial manifestation of the virus, it will lie dormant until triggered. Once the virus is triggered, an infected person will feel the tell-tale tingling, itching, and burning sensations of a sore about to appear.

Most cold sores are located on the edges of the lips, but sores can also manifest on the chin and cheeks, in the nostrils, and in the mouth. Once the fluid-filled sores appear, they will eventually burst and crust over. Within about two weeks, the sore will heal and gradually disappear.

What triggers cold sores? It varies by person, but most cold sore flare-ups are caused by triggers such as excess sunlight exposure, illness, or stress. There are some treatments available to reduce the symptoms and to shorten the duration of cold sores. These include prescription and over-the-counter antiviral creams to be applied as soon as symptoms are noticed. Pain killers may also be taken to reduce the discomfort.

At Dakota Dental, the family dentists are very experienced in diagnosing and treating oral health problems such as cold sores. There is no reason to be ashamed of dental health issues – the Dakota Dental dentists in Apple Valley are dedicated to providing support to any person seeking dental care and strive to make every dental service experience positive.

To learn more about cold sores or other oral health issues, contact Dakota Dental at http://www.DakotaDental.com or 952-431-5774.

Dakota Dental, located at 14682 Pennock Avenue in Apple Valley, serves the southern Minneapolis/Saint Paul suburbs. Dakota Dental provides comprehensive dental services including, but not limited to, preventative dental work, dental implants, dental care for kids, cosmetic dentistry, and dental emergency services.

Media Contact:
Dr. Shelley Wakefield
Dakota Dental
14682 Pennock Avenue
Apple Valley, MN 55124