Non Profit Law Clinic

February 16, 2011 – Despite the fact that there are very few genuine legal firms and attorneys which can render you true affordable but effective support, especially when home owners are struggling with their mortgage. The industry is filled with many lawyers as well as non-attorneys who are taking advantage of the home owner’s situation and charging them anything from $3,500 to $8,000 for what has become a very ineffective if not just temporary rate reduction band-aid commonly known as a loan modification. This is common practice, especially to those home owners who are un-informed and unwilling to take an aggressive posture against the big bad banker. There are “attorney backed” service providers that use what are referred to as “Rubber stamp Lawyers” that usually append their signatures as well as lend their credentials for letters and other correspondence while non lawyers charge clients a lot of money. Also you’ll find some inexperienced Loan Modification attorneys asking for as much as $5,000 from desperate homeowners even though the actual loan modification action is not the practice of law.

Now what has just recently become a popular business model for these charlatans and swindlers is to take from $5,000.00 up to $10’s of thousands of dollars from these same desperate homeowners under the guise of partaking in a national “Class Action” Law suit that claims to guarantee the consumer will get their homes paid for free and clear.

Most of these ex-mortgage crooks that were banned from ripping off struggling homeowners when they had no intention or ability not to mention the knowledge to truly mitigate any loss for any one in a loan modification are now charging clients large sums of monies guaranteeing the consumer they will stop a foreclosure, get them $78,500.00 in compensation and get their loans paid down to a zero balance. Unfortunately many of these swindlers may not know or have any affiliation with the actual Attorney or Law Firm that is representing the “Class” in the Court Action against the lender and may never get the wishful homeowners names added to the Class Action Law suit. Homeowners are being told simply by signing the ‘retainer’ they are protected by the suit, hence stopping any foreclosure in process. The facts are that there are thousands of homeowners that are actually named in specific Class Action Law suits and they have lost their homes, but will eventually receive any where from a few hundred dollars up to several thousands of dollars, even (hopefully) tens of thousands of dollars. So how can any person be guaranteed these lotto winning like remedies when their names have not been accepted by the courts and added to the actual court documents by the presiding Judge?

One real solution available today that has effective and realistic results is a highly experienced federally registered non profit organization called Consumer Protection Assistance Coalition, a Non Profit Law Clinic. They not only truly assist consumers with Individual Law suits and Consolidated Group Law Suits in both state and Federal Courts with immediate attention to the individuals case with intent to offer settlement resolutions from inception but they also offer pre-qualification services for several permanent principal reduction programs while they perform an efficient Lender Fraud and Violation Analysis on your loan for FREE. All any concerned consumer need do is go to and start the process for a free membership that will guarantee you many free consumer protective legal services and products as well as preferred pricing on typically out of reach legal services. CPAC Non profit Law Clinic is kind of a cross between a Legal Zoom, a Pre-paid Legal (w/ no payment) and an effective and efficient Attorney referral service since they have staff Attorneys trained in Mortgage Contract Litigation and Consumer Protection Civil Litigation for far less of a cost than most people think and many times with NO UPFRONT cost to the consumer experiencing hardship. If a simple Loan Modification is all one needs, CPAC Non Profit Law Clinic offers FREE Legal Loan Modifications but will also provide you with a FREE Lender Fraud and Violation Analysis Report while you wait to be Pre-qualified for various permanent principal reduction programs available that your lender will not tell you about. For free membership contact them at 866-773-7864 or visit their web site at

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