Live Chat Customer Support Can Turn Leads Into Sales

One of the more frustrating things about having a website is you work so hard to obtain traffic, but then you don’t see that traffic develop into website lead generation and sales. One effective means of turning site visitors into website buyers is to invest in Live Support software and Live Chat customer support . When you can answer the customer’s questions before they leave your website, they will be more likely to purchase from you than to continue on to your competitor.

##Live Support Software

Live Support software enables you to chat directly with visitors while they come up with questions. With a click of a button, the visitor fills in some simple information and a chat window opens. You can either staff your own chat customer service needs or you can hire a service to do it on your behalf. The software captures the website lead generation information, so its possible to follow-up with a sales call later as well.
Live Support programs are priced to suit the budget of large companies and small alike, and the service will pay for itself in new leads.

##Live Chat Customer Support

While Live Support is simple to integrate into your existing website and lets you provide your own customer service, a far more economical method of dealing with Live Chat services is to contract the job with a company that specializes in providing chat services. Before your employ a company to do the work for you, ask a few questions.

-Do the agents converse in English?

-What training does the Live Chat agents receive before speaking with your customers?

-What criteria is used to qualify the agents for employment?

-Can they provide 24×7 service?

Live Chat is the latest thing in running a highly effective, customer-friendly website. Creating a website with wow factor will take time and money. You owe it to yourself increase sales leads with each and every visitor logged. Make a commitment right now to move forward with your goal of turning your site into an unprecedented success. Upgrade your website to provide customers with Live Support.

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