Consumer Protection

February 15, 2011 – Consumer Protection Assistance Coalition is a Non profit Law Clinic that provides homeowners struggling with Mortgage and Consumer Debt with free legal loan modification services at no cost to the consumer. Consumers can receive free consultation regarding an aggressive approach using legal remedies to mortgage and other consumer debt with out having to file bankruptcy. CPAC Non profit Law Clinic will perform a pre-qualification for any homeowner on various permanent principal reduction programs available today on any mortgage home loan while they perform a completely free lender fraud and violation analysis report while you wait. Homeowners across the country who had been previously rejected by their mortgage lenders have been able to find permanent relief from the same lender choosing to stave off Lender Law Suits which have been reported to be prevailing in various judicial courts across the country. Recent statistics released by the FDIC, Fannie Mae and HUD have reported that more than 8 out of 10 Americans who find them selves struggling to achieve a simple Loan Modification yet get rejected. Homeowners are suffocating in loans their current lender faces serious court room legal challenges as confirmed by the recent 50 State Attorney General Investigation regarding the now confirmed lender violations, commonly found errors, lender fraud , lender misrepresentation and illegal handling of documents.

Consumers seeking protection from abusive lenders or “servicers” and or foreclosing banks that have been reported to mislead or misdirect hopeful homeowners by promising President Obama’s HAMP or HAMP like voluntary loan modification relief while repeatedly requesting the homeowner to provide yet again previously provided documentation in order to get a “white unicorn” permanent Loan Modification with a false horn and black and white strips that rubs off in a few years leaving the homeowner with a ‘south of the border’ version the lender blatantly manufactured, that’s ‘if’ the homeowner gets ‘lotto lucky’ and doesn’t get an eviction notice instead.

CPAC Non Profit Law clinic helps the concerned homeowner identify and document violations, fraud or misrepresentation a Mortgage Loan may have from predatory origination tactics used to obtain the loan thru potential predatory loan servicing up to but not limited to the now confirmed as common practice with the few remaining Banking institutions we have left that received B”B” Billions of our tax payer dollars with no reported oversight, confirmed common practice of forging and or falsifying signatures on Court required documents in order to foreclose on families with small children and the elderly now facing homelessness instead of a simple and ineffective loan modification that a homeowner may accept in exchange to keep their home.

What makes CPAC Non profit Law Clinic unique is if one approach doesn’t get a consumer the result they are looking for, CPAC has state Bar Licensed Attorneys legal staff and Law professionals that work for and support their efforts so that a homeowner is armed with a hand grenades and a Bazooka that will land the law breaking lender in the Court Room facing a choice to either offer the homeowner an acceptable and meaningful settlement to avoid continued litigation or face a unenforceable loan contract based on Law not lender discretion. Consumers who become Preferred Members of CPAC non profit law clinic can expect to receive what most would think would be unaffordable but very effective consumer protective services and products either for FREE or at some times ridiculously low pricing, making a true lender law suit more attractive and more affordable than what has been very ineffective Loan Modifications that go no where. 866-773-7864

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