All posts by yoroller34 provides tips on how to play roller derby

Big fan of Roller Derby and you are looking for news, updates, tips and plain advice on the sport and how to play it then is the best place for you to visit. is a website that is dedicated to a majority of issues related with hw to play roller derby in the pro leagues, and how to play roller derby tough. is often contributed by experienced contributors like Blanca Basura Barbie, Bunny, Tripsy Daisy to name a few. provides thoughtful insights into what makes a professional roller derby skater. An interesting article by Tripsy Daisy who is a professional derby skater with the TTRBs has given some very valuable insights in these areas.

According to the article the first things that a girl should lose in order to become a professional derby skater and play roller derby is her nice girl attitude. She insists that being a professional derby skater and being a nice girl cannot go hand in hand specially when the girls from the other teams are not going to hand over any advantages to you.

An interesting way she insists a girl can use to approach the game is to remember every single manner in which she was ever screwed by anybody. The intention is to fire that competitiveness in her when she is about to enter the track.

Even she gives one option where she asks the girl to have herself slapped hard using an open hand by someone in her team. That is sure to fire the anger and competitiveness in her. Just to be assertive she insists that the player to not think too much before a game and just concentrate on her game only. She has been assigned a role to play and every one knows what her role is. Just do it to the best of her abilities and everything else will fall in place.

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