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Fast Lane Training: Inside malware (MWI)

Hamburg / Berlin, 28 October 2011 – Security experts have observed that hackers and saboteurs in recent years their activities have shifted from servers to workstations, with the aim of sensitive data to patch the digital identities and credit card information. The IT Training Specialist Fast Lane ( ) has to raise awareness and preparation for security managers the practical safety training malware Inside (MWI) developed. It is aimed particularly at investigators, system and network administrators, security specialists, privacy and security officers.

In a recent survey, “IT Security in Germany 2011” The market research firm IDC has analyzed, which attacks the IT security companies are exposed. On the podium are infamous spyware (26 percent), malware (19 percent) as well as unauthorized access to IT systems (12 percent). Spam is represented by nine percent, data theft or manipulation, with seven and five percent. These figures show that it is advisable to deal with the threats. With some know-how in digital pests and their defense firms are able to secure their IT suitable.

The course MWI shows the dangers of current malware threat to users and administrators. In addition, the two-day course includes practical training sequences, in which participants examine deliberately infected systems. In the context of the practical learning units, the IT security specialists to treat the analysis of Fast Lane of network traffic and data structures in memory and on disk.

Course contents include:

Malware Overview
Malware on the network
Malware in memory and on disk
Workshop: For Malware
To book please click on the place name. MWI course dates

20.02. – 21.02.2012 Zurich
Price: 1.090, – ? (excl. VAT)

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