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Perfect Your Knowledge with Online Medical Courses

Rotterdam, The Netherlands – March 04, 2011 – The Netherlands’ based online medical course provider, CardioCollage, has enlarged its product listing with 3 new eCourses this year. In addition to the hospital education courses this company provides, students and doctors can now benefit from three other training in medical field guides, such as: acid-base physiology, first aid course with advanced 3D simulations, and a 3D coronary anatomy course.

The general field of operation of CardioCollage is medical eLearning. This company has successfully provided online medical courses since 2003 and due to quality of its products, it is now one of the most renowned online hospital education providers. With a product listing of 5 courses, CardioCollage can help students and doctors gain proficiency in medical fields such as: 12 lead ECG interpretation, First Aid / CPR , Pulmonary physiology, Acid-base physiology /blood gas analysis and Anesthetic pharmacology.

Through the use of advanced technology and modern educational tools, CardioCollage has made it easier for students to understand the world of medicine. The new acid-base physiology course was built in such a manner that each student can be proficient in pathophysiology behind acidosis and alkalosis and also understand difficult theories through visualization. The extensive range of topics that this medical online course includes, such as: pH, regulation of acid base balance, the anion gap, respiratory and renal compensation and more, is explained using top of the line graphics and animations and practical applications.

The First Aid online course and the 3D coronary anatomy course also come to aide students in training in medical field. These courses also use the latest tools in graphics, animations and learning so each student can perfect their knowledge. Moreover, the first aid course scholars a student in all first aid procedures corresponding to different medical emergencies and the ECG 3D coronary anatomy course also provides angiograms and their corresponding ECG tracings for a better learning process.

Thus, by using CardioCollage online medical courses, you can learn, practice and visualize better all aspects related to ECG interpretation, anesthetic pharmacology, CPR, blood gas analysis and pulmonary physiology.

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Spiegelnisserkade 192
3031 VM
The Netherlands
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