110220Volts.com Makes Traveling Overseas with Electronics a Breeze

GLENDALE HEIGHTS, IL – FEBRUARY 27, 2011 – Although the economic downturn caused more U.S. travelers to stay at home, causing the number of overseas trips to plummet by three percent in 2009 when compared with 2008, the numbers were still stunning. Even with a lower percentage of overseas travels, there were still more than 61 million overseas travelers seeking to save money and reduce hassles during their trip. A company called 110220Volts.com eliminates one worry for those visiting a foreign land – the issue of electronic compatibility.

Those visiting another country usually face compatibility issues with small electronic products, such as their electric shaver, DVD player, certain medical devices, etc.

“Electronic devices that work in the U.S. won’t necessarily work in other countries. Why? Because the standard voltage in electrical outlets often varies from one country to the next. If your appliance requires a 110v outlet and the country you’re visiting uses 220v as a standard, then your electronic device won’t work,” states Manoj Tantuwaya of 110220Volts.com.

To solve this problem, 110220Volts.com offers voltage converters and travel plug adapters that enable the use of various electronics overseas. These converters help to resolve the voltage issues with standard outlets that are different than those found in the U.S. The adapters are much cheaper than having to buy the actual electronics overseas, and they can be used for every trip!

Another area of concern is being able to watch one’s favorite movies while traveling abroad. Most DVD players are set for a certain region, containing a specific code for the North American region or other parts of the world. 110220Volts.com solves this problem for travelers by offering multisystem LCD plasma and LED TVs, and region code free DVD players.

The multisystem LCD TVs will play any signal PAL and NTSC video, and can be used with both 110V and 220v outlets. The region code free DVD players come with converters to switch over from PAL to NTSC (or from NTSC to PAL), so travelers can play DVDs from any country or region (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6).

For those who need to watch old videos from overseas while in the U.S., the site also has video system converters from PAL format to NTSC. A U.S. TV can be taken overseas and be used with a PAL system.

Tantuwaya states, “One thing that is unique about our company is that by answering four simple questions, our customers can find out which converters will work for their equipment, simply, quickly, and online.”

About the Company

110220Volts.com was opened in 2001 as a strictly online business. In 2002, the company opened its first retail storefront in Skokie, IL, which after two years was closed down to expand to a larger location in Glendale Heights, IL. In 2006, the Canadian location was opened to ship products to that market.

The company now has two offices, one in the U.S. and one in Canada. The U.S. office is located at 172 N Brandon Dr., Glendale Heights, IL, 60139. The Canada office is located at Vancouver, BC, V63 2P4.

The company provides customer assistance for travelers seeking voltage converters, voltage transformers, step up and down voltage converter transformers, etc.

Details about products for 110v to 220v consumer electronics are available at the Web address below:


For an interview or more information, please contact Manoj Tantuwaya by phone at (630) 893-5036 ext 102 or by email: manoj@110220volts.com
Date: February 27, 2011
Locations: Glendale Heights, IL
Contact: Manoj Tantuwaya
Phone: (630) 893-5036 ext 102
E-Mail: manoj@110220volts.com
Web Address: http://www.110220volts.com

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