Tag Archives: winter moving

S’NO PROBLEM Stress free winter moving

Moving house can be a fraught process at the best of times, but the latest cold snap could make the process even more stressful. reallymoving.com, the UK’s leading provider of instant online quotes for home-movers, helps to take the stress out of moving house by making it easier to get the best deal on essential services like conveyancing and removals and have put together some tips to help home movers avoid the pitfalls of moving in winter.

  1. Look after your removals men

When you are moving house, you are putting all your worldly possessions in the hands of your removals men so it pays to take care of them. Laying on cups of tea, coffee and soup to fight off the winter cold is a small gesture that goes a long way.

  1. Be aware of your surroundings

If you are moving to or from a home on a hill or an unadopted track, you should speak to the removals firm to ensure they have snow chains and the facilities to move safely with an inch or so of snow.  If they do not it is important you ask them about contingency plans so that your move is not delayed.

  1. Salt the garden path

If you are carrying heavy boxes, the last thing you want to worry about is slipping on icy surfaces. Put some salt down to stop the path, driveway and steps freezing over, both at the house you are moving out of and at the house you are moving in to. If the weather is really bad, keep a shovel handy to clear away any snow.

  1. Don’t pack all your warm clothes

With the removals men going in and out through wide open doors, there is no point having the heating on and your house will get cold very quickly. Keep aside some jumpers, scarves, gloves and hats to help keep your family warm. A waterproof jacket is also a good idea in case the weather turns.

  1. Look after your pets and plants

The stress of moving can really affect your pets so make sure you take care of them. Take dogs for a good walk beforehand if you are moving a long distance and make sure your pets have enough food and water for the journey. Above all, particularly with hamsters and guinea pigs, make sure that you keep them warm. You should also take special care of house plants, which will not stand being in the cold for long. Ask your removals men to load them last as you leave and unload them first when you arrive and consider wrapping them in horticultural fleece.

  1. Check Floodline

Recent events have shown that flooding can be a serious problem through the winter months. Call the floodline on 0845 988 1188 to check that your route does not pass through an area that is at risk of flooding and be prepared to change your route if necessary.

  1. Get there early

Dark closes in early in winter so try to arrive at your new house early before the light fades. It may be worth keeping a good torch to hand just in case. Also, the earlier you arrive, the less chance there is of the roads and paths being icy and the sooner you can get the heating on.

  1. Check your new fire place

The first thing you’ll want to do at your new house is light a fire but beware. Make sure that the chimney has been properly swept or that the flue is in good working order before you reach for the matches. The information might be in your surveyor’s report, but if in doubt, get it checked first.

  1. Check your loft insulation

It is a good idea to check that your loft is insulated before you put your boxes up there, especially in the middle of winter. Having loft insulation will make your new home considerably warmer and the earlier you get it done, the better.

  1. Put up curtains

You should put up curtains in your new home as soon as you can: not only do they keep the heat in, but they also keep prying eyes out. Wherever you live, the sight of a removal van and cardboard boxes outside your new home will attract attention, especially in winter when lights are left on and it is easy to see in to your home. Curtains are a simple but effective security aid.

Rosemary Rogers, Director, reallymoving.com comments:

“The key to a stress free move is planning ahead, particularly in winter. A few simple precautions will make a big difference, helping you to settle into your new home as quickly as possible.”


Notes to Editors

About reallymoving.com

reallymoving.com was launched in November 1999, and has become the UK’s leading provider of free instant online quotes for home-moving services. The site provides instant quotes for a variety of services including domestic removals, surveys, conveyancing solicitors, Energy Performance Certificates and Scottish Home Reports and a choice between local and national service providers.

For more information visit www.reallymoving.com

For further information please contact The Wriglesworth Consultancy, 020 7427 1400

Suman Hughes – Account Director – s.hughes@wriglesworth.com

Rob Bartlett – Account Executive – r.bartlett@wriglesworth.com