Tag Archives: photovoltaics

NanoMarkets Announces Upcoming Webinar Titled, BIPV: An Eight-Year Forecast

NanoMarkets today announced that it will be presenting a webinar on the building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) market on Tuesday, October 23, 2012 at 11:00 AM EDT.

Glen Allen, Virginia – October 3, 2012 — Industry analyst firm NanoMarkets today announced that it will be presenting a webinar on the building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) market on Tuesday, October 23, 2012 at 11:00 AM EDT. The webinar will provide participants with NanoMarkets’ forecasts of the global BIPV market with granular projections of BIPV roofing, glass and walling presented in both MW and dollar values. Persons interested in registering to attend the event can do so at http://nanomarkets.net/webinars/webinar/BIPV_An_Eight-Year_Forecast. The firm is listing the event at early bird pricing through October 10th. For people unable to attend the event a recording will be made available either online of CD ROM.

About the Event:

BIPV is currently enjoying strong market growth fueled by its ability to combine energy efficiency and construction cost savings, along with an appealing architectural aesthetics. BIPV is also that one sector of the solar panel market where gross profit margins have been maintained and products haven’t been commoditized.

In this Webinar, Lawrence Gasman, the Principal Analyst for NanoMarkets, will:

– Present NanoMarkets latest forecast of the entire BIPV market worldwide. Both building-attached PV (BAPV) and “true” BIPV projections will be covered

– Offer granular projections of BIPV roofing, glass and walling materials in both MW and dollar values

– Identify – based on NanoMarkets forecasts — where the new business opportunities are to be found.

A particular focus of this Webinar will be on near-term revenue generation, although we will also provide NanoMarkets’ latest views on where longer opportunities present themselves. The strategic thinking and data collection for these forecasts are based on NanoMarkets’ lengthy experience in the BIPV industry:

– This NanoMarkets’ Webinar and the numbers are based on our company’s more than six years of experience studying the dynamics of the BIPV market worldwide.

– We have recently published well-received reports on a number of BIPV markets sectors and also have a long-established reputation in related areas such as smart glass and PV materials.

With this level of involvement and understand of the BIPV industry, NanoMarkets can address issues in the BIPV industry – and create projections of the BIPV market – from an insider’s perspective.

NanoMarkets believes that this Webinar will be a must-attend event for all firms producing BIPV systems.

– BIPV systems firms will better understand where their market opportunities are in both the near term future and beyond. This Webinar will enable them to improve their decision making with regard to how to transition their product range from BAPV to BIPV and where best to focus their investment dollars

– Building products firms that are considering entering the BIPV business will be better able to gauge where they can generate the most business and how BIPV will be best able to fit with their existing product range

– Construction and architectural firms will be able to gauge the impact of BIPV on existing and future projects and how they can tap into the growing revenues from the BIPV sector in the future

– Sophisticated “green tech” investors will be able to improve their own investment models and expectations for investment returns

About NanoMarkets:

NanoMarkets tracks and analyzes emerging markets in energy, electronics and other areas created by developments in advanced materials. The firm is a recognized leader in industry analysis and forecasts of the BIPV industry.

Visit http://www.nanomarkets.net for a full listing of NanoMarkets’ reports and other services.

Media Contact:
Robert Nolan
NanoMarkets, LC
PO BOX 3840
Glen Allen, VA 23058
(804) 270-1718


NanoMarkets Releases New Report Opportunities in the Organic Photovoltaics Market – 2012

NanoMarkets today announced the release of its latest report on the organic photovoltaics market (OPV) titled, “Opportunities in the Organic Photovoltaics Market – 2012.”

Glen Allen, Virginia – May 9, 2012 — NanoMarkets today announced the release of its latest report on the organic photovoltaics market (OPV) titled, “Opportunities in the Organic Photovoltaics Market – 2012.” In the report the industry is facing a make or break scenario within the next two years if it hopes to capitalize on an opportunity that could be worth over $700 million ($US) by 2019.

Additional details about the report are available at: http://nanomarkets.net/market_reports/report/opportunities_in_the_organic_photovoltaics_market_2012

The firm recently released a report on the dye sensitized cell PV market in late April of this year. Details of that report are available at: http://nanomarkets.net/market_reports/report/dye_sensitized_cell_markets_2012

About the Report:

This report is designed to help both materials and panel/product manufacturers identify the available opportunities for generating revenue from OPV. It includes detailed eight-year forecasts for volumes, in power output and/or area terms and revenues, resulting from sales both of the materials used to manufacture OPV modules, as well as the revenues from sales of the OPV modules themselves. The OPV materials forecasts are broken out by material type – donors, acceptors, HTLs/EBLs, electrodes, substrates, and encapsulation technologies – and the OPV modules forecasts broken out by PV application – portable charging, embedded electronics, BIPV/BAPV, AIPV, and so on.

The report also contains a discussion of some of the key players in the DSC marketplace, including Konarka, Heliatek, Solarmer, New Energy Technologies, BASF, Agfa, IMEC, Solvay, Global Photonic Energy, Solarpress, Eight19, Mitsubishi, Polyera, Heraeus, Merck, and others.

From the Report:

The OPV market continues to struggle to get off the ground. The last year has produced a few bright spots – some new investments, some modest performance enhancements, additional demonstration and/or niche product launches, etc. – but the industry still needs a big breakthrough, or at least a clear path toward a larger-area or larger-scale application that can take OPV to the next level commercially.

The value propositions that have been claimed for OPV continue to get harder and harder to make: efficiencies are still very low in commercial products, costs are still very high, flexible encapsulation is still a problem, and a big market pull for portable, small-scale charging has not materialized. Meanwhile, development and commercialization of OPV’s closest “third generation” competitor, DSC PV, has outpaced that of OPV, especially in the larger-area BIPV and other grid-connected sectors. BIPV and related applications are important because they offer large enough volumes for OPV to break out commercially, recover the already-sunk investment costs, enable cost-reducing economies of scale, and establish long-term viability for the OPV industry.

NanoMarkets thinks that time for OPV may be running out. OPV firms must now move quickly or get left behind in these larger markets. We believe that the next two years will be the years in which OPV must finally prove itself in the PV market, both from a technical and cost perspective, or be relegated to permanent “specialty” status and an addressable market of no more than a few megawatts (MW) at best.

About NanoMarkets:

NanoMarkets tracks and analyzes emerging market opportunities in energy, electronics and other markets created by developments in advanced materials. The firm is a recognized leader in industry analysis and forecasts of this kind and has been covering the photovoltaics sector for more than six years.

Visit http://www.nanomarkets.net for a full listing of NanoMarkets’ reports and other services.

Media Contact:
Robert Nolan
NanoMarkets, LC
PO BOX 3840
Glen Allen, VA 23058


NanoMarkets Announces Upcoming Reports on Organic (OPV) and Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) Markets

NanoMarkets has added two new reports to the firms schedule titled “Opportunities in the Organic Photovoltaics Market – 2012” and “BIPV Encapsulation Markets – 2012.”

Glen Allen, Virginia – April 26, 2012 — Industry Analyst firm NanoMarkets has added two new reports to the firms schedule titled “Opportunities in the Organic Photovoltaics Market – 2012” and “BIPV Encapsulation Markets – 2012.” The reports will be available in May of 2012 and continue the firm’s coverage of the increasingly challenging PV market. Details of the reports are available at http://www.nanomarkets.net.

The reports follow recent releases on dye sensitized cell (DSC) photovoltaics and BIPV glass markets.

Opportunities in the Organic Photovoltaics Market – 2012

The OPV market continues to struggle to get off the ground. The last year has produced a few bright spots – some new investments, some modest performance enhancements, additional demonstration and/or niche product launches, etc. – but the industry still needs a big breakthrough, or at least a clear path toward a large-area, large-scale application that can take OPV to the next level commercially.

Unfortunately, the value propositions that have been claimed for OPV in the past continue to get harder and harder to make: costs are still very high, flexible encapsulation is still a problem, and a big market pull for portable, small-scale charging has not materialized. Meanwhile, development and commercialization of DSC photovoltaics has outpaced that of OPV, and now it looks as though time for OPV may be running out.

In this report NanoMarkets looks at the changing prospects for commercialization of OPV in off-grid applications like solar chargers, as well as emerging – and larger-scale – opportunities for OPV in the BIPV market, particularly in BIPV glass and flexible BIPV applications. We also pay particular attention to the activities of the key OPV firms, and we examine the shifting market prospects brought on by technical achievements, commercialization efforts, demand patterns, and competition from other technologies. Based on these analyses, we have also updated our eight-year forecasts for both OPV materials and modules.

BIPV Encapsulation Markets – 2012

As the solar industry turns towards BIPV there will be a growing opportunity for the encapsulation business. Flexibility is often required in BIPV and this means that manufacturers of BIPV often have an immediate need for an effective flexible PV encapsulation system. In addition, as monolithic integration becomes more common, specialist encapsulation systems are required to protect the relatively delicate CIGS, OPV and DSC absorber materials that are commonly used in such products.

This report identifies and quantifies the emerging market for encapsulation systems and materials in the BIPV market. It investigates both how the leading suppliers of encapsulation products are viewing BIPV as a market for their products and the current and future demand for encapsulation from the BIPV industry itself. This NanoMarkets report includes a granular eight-year forecast of the BIPV encapsulation markets and assessments of the leading product/market strategies being adopted in this business.

About NanoMarkets:

NanoMarkets tracks and analyzes emerging market opportunities in energy, electronics and other markets created by developments in advanced materials. The firm is a recognized leader in industry analysis and forecasts of this kind and has been covering the photovoltaics sector for more than six years. Visit http://www.nanomarkets.net for a full listing of NanoMarkets’ reports and other services.

Media Contact:
Robert Nolan
NanoMarkets, LC
PO BOX 3840
Glen Allen, VA 23058


NanoMarkets Says that Dye Sensitized Cell (DSC) PV Market Poised to Expand Greatly in the Next Several Years

NanoMarkets announces the release of its latest report on the DSC market titled, “Markets for Dye-Sensitized Cell Photovoltaics 2012.”

Glen Allen, Virginia – April 24, 2012 — Industry analyst firm NanoMarkets announces the release of its latest report on the DSC market titled, “Markets for Dye-Sensitized Cell Photovoltaics 2012.” NanoMarkets believes that even as the overall PV industry is reeling from rapidly declining panel prices, cutbacks in government support, and failing firms, DSC is a technology with solid growth prospects.

In the report NanoMarkets estimates that the total market value of DSC modules at the application level will grow from about $40 million in 2012 to over $500 million by 2015. Then, after building-integrated PV (BIPV) applications for DSC PV take off, the firm anticipates that the market value will exceed $4.4 billion by 2019. At the same time, the market for DSC materials is expected to grow from a value of just under $12 million in 2012 to over $1.2 billion by 2019.

Additional details about the report are available at: http://nanomarkets.net/market_reports/report/dye_sensitized_cell_markets_2012. Members of the press can request a full executive summary from the report.

NanoMarkets is also set to release an update to its coverage of the organic photovoltaic (OPV) market within the next two weeks of this release. Details of that report are available at: http://nanomarkets.net/market_reports/report/opportunities_in_the_organic_photovoltaics_market_2012

About the Report:

In the past two years, the dye sensitized cell (DSC) market has come of age and has moved out of its R&D phase. The performance of DSCs is now comparable with amorphous silicon PV, but with much more potential than a-Si for performance improvements. DSC’s also offers an ability to be deployed on flexible substrates and perform under non-peak insolation.

This report provides an in-depth market analysis of recent developments in DSCs, examining the meaning of the latest products, strategies and technical developments. We identify how performance improvements are likely to help grow addressable markets for DSC and where these new markets are to be found. Specifically, we examine the potential for DSC in the BIPV sector and how DSC is likely to do in a world in which solar energy is not the hot topic that it was a few years ago.

The report also appraises the commercial significance of the developments that have taken place in the DSC over the past year such as the attempts to reduce the cost of dyes and electrodes. And, as always with NanoMarkets reports, this report also contains granular forecasts of DSC panel and materials shipments in volume and value terms.

Lastly, the report contains a discussion of some of the key players in the DSC marketplace, including 3GSolar, G24 Innovations, NLAB Solar, Dyesol, Oxford Photovoltaics, Solaronix, Solarprint, BASF, Merck, Umicore, Pilkington/NSG, Tata Steel, Everlight Chemical, Timo Technology, EPFL, Fujikura, and Peccell.

About NanoMarkets:

NanoMarkets tracks and analyzes emerging market opportunities in energy, electronics and other markets created by developments in advanced materials. The firm is a recognized leader in industry analysis and forecasts of this kind and has been covering the photovoltaics sector for more than six years.

Visit http://www.nanomarkets.net for a full listing of NanoMarkets’ reports and other services.

Media Contact:
Robert Nolan
NanoMarkets, LC
PO BOX 3840
Glen Allen, VA 23058


Antistatic Materials and Products in Electronics To Reach $3.4 billion ($US) in 2019

NanoMarkets announces the release of its latest report on ESD protection materials for the photovoltaics industry titled, “Markets for ESD and Antistatic Protection Materials and Products in Electronics 2012.”

Glen Allen, Virginia – March 28, 2012 — Industry analyst firm NanoMarkets announces the release of its latest report on ESD protection materials for the photovoltaics industry titled, “Markets for ESD and Antistatic Protection Materials and Products in Electronics 2012.” In the report NanoMarkets estimates that the total market for ESD protection products in electronics applications will grow at a CAGR of about 13% from a value of about $1.4 billion in 2012 to about $3.4 million in 2019.

Additional details about the report are available at: http://www.nanomarkets.net/market_reports/report/markets_for_esd_and_antistatic_protection_materials_in_electronics

About the Report:

This report is designed to help manufacturers of ESD protection materials identify both the “where” and “how much” for available opportunities in the electronics and semiconductor manufacturing sectors. Thus, this latest NanoMarkets report includes detailed eight-year forecasts of both ESD basic materials – conventional carbon, metals, metal compounds, carbon nanomaterials, conductive polymers, and other organics – and ESD products by application and material source. It also contains a discussion of some of the key suppliers and their product/market strategies, including Agfa, Heraeus, Hyperion Catalysis, 3M, RTP, Nanocyl, Bayer MaterialScience, SciCron, and many others.

From the Report:

NanoMarkets continues to see important new opportunities emerging in 2012-2013 for suppliers of ESD and antistatic protection materials including the growth of pervasive computing and electronics in everyday life, which steadily increases the addressable market for ESD products, and shrinking circuitry, which drives the need for higher performance ESD materials. In addition, a shift is occurring in the display market that pits LCD technology against newer technologies like OLEDs, which may have very different needs for ESD protection.

These emerging patterns of demand for ESD products are occurring at a time when there are also new developments in materials, many of are related to the rise of nanomaterials.

NanoMarkets projects that nanometals, graphene and carbon nanotubes will begin to account for a sizeable part of the ESD materials market in the not-too-distant future. ESD products based on carbon nanomaterials alone are expected to exceed $100 million in value by 2015.

Meanwhile, inherently conductive polymers will continue to make inroads into the larger ESD market, displacing currently used inexpensive – and often impermanent – materials; the value of ESD products based on ICPs is expected to exceed $100 million in 2017, driven largely by growth in low-cost/high-performance transparent ESD coatings.

About NanoMarkets:

NanoMarkets tracks and analyzes emerging market opportunities in energy, electronics and other markets created by developments in advanced materials. The firm is a recognized leader in industry analysis and forecasts of this kind and has been covering the photovoltaics sector for more than six years.

Visit http://www.nanomarkets.net for a full listing of NanoMarkets’ reports and other services.

Media Contact:
Robert Nolan
NanoMarkets, LC
PO BOX 3840
Glen Allen, VA 23058


NanoMarkets Announces the Release of Latest Report on Silver in Photovoltaics Applications

NanoMarkets has announced the release of its latest report on smart windows, “Silver in Photovoltaics-2012.”

Glen Allen, Virginia – March 9, 2012 — Industry analyst firm NanoMarkets has announced the release of its latest report on smart windows, “Silver in Photovoltaics-2012.” In the report the firm projects that suppliers of silver inks and pastes face challenging times as the PV industry’s use of silver declines in the coming years. NanoMarkets’ new report finds that while the use of silver will increase in front electrodes, back electrodes and tabbing will require substantially less silver leading to a rather significant drop in overall demand. Additional details about the report are available at: http://nanomarkets.net/market_reports/report/silver_in_photovoltaics_2012

About the Report:

“Silver in Photovoltaics – 2012” is the latest report from NanoMarkets in our ongoing coverage of materials and markets in the photovoltaics sector. In this report, NanoMarkets examines the changing opportunities for silver materials in the dynamic PV industry.

The report is designed to help silver suppliers to understand how changes in the PV industry will influence their sales. It considers how suppliers of silver materials to the PV industry can hold onto market share under the difficult circumstances that PV faces today: rapidly falling panel prices, huge pressures to continually reduce costs, and government subsidies under threat. It also considers these challenges in light of silver’s historically high – and likely to stay high – commodity price.

Taking into account these new dynamics, NanoMarkets identifies where opportunities are still available for silver in the PV sector and covers both conventional crystalline silicon PV and PV based on thin-film silicon, CdTe, CIGS, OPV, and DSC. The report includes coverage of established silver pastes and inks as well as newer materials based on nanomaterials, including the latest transparent nanosilver-based electrodes. It also examines alternative scenarios for silver in PV and provides an in depth discussion of materials challenges to silver in the PV sector, especially those presented by the use of copper and aluminum.

As with all NanoMarkets reports, this report contains detailed eight-year forecasts of the silver usage in the PV sector broken out by PV technology and how the silver is used within the PV cell itself. The forecasts are provided in both value and volume (ounces) terms. In addition, the report discusses the strategies of key firms to watch in this important sector.

About NanoMarkets:

NanoMarkets tracks and analyzes emerging market opportunities in energy, electronics and other markets created by developments in advanced materials. The firm is a recognized leader in industry analysis and forecasts of advanced materials and photovoltaics and has been covering the markets for such technologies sector for more than six years.

Visit http://www.nanomarkets.net for a full listing of NanoMarkets’ reports and other services.

Media Contact:
Robert Nolan
NanoMarkets, LC
PO BOX 3840
Glen Allen, VA 23058


NanoMarkets Projects Substantial Growth Potential for Smart Coatings in PV Applications

NanoMarkets announces the release of its latest report on materials for the photovoltaics industry, “Smart Coatings in PV Applications 2012.” NanoMarkets estimates that the total market for transparent conductors (TCs) in PV will exceed $450 million ($US) in 2017, up from a value of under $12 million in 2012.

Glen Allen, Virginia – February 27, 2012 — Industry analyst firm NanoMarkets announces the release of its latest report on materials for the photovoltaics industry, “Smart Coatings in PV Applications 2012.” NanoMarkets estimates that the total market for transparent conductors (TCs) in PV will exceed $450 million ($US) in 2017, up from a value of under $12 million in 2012.

This report analyzes the opportunities for smart coatings in PV applications, with a focus on the four types of smart coatings poised to bring the most value to the PV sector: self-cleaning, self-repairing, electrochromic, and thermochromic coating systems. The report also discusses the strategies of some of the important and emerging suppliers or users of smart coating including: Almaden, Cardinal Glass, Gentex, Lotus Leaf Coatings, nanoShell, Nippon Glass, Nissan, Peer+, Pilkington/AGC, PPG, SAGE, Saint-Gobain, Soladigm, and others.

Additional details about the report are available at: http://www.nanomarkets.net/market_reports/report/smart_coatings_and_photovoltaics_2012

NanoMarkets has recently released related photovoltaics reports in the areas of BIPV glass, transparent conductors and CIGS.

From the Report:

While NanoMarkets sees the overall PV market slowing and facing future uncertainty, the firm believes that PV makers can improve their competitive position and growth prospects by looking to smart coatings that can improve basic PV performance and provide value-added functionality.

The integration of some kinds of smart coatings, especially self-cleaning ones, can cost-effectively increase conversion efficiencies, which have a direct and measurable affect on cost-per-watt. According to NanoMarkets’ new report, self-cleaning coatings are expected to almost $150 million in annual revenue from the PV sector by 2017.

Other, more sophisticated (and higher value) smart coatings can provide additional functionality that enables PV panel makers to create “premium” products and differentiate themselves in a rapidly commoditizing, and homogenizing, marketplace. These added functionality coatings include dimmable or “switchable” electrochromic, thermochromic, and related coating systems. Electrochromic systems are a natural fit for BIPV and advanced BIPV/smart window applications. Electrochromics in PV are predicted to generate over $190 million in annual revenue by 2017.

About NanoMarkets:

NanoMarkets tracks and analyzes emerging market opportunities in energy, electronics and other markets created by developments in advanced materials. The firm is a recognized leader in industry analysis and forecasts of this kind and has been covering the photovoltaics sector for more than six years.

Visit http://www.nanomarkets.net for a full listing of NanoMarkets’ reports and other services.

Media Contact:
Robert Nolan
NanoMarkets, LC
PO BOX 3840
Glen Allen, VA 23058
