Storm Group Roofing is joining a class action lawsuit against HomeAdvisor alleging fraudulent practices and demanding a refund on $2,000 of fees accrued after initially canceling their account with the company.
Minneapolis, MN, USA — Storm Group Roofing, a Minneapolis roofing company headquartered in Brooklyn Park, MN, has joined a class action lawsuit against HomeAdvisor claiming fraudulent practices in their lead generation services. Storm Group is claiming that over the course of four months, HomeAdvisor wrongly charged them over $1,700 for dead leads including customers that were out of state, did not respond, or weren’t interested in roofing services. Representatives of the roofing company documented its communications with HomeAdvisor in a YouTube video, however were demanded to take it down before any refunds would be made.
Over the course of four months, representatives of the roofing company attempted to cancel its HomeAdvisor account only to continue being billed for unwanted services. On February 19, 2016, Storm Group Roofing initially contacted HomeAdvisor to cancel its account after spending $1,000 and receiving three quality leads. In the mid-June, the Minneapolis roofing company was charged an additional $700 by HomeAdvisor though they had previously requested their account be canceled. This unrequested restart in services generated no quality leads for the company. Storm Group Roofing is demanding a full refund of all charges accrued after February as well as the $347 sign up fee.
The roofing company documented its communications with HomeAdvisor in a YouTube video. The 15-minute video captures the multiple phone conversations that took place between Storm Group Roofing employees and HomeAdvisor’s customer service team between June 13th and 20th in which requests to cancel the account and receive a refund were made. The roofing company posted the video to its YouTube channel on June 20th and within a week it has garnered over 1,700 views. Upon viewing this video, representatives from HomeAdvisor agreed to refund $1,045 (Fees for leads accrued after February and the sign up fee) on the condition that the video is taken down.
“There is no way to prove that HomeAdvisor is not sending the same leads to multiple companies and charging each one separately regardless if they get the job or not,” said Dmitry Lipinski, owner of Storm Group Roofing. “To that point, there is no way to prove that the phone numbers of the leads we received belong to real people as they are four-digit extensions created by HomeAdvisor.”
Storm Group Roofing has refused to remove the video from their YouTube account and is demanding a full refund of the fees they were charged after the first request to cancel their account was made. The Minneapolis roofing company is joining a class action lawsuit against HomeAdvisor alleging fraudulent practices.
About Storm Group Roofing
Storm Group Roofing provides superior roofing services for the entire Twin Cities metro area. The Minneapolis roofing contractor also offers premium gutter installation, vinyl siding installation, and ice dam removal services for residential and commercial properties.
Media Contact:
Dmitry Lipinskiy
Storm Group Roofing, L.L.C.
7308 Aspen Lane, N. Ste. 118,
Brooklyn Park, Minnesota 55428
(612) 559-2449