Tag Archives: Electrician in Leesburg

Thinking About Choosing an Electrician in Leesburg VA?

Unfortunately, for a lot of home owners, the recent recession has forced them to allow their lenders to foreclose on their homes. Fortunately, for those seeking to buy a home, the recession has generated a surplus of available housing at a fraction of the original cost. Such is the case in the housing market in Leesburg, Virginia.

Our plan was to purchase a home as a rental property. We (my wife and I) scoured foreclosure listings, noted the properties which we considered to be in good neighborhoods, checked the exteriors, and then arranged for showings.

The house we bought was only thirty years old, but had sustained a lot of damage, whether by vandals while vacant by or the previous owners, I don’t know. Plumbing fixtures, pipes, even the toilet had been removed. My main concern, however, was with the amount of electrical work that was required.

A friend who was a retired electrician Leesburg VA, did a walk-through with me prior to purchase, and pointed out that an electrical safety assessment would be in order. This was apparent to him by the exposed wiring from light fixtures and outlets. He enlightened me to the fact that even though safety inspections are required, corners are still cut on materials and the quality of work.

I asked if he could recommend an electrician Leesburg VA whom he would trust to do an electrical safety assessment and, without hesitation, he recommended Certified Electrical Technologies, a licensed electrician Leesburg VA.

Certified Electrical Technologies has been in business since 1979, and are skilled in both residential electrical and commercial electrical operations. Most important to me, they guarantee their electrical work.

It was easy to schedule an electrical safety assessment. The electrician listened to my concerns, then he went about his business, thoroughly examining each room, as well as the lines running outside the house and the backyard area. He confirmed what my friend had told me, showing me how old wiring had been used to cut costs, electrical wiring which was now becoming frayed.

The electrician from Leesburg VA provided a written estimate that included house electrical rewiring, electrical conduit replacement, and installation of additional electrical outlets. He suggested replacing the ceiling fixtures with ceiling fans for energy efficiency, and strongly recommended installation of additional smoke detectors throughout the house. I never felt that he was “up-selling” services; rather, he explained his reasoning behind each suggestion, pointing out which services were critical.

I’d explained to him that we were renting the property and, as we walked in the backyard, told him my plans for adding some fencing and landscaping in front and back. He made some suggestions for outdoor lighting which, both from a security and aesthetic perspective, made a lot of sense. He helped me picture some possibilities additional lighting would provide, which cast some light (sorry) on how I might approach the vague landscaping ideas that I had.

I wish that my wife had been there, but I did my best to explain the electrical safety assessment and the Leesburg electrician recommendations. His detailed notes on the estimate were very helpful in jogging my memory.

“Certified Electrical Technologies sound like a valuable resource,” was her quick assessment, and I felt exactly the same way. We still ended up doing a little additional research on the company, and customer feedback online only reinforced my experience. And we felt obliged to bring in a couple more electrical contractors for comparison sake, but their representatives didn’t come close to the level of professionalism demonstrated by CET’s Leesburg electrician.

Certified Electrical Technologies started our project a week later, and everything worked out fine; no hidden costs, no unpleasant surprises. As my wife said, they’re an invaluable resource.

“If you need any electrical work in Leesburg, please don’t hesitate to contact us at:

Certified Electrical Technologies
319 E Market St, Leesburg VA 20175
visit our website electrician in Leesburg VA