Tag Archives: ebook

First Edition Design Publishing Releases New Book, “Accidental Dad” by Joshua McDowell

Accidental Dad, by Joshua McDowell, exposes the harsh realities of being a single father in today’s world.

Toledo, OH, USA — Joshua McDowell’s Accidental Dad introduces a single father on a mission. He believes being a parent is the most rewarding experience in the world. For that reason, he wants you to help him change the family court system. A must read for young fathers and potential young fathers alike.

Each year, millions of children grow up in fatherless homes, resulting in teen pregnancies, school dropouts, depression, and suicide. Each child wants, needs, and deserves to grow up with a strong relationship with both parents.

McDowell is not an expert in conventional terms, but he knows how it felt to grow up without his father, and he also knows how it feels for a single father to have to deal with the court system that can make a father feel worthless. He shares firsthand information about our family courts to provide a clear understanding of the bias in courts across this country against fathers who want custody of their children. Joshua McDowell is handing us all a challenge. Help McDowell change the world, and help bring loving, caring, good fathers back to the head of household!

“Contrary to popular belief, many single fathers are getting the short end of the stick. I dedicate this book to all single fathers who truly love their children and want to be a major part of their lives. My son is my life, yet there were days in court when I would get so frustrated, so angry, and so tired of battling the bias against fathers – against me – that I was almost willing to walk away from it all. Fortunately I didn’t, and neither should you. Never give up hope.” ~Josh McDowell

Genre – Child Support, Custody, Visitation, Fathers Rights

The ebook version of Accidental Dad ISBN 9781506901275, published by First Edition Design Publishing (http://www.firsteditiondesignpublishing.com), is available on-line wherever ebooks are sold. The 178 page print book version, ISBN 9781506901268, is published by First Edition Design Publishing and distributed worldwide to online booksellers.

Media Contact:
Joshua McDowell

First Edition Design Publishing Releases New Book, “Secrets of the Lost Scrolls” by John J. Pietrangelo

Secrets of the Lost Scrolls, by John J. Pietrangelo, speaks to the challenge given by Christ to Saint Francis of Assisi to Repair My Church which is falling into ruins.

Tucson, AZ, USA (February 6, 2016) — John J. Pietrangelo’s Secrets of the Lost Scrolls tells a story of stunning assaults on the Papacy which fracture the world’s religious sensibilities; dark secrets within Church history unveiled; and lost teachings in ancient scrolls rediscovered – harbingers of a spiritual renewal for a world at odds with itself.

Our story begins with one humble woman who makes her way to the doors of a living saint; a pilgrimage of supplication and prayer in asking for a miracle…a blessing of a new birth…which is granted. This begins a series of events that would eventually fulfill a number of prophecies made long ago by venerated saints, including Saint Malachy of Ireland and Padre Pio of Italy, ultimately leading to the transformation of the Catholic Church.

Destiny finds twin brothers, one a priest and the other an archaeologist, unexpectedly thrown into the fray, facing the challenge given by Christ to Saint Francis of Assisi to Repair My Church which is falling into ruins. When all is said and done what will be the outcome of this sweeping and tumultuous transformation? Will those who have been given the Keys to the Kingdom continue doing business as usual? Or will there be the undoing of wrongs imposed upon an unsuspecting humanity?

Author John J. Pietrangelo is a college graduate with a post-graduate degree. He has spent over fifty years researching and studying the multifarious religions of the world, along with music, psychology, philosophy and a broad spectrum of metaphysical teachings…and beyond. He is now retired and lives in Arizona. Secrets of the Lost Scrolls is his first attempt at writing a fictional novel wherein he has placed the distillation of countless hours of study and contemplation.

Genre – Catholic Church, Pope, Church History, Prophecies, Ancient Scrolls, Light and Sound Teachings, Surat Shabda Yoga, Spirituality, Law of Karma, Reincarnation, Repair My Church

The ebook version of Secrets of the Lost Scrolls ISBN 9781506901053, published by First Edition Design Publishing (http://www.firsteditiondesignpublishing.com), is available on-line wherever ebooks are sold. The 362 page print book version, ISBN 9781506900146, is published by First Edition Design Publishing and distributed worldwide to online booksellers.

Media Contact:
John J. Pietrangelo

New Book Release – Unintended Consequences: When Adults took the fun out of Youth Sports, by Jerry Norton

Unintended Consequences: When Adults took the fun out of Youth Sports, by Jerry Norton, helps make sense of today’s youth sports and how to set it back on a course toward fun.

Ponte Vedra, FL, USA — Jerry Norton’s Unintended Consequences: When Adults took the fun out of Youth Sports is a look at the deplorable situation in youth sports through the 84-year old eyes of photojournalist, youth coach, referee and league administrator Jerry Norton. Norton makes the case that youth sports have become more about winning than playing and more about adult egos than kids’ enjoyment and participation.

According to Coach Jerry, the evidence is clear and the verdict is in. Adults–whether malicious or well-meaning–are deemed guilty of hijacking youth sports’ most noble and worthy objective–fun. Win-at-all-cost coaches and demanding parents with unrealistic expectations are responsible for horrific acts of violence as well as untold incidents of child abuse that have become common-place in youth sports. The long-time youth sports activist offers constructive criticisms as well as solutions intended to make kids’ sports fun again for all participants.

Stephen G (Jerry) Norton is the father of three sons and a retired aerospace engineer who spent nearly 60 years as a volunteer coach, referee, and league administrator and president. He is now a sports photojournalist covering youth, high school and professional sports. He has coached youth baseball, football, swimming, tennis and girls’ softball and has conducted clinics for wheelchair bound and Special Olympic tennis players. He is the founder and president of Junior Development League Football.

Genre – Sports, Youth Sports, Children’s Sports, Kids’ Sports, Organized Youth Sports, Youth Sports Deterioration, Coaching, Sportsmanship, Youth Sports Problems, Soccer, Football, Baseball, Basketball

The ebook version of Unintended Consequences: When Adults took the fun out of Youth Sports ISBN 9781506901077, published by First Edition Design Publishing (http://www.firsteditiondesignpublishing.com), is available on-line wherever ebooks are sold. The 232 page print book version, ISBN 9781506901060, is published by First Edition Design Publishing and distributed worldwide to online booksellers.

Media Contact:
Jerry Norton

New Book Release – Path of the Golden Heart: Conscious Dating in an Unconscious World, by Cindy Jarrett

Path of the Golden Heart: Conscious Dating in an Unconscious World, by Cindy Jarrett, brings an end to the suffering that has long been associated with dating.

Santa Rosa, CA, USA — Cindy Jarrett’s Path of the Golden Heart: Conscious Dating in an Unconscious World teaches men and women how to end their painful patterns in dating. Readers learn the essential practices for: clearing the past; telling the truth; emotional freedom; and conscious dating. Included are all the necessary guidelines for choosing and drawing in a Soul Satisfying Relationship that is healthy, loving and lasting.

Love…what we all desire. It is what matters most to us and drives us to do the most courageous and most crazy of things. Love is what gives us our supreme experiences and challenges. It is our most powerful expression. Love heals all things. And, love is our greatest teacher. Yet, love eludes us. It is everywhere and missing in so many hearts. We fear it. We run from it. We long for it. We deserve it. It is our birthright. And it is this desire for love that brings us to the dating ritual again and again.

Path of the Golden Heart: Conscious Dating In An Unconscious World: the first book in Cindy Jarrett’s Conscious Relationships Series is based on Cindy’s pioneering work into the necessity for emotional maturity as the key for healthy and sustaining love relationships to succeed.

Since 1989, Cindy Jarrett has been teaching people how to have Soul Satisfying Relationships by Design. She is the owner of Designing Access: a national based consulting company providing specialized educational services in communication and relationship skill training for individuals, couples, families and small companies.

Genre – Consciousness, Relationships, Dating, Training, Soul-Mate, Beloved, Emotional Maturity, Responsibility, Spirituality

The ebook version of Path of the Golden Heart: Conscious Dating in an Unconscious World ISBN 9781506900391, published by First Edition Design Publishing (http://www.firsteditiondesignpublishing.com), is available on-line wherever ebooks are sold. The 214 page print book version, ISBN 9781506900384, is published by First Edition Design Publishing and distributed worldwide to online booksellers.

Media Contact:
Cindy Jarrett

First Edition Design Publishing Releases New Book, “A Primer on Moral Renewal in America” by T. L. Wiley

A Primer on Moral Renewal in America, by T. L. Wiley, looks at the moral decline in America and offers a new direction including changes that are necessary for getting back on the correct path.

Maricopa, AZ, USA — T. L. Wiley’s A Primer on Moral Renewal in America is a call to action for all Americans!

We are seeing our country evolve from a democracy to an oligarchy and we have lost our moral compass. The purpose of this primer is to review those things that are critical for redefining the priorities of our country in the best interests of our planet and the people who live on it. This will require a moral renewal in our country and it will require all of us participating in the process.

An accurate account of the problematic issues in the USA. Concise, factual, documented without bias. Unfortunately those who need to read this book probably won’t! 5 Stars – Amazon, D.S.

Author Terry Wiley is Professor Emeritus (retired) in the Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI. During his career, Dr. Wiley has been a clinician, educator, scientist, and administrator. Professor Wiley served two terms as Associate Editor of the Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, is a former Editor of both the Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders and the Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, and received the 1996 Editor’s Award for the article of highest merit published in the American Journal of Audiology. He is a Fellow of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association and received the Honors of the Association (its highest award) in 2009. Professor Wiley has served on the Editorial Board of the American Academy of Audiology and the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, and he has served as a reviewer for a number of scientific journals, professional organizations, governmental agencies, and academic publishing firms. Most of his writing products have been archival research articles and tutorial documents (including a number of book chapters and a university level text with a colleague) and a few assorted essays and newsletter articles. He lives in Maricopa, AZ.

Genre – Morality, Science, Integrity, Religion, Poverty, Ignorance, Love, Hate, Politics, Money

The ebook version of A Primer on Moral Renewal in America ISBN 9781506900834, published by First Edition Design Publishing (http://www.firsteditiondesignpublishing.com), is available on-line wherever ebooks are sold. The 150 page print book version, ISBN 9781506900827, is published by First Edition Design Publishing and distributed worldwide to online booksellers.

Media Contact:
T. L. Wiley

First Edition Design Publishing Releases New Book, “Reinventing The World, We Can Do Better” by Ben Korgen

Reinventing The World, We Can Do Better, by Ben Korgen, highlights the stagnant repetition of ineffective leadership and how we can break free.

Hope Valley, RI, USA (January 24, 2016) — Ben Korgen’s Reinventing The World, We Can Do Better defines history recycling leadership spawning repeating cycles of prosperity, poverty, tranquility and violence.

This book suggests we can escape this by preparing political leaders for recruiting idea people, harvesting ideas, filtering out the best ones and subjecting them to worldwide referendums.

Humans will need fresh ideas. People tend to elect leaders whose image is a stable, solid citizen who can govern the ship of state with a steady hand on the helm. However, idea people usually do not make good leaders. Their most valuable thoughts pop into their heads at random in ways that prospective voters perceive as erratic and undesirable in leadership positions.

Science, engineering and technology have long histories of racing forward with little or no recycled effort. They have accomplished this driven by leaders who realize that maintaining the forward momentum depends on accepting the inputs of idea people.

This book addresses needs for a worldwide effort by offering a sample path for testing, adopting or discarding for something better. This path includes methods of world-scale recruitment of idea people, harvesting ideas, filtering them to winnow out the most promising ones and debating their value before worldwide referendums for approval and implementation.

Author Ben Korgen has had a highly varied career. He served in the US Navy, earned a bachelor’s degree at the University of Minnesota Duluth, earned a master’s degree at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, then coached high school football, earned a PhD in Oceanography at Oregon State University and had a long and rewarding career in Oceanography at the US Naval Oceanographic Office, the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill and Tulane University in New Orleans.

Genre – History-Recycling Leadership, Idea People, Idea Creation, Idea Sorting, Linking Ideas to Leadership

The ebook version of Reinventing The World, We Can Do Better ISBN 9781622879823, published by First Edition Design Publishing (http://www.firsteditiondesignpublishing.com), is available on-line wherever ebooks are sold.

Media Contact:
Ben Korgen

First Edition Design Publishing Releases New Book, “The Holiday Party” by Brian Perry

The Holiday Party, by Brian Perry, reminds us of how ordinary people overcome difficult obstacles to become everyday heros.

Oceanside, CA, USA — Brian Perry’s The Holiday Party is a touching reminder of the sacrifices police and their families make, this heartwarming and inspirational book is for anyone that has been through a difficult time, or has regrets, or had faith and lost it. In other words, The Holiday Party is a book for all of us, and one that will stay with you long after you put it down.

“All cops go to Heaven. Cop killers, they go to that other place.” So says the narrator of The Holiday Party, a police officer who has seen his best friend killed in the line of duty.

Six years later…September 11, 2001. Struggling with alcoholism and on the brink of suicide, our hero finds himself buried beneath one hundred stories of concrete and steel. Now, in the midst of unspeakable tragedy, he fights to survive, even as he discovers that his greatest challenge is to escape the wreckage of his past and find hope for a better future.

As his situation grows increasingly desperate, a troubled hero learns those timeless lessons his own father never had the opportunity to teach him: love, forgiveness, and honor. But can he learn the final lesson – that though we cannot change our pasts, we can decide what type of person we want to be today.

Brian Perry is the author of the personal finance book From Piggybank to Portfolio: A Financial Roadmap for New Investors, as well as numerous articles which have appeared in a variety of print and online media. He lives near San Diego with his wife and son.

Genre – Christmas, Holidays, Police, Cop, Priest, Heaven, September 11, Alcoholic, Father, Son


The ebook version of The Holiday Party ISBN 9781622878772, published by First Edition Design Publishing (http://www.firsteditiondesignpublishing.com), is available on-line wherever ebooks are sold. The 174 page print book version, ISBN 9781622878765, is published by First Edition Design Publishing and distributed worldwide to online booksellers.

Media Contact:
Brian Perry

First Edition Design Publishing Releases New Book, “Love’s Lone Ranger” by Ben Korgen

Love’s Lone Ranger, by Ben Korgen, weaves a crazy, zany tale of love, lust and Umptiscratch University football.

Hope Valley, RI, USA (January 23, 2016) — Ben Korgen’s Love’s Lone Ranger sets as its undersized hero one Rudy Tripp. At age eleven, Rudy Tripp decides to become the greatest football coach ever. After a miraculous turn of events young Rudy becomes the successful interim coach of his football team and is offered a full coaching scholarship by the Athletic Director at Umptiscratch University (UU).

When Rudy arrives at school early to find housing he meets his gloriously beautiful landlady Clara, a six foot two inch recent graduate of Umptiscratch. She lives with her equally beautiful five foot six inch widowed mother Claudia, a wealthy former circus acrobat, Umptiscratch U. cheerleader and soon to be obvious reason behind the “room for one male student only”.

When things start to heat up Rudy finds himself in a difficult and painful situation. To extricate himself Rudy begins down an adventurous path which finds him unexpectedly a matchmaker for the attractive widow or as the Umptiscratch librarian calls him “Love’s Lone Ranger.” The stumbling and ludicrous effort to help find and then help choose between the widow’s prospective mates will leave you in stitches.

Author Ben Korgen has had a highly varied career. He served in the US Navy, earned a bachelor’s degree at the University of Minnesota Duluth, earned a master’s degree at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, then coached high school football, earned a PhD in Oceanography at Oregon State University and had a long and rewarding career in Oceanography at the US Naval Oceanographic Office, the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill and Tulane University in New Orleans.

Keywords: Athletics, Football, Love, Matchmaker, Short Guys, Big Girls, Idea Person, Movie Star

The ebook version of Love’s Lone Ranger ISBN 9781622877935, published by First Edition Design Publishing (http://www.firsteditiondesignpublishing.com), is available on-line wherever ebooks are sold.

Media Contact:
Ben Korgen

Children’s Book “Wally, The Wannabe Pet” Receives Official Selection Honors In The New Apple Indie E-Book Awards

“Wally, The Wannabe Pet” written and illustrated by Kamon receives Official Selection Honors in the Children’s category of the 2015 New Apple Summer eBook Awards for Excellence in Independent Publishing.

Dayton, OH, USA — Wally, The Wannabe Pet written and illustrated by Kamon receives Official Selection Honors in the Children’s category of the 2015 New Apple Summer eBook Awards for Excellence in Independent Publishing.

Book Synopsis
What does it take to make you happy? A fresh donut? A nice house? Jewels? Wally wants it all. Follow him on his journey as a pet and discover with him the meaning of happiness.

About the Author
Kamon was born in Quebec in 1957. Kamon has been living in Asia for 26 years. Kamon’s books are published in French, English and some in Chinese. With more than 50 titles published, Kamon writes funny children’s books seasoned with mindfulness, a relevant topic in today’s world.

About the New Apple Book Awards
The New Apple Summer eBook Awards for Excellence in Independent Publishing was established to honor the creative achievements of the unsung books fighting for their place within the digital publishing world. Any English language book published within the last three years, currently available for sale by an independent author or small press that met the Awards’ guidelines was eligible for entry. One book was chosen in each category as the Medalist Winner receiving the highest honors. In addition, the judges were permitted to choose up to three Official Selections for category distinction.

Contact Information
Wally, The Wannabe Pet is available in paperback and eBook and can be purchased at Amazon. To find out more about the New Apple Book Awards, visit http://www.NewAppleBookAwards.com.

Wally, The Wannabe Pet
Author: Kamon
Illustrator: Kamon
Publishing House: Self-Published
Amazon: http://getBook.at/Wally
Author website: http://www.kamontheauthor.com
Twitter: @kamontheauthor
Kamon is available for public appearances, signings, interviews and blog tours. Contact the author at http://www.kamontheauthor.com.

New Apple Contact Information
New Apple Literary Services

Movie Script Unveils Secret Government Invisible Weapons Program

Perry Ritthaler’s ‘The Interrogator’ is Now Available as eBook.

Creston, British Columbia (January 02, 2016) — Local inspirational author and self-proclaimed cyber warfare physicist scientist releases a creative story; Perry Ritthaler of Creston BC Canada, will debut his mystery science novella “Interrogator” in the “Spy Land Women Play Me ” collection Jan. 1, 2016 as part of eBookIt Publishing’s line. He is planning a murder mystery party in January for the launch which will include an eBook trailer on YouTube.

Ritthaler, a creative cyber warfare writing teacher; working from his private computer laboratory worked as a former undercurrent adviser to Presidents and Prime Ministers; he has been working for over 13 years in the science field during that time completed over 16 Publications in various and similar psychology science; while working in video production for a local movie theatre creating advertising raising working capital to fund his exploration.

In addition, he is the founder of “Writer…Digital Mind Coach,” an online blog and community aimed at helping agencies and military discover the secret to balancing covert warfare weapons and strategy shifting Geo political power.

Set in a second dimension working seamlessly in Washington, D.C., at the Creston BC Computer Laboratory, “Interrogator” is a contemporary story of a Canadian writer nick named Magic, a bachelor lone wolf and Quantum Physics, Meta Physics, Astro Physics, Nero Linguistic Programmer, whose world operations online wreaks havoc at the Pentagon, threatening the operations and science revolving around homeland defense and the war on terror. When the “Canadian writer” alias “Magic” changes the rules of engagement and the creation of invisible weapons programs built in physics and psychology and economics he shifts world operations creating controlled chain reactions sending currency and oil production tied to stock markets commodities markets into tail spins spiraling down and up, Magic must rely on Debbie and Bill, the callous security professionals, to dissect what this mad scientist has created and released into the world. When they discover the Quantum Energy F35 and the Quantum Energy Star Wars asset programs have schematics that explain the operations it proves to them the nightmares in security are not fake, Bill and Debbie send the research up top to the Director of the FBI, NSA and CIA; and they immediately realize they need to work together. If they don’t, the results could be deadly.

Perry Ritthaler, award-winning author of sixteen eBooks and novellas, including the “Discover How To Control Ideas, Decisions, and Affirmations” said, “Murder. Thefts of priceless invisible weapons created a zero capital cost will change rules of engagement and how wars are created or ended or won or lost. An ornery, mad scientist creating psychology virus programs with a penchant for getting into trouble. ‘The Interrogator’ is a fast-paced debut psychology science physics novella has it all and takes readers on an emotional ride into the future. A killer’s rampage using the government as his covert weapon winds up this satisfying who-dun-it.”

Ritthaler is available for interviews and appearances. For booking presentations, media appearances, interviews, and/or book-signings contact perry(at)digitalmindcoach(dot)net.

About eBookIt.com
Since 2010, eBookIt.com (based in Sudbury, Massachusetts) has helped thousands of authors and publishers get their books converted to ebook format, and distributed to all the major ebook retailers, including Amazon.com, Barnesandnoble.com, Apple iBookstore, Kobo, Sony Readerstore, Ingram Digital, and Google eBookstore.

Media Contact:
Perry Ritthaler, Writer
Digital Mind Coach