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Overview of GamsatUK and Australia – Join the Leaders to Become Successful

November 2011 – Gamsat, the standardization is totally different from others. Being one of the toughest criterion and toughest exam for entrance in the medical profession is based on the observations and skills of those interested in clearing the test. The structural material of Gamsat study is not so specific. The syllabus and method of study is unique. Gamsat preparation is not as usual as other fields of study. Some technical matter, need most attention to be resolved and the calculation for marks obtained is another hectic, not for the student but indeed, a complex process employed for the Gamsat exam. 

Method employed for the marks calculation is kept confidential and safe by ACER. Apart from that some of the authorized ACER members know nobody else has any remote idea about the unique process. Calculation based on item response theory concerns with the mathematical relationship between item response and abilities.

ACER maintains Gamsat on behalf of consortia of several leading universities. In UK Gamsat candidates have to take exam in September held in medical school of ST George’s hospital in London, Derby Medical School of the University of Nottingham, Swansea Medical School of University of wales and medical school at keele University. The first GamsatUK arranged in 2000 had more than four thousand candidates appeared for the test Students can sign up online for the available home based study packages.

Gamsat Australia is the Australian graduation Medical school admission test, conducted by Australian council for education and research purposes on behalf of the consortia of major universities. Candidates have to take Gamsat in March. Accepted as post-graduation study into different Medical schools of Australian territories includes the area of Griffith, Sydney, Queensland, Wollongong, Monas, Melbourne, Flinders, Dakin and Western Australia and several universities located throughout the country.

Gamsat first held in March 1995 had more than seven thousand candidates appeared for the Gamsat Australia exam. Different regulations have been added in the later times. More than 1500 places are available for graduation of medical study. There are about three hundred places all over Australia alone, which provide Gamsat.

Pre Gamsat course is several day-based course held in Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide. The course is usually given in February and early times of March. Home study plan of this course is now MCQ based. Post Gamsat interview is five hours of preparation in those places in late August and early September. On the website details for different courses and package prices are available. GAMSAT Comptext provides the information and all other data regarding Gamsat study so, for further information visit http://www.comptext.com.au