Tag Archives: bipv market

NanoMarkets Announces New Upcoming Report on Building Integrated Photovoltaics Markets

Industry analyst firm NanoMarkets has added a new report to its publishing schedule that is due for 2nd quarter 2014 release titled, “BIPV Markets Analysis and Forecasts 2014-2021.”

Glen Allen, Virginia (May 1, 2014) — Industry analyst firm NanoMarkets has added a new report to its publishing schedule that is due for 2nd quarter 2014 release titled, “BIPV Markets Analysis and Forecasts 2014-2021.” Additional details about the report are available on the firm’s website at: http://www.nanomarkets.net/market_reports/report/bipv-markets-analysis-and-forecasts-2014-2021. The report is available at pre-publication pricing until June 3rd.

The report follows a recently released NanoMarkets report that covered the BIPV glass market (see here http://www.nanomarkets.net/market_reports/report/bipv-glass-markets-2014-beyond for details) that the firm projected would reach $2.7 billion by 2019 and a recently released paper from the firm that addresses the role that PV materials choices will have on the growth prospects for BIPV. (See http://www.nanomarkets.net/articles/article/materials-trends-for-bipv-glass)

About the Report:

In this latest report on the BIPV markets NanoMarkets is updating is quantitative and qualitative assessments and outlooks for the building integrated photovoltaic market. We have been covering the BIPV market since 2007. In this latest report we examine the latest important technological and market developments as well as the various region specific factors shaping the market. While the last few years have been far from robust for the solar market there are reasons for companies and investors to view BIPV with some optimism.

The report addresses BIPV glass, roofing and siding and assesses the prospects for the competing underlying technologies including thin-film, OPV, DSC and c-Si. We include forecasts broken out by product, application, technology and region expressed in MW and units. The report also provides commentaries of the various leading key suppliers and industry influencers.

Report Outline:

Executive Summary
Changes in Market Conditions for BIPV since Our Previous Report
Changing PV Material Mix
Opportunity Analysis and Roadmap by Type of BIPV Product
Opportunities for BIPV in End user Markets
Companies to watch in the BIPV Market
Opportunity Analysis by Country/Region

Chapter Two: Product segments and emerging trends
Emerging Trends in Non-Glass BIPV products
Roofing Overlay
Flexible Roofing
Monolithically integrated Roofing
Wall attached PV
BIPV Sliding
Curtain Walls
Emerging Technology Trends and its Impact on BIPV glass
Roadmap for the evolution of BIPV glass
Limitations of crystalline silicon for use in BIPV glass and its future
Current and future use of CIGS in BIPV glass
Current and future use of CdTe in BIPV glass
Future of OPV and DSC in BIPV glass
Encapsulation issues for BIPV glass
The aesthetics and architectural merits and de-merits of BIPV glass

Chapter Three: Key Market Segments and Regional Markets
End-user Market Segments
Zero-Energy Buildings
Prestige Commercial, Government and Multi-tenant Residential Buildings
Other Commercial and Government Buildings
Residential Buildings
Industrial Buildings
Markets by Region and Country: A Discussion of Market Developments and Subsidies
United States

Chapter Four: Eight-Year Forecasts of BIPV Market
Forecast of Non-Glass BIPV Roofing Markets (Shipment Volumes, Market Value and Materials Used)
Forecast of Non Glass BIPV Wall Markets (Shipment Volumes, Market Value and Materials Used)
BIPV Glass (Forecast by Type of PV Technology Used, Area , Revenues, Type of Product)
Forecast of BIPV Revenues by Type of Building and Type of BIPV Products Used
Forecast of BIPV by Retrofit versus New Construction: By Type of BIPV Product
Forecasts by Region: By Type of BIPV Product
Forecast of Materials/technology
Crystalline Silicon BIPV: By Type of BIPV Product
Thin-Film Silicon BIPV: By Type of BIPV Product
CdTe BIPV: By Type of BIPV Product
CIGS BIPV: By Type of BIPV Product
OPV BIPV: By Type of BIPV Product
Encapsulation Materials for BIPV Panels

About NanoMarkets:
NanoMarkets tracks and analyzes emerging markets in energy, electronics and other area created by developments in advanced materials. The firm is a recognized leader in industry analysis and forecasts of the BIPV sector and the PV sector more generally.

Visit http://www.nanomarkets.net for a full listing of NanoMarkets’ reports and other services.

Media Contact:
Robert Nolan
NanoMarkets, LC
PO BOX 3840
Glen Allen, VA 23058
(804) 938-0030


NanoMarkets Projects Building Integrated Photovoltaics Markets (BIPV) Reaching $7.5 billion in 2015

NanoMarkets today published its latest BIPV projections in a report titled, “Building-Integrated Photovoltaics Markets – 2012.”

Glen Allen, Virginia – October 24, 2012 — Industry analyst firm NanoMarkets today published its latest BIPV projections in a report titled, “Building-Integrated Photovoltaics Markets – 2012.” NanoMarkets estimates that the entire BIPV market already generates around $2.1 billion ($US) today and that this figure will grow to $7.5 billion by 2015. Much of this growth will come at the expense of conventional solar panels as the better economics and aesthetics of BIPV make their impact on end users. NanoMarkets also expects new builds to contribute 63 percent of all BIPV revenues in 2015.

About the Report:

This report provides highly granular eight-year forecast of the worldwide BIPV market with breakouts for PV roofing overlays, BIPV tiles and shingles, wall-attached BIPV, BIPV siding, BIPV curtain walls, BIPV/window hybrids and futuristic monolithically integrated BIPV products. The projections are presented in both value ($ millions) and volume (MW and area covered).

Additional breakouts are provided for types of building in which BIPV is installed (residential, commercial, industrial, etc.), whether the BIPV installation is a retrofit or a new build, and the type of absorber material it uses. In addition, we project the nations and regions that will generate the most BIPV revenues; NanoMarkets expects Europe to be the largest market for BIPV throughout the period covered in these forecasts.

Additional details about the report are available at: http://nanomarkets.net/market_reports/report/building_integrated_photovoltaics_markets_2012

More from the report:

According to this new NanoMarkets report, the market for BIPV roofing products will reach $2.5 billion by 2015; a four-fold increase in revenues compared to 2012. But, NanoMarkets says there will be a profound change in how the BIPV revenues are generated over this relatively short period. Today almost 80 percent of the dollars from BIPV roofing comes from simple BIPV overlay products. By 2015, NanoMarkets foresees that specialized BIPV tiles and shingles will have become widely available offering much better value propositions than any current BIPV products; As a result, these BIPV tiles and shingles will account for 60 percent of BIPV roofing product revenues.

The report also provides projections for BIPV walling, a sector that has barely been touched by BIPV today. Despite this, NanoMarkets foresees this sector taking off in the next few years as zero-energy buildings and multistory office buildings find that roof-based PV is not capable of generating sufficient power for their needs. According to NanoMarkets’ projections, this could lead to an $830 million market for wall-based BIPV by 2015. However, NanoMarkets thinks that specialized wall-based BIPV products will be slow to take off and 62 percent of the revenues in the wall sector will come from existing products that have been “versioned” for a walling market.

Although BIPV glass sales are expected to reach $4.2 billion by 2015, NanoMarkets believes that much of this relatively large figure will be generated by the high-cost of the architectural glass that underpins BIPV glass. However, NanoMarkets believes that there are good opportunities in the glass sector for monolithically integrating PV and building fabric functionalities and projects that by 2015, $375 million will be generated by fully integrated BIPV glass products.

About NanoMarkets:

NanoMarkets tracks and analyzes emerging markets in energy, electronics and other areas created by developments in advanced materials. The firm is a recognized leader in industry analysis and forecasts of the BIPV industry.

Visit http://www.nanomarkets.net for a full listing of NanoMarkets’ reports and other services.

Media Contact:
Robert Nolan
NanoMarkets, LC
PO BOX 3840
Glen Allen, VA 23058
(804) 938-0030


NanoMarkets Announces Upcoming Reports on Organic (OPV) and Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) Markets

NanoMarkets has added two new reports to the firms schedule titled “Opportunities in the Organic Photovoltaics Market – 2012” and “BIPV Encapsulation Markets – 2012.”

Glen Allen, Virginia – April 26, 2012 — Industry Analyst firm NanoMarkets has added two new reports to the firms schedule titled “Opportunities in the Organic Photovoltaics Market – 2012” and “BIPV Encapsulation Markets – 2012.” The reports will be available in May of 2012 and continue the firm’s coverage of the increasingly challenging PV market. Details of the reports are available at http://www.nanomarkets.net.

The reports follow recent releases on dye sensitized cell (DSC) photovoltaics and BIPV glass markets.

Opportunities in the Organic Photovoltaics Market – 2012

The OPV market continues to struggle to get off the ground. The last year has produced a few bright spots – some new investments, some modest performance enhancements, additional demonstration and/or niche product launches, etc. – but the industry still needs a big breakthrough, or at least a clear path toward a large-area, large-scale application that can take OPV to the next level commercially.

Unfortunately, the value propositions that have been claimed for OPV in the past continue to get harder and harder to make: costs are still very high, flexible encapsulation is still a problem, and a big market pull for portable, small-scale charging has not materialized. Meanwhile, development and commercialization of DSC photovoltaics has outpaced that of OPV, and now it looks as though time for OPV may be running out.

In this report NanoMarkets looks at the changing prospects for commercialization of OPV in off-grid applications like solar chargers, as well as emerging – and larger-scale – opportunities for OPV in the BIPV market, particularly in BIPV glass and flexible BIPV applications. We also pay particular attention to the activities of the key OPV firms, and we examine the shifting market prospects brought on by technical achievements, commercialization efforts, demand patterns, and competition from other technologies. Based on these analyses, we have also updated our eight-year forecasts for both OPV materials and modules.

BIPV Encapsulation Markets – 2012

As the solar industry turns towards BIPV there will be a growing opportunity for the encapsulation business. Flexibility is often required in BIPV and this means that manufacturers of BIPV often have an immediate need for an effective flexible PV encapsulation system. In addition, as monolithic integration becomes more common, specialist encapsulation systems are required to protect the relatively delicate CIGS, OPV and DSC absorber materials that are commonly used in such products.

This report identifies and quantifies the emerging market for encapsulation systems and materials in the BIPV market. It investigates both how the leading suppliers of encapsulation products are viewing BIPV as a market for their products and the current and future demand for encapsulation from the BIPV industry itself. This NanoMarkets report includes a granular eight-year forecast of the BIPV encapsulation markets and assessments of the leading product/market strategies being adopted in this business.

About NanoMarkets:

NanoMarkets tracks and analyzes emerging market opportunities in energy, electronics and other markets created by developments in advanced materials. The firm is a recognized leader in industry analysis and forecasts of this kind and has been covering the photovoltaics sector for more than six years. Visit http://www.nanomarkets.net for a full listing of NanoMarkets’ reports and other services.

Media Contact:
Robert Nolan
NanoMarkets, LC
PO BOX 3840
Glen Allen, VA 23058
