Tag Archives: adobe indesign

Output Factory for InDesign Now Can Use Contents of Anchored Text Frames

Zevrix Solutions announces Output Factory 2.3.9, a feature update to company’s output automation solution for Adobe InDesign. Output Factory helps users automate printing and exporting from InDesign by offering batch processing, single page export, layer versioning, variable file names, custom scripts and more. The new version lets users insert the contents of anchored text frames into the variable names of output files by assigning a script label to the text boxes in InDesign document.

Toronto (ON), Canada — Zevrix Solutions today announces the release of Output Factory 2.3.9, a feature update to company’s output automation plug-in for Adobe InDesign. Awarded 5 stars by InDesign Magazine, Output Factory automates and simplifies workflows of printers, ad agencies, publishers, and prepress houses worldwide. The software helps eliminate repetitive tasks and costly errors through batch processing with time-saving output options.

The new version extends the functionality of the script label feature which gives users an easy way to insert text from specific frames in InDesign document directly into variable output file names. The update enables users to harness the contents of so called anchored text frames which are anchored to an insertion point in the text flow. In previous versions only regular text boxes were supported.

“Using Output Factory is straightforward. You determine your settings and sit back while Output Factory does all the heavy lifting. The time savings are huge,” writes Jamie McKee in a 5-star review in InDesign Magazine. “If you find yourself repeatedly exporting InDesign files in various formats, you owe it to yourself to install the free trial and see just how much time you’ll save using Output Factory.”

Output Factory supports printing as well as exporting to PDF, PostScript, EPS, Flash, IDML, EPUB and several image formats. It offers the following key features:

Batch output of InDesign files
-Export every n pages as a single PDF file
-Output files to multiple formats with one click
-Variable output file names
-Layer versioning: output layer combinations as single files
-Eliminate errors with automatic preflight
-Create PDF security presets

Pricing and Availability:
Output Factory can be purchased from Zevrix website for US$169.95 (Lite version $119.95), as well as from authorized resellers and Adobe Exchange. Trial is also available for download. The update is free for the users of Output Factory 2.x, and $84.97 to upgrade from Output Factory 1.x and BatchOutput. Output Factory requires macOS 10.7-10.13 and Adobe InDesign CS3-CC 2018.

About Zevrix Solutions
Located in Toronto, Canada, Zevrix Solutions provides productivity solutions for Adobe Creative Suite software, PDF workflows, graphic file diagnostics, file delivery and Microsoft Office on Mac OS. Zevrix is dedicated to help professionals increase their profits through automating everyday tasks, producing error-free documents, saving disk space and cutting production costs. For more information, visit http://www.zevrix.com.

Leo Revzin
Zevrix Solutions
105 McCAUL St, Suite 301
Toronto Ontario M5T 2X4 Canada

Solutions for Adobe InDesign & the Graphics Industry

LinkOptimizer for InDesign Now Can Assign Serial Numbers to Image Names

Zevrix Solutions announces LinkOptimizer 5.2.9, a feature update to company’s workflow automation solution for Adobe InDesign. LinkOptimizer works with Photoshop to lets users automatically scale and crop images to their InDesign size at specified target resolution, convert image formats, adjust colors, embed profiles and more. The new version lets users add link serial number, whether per page or document, to the optimized image names with the option to specify the number of leading zeros.

Toronto (ON), Canada — Zevrix Solutions today announces LinkOptimizer 5.2.9, a feature update to its image processing automation solution for Adobe InDesign. Awarded 4 out of 5 stars by Computer Arts magazine, LinkOptimizer automates complex image manipulation tasks and helps users reduce the size of InDesign links, save prepress costs, and easily repurpose InDesign documents for web and mobile devices.

The new version adds two new variable tokens for the optimized image name: the link’s serial number per page and per InDesign document. Each token gives users an option to specify the number of digits per serial number to allow for leading zeros. The new tokens are especially helpful to the users who wish to simplify their image names without breaking the links to InDesign.

“Today LinkOptimizer batched a huge book project and another magazine project in minutes vs. hours. Now I can take the afternoon off and drink beer,” says Brian Donahue, owner of Bedesign studio in Minneapolis, Minnesota. “Thanks for freeing up my afternoon, rather than doing production work.”

LinkOptimizer works automatically with Photoshop to eliminate the excess image data of InDesign links, perform essential image adjustments and convert image formats. For example, with just a click of a button users can:

Optimize dozens of InDesign files
-Scale and crop images to match their dimensions in InDesign
-Change their resolution to 300 dpi
Convert RGB images to CMYK
-Resave JPEGs as TIFF
-Run a Photoshop action on each image

As a result users can save gigabytes of disk space and countless hours of optimizing images manually, accelerate document output, reduce job turnaround and cut costs through faster processing.

Pricing and Availability:
LinkOptimizer can be purchased from Zevrix website for US$259.95 (Lite version: $179.95) as well as from Adobe Exchange and authorized resellers. Trial is also available for download. The update is free for LinkOptimizer 5.x users and $130 to upgrade from previous versions. LinkOptimizer requires macOS 10.7-10.13 and Adobe InDesign / Photoshop CS5-CC 2018.

About Zevrix Solutions
Located in Toronto, Canada, Zevrix Solutions provides productivity solutions for Adobe Creative Suite and Creative Cloud software, PDF and graphic file diagnostics, as well as Microsoft Office on Mac OS. Zevrix Solutions is dedicated to helping professionals increase their profits through automating their everyday tasks, producing error-free documents, saving disk space and cutting production costs. For more information, visit http://www.zevrix.com.

Leo Revzin
Zevrix Solutions
105 McCAUL St, Suite 301
Toronto Ontario M5T 2X4 Canada

Solutions for Adobe InDesign & the Graphics Industry

Package Central for Adobe InDesign Improves Large Volume Processing

Zevrix Solutions announces Package Central 1.11.1, a maintenance update to company’s file packaging automation solution for Adobe InDesign. The software automatically collects InDesign documents with their fonts and links from watched hot folders. Package Central can serve unlimited users on a network and offers email alerts, variable job names, PDF export, and more. The new version addresses an issue in which the app could stall when enqueuing a large number of InDesign jobs in its hot folders.

Toronto (ON), Canada — Zevrix Solutions today announces Package Central 1.11, a maintenance update to its document packaging automation solution for Adobe InDesign. Originally developed for a major publisher in the United States, the software automates InDesign packaging by processing files from watched hot folders. Package Central offloads file packaging to a central system leaving operator workstations free from the document collection process.

The new version addresses an issue in which Package Central could stall when enqueuing a large number of InDesign jobs in the app’s hot folders. The issue was caused by a macOS limitation on the total number of files than can be aggregated for certain operations during threaded processing. Package Central now breaks such long queues into smaller segments, giving users the complete freedom to accumulate unlimited number of jobs in the hot folders.

Under Package Central workflow, production artists, prepress operators and designers simply submit files to watched hot folders that reside on a network. The software automatically collects InDesign files along with their fonts and links freeing user’s time for important tasks such as design and layout. Operator workstations will never again be tied up by the packaging process.

Package Central runs on a dedicated Mac station and watches hot folders for incoming InDesign files. The software performs all its tasks automatically and can run absolutely unattended. It offers the following key features and benefits:

Automatically collect InDesign files from hot folders
Automatic email notifications of process stages and errors
-Update modified links automatically
-Create PDF and IDML files on the fly
-Compose variable folder names
-Serves unlimited users on a network
-Detailed processing history

Pricing and Availability:
Package Central can be purchased for US$149.95 from Zevrix website as well as from authorized resellers. Trial is also available for download. The update is free for registered users. Package Central requires macOS 10.7-10.13 and Adobe InDesign CS5-CC 2018.

About Zevrix Solutions
Located in Toronto, Canada, Zevrix Solutions provides productivity solutions for Adobe Creative Suite software, graphic file diagnostics and Microsoft Office on Mac OS. Zevrix Solutions is dedicated to helping professionals increase their profits through automating their everyday tasks, producing error-free documents, saving disk space and cutting production costs. For more information, visit http://www.zevrix.com.

Leo Revzin
Zevrix Solutions
105 McCAUL St, Suite 301
Toronto Ontario M5T 2X4 Canada

Solutions for Adobe InDesign & the Graphics Industry

Output Factory Server for InDesign Now Can Split Files into Page Groups

Zevrix Solutions announces Output Factory Server 2.1.2, a feature update to company’s output automation solution for Adobe InDesign. Output Factory Server automates printing and exporting from InDesign by processing files from hot folders. The software offers layer versioning, preflighting, PDF security presets, FTP file delivery, unlimited users and much more. The new version lets users split InDesign files into consecutive groups of several pages (for example, every 2 pages, 3 pages etc.)

Toronto (ON), Canada — Zevrix Solutions today announces the release of Output Factory Server 2.1.2, a feature update to company’s output automation tool for Adobe InDesign. Output Factory Server automates InDesign production workflow by processing files from watched hot folders. The app offloads printing and exporting from InDesign to a central system leaving operator workstations free from the output process.

The new version adds the ability to split InDesign files into consecutive groups of several pages using the new “Save as n pages” option. For example, users can split a 20-page document into five InDesign files of 4 pages each, or ten double-page files and so on. In addition, the new update improves export of non-consecutive groups of pages to single PDF files and fixes a file naming issue during output to IDML format.

Output Factory Server is intended to run on a dedicated machine and serve unlimited users on a network via watched hot folders. Users can create hot folders for different output targets such as hi-res PDF, large format printing, Flash files and so on. The app offers the following key features:

Output InDesign files automatically from hot folders
-Supports print, PDF, PostScript, TIFF, EPUB and other formats
-Output to multiple formats from a single hot folder
-Automatic email notifications on errors and other events
Layer versioning: output layer combinations as separate files
-Variable output file names
-Automatic preflighting
-PDF security presets for different workflows

Pricing and Availability:
Output Factory Server can be purchased from Zevrix web site for US$699.95, as well as from authorized resellers. Trial is also available for download. The upgrade to version 2 is $350 for the licensed users of Output Factory Server 1.x and BatchOutput Server. Output Factory Server requires macOS 10.7-10.13 and Adobe InDesign CS5-CC 2018.

About Zevrix Solutions
Located in Toronto, Canada, Zevrix Solutions provides productivity solutions for Adobe Creative Suite software, PDF workflows, graphic file diagnostics, file delivery and Microsoft Office on Mac OS. Zevrix is dedicated to help professionals increase their profits through automating everyday tasks, producing error-free documents, saving disk space and cutting production costs. For more information, visit http://www.zevrix.com.

Leo Revzin
Zevrix Solutions
105 McCAUL St, Suite 301
Toronto Ontario M5T 2X4 Canada

Solutions for Adobe InDesign & the Graphics Industry

Output Factory Now Can Split Adobe InDesign Files into Groups of Pages

Zevrix Solutions announces Output Factory 2.3.6, a feature update to company’s output automation solution for Adobe InDesign. Output Factory helps users automate printing and exporting from InDesign through batch processing, single page export, layer versioning, custom scripts integration and more. Built-in preflighting helps printers eliminate costly output errors. The new version lets users split InDesign files into consecutive groups of several pages (for example, every 2 pages, 3 pages etc.)

Toronto (ON), Canada — Zevrix Solutions today announces the release of Output Factory 2.3.6, a feature update to company’s output automation plug-in for Adobe InDesign. Awarded 5 stars by InDesign Magazine, Output Factory automates and simplifies workflows of printers, ad agencies, and publishing houses worldwide. The software helps eliminate repetitive tasks through batch processing with time-saving output options.

The new version adds the ability to split InDesign files into consecutive groups of several pages using the new “Save as n pages” option. For example, users can split a 30-page document into ten InDesign files of 3 pages each, or fifteen double-page files and so on. In addition, the new update improves export of non-consecutive groups of pages to single PDF files, fixes a file naming issue during IDML output, and addresses a backward compatibility bug with older versions of Output Factory.

“With Output Factory, I’ve got our magazine production down to six minutes from three hours,” says Jeff Middleton, a Toronto, Canada based graphic designer. “Once I set up all my presets, it was insane how fast it was. I load all my InDesign docs into Output Factory, press play, go grab a coffee and come back to my entire magazine.”

Output Factory supports printing as well as exporting to PDF, PostScript, EPS, Flash, IDML, EPUB and several image formats. It offers the following key features:

Batch processing of InDesign files
-Output groups of pages as a single documents
-Output files to multiple formats with one click
Variable output file names
-Layer versioning: output layer combinations as single files
-Preflight InDesign documents on the fly
-Split InDesign files into single pages
-Preflight final PDF files

Pricing and Availability:
Output Factory can be purchased from Zevrix website for US$169.95 (Lite version $119.95), as well as from authorized resellers and Adobe Exchange. Trial is also available for download. The update is free for the users of Output Factory 2.x, and $84.97 to upgrade from Output Factory 1.x and BatchOutput. Output Factory requires macOS 10.7-10.13 and Adobe InDesign CS3-CC 2018.

About Zevrix Solutions
Located in Toronto, Canada, Zevrix Solutions provides productivity solutions for Adobe Creative Suite software, PDF workflows, graphic file diagnostics, file delivery and Microsoft Office on Mac OS. Zevrix is dedicated to help professionals increase their profits through automating everyday tasks, producing error-free documents, saving disk space and cutting production costs. For more information, visit http://www.zevrix.com.

Leo Revzin
Zevrix Solutions
105 McCAUL St, Suite 301
Toronto Ontario M5T 2X4 Canada

Solutions for Adobe InDesign & the Graphics Industry

LinkOptimizer for Adobe InDesign Addresses Photoshop Unicode Related Bug

Zevrix Solutions announces LinkOptimizer 5.2.6, a maintenance update to company’s workflow automation solution for Adobe InDesign. LinkOptimizer lets users automatically scale and crop linked images to their InDesign dimensions at specified target resolution, convert image formats and colors, apply sharpening, and more. The new version addressed a Photoshop bug that prevents third party tools from opening images whose names contain URL encoded characters in Unicode percent escape format.

Toronto (ON), Canada — Zevrix Solutions today announces LinkOptimizer 5.2.6, a maintenance update to its image processing automation plug-in for Adobe InDesign. Awarded 4 out of 5 stars by Computer Arts magazine, LinkOptimizer automates complex image manipulation tasks and helps users reduce the size of InDesign links, save prepress costs, and easily repurpose InDesign documents for web and mobile devices.

The new version addresses a Photoshop bug that prevents AppleScript from opening files with URL encoded names. As a result, LinkOptimizer cannot process images whose names contain UTF encoded characters in the so called Unicode percent escape format. With the new update LinkOptimizer will identify the issue during processing and inform theuser of the exact nature of the problem rather than only displaying a generic error message from Photoshop. The user will be advised to remove the Unicode codes from the file name in order to process the affected images.

“LinkOptimizer has changed my life and saved me days and days of work as a retoucher for an international quarterly magazine,” says Steve Krason of Chicago based SK Design Group. “It’s a lifesaver”.

LinkOptimizer works automatically with Photoshop to eliminate the excess image data of InDesign links, perform essential image adjustments and convert image formats. For example, with just a click of a button users can:

• Optimize dozens of InDesign files
• Scale and crop images to match their dimensions in InDesign
• Change their resolution to 300 dpi
Convert RGB images to CMYK
Resave JPEGs as TIFF
• Run a Photoshop action on each image

As a result users can save gigabytes of disk space and countless hours of optimizing images manually, accelerate document output, reduce job turnaround and cut costs through faster processing.

Pricing and Availability:
LinkOptimizer can be purchased from Zevrix website for $259.95 USD (Lite version: $179.95) as well as from Adobe Exchange and authorized resellers. Trial is also available for download. The update is free for LinkOptimizer 5.x users and $130 to upgrade from previous versions. LinkOptimizer requires macOS 10.7-10.13 and Adobe InDesign / Photoshop CS5-CC 2018.

About Zevrix Solutions
Located in Toronto, Canada, Zevrix Solutions provides automation and productivity solutions for Adobe Creative Cloud and Creative Suite software, PDF workflows, graphic file diagnostics and Microsoft Office output on Mac OS. Zevrix is dedicated to help professionals increase their profits through automating everyday tasks, producing error-free documents, saving disk space and cutting production costs. For more information, visit http://www.zevrix.com. Copyright (C) 2018 Zevrix Solutions. All Rights Reserved. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.

Leo Revzin
Zevrix Solutions
105 McCAUL St, Suite 301
Toronto Ontario M5T 2X4 Canada

Solutions for Adobe InDesign & the Graphics Industry

Output Factory for InDesign Now Lets Export Books as Single Pages

Zevrix Solutions announces Output Factory 2.3.1, a feature update to company’s output automation solution for Adobe InDesign. Output Factory helps users automate printing and exporting from InDesign by offering batch processing, single page export, layer versioning, variable file names, custom scripts and more. The new version lets users export InDesign books as single pages by adding an option to automatically spit the book files into their document components upon adding to the batch queue.

Toronto (ON), Canada — Zevrix Solutions today announces the release of Output Factory 2.3.1, a feature update to company’s output automation plug-in for Adobe InDesign. Awarded 5 stars by InDesign Magazine, Output Factory automates and simplifies workflows of printers, ad agencies, publishers, and prepress houses worldwide. The software helps eliminate repetitive tasks and costly errors through batch processing with time-saving output options.

The new version lets the users easily export InDesign books (.indb) as single page PDF files, as well as other supported formats. The update adds an option to automatically split the book files into their document components by holding the Command key when adding files to the app’s queue. The new feature eliminates the need to manually add separate book parts to the queue. Books must be split into their .indd file components as InDesign prevents from exporting specific page ranges from the book file itself.

“Using Output Factory is straightforward. You determine your settings and sit back while Output Factory does all the heavy lifting. The time savings are huge,” writes Jamie McKee in a 5-star review in InDesign Magazine. “If you find yourself repeatedly exporting InDesign files in various formats, you owe it to yourself to install the free trial and see just how much time you’ll save using Output Factory.”

Output Factory supports printing as well as exporting to PDF, PostScript, EPS, Flash, IDML, EPUB and several image formats. It offers the following key features:

Batch output of InDesign files
-Export every n pages as a single PDF file
-Output files to multiple formats with one click
-Variable output file names
Layer versioning: output layer combinations as single files
-Eliminate errors with automatic preflight
-Send files to FTP and other servers

Pricing and Availability:
Output Factory can be purchased from Zevrix website for US$169.95 (Lite version $119.95), as well as from authorized resellers and Adobe Exchange. Trial is also available for download. The update is free for the users of Output Factory 2.x, and $84.97 to upgrade from Output Factory 1.x and BatchOutput. Output Factory requires macOS 10.7-10.13 and Adobe InDesign CS3-CC 2018.

About Zevrix Solutions
Located in Toronto, Canada, Zevrix Solutions provides productivity solutions for Adobe Creative Suite software, PDF workflows, graphic file diagnostics, file delivery and Microsoft Office on Mac OS. Zevrix is dedicated to help professionals increase their profits through automating everyday tasks, producing error-free documents, saving disk space and cutting production costs. For more information, visit http://www.zevrix.com.

Leo Revzin
Zevrix Solutions
105 McCAUL St, Suite 301
Toronto Ontario M5T 2X4 Canada

Solutions for Adobe InDesign & the Graphics Industry

Output Factory for InDesign Now Can Add Page Size To Output File Names

Zevrix Solutions announces Output Factory 2.2.15, a feature update to company’s output automation solution for Adobe InDesign. Output Factory helps users automate printing and exporting from InDesign by offering batch processing, single page export, layer versioning, custom scripts integration and more. Built-in auto-preflighting helps printers eliminate costly output errors. The new version lets users automatically add InDesign page dimensions to the variable names of exported output files.

Toronto (ON), Canada — Zevrix Solutions today announces the release of Output Factory 2.2.15, a feature update to company’s output automation plug-in for Adobe InDesign. Awarded 5 stars by InDesign Magazine, Output Factory automates and simplifies workflows of printers, ad agencies, and publishing houses worldwide. The software helps eliminate repetitive tasks through batch processing with time-saving output options.

The new version lets users add InDesign page dimensions to the variable names of exported output files. The update adds three new tokens: page width, height, and measurement units (such as inches, millimeters and so on), thus giving users the complete flexibility to include the page size in file name in any format they wish. In addition, Output Factory includes tokens for page number, version layer, current date, user name and other variable data.

“Using Output Factory is straightforward. You determine your settings and sit back while Output Factory does all the heavy lifting. The time savings are huge,” writes Jamie McKee in a 5-star review in InDesign Magazine. “If you find yourself repeatedly exporting InDesign files in various formats, you owe it to yourself to install the free trial and see just how much time you’ll save using Output Factory.”

Output Factory supports printing as well as exporting to PDF, PostScript, EPS, Flash, IDML, EPUB and several image formats. It offers the following key features:

Batch output of InDesign files
-Export each page as a single document
-Output files to multiple formats with one click
-Variable output file names
Layer versioning: output layer combinations as single files
-Eliminate errors with automatic preflight
-Split InDesign files into single pages
-Send files to FTP and other servers

Pricing and Availability:
Output Factory can be purchased from Zevrix website for US$169.95 (Lite version $119.95), as well as from authorized resellers and Adobe Exchange. Trial is also available for download. The update is free for the users of Output Factory 2.x, and $84.97 to upgrade from Output Factory 1.x and BatchOutput. Output Factory requires macOS 10.7-10.13 and Adobe InDesign CS3-CC 2018.

About Zevrix Solutions
Located in Toronto, Canada, Zevrix Solutions provides productivity solutions for Adobe Creative Suite software, PDF workflows, graphic file diagnostics, file delivery and Microsoft Office on Mac OS. Zevrix is dedicated to help professionals increase their profits through automating everyday tasks, producing error-free documents, saving disk space and cutting production costs. For more information, visit http://www.zevrix.com.

Leo Revzin
Zevrix Solutions
105 McCAUL St, Suite 301
Toronto Ontario M5T 2X4 Canada

Solutions for Adobe InDesign & the Graphics Industry

Package Central for InDesign Is Now Available on New Adobe Exchange

Zevrix Solutions announces that Package Central for Adobe InDesign is now available on Adobe Exchange, a new and improved Creative Cloud marketplace. Package Central automates InDesign packaging by processing files from watched hot folders. The software offers email notifications, variable folder names, PDF/IDML export and more. Users can now purchase Package Central directly on Adobe Exchange which makes it easier for customers to discover and install third party plug-ins for Creative Cloud.

Toronto (ON), Canada — Zevrix Solutions today announces that Package Central for Adobe InDesign is now available on the new and improved Adobe Exchange. Originally developed for a major publisher in the United States, the software automates InDesign packaging by processing files from watched hot folders. Package Central automatically collects InDesign files from hot folders on a central system leaving operator workstations free from the document packaging process.

Adobe Exchange provides a new way to search, discover, and install plug-ins, extensions, and other content for Creative Cloud products. As a unified destination that brings third-party integrations with Creative Cloud, Document Cloud & Experience Cloud under a single umbrella, Adobe Exchange will make it easier for customers to discover and install integrations that expand and enhance what they can achieve on Adobe’s Clouds.

Under Package Central workflow, production artists, prepress operators and designers simply submit files to hot folders that reside on a network. The software then automatically collects InDesign files along with their fonts and links using workflow settings assigned to each hot folder.

Package Central performs all its tasks automatically on a dedicated Mac workstation and can run absolutely unattended. It offers the following key features:

Automatically collect InDesign files from watched hot folders
-Create hot folders for various packaging workflows
Create PDF and IDML files automatically
Automatic e-mail notifications of process stages and errors
-Variable folder names
-Serves unlimited users on a network
-Update modified links automatically and check for errors
-Detailed processing logs

Pricing and Availability:
Package Central can be purchased from Adobe Exchange for US$149.95 as well as from Zevrix website and authorized resellers. Trial is also available for download. Package Central requires macOS 10.7-10.13 and Adobe InDesign CS5-CC 2018.

About Zevrix Solutions
Located in Toronto, Canada, Zevrix Solutions provides productivity solutions for Adobe Creative Suite software, graphic file diagnostics and Microsoft Office on Mac OS. Zevrix Solutions is dedicated to helping professionals increase their profits through automating their everyday tasks, producing error-free documents, saving disk space and cutting production costs. For more information, visit http://www.zevrix.com.

Leo Revzin
Zevrix Solutions
105 McCAUL St, Suite 301
Toronto Ontario M5T 2X4 Canada

Solutions for Adobe InDesign & the Graphics Industry

Output Factory Now Can Keep Page Numbers When Splitting InDesign Files

Zevrix Solutions announces Output Factory 2.2.11, a feature update to company’s output automation solution for Adobe InDesign. Output Factory helps users automate printing and exporting from InDesign by offering batch processing, single page export, layer versioning, custom scripts integration and more. Built-in auto-preflighting helps printers eliminate costly output errors. The new version adds an option to keep original page numbers when splitting InDesign files into single pages or spreads.

Toronto (ON), Canada — Zevrix Solutions today announces the release of Output Factory 2.2.11, a feature update to company’s output automation plug-in for Adobe InDesign. Awarded 5 of 5 stars by InDesign Magazine, Output Factory automates and simplifies workflows of printers, ad agencies, and publishing houses worldwide by helping eliminate repetitive tasks through batch processing with time-saving output options.

The new version introduces a new option that lets users keep the original page numbers when splitting InDesign files into single page or spread documents. All InDesign section and numbering options will be preserved in the output files. In previous versions, page numbering of final files always started with the first page number of the source InDesign document.

“I want to say how valuable and useful Output Factory has been for our company,” says Ed Saye, studio manager at Blue Sky Agency in Atlanta, Georgia. “The folks that use it are delighted to have a way to automate so much repetitive work in a consistent and organized way.”

Output Factory supports printing as well as exporting to PDF, PostScript, EPS, Flash, IDML, EPUB and several image formats. It offers the following key features:

Batch processing of InDesign files
-Output each page as a single document
-Output files to multiple formats with one click
-Variable output file names
Layer versioning: output layer combinations as single files
-Eliminate errors with automatic preflight
-Split InDesign files into single pages
-Preflight final PDF files

Pricing and Availability:
Output Factory can be purchased from Zevrix website for US$169.95 (Lite version $119.95), as well as from authorized resellers and Adobe Exchange. Trial is also available for download. The update is free for the users of Output Factory 2.x, and $84.97 to upgrade from Output Factory 1.x and BatchOutput. Output Factory requires macOS 10.7-10.13 and Adobe InDesign CS3-CC 2018.

About Zevrix Solutions
Located in Toronto, Canada, Zevrix Solutions provides productivity solutions for Adobe Creative Suite software, PDF workflows, graphic file diagnostics, file delivery and Microsoft Office on Mac OS. Zevrix is dedicated to help professionals increase their profits through automating everyday tasks, producing error-free documents, saving disk space and cutting production costs. For more information, visit http://www.zevrix.com.

Leo Revzin
Zevrix Solutions
105 McCAUL St, Suite 301
Toronto Ontario M5T 2X4 Canada

Solutions for Adobe InDesign & the Graphics Industry