Insurance King of Rockford IL Educates the Public about New impound Law

Insurance King in Rockford IL wants the public to know about the increase in fees for impounding vehicles in Rockford IL so they can avoid them by driving legally.

Rockford, IL, January 31, 2012 – Insurance King of Rockford IL educates the public about new impound law. Effective Jan 1st 2012 the city of Rockford IL increased the impound fee from $100 to $500. For example if someone is pulled over and is cited for driving on a suspended license or driving uninsured they will get a $500-$1000 fine for that offense plus the vehicle will be towed at the drivers expense and impounded. People could be out over $1,000 or more just for getting one ticket plus the impound, tow, and release fee. Some vehicles may be surrendered due to the high fees and the low value of some vehicles. Insurance King in Rockford IL wants the public to know about the increase in fees for impounding vehicles in Rockford IL so they can avoid them by driving legally.

To get your free quote for car insurance, contact any Insurance King location in Rockford IL and speak to an agent. Insurance King on Alpine Rd office 815-639-0149, Insurance King on Auburn St office 815-968-5464 (KING) , Insurance King on 7th St. office 815-316-9522, or visit to have an agent call you.

Dan Block
Insurance King
123 N. Alpine Rd
Rockford, IL 61107

Insurance King

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