Cyber Security World Conference 2014 to Build on Obama’s Cyber Threat Information Sharing Framework Against Global Hacker Attacks

Building off of the momentum of past successful conferences, Golden Networking presents Cyber Security World Conference 2014 New York City (, forum that will bring the latest thinking from security experts to hundreds of senior executives focused on protecting enterprises and government’s information assets.

New York City, NY, USA (November 1, 2014) — According to The Hill, the Obama administration’s recently issued cyber threat information sharing framework comes at a time when discussions are heating up in Congress on stalled legislation dealing with cyber security. Why lawmakers and law enforcement officials have been pounding the pavement in recent weeks, declaring that steps to ease the sharing of information about cyber threats are critical for the country’s defenses, will be discussed at Golden Networking’s Cyber Security World Conference 2014 New York City (, unique professional gathering where cybersecurity experts are set to illustrate business on protecting their information from cyber-attacks.

The document fills a gap in the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)’s more general cybersecurity framework, released on February 12, 2014. The framework, created through collaboration between industry and government, consists of standards, guidelines, and practices to promote the protection of critical infrastructure. The prioritized, flexible, repeatable, and cost-effective approach of the framework helps owners and operators of critical infrastructure to manage cybersecurity-related risk.

The Department of Homeland Security’s Critical Infrastructure Cyber Community C³ Voluntary Program helps align critical infrastructure owners and operators with existing resources that will assist their efforts to adopt the Cybersecurity Framework and manage their cyber risks. NIST also issued a companion roadmap that discusses NIST’s next steps with the Framework and identifies key areas of cybersecurity development, alignment, and collaboration.

Roadblocks to total implementation still remain though, as both industry and privacy groups have been hesitant to freely share information in the current legal landscape. One bill that would address the legal issues is the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA), but it remains unclear whether the bill could see action in the lame-duck session after the elections, according to The Hill. Absent congressional action, businesses are concerned about whether they will be protected from liability when sharing information with the government. Conversely, privacy advocates are wary of what personal data industries might share with the government, given the surveillance activities that have been revealed at the National Security Agency (NSA).

About Cyber Security World Conference 2014

Cybersecurity is never again a term to ignore for individuals or corporations. The daily activities of all Americans, the country’s global economic prominence and worldwide security rely on a safe and resilient cyberspace. Unfortunately, the number of cyber-attacks has increased dramatically over the last years, exposing confidential personal and business data, disrupting critical operations, and imposing exorbitantly high costs on the economy overall.

Just recently, J.P. Morgan Chase, America’s largest commercial bank with $2.39 trillion in assets, announced that about 76 million households and 7 million of small-business customers had been affected by a cyberattack in one of the most sweeping known global breaches. The company said the unknown attackers stole customers’ contact information, which included names, email addresses, numbers and addresses, affected an amount equivalent to almost two-thirds of American households.

A brief walk down memory lane of some the biggest recent cyber-attacks now include Adobe Systems, Automated Data Processing, Citigroup, E*Trade Financial, Fidelity Investments, Home Depot, HSBC, Nasdaq OMX, Neiman Marcus, Target and Wal-mart. It is not unlikely to consider that the information of every American has already been compromised in any of these publicly disclosed attacks.

Renowned information security experts and innovative service providers will present at Cyber Security World Conference 2014 their latest thinking to hundreds of senior executives focused on protecting enterprises and governmental agencies. Topics that will be discussed include:

• Is Biometrics the Key to Personal and Corporate Security?
• Strengthening the Security of Industry-wide Technology Infrastructure
• Cyber Security Megatrends Security Professionals can’t Ignore Today
• Key Considerations about Security in the Internet of Things Age
• Cyber Security and its Role in the Overall Security of the United States
• How Hackers Really Operate to Obtain Financial Data
• Designing and Managing Effective Information Security Programs

Cyber Security World Conference 2014 is produced by Golden Networking, the premier networking community for business and technology executives, entrepreneurs and investors. Panelists, speakers and sponsors are invited to contact Golden Networking by sending an email to

Media Contact:
Julia Petrova
Media Relations Coordinator
Golden Networking

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