All posts by emerg0108

Paypal Payments Getting Easier For Online Businesses

December 30, 2010 – For many in the world of online business, accepting payments via the web is a truly crucial part of their business. For those operations that have their own software pros on hand, having the right tools to get their jobs done is key and for the developers that serve this segment of the online retail market the same is true. For many years, solutions were few and far between for retailers who wanted to accept such payments, at least in terms of user friendly software that made the process easy. Many had hoped that a PayPal PHP class would be available because most of what the online payment processing giant had been offering really did not fit the needs of many. Until recently, there was no real answer.

Now, a developer called AngellEye has stepped up with PayPal Payments Pro and Adaptive Payments, designed to help ease the process of accepting such solutions for web enterprises of all sizes. With PHP PayPal, those that know PHP coding are able to get more from their solutions in order to customize them to fit their business’ needs better. This is helping a lot of developers be able to more seamlessly integrate PayPal checkouts into their sites and get more business done by offering consumers an easier way to pay for the products and services they buy.

By having access to such solutions, the online business sector is now able to expand more quickly and in this current economic climate, that is good news for many. Economists say that it a surge in small business that could lead the economy back to safe ground, so many are hoping that online markets will lead the way. Large sites like Ebay and Amazon have had their day, say experts, but the real boom in the economy is going to take place once small business ventures are finally able to gain the power that they lost from Main Street years ago as consumers shifted to doing business with big box retail chains and larger, national chain businesses. Bringing back the more personal approach to giving customers what they want with the low cost ease the web provides could definitely change things for smaller business ventures and provide a renaissance in the global economy at a core level.

For those who would like to know more about their PayPal payment processing options, a quick visit to can show them the tools AngellEye has available, as well as explain custom coding options. Or, a toll free phone call to 1-877-466-1118 can put them in touch with the company directly to find out about solutions that could work for the business they operate.