Category Archives: Sports

Global TV Toronto Features SAFE International Toronto Women’s Self Defense Parties

Toronto Self Defense, Global TV Toronto Features SAFE International Toronto Women’s Self Defense Parties.

Toronto, ON, November 13, 2013 – (Straight Line PR) – Toronto Self Defense, Global TV Toronto Features SAFE International Toronto Women’s Self Defense Parties.

SAFE International ™ is the leading provider of mobile women’s self defense training in North America. SAFE International has taught more than 175,000 women since 1994.

Global TV recently featured the SAFE International Toronto Self Defense Party to its’ viewers. SAFE International has developed a reputation for not only delivering quality instruction designed to deal with real life violence, but also using a teaching methodology that makes the client comfortable to talk about a serious topic, as well as participate in their realistic self defense drills. Most self defense courses are quite intimidating. Having to train with up to 30 other women who are unfamiliar with each other, immediately puts them in a teaching environment that is not optimal. With a SAFE International Toronto self defense party you gather a group of friends, family, or co-workers, and not only learn potentially life-saving instruction, but also have a lot of fun during those 4 hours. And the fact that SAFE International is a mobile self defense company, makes it even more convenient for you. One of their favourite reasons for teaching women as you will see in this Global TV video is how receptive the women are to the skills that SAFE International provides. This can be attributed to their appreciating the value in what is taught.

While most men are receptive, they are usually more interested on a different level involving the male ego and wanting to know how to fight. Women are interested in learning, based more on their survival in today’s reality. Each skill or tactic that is taught could potentially save their life and you can see it in the way they practice and adopt the new skill. Women have more reasons to learn these skills. Here is the video from Global TV Toronto featuring the SAFE International Self Defense Party:

Book A Women’s Self Defense Party Today
Invite up to 10 of your friends for a few hours of fun, education and potentially life- saving instruction. Plan a meal, barbecue, snacks, maybe some dessert! Be prepared for a unique Toronto Women’s Self Defense experience!

Here are just a few of the questions that are addressed at a SAFE International Women’s Self Defense Party:

How can I avoid becoming a potential victim? 

What would I do if I was attacked on an elevator?

How would I handle someone who approached me in an underground parking lot?

Should I carry my purse over one shoulder or crossways? 

What should I say to a potential attacker to possibly stop him from attacking me?

If I was home and I heard someone break into the house, where should I go, what should I do? 

Where is the best place to strike an attacker? 

How do I handle an attacker who is much bigger and stronger?

To contact SAFE International to schedule your Women’s Self Defense party, you can visit their main site at You can also reach Chris Roberts toll free at 1-800-465-5972 or by email at

Press Release Disseminated By Straight Line PR Distribution Network.

Chris Roberts
SAFE International™
15535 Cooper Rd.
Lunenburg, ON
Canada K0C 1R0
1 800 465-5972

Global TV Features SAFE International Ottawa Women’s Self Defense Parties

Ottawa Self Defense, Global TV Features SAFE International Ottawa Women’s Self Defense Parties.

Ottawa, ON, November 07, 2013 – (Straight Line PR) – Ottawa Self Defense, Global TV Features SAFE International Ottawa Women’s Self Defense Parties.

SAFE International ™ is the leading provider of mobile women’s self defense training in North America. SAFE International has taught more than 175,000 women since 1994.

Global TV recently featured the SAFE International Ottawa Self Defense Party to its’ viewers. SAFE International has developed a reputation for not only delivering quality instruction designed to deal with real life violence, but also using a teaching methodology that makes the client comfortable to talk about a serious topic, as well as participate in their realistic self defense drills. Most self defense courses are quite intimidating. Having to train with up to 30 other women who are unfamiliar with each other, immediately puts them in a teaching environment that is not optimal.  With a SAFE International Ottawa Self Defense you gather a group of friends, family, or co-workers, and not only learn potentially life-saving instruction, but also have a lot of fun during those 4 hours.  And the fact that SAFE International is a mobile self defense company, makes it even more convenient for you.  One of their favourite reasons for teaching women as you will see in this Global TV video is how receptive the women are to the skills that SAFE International provides. This can be attributed to their appreciating the value in what is taught.

While most men are receptive, they are usually more interested on a different level involving the male ego and wanting to know how to fight. Women are interested in learning, based more on their survival in today’s reality. Each skill or tactic that is taught could potentially save their life and you can see it in the way they practice and adopt the new skill. Women have more reasons to learn these skills.

Here is the video from Global TV Toronto featuring the SAFE International Self Defense Party:

Book A Women’s Self Defense Party
Invite up to 10 of your friends for a few hours of fun, education and potentially life- saving instruction. Plan a meal, barbecue, snacks, maybe some dessert! Be prepared for a unique Ottawa Women’s Self Defense experience!

Here are just a few of the questions that are addressed at a SAFE International Women’s Self Defense Party:

How can I avoid becoming a potential victim?

What would I do if I was attacked on an elevator?

How would I handle someone who approached me in an underground parking lot?

Should I carry my purse over one shoulder or crossways?

What should I say to a potential attacker to possibly stop him from attacking me?

If I was home and I heard someone break into the house, where should I go, what should I do?

Where is the best place to strike an attacker?

How do I handle an attacker who is much bigger and stronger?

To contact SAFE International to schedule your Women’s Self Defense party, you can visit their main site at You can also reach Chris Roberts toll free at 1-800-465-5972 or by email at

Press Release Disseminated By Straight Line PR Distribution Network.

Chris Roberts
SAFE International™
15535 Cooper Rd.
Lunenburg, ON
Canada K0C 1R0
1 800 465-5972

SAFE International Launches New Montreal Self Defense Website – Montreal, QC Self Defense

SAFE International is launching its newly updated website for Montreal Women’s Self Defense as well as their other course offerings.

Montreal, QC, October 30, 2013 – (Straight Line PR) – Montreal Self Defense, SAFE International Launches New Montreal Women’s Self Defense Website.

SAFE International ™ is the leading provider of mobile women’s self defense training in Canada. SAFE International has taught more than 175,000 women since 1994. SAFE International is launching its newly updated website for Montreal Women’s Self Defense as well as their other course offerings.

Among the SAFE International course offerings you will find on the new website are:
SAFE International Montreal Women Self Defense Parties. Forget Tupperware Parties. Invite 6 to 8 of your friends for a few hours of fun, education and potentially life-saving instruction with one of their SAFE Women’s Self Defense Parties. Plan a meal, snacks, or dessert, and be prepared for a unique self defense experience! What has made them so popular is their unique method of teaching with humour and sharing of anecdotes. Get to experience the simulated attacks in scenario specific situations such as at the front door, the kitchen, the car, etc.

SAFE International Montreal Self Defense for high school students. SAFE International has become Canada’s most popular high school course for both boys and girls due to the fact that they are not teaching martial arts, but rather a practical approach to personal safety with an emphasis on detecting and defusing potentially dangerous situations. All of our instructors are certified through SAFE International and have a unique ability to reach the students in an effective and memorable manner. SAFE International teaches approximately 13,000 students each year with a heavy presence teaching self defense in Montreal, QC.

SAFE International offers Montreal Corporate Self Defense Courses. This self-protection seminar will provide employees with tips and strategies to recognize and avoid personal security risks while on the job. Through the teaching of both verbal and non-verbal techniques, the participants will learn how to take common sense measures to reduce the risk of being a victim. The knowledge they gain from the seminar can be applied to all aspects of their profession – sales, interacting with customers, travel, and other work related transactions. There are many instances when one might find themself in an uncomfortable and potentially threatening situation – entertaining clients, traveling, leaving late at night by car, taxi, public transport, walking, etc.

Montreal Self Defense for men is another course offering you will find on the new SAFE International website. Learn how to identify the most vulnerable areas of the body, and how to strike them in a quick, non-telegraphed manner. SAFE International instructors cover many devastating strikes such as eye rakes, palm strikes, elbows, knees, kicks plus how to attack other vulnerable areas of the body. A very popular concept taught at any Ottawa Self Defense course is, “The Shredder”, which can be best described as an extremely effective Close Quarter Concept that can be utilized in a wide range of low to potentially high level violent scenarios. The Shredder targets the most vulnerable areas of the attacker without having to memorize countless “techniques”. Another major benefit of the Shredder is that it does not require years to learn.  It is a concept of self defense that immediately disrupts the attacker’s ability to continue their attack, and allows the tables to be turned quickly and effectively in the victims favour.

Please visit the new SAFE International website by visiting You can also contact CEO, Chris Roberts, by email at, or toll free at 1-800-465-5972.

Chris Roberts
SAFE International™
15535 Cooper Rd.
Lunenburg, ON
Canada K0C 1R0
1 800 465-5972

SAFE International Launches New Nepean Self Defense Website – Nepean, ON Self Defense

SAFE International is launching its newly updated website for Nepean Women’s Self Defense as well as their other course offerings.

Nepean, ON, October 29, 2013 – (Straight Line PR) – Nepean Self Defense, SAFE International Launches New Nepean Women’s Self Defense Website.

SAFE International ™ is the leading provider of mobile women’s self defense training in Canada. SAFE International has taught more than 175,000 women since 1994. SAFE International is launching its newly updated website for Nepean Women’s Self Defense as well as their other course offerings.

Among the SAFE International course offerings you will find on the new website are:
SAFE International Nepean Women Self Defense Parties. Forget Tupperware Parties. Invite 6 to 8 of your friends for a few hours of fun, education and potentially life-saving instruction with one of their SAFE Women’s Self Defense Parties. Plan a meal, snacks, or dessert, and be prepared for a unique self defense experience! What has made them so popular is their unique method of teaching with humour and sharing of anecdotes. Get to experience the simulated attacks in scenario specific situations such as at the front door, the kitchen, the car, etc.

SAFE International Nepean Self Defense for high school students. SAFE International has become Canada’s most popular high school course for both boys and girls due to the fact that they are not teaching martial arts, but rather a practical approach to personal safety with an emphasis on detecting and defusing potentially dangerous situations. All of our instructors are certified through SAFE International and have a unique ability to reach the students in an effective and memorable manner. SAFE International teaches approximately 13,000 students each year with a heavy presence teaching self defense in Nepean, ON.

SAFE International offers Nepean Corporate Self Defense Courses. This self-protection seminar will provide employees with tips and strategies to recognize and avoid personal security risks while on the job. Through the teaching of both verbal and non-verbal techniques, the participants will learn how to take common sense measures to reduce the risk of being a victim. The knowledge they gain from the seminar can be applied to all aspects of their profession – sales, interacting with customers, travel, and other work related transactions. There are many instances when one might find themself in an uncomfortable and potentially threatening situation – entertaining clients, traveling, leaving late at night by car, taxi, public transport, walking, etc.

Nepean Self Defense for men is another course offering you will find on the new SAFE International website. Learn how to identify the most vulnerable areas of the body, and how to strike them in a quick, non-telegraphed manner. SAFE International instructors cover many devastating strikes such as eye rakes, palm strikes, elbows, knees, kicks plus how to attack other vulnerable areas of the body. A very popular concept taught at any Ottawa Self Defense course is, “The Shredder”, which can be best described as an extremely effective Close Quarter Concept that can be utilized in a wide range of low to potentially high level violent scenarios. The Shredder targets the most vulnerable areas of the attacker without having to memorize countless “techniques”. Another major benefit of the Shredder is that it does not require years to learn.  It is a concept of self defense that immediately disrupts the attacker’s ability to continue their attack, and allows the tables to be turned quickly and effectively in the victims favour.

Please visit the new SAFE International website by visiting You can also contact CEO, Chris Roberts, by email at, or toll free at 1-800-465-5972.

Chris Roberts
SAFE International™
15535 Cooper Rd.
Lunenburg, ON
Canada K0C 1R0
1 800 465-5972

SAFE International Launches New Kitchener Self Defense Website – Kitchener, ON Self Defense

SAFE International is launching its newly updated website for Kitchener Women’s Self Defense as well as their other course offerings.

Kitchener, ON, October 28, 2013 – (Straight Line PR) – Kitchener Self Defense, SAFE International Launches New Kitchener Women’s Self Defense Website.

SAFE International ™ is the leading provider of mobile women’s self defense training in Canada. SAFE International has taught more than 175,000 women since 1994. SAFE International is launching its newly updated website for Kitchener Women’s Self Defense as well as their other course offerings.

Among the SAFE International course offerings you will find on the new website are:
SAFE International Kitchener Women Self Defense Parties. Forget Tupperware Parties. Invite 6 to 8 of your friends for a few hours of fun, education and potentially life-saving instruction with one of their SAFE Women’s Self Defense Parties. Plan a meal, snacks, or dessert, and be prepared for a unique self defense experience! What has made them so popular is their unique method of teaching with humour and sharing of anecdotes. Get to experience the simulated attacks in scenario specific situations such as at the front door, the kitchen, the car, etc.

SAFE International Kitchener Self Defense for high school students. SAFE International has become Canada’s most popular high school course for both boys and girls due to the fact that they are not teaching martial arts, but rather a practical approach to personal safety with an emphasis on detecting and defusing potentially dangerous situations. All of our instructors are certified through SAFE International and have a unique ability to reach the students in an effective and memorable manner. SAFE International teaches approximately 13,000 students each year with a heavy presence teaching self defense in Kitchener, ON.

SAFE International offers Kitchener Corporate Self Defense Courses. This self-protection seminar will provide employees with tips and strategies to recognize and avoid personal security risks while on the job. Through the teaching of both verbal and non-verbal techniques, the participants will learn how to take common sense measures to reduce the risk of being a victim. The knowledge they gain from the seminar can be applied to all aspects of their profession – sales, interacting with customers, travel, and other work related transactions. There are many instances when one might find themself in an uncomfortable and potentially threatening situation – entertaining clients, traveling, leaving late at night by car, taxi, public transport, walking, etc.

Kitchener Self Defense for men is another course offering you will find on the new SAFE International website. Learn how to identify the most vulnerable areas of the body, and how to strike them in a quick, non-telegraphed manner. SAFE International instructors cover many devastating strikes such as eye rakes, palm strikes, elbows, knees, kicks plus how to attack other vulnerable areas of the body. A very popular concept taught at any Ottawa Self Defense course is, “The Shredder”, which can be best described as an extremely effective Close Quarter Concept that can be utilized in a wide range of low to potentially high level violent scenarios. The Shredder targets the most vulnerable areas of the attacker without having to memorize countless “techniques”. Another major benefit of the Shredder is that it does not require years to learn.  It is a concept of self defense that immediately disrupts the attacker’s ability to continue their attack, and allows the tables to be turned quickly and effectively in the victims favour.

Please visit the new SAFE International website by visiting You can also contact CEO, Chris Roberts, by email at, or toll free at 1-800-465-5972.

Chris Roberts
SAFE International™
15535 Cooper Rd.
Lunenburg, ON
Canada K0C 1R0
1 800 465-5972

SAFE International Launches New Kingston Self Defense Website – Kingston, ON Self Defense

SAFE International is launching its newly updated website for Kingston Women’s Self Defense as well as their other course offerings.

Kingston, ON, October 27, 2013 – (Straight Line PR) – Kingston Self Defense, SAFE International Launches New Kingston Women’s Self Defense Website.

SAFE International ™ is the leading provider of mobile women’s self defense training in Canada. SAFE International has taught more than 175,000 women since 1994. SAFE International is launching its newly updated website for Kingston Women’s Self Defense as well as their other course offerings.

Among the SAFE International course offerings you will find on the new website are:
SAFE International Kingston Women Self Defense Parties. Forget Tupperware Parties. Invite 6 to 8 of your friends for a few hours of fun, education and potentially life-saving instruction with one of their SAFE Women’s Self Defense Parties. Plan a meal, snacks, or dessert, and be prepared for a unique self defense experience! What has made them so popular is their unique method of teaching with humour and sharing of anecdotes. Get to experience the simulated attacks in scenario specific situations such as at the front door, the kitchen, the car, etc.

SAFE International Kingston Self Defense for high school students. SAFE International has become Canada’s most popular high school course for both boys and girls due to the fact that they are not teaching martial arts, but rather a practical approach to personal safety with an emphasis on detecting and defusing potentially dangerous situations. All of our instructors are certified through SAFE International and have a unique ability to reach the students in an effective and memorable manner. SAFE International teaches approximately 13,000 students each year with a heavy presence teaching self defense in Kingston, ON.

SAFE International offers Kingston Corporate Self Defense Courses. This self-protection seminar will provide employees with tips and strategies to recognize and avoid personal security risks while on the job. Through the teaching of both verbal and non-verbal techniques, the participants will learn how to take common sense measures to reduce the risk of being a victim. The knowledge they gain from the seminar can be applied to all aspects of their profession – sales, interacting with customers, travel, and other work related transactions. There are many instances when one might find themself in an uncomfortable and potentially threatening situation – entertaining clients, traveling, leaving late at night by car, taxi, public transport, walking, etc.

Kingston Self Defense for men is another course offering you will find on the new SAFE International website. Learn how to identify the most vulnerable areas of the body, and how to strike them in a quick, non-telegraphed manner. SAFE International instructors cover many devastating strikes such as eye rakes, palm strikes, elbows, knees, kicks plus how to attack other vulnerable areas of the body. A very popular concept taught at any Ottawa Self Defense course is, “The Shredder”, which can be best described as an extremely effective Close Quarter Concept that can be utilized in a wide range of low to potentially high level violent scenarios. The Shredder targets the most vulnerable areas of the attacker without having to memorize countless “techniques”. Another major benefit of the Shredder is that it does not require years to learn.  It is a concept of self defense that immediately disrupts the attacker’s ability to continue their attack, and allows the tables to be turned quickly and effectively in the victims favour.

Please visit the new SAFE International website by visiting You can also contact CEO, Chris Roberts, by email at, or toll free at 1-800-465-5972.

Chris Roberts
SAFE International™
15535 Cooper Rd.
Lunenburg, ON
Canada K0C 1R0
1 800 465-5972

SAFE International Launches New Barrie Self Defense Website – Barrie, ON Self Defense

SAFE International is launching its newly updated website for Barrie Women’s Self Defense as well as their other course offerings.

Barrie, ON, October 26, 2013 – (Straight Line PR) – Barrie Self Defense, SAFE International Launches New Barrie Women’s Self Defense Website.

SAFE International ™ is the leading provider of mobile women’s self defense training in Canada. SAFE International has taught more than 175,000 women since 1994. SAFE International is launching its newly updated website for Barrie Women’s Self Defense as well as their other course offerings.

Among the SAFE International course offerings you will find on the new website are:
SAFE International Barrie Women Self Defense Parties. Forget Tupperware Parties. Invite 6 to 8 of your friends for a few hours of fun, education and potentially life-saving instruction with one of their SAFE Women’s Self Defense Parties. Plan a meal, snacks, or dessert, and be prepared for a unique self defense experience! What has made them so popular is their unique method of teaching with humour and sharing of anecdotes. Get to experience the simulated attacks in scenario specific situations such as at the front door, the kitchen, the car, etc.

SAFE International Barrie Self Defense for high school students. SAFE International has become Canada’s most popular high school course for both boys and girls due to the fact that they are not teaching martial arts, but rather a practical approach to personal safety with an emphasis on detecting and defusing potentially dangerous situations. All of our instructors are certified through SAFE International and have a unique ability to reach the students in an effective and memorable manner. SAFE International teaches approximately 13,000 students each year with a heavy presence teaching self defense in Barrie, ON.

SAFE International offers Barrie Corporate Self Defense Courses. This self-protection seminar will provide employees with tips and strategies to recognize and avoid personal security risks while on the job. Through the teaching of both verbal and non-verbal techniques, the participants will learn how to take common sense measures to reduce the risk of being a victim. The knowledge they gain from the seminar can be applied to all aspects of their profession – sales, interacting with customers, travel, and other work related transactions. There are many instances when one might find themself in an uncomfortable and potentially threatening situation – entertaining clients, traveling, leaving late at night by car, taxi, public transport, walking, etc.

Barrie Self Defense for men is another course offering you will find on the new SAFE International website. Learn how to identify the most vulnerable areas of the body, and how to strike them in a quick, non-telegraphed manner. SAFE International instructors cover many devastating strikes such as eye rakes, palm strikes, elbows, knees, kicks plus how to attack other vulnerable areas of the body. A very popular concept taught at any Ottawa Self Defense course is, “The Shredder”, which can be best described as an extremely effective Close Quarter Concept that can be utilized in a wide range of low to potentially high level violent scenarios. The Shredder targets the most vulnerable areas of the attacker without having to memorize countless “techniques”. Another major benefit of the Shredder is that it does not require years to learn.  It is a concept of self defense that immediately disrupts the attacker’s ability to continue their attack, and allows the tables to be turned quickly and effectively in the victims favour.

Please visit the new SAFE International website by visiting You can also contact CEO, Chris Roberts, by email at, or toll free at 1-800-465-5972.

Chris Roberts
SAFE International™
15535 Cooper Rd.
Lunenburg, ON
Canada K0C 1R0
1 800 465-5972

SAFE International Launches New Scarborough Self Defense Website – Scarborough, ON Self Defense

SAFE International is launching its newly updated website for Scarborough Women’s Self Defense as well as their other course offerings.

Scarborough, ON, October 26, 2013 – (Straight Line PR) – Scarborough Self Defense, SAFE International Launches New Scarborough Women’s Self Defense Website.

SAFE International ™ is the leading provider of mobile women’s self defense training in Canada. SAFE International has taught more than 175,000 women since 1994. SAFE International is launching its newly updated website for Scarborough Women’s Self Defense as well as their other course offerings.

Among the SAFE International course offerings you will find on the new website are:
SAFE International Scarborough Women Self Defense Parties. Forget Tupperware Parties. Invite 6 to 8 of your friends for a few hours of fun, education and potentially life-saving instruction with one of their SAFE Women’s Self Defense Parties. Plan a meal, snacks, or dessert, and be prepared for a unique self defense experience! What has made them so popular is their unique method of teaching with humour and sharing of anecdotes. Get to experience the simulated attacks in scenario specific situations such as at the front door, the kitchen, the car, etc.

SAFE International Scarborough Self Defense for high school students. SAFE International has become Canada’s most popular high school course for both boys and girls due to the fact that they are not teaching martial arts, but rather a practical approach to personal safety with an emphasis on detecting and defusing potentially dangerous situations. All of our instructors are certified through SAFE International and have a unique ability to reach the students in an effective and memorable manner. SAFE International teaches approximately 13,000 students each year with a heavy presence teaching self defense in Scarborough, ON.

SAFE International offers Scarborough Corporate Self Defense Courses. This self-protection seminar will provide employees with tips and strategies to recognize and avoid personal security risks while on the job. Through the teaching of both verbal and non-verbal techniques, the participants will learn how to take common sense measures to reduce the risk of being a victim. The knowledge they gain from the seminar can be applied to all aspects of their profession – sales, interacting with customers, travel, and other work related transactions. There are many instances when one might find themself in an uncomfortable and potentially threatening situation – entertaining clients, traveling, leaving late at night by car, taxi, public transport, walking, etc.

Scarborough Self Defense for men is another course offering you will find on the new SAFE International website. Learn how to identify the most vulnerable areas of the body, and how to strike them in a quick, non-telegraphed manner. SAFE International instructors cover many devastating strikes such as eye rakes, palm strikes, elbows, knees, kicks plus how to attack other vulnerable areas of the body. A very popular concept taught at any Ottawa Self Defense course is, “The Shredder”, which can be best described as an extremely effective Close Quarter Concept that can be utilized in a wide range of low to potentially high level violent scenarios. The Shredder targets the most vulnerable areas of the attacker without having to memorize countless “techniques”. Another major benefit of the Shredder is that it does not require years to learn.  It is a concept of self defense that immediately disrupts the attacker’s ability to continue their attack, and allows the tables to be turned quickly and effectively in the victims favour.

Please visit the new SAFE International website by visiting You can also contact CEO, Chris Roberts, by email at, or toll free at 1-800-465-5972.

Chris Roberts
SAFE International™
15535 Cooper Rd.
Lunenburg, ON
Canada K0C 1R0
1 800 465-5972

SAFE International Launches New Peterborough Self Defense Website – Peterborough, ON Self Defense

SAFE International is launching its newly updated website for Peterborough Women’s Self Defense as well as their other course offerings.

Peterborough, ON, October 23, 2013 – (Straight Line PR) – Peterborough Self Defense, SAFE International Launches New Peterborough Women’s Self Defense Website.

SAFE International ™ is the leading provider of mobile women’s self defense training in Canada. SAFE International has taught more than 175,000 women since 1994. SAFE International is launching its newly updated website for Peterborough Women’s Self Defense as well as their other course offerings.

Among the SAFE International course offerings you will find on the new website are:
SAFE International Peterborough Women Self Defense Parties. Forget Tupperware Parties. Invite 6 to 8 of your friends for a few hours of fun, education and potentially life-saving instruction with one of their SAFE Women’s Self Defense Parties. Plan a meal, snacks, or dessert, and be prepared for a unique self defense experience! What has made them so popular is their unique method of teaching with humour and sharing of anecdotes. Get to experience the simulated attacks in scenario specific situations such as at the front door, the kitchen, the car, etc.

SAFE International Peterborough Self Defense for high school students. SAFE International has become Canada’s most popular high school course for both boys and girls due to the fact that they are not teaching martial arts, but rather a practical approach to personal safety with an emphasis on detecting and defusing potentially dangerous situations. All of our instructors are certified through SAFE International and have a unique ability to reach the students in an effective and memorable manner. SAFE International teaches approximately 13,000 students each year with a heavy presence teaching self defense in Peterborough, ON.

SAFE International offers Peterborough Corporate Self Defense Courses. This self-protection seminar will provide employees with tips and strategies to recognize and avoid personal security risks while on the job. Through the teaching of both verbal and non-verbal techniques, the participants will learn how to take common sense measures to reduce the risk of being a victim. The knowledge they gain from the seminar can be applied to all aspects of their profession – sales, interacting with customers, travel, and other work related transactions. There are many instances when one might find themself in an uncomfortable and potentially threatening situation – entertaining clients, traveling, leaving late at night by car, taxi, public transport, walking, etc.

Peterborough Self Defense for men is another course offering you will find on the new SAFE International website. Learn how to identify the most vulnerable areas of the body, and how to strike them in a quick, non-telegraphed manner. SAFE International instructors cover many devastating strikes such as eye rakes, palm strikes, elbows, knees, kicks plus how to attack other vulnerable areas of the body. A very popular concept taught at any Ottawa Self Defense course is, “The Shredder”, which can be best described as an extremely effective Close Quarter Concept that can be utilized in a wide range of low to potentially high level violent scenarios. The Shredder targets the most vulnerable areas of the attacker without having to memorize countless “techniques”. Another major benefit of the Shredder is that it does not require years to learn.  It is a concept of self defense that immediately disrupts the attacker’s ability to continue their attack, and allows the tables to be turned quickly and effectively in the victims favour.

Please visit the new SAFE International website by visiting You can also contact CEO, Chris Roberts, by email at, or toll free at 1-800-465-5972.

Chris Roberts
SAFE International™
15535 Cooper Rd.
Lunenburg, ON
Canada K0C 1R0
1 800 465-5972

SAFE International Launches New Mississauga Self Defense Website – Mississauga, ON Self Defense

SAFE International is launching its newly updated website for Mississauga Women’s Self Defense as well as their other course offerings.

Mississauga, ON, October 22, 2013 – (Straight Line PR) – Mississauga Self Defense, SAFE International Launches New Mississauga Women’s Self Defense Website.

SAFE International ™ is the leading provider of mobile women’s self defense training in Canada. SAFE International has taught more than 175,000 women since 1994. SAFE International is launching its newly updated website for Mississauga Women’s Self Defense as well as their other course offerings.

Among the SAFE International course offerings you will find on the new website are:
SAFE International Mississauga Women Self Defense Parties. Forget Tupperware Parties.

Invite 6 to 8 of your friends for a few hours of fun, education and potentially life-saving instruction with one of their SAFE Women’s Self Defense Parties. Plan a meal, snacks, or dessert, and be prepared for a unique self defense experience! What has made them so popular is their unique method of teaching with humour and sharing of anecdotes. Get to experience the simulated attacks in scenario specific situations such as at the front door, the kitchen, the car, etc.

SAFE International Mississauga Self Defense for high school students. SAFE International has become Canada’s most popular high school course for both boys and girls due to the fact that they are not teaching martial arts, but rather a practical approach to personal safety with an emphasis on detecting and defusing potentially dangerous situations. All of our instructors are certified through SAFE International and have a unique ability to reach the students in an effective and memorable manner. SAFE International teaches approximately 13,000 students each year with a heavy presence teaching self defense in Mississauga, ON.

SAFE International offers Mississauga Corporate Self Defense Courses. This self-protection seminar will provide employees with tips and strategies to recognize and avoid personal security risks while on the job. Through the teaching of both verbal and non-verbal techniques, the participants will learn how to take common sense measures to reduce the risk of being a victim. The knowledge they gain from the seminar can be applied to all aspects of their profession – sales, interacting with customers, travel, and other work related transactions. There are many instances when one might find themself in an uncomfortable and potentially threatening situation – entertaining clients, traveling, leaving late at night by car, taxi, public transit, walking, etc.

Mississauga Self Defense for men is another course offering you will find on the new SAFE International website. Learn how to identify the most vulnerable areas of the body, and how to strike them in a quick, non-telegraphed manner. SAFE International instructors cover many devastating strikes such as eye rakes, palm strikes, elbows, knees, kicks plus how to attack other vulnerable areas of the body. A very popular concept taught at any Ottawa Self Defense course is, “The Shredder”, which can be best described as an extremely effective Close Quarter Concept that can be utilized in a wide range of low to potentially high level violent scenarios. The Shredder targets the most vulnerable areas of the attacker without having to memorize countless “techniques”. Another major benefit of the Shredder is that it does not require years to learn. It is a concept of self defense that immediately disrupts the attacker’s ability to continue their attack, and allows the tables to be turned quickly and effectively in the victims favour.

Please visit the new SAFE International website by visiting You can also contact CEO, Chris Roberts, by email at, or toll free at 1-800-465-5972.

Contact :
Chris Roberts
SAFE International™
15535 Cooper Rd.
Lunenburg, ON
Canada K0C 1R0
1 800 465-5972